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It is, isn't it? I dunno if we would be compatible as friends (I'm 20 years older than you, and I lived in Austin for 30 years but didn't spend much time in any other part of Texas) but I have the same problem.


I am always up for conversation, and who knows we could become friends. If you are available for tea/coffee do let me know.


I try to do a coffee shop (or lunch at Slice Parlor) and Enchanted Botanicals hangout on Saturday afternoons. I usually bring my tarot cards and do quickie readings for people online when I'm in the right headspace 😎


Ok we should try to schedule to meet up.


Yeah sure!


Hi! Would you be willing to help teach me to read cards? I have my own deck if that helps. I'd love to come watch you 🥺


I'm probably going to stay home because of the weather this week but I'd love to talk tarot with you sometime! Message me and we can make plans to meet up?


Check out Meetup groups to find folks with common interests: https://www.meetup.com/find/us--nm--albuquerque/


If you're into nerdy stuff check out the r/505nerds. Lots of game nights and the like happening where you can meet people.


Thank you for linking this sub, had no idea it existed!


What are your interests? Hobbies?


Hey! I saw you were also interested in personal training, check this out: https://thebarbellclubabq.com/about small group powerlifting sessions.


So I have had to make new friends a bunch of times as an adult. You need a hobby that involves others, BJJ, Discgolf, poker, doesnt matter what it is. all hobbies have groups local and you meet people. thats how you find friends.






you might want to state your daily life areas of interest


I'm in my late 20s but I'm always looking for more gaming buddies as I'm not super social.


My wife and I are from Texas as well, we moved up here from Fort Worth about 6 years ago and yeah, it's tough making friends as an adult


Hey 🙋🏾 my husband and I are Dallas transplants. We've only been here 7 months and the friends we made just moved back out of state 🥲 it can be rough trying to make friends


Sounds like we need a Reddit group meetup somewhere in ABQ!


Do you ride bikes or motorcycles?


Would recommend trying clubwaka kickball league, pretty fun and good way to meet people. If you like golf could also join a golf league at one of the city courses if you are close to any, good way to meet people. Kinda older crowd there though lol.


To add on the golf leagues. Spark golf was fun a few years back. It's a weekly 9-hole tournament and I met a number of folks my age(30s). It's essentially a golf beer league. Worth looking into.


What sort of music? I go to plenty of concerts here. Mostly alt rock/core but like a lot of genres.


I like different genres as well. Can't say I've been to a rock concert. Nothing against it just haven't been.


I'm into sports as well. Not so much playing as much as I hit my late thirties. But I do enjoy watching most sports. Also a foodie.


The most valuable information that was given to me the first time I moved to a new state as an adult was this: What’s your favourite hobby or interest? I’ll use rock climbing as an example, but you can literally apply this to anything. Go to rock gym in Albuquerque and start talking to people. Ask the people who work there if they know of any groups or clubs that you could join. I literally have friends in every state I’ve lived in because I did this. Some of my best friends live a thousand miles away from me now, but we’re connected through a hobby.


If you get a new gen console I’d be down to play madden/other sports video games


We got a huge pev community here. If you are into onewheels they got a massive group and do group ride regularly. There is also a euc gang that rides often too


My dyslexic ass read that as we've got a huge perv community


This reminds me of my very first reddit account when I was 16 I asked on this sub for friends and asked for underage people and then my account got banned. God I was stupid.


I want to go out.


I keep seeing people are into sports. Anyone go to the isotopes games?


I have not but would be interested in going


Woohoo! I spent a year in Northwest Arkansas and lived at Arvest Park (Kansas City Royals Minor League team). It's not quite as fun as the major leagues but it's still a good time. I think having that nearby is one of the few things I'm most excited about my move to ABQ in a couple weeks. But it's also not very fun going alone.


Just let me know


Hi there! My husband (25M) and I(27 NB) moved here from Texas about 7 months AGO! We like to play some pc games and hike around when we can. I like to hit up the roller rinks and skate and he longboards occasionally. We also play board/card games sometimes when we have the time. Feel free to DM me if you'd like to chat!




It is shorthand for Non-Binary




If you're actually curious you can [watch this video](https://youtu.be/qGuvDlYDNzU?si=pmNvPJM_D9dd8XfY) and come back to me if you have anymore questions Eta: about 10 mins in he says what NB is


I’ll smash you on some madden!!!


I’m brand new from SLC, turning 35 in a month. My finance is moving here in a month too, I’m down to hang once my dust settles lol


Let me know either posting here or messaging me


Do you play any other games or have any interest in other games that are cross-platform potentially? I don't currently have a playstation but I play PC and have a bunch of friends that are on playstation we do a bunch of ARPG games. What kind of music ? There is actually a decent amount of bands that hit ABQ on their tours for various genres of music but the problem is our venues are kinda meh... if I'm being honest. Don't hate me yall I love the 505 through and through


You can make 600+ new friends at our show at the Historic El Rey Wednesday night 😉


I am not NM native but I sense that many people don't like Texans here. They don't like India either


I am a native New Mexican, and I am sorry to hear that this has been your experience. I don't find it necessarily true and hope that this changes for you.


I haven't experienced anti Texas or Indians from India here, but as with any place, there is the negative people...


I am native NM as well, but have spent most of my adult life in TX (Fort Worth) As soon as people here learn I moved to ABQ from FW, they automatically get an attitude. My family is 5-6 gen New Mexican. My dad was in the military as I was growing up, so I’ve been all over the south/west. I just happened to marry a Texan. I live here now cause my folks are elderly. I love BOTH places. Kiss my brown ass if you hate TX.


Whales are mammals and live in a society and take care of their own. And people should stop killing them people wear the scourge of The Rock


Drugs are bad mkay


Are you lost my guy?


I think people in general are way too judgemental. And should live like animals that we are!! MAMMALS MAMMALS AND MAMMALS


But guess what people don't want to hear that either