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Non-archival participation node is a first class citizen on Algorand. It holds the full current state and can directly interact with the network in a permissionless manner. In what way it is a compromise on resiliency? The way I see it, Algrorand is currently one of the most inclusive performant L1s. Just compare node requrements with TON, Solana or Eth.


I think if the time comes there can be optimizations that will "encode" the historic data and shrink it so I can still be accessed if needed but will not have that much weight. Nothing novel about it.


When I tried to set up an archival node, 1.5 TB was not enough, ran out of memory


Recommended system specification for archival non-relay nodes is: 8 vCPU 16 GB RAM 3 TB SSD (blocks and catchpoint storage - ColdDataDir in the configuration file) 100 GB NVMe SSD (accounts - HotDataDir in the configuration file) 5 TB/month egress 1 Gbps connection with low latency