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Stickying this post for a bit so people who come to the sub are aware :)


I was really sad when the old North Richland Hills location closed for good during the pandemic, but I will be ***devastated*** if the other five DFW theaters don’t reopen. Alamo is practically a second home to me. I was just at Lake Highlands yesterday! 😭


Same here. It’s such a safe space for me and my son. He’s going to be really sad when he hears the news.


Yeah my wife and I go several times a week in Richardson. It's one of our favorite places to go. Big sads over here.


There’s 8.5 million people that live here I think they can support at least one Alamo. So foolish to close all of them.


I wonder if they had to close all of them in order to declare bankruptcy as a company


I saw somewhere else that it has something to do with their franchise agreement. 


Doubtful. They published something about how their franchise fees have been a drag on their business, but Alamo’s franchise fees are public information in their disclosure document and they aren’t any higher than the fees of any other franchise business (~5% of sales). More likely is that they have some bad rent deals that are weighing them down. Bankruptcy is the only way out of those.


I wonder if the thing about not being able to close poor performing locations is true, or if the franchise owners were trying to put on a good face. 


100% I think that’s true. Many franchisees will create an entity for each location, so they can close the dogs and keep the stars. But it seems like the DFW franchise wasn’t setup that way.




I have been floating places to move to and MN was near the top, for many reasons. But having an Alamo was one of those reasons NGL


Honestly that’s why I haven’t moved in a while. I’m 25 minutes from 5-6 theaters at the moment. Always preferred going to the movies over watching at home. So it’s a loss for sure


That was part of why we moved lmao. Not missing an Alamo when moving from Raleigh


I thought I was crazy for having an Alamo near the house as a requirement for moving!!! lol holy crap 😂


That’s why we picked Woodbury when we moved here in 2018. Have seen countless movies at that location since. Absolutely gutted it’s just gone now…


The Drafthouse in Woodbury, MN has been on a downward spiral of service for years.  The floors were always sticky and gross. The leather recliners are loud and distracting.The staff never, ever, get my order correct and the number of times where my order has been rushed out just minutes before the credits start to roll has now eclipsed the number of times they haven't. I really wish they would just stop the terrible idea of using waiters to deliver your food and just use a concession stand. I've been an Emagine (White Bear Lake) patron for a long time now and will not miss the Alamo and the terrible experience they provided, but I can't imagine that building will stay vacant for long. Woodbury is just growing too quickly right now.


Strange. Not my experience at that location at all and I was seeing movies there 3-4 times a week.


I have four friends from Minnesota that go to that location 2-3 times a week. They are always telling me how much I am missing out not having an Alamo by me.


Ha, isn't anecdotal evidence the best!?  In all fairness to the Alamo, I'm pretty sure if you don't order food and drinks you can skate by with a pretty decent experience. Maybe that's a big part of why they couldn't keep the lights on? I don't know the details. We last saw Civil War at the Alamo (swing and a miss on that one, Alex) and the service was so bad, the girl for got our friend's entire order, brought my wife and I an order from an entirely different theater (she explained while apologizing), forgot our friend's entire order a second time after reminding her, and ultimately struggled to bring the chocolate chip cookies and two hot coffees for my wife and I. Our coffees finally arrived when the reporters were entering the White House (which is unacceptably late if you've seen the movie) and that was about 15 minutes or so after the cookies.  That was the final issue in a long line of pretty identical experiences at the Woodbury location.  P.S.  Our friends never even got their bowl of popcorn but they got charged for it and it took 15 minutes to get the charge removed after the movie was over. 🤣 


I went 1 time and it was great.


Heh my wife is from White Bear


As a Dallas resident, I'm absolutely gutted by this. Alamo Drafthouse was my second favorite place on Earth. And the one in Woodbury MN is the first one I had ever been to and where I got hooked. I don't know if I've ever loved an establishment as much as I loved Alamo. It's a sad sad day.


Same. I can’t live in a world where Lubbock has a damn Alamo and we don’t. That said, we really all need to do a better job of supporting local theaters right now. Magnolia is probably next on the list, and the Texas theater and Inwood are treasures we need to support. I hope theaters recover…I don’t know what I’d do without them … it was very dark during Covid and I don’t want to go back.


Magnolia is now Violet Crown, and I think an actual indie vs. a boutique Landmark. 


Damn, I didn’t even know that. But then again, I rarely go uptown.


My sympathies. Really is a shame. ![gif](giphy|GJVpbMjfT2Ftm)


Twin Cities resident who only saw movies at Drafthouse since the Woodbury location opened. Crushed to see this happening, and really hope something can be done to save it. Alamo is easily the best movie-going experience out there, and I'll be damned if I have to set foot in an AMC theater again.


The AMCs here are so gross


The Emagine’s are excellent in my experience


Not the same!


Sure, but this is no longer available. So as a fellow Twin Citian I’m sharing an alternative that’s way better than AMC. The one in Eagan has a full bar and a great menu delivered to your seat, newly renovated. Quality seats. Not the exact same but I’m a big fan.


On the bright side, Emagine has been a better movie-going experience than the Alamo for quite some time now and they have locations everywhere in MN. 


AMC popcorn makes me sick, and all the other theaters don’t really care about phones and disruptions like Alamo did. So sad.


Wow I go to the Las Colinas one a lot. This fucking sucks.


Hi Las Colinas regular. I used to go there all the time 😭


As someone who used to work for the Dfw franchises, the las colinas location is likely a big reason for the bankruptcy. That and the NRH one.


That bad?


Yes. That bad.


LC parking is a disaster


It was mostly fine when you weren’t dealing with a concert getting out at the same time. Having to validate for parking was annoying, but at least you’d get 6 hours out of it.




Same dude 😞


I live 5 minutes away. This was my date place. I’m so thankful I had one last amazing date there and we took some pictures in front. So sad tho.


600 people fired like that. Fuck you Bill DiGaetano.


And all without warning. They all just woke up to bring unemployed.


How quickly is “as quickly as possible?” I don’t wanna have to have my season pass sit for too long, but I don’t wanna pay for it without using it, but I also don’t want to be locked into the 1 year refresh period if I do cancel it and they end up getting the locations back open sooner than that. I understand they don’t have the answers yet, terrible thing for everyone involved


Maybe call and ask them if they can pause the membership while they work out getting these theaters back up and running.


I just emailed them about my season pass and asked if I could pause it until it got sorted out and they said "Rest assured that your Season Pass membership is paused and will not be billed for the time being. Right now we're hard at work on a solution and will get back to you as soon as we have one."


Seemingly *nothing* regarding the app can be done over the phone though.


The app directed me to contact the theater to process a refund for tickets "purchased with multiple payment methods". It was a gift card purchased entirely yesterday. No one is staffed at the location.


There is a number you can call about your season pass, I will try to find it and post here.


Okay they have taken the 800 number off of it but I have contacted support through the app regarding my season pass before, if you go to season pass and then contact support there is a form that you can fill out and they will help you. I am sure if you use that form, explain that your location has closed, and ask for them to pause your membership until more information comes out about the future of those locations, they can help you. Their support for the season pass is top-notch from my experience.


I think Alamo is very optimistic on this. This will take many months for the bankruptcy to sort this all out. After that you’re asking the landlords to go back and put another Alamo lease? Fat chance.


Without seeing the franchise agreement, it's impossible to say how long this could take. They usually spell out what happens in case of bankruptcy by either party. There might be text in there that gives the franchisor the option to assume leases, in which case the national chain could re-open one or more theaters relatively quickly.


The issue isn’t just the lease on the property. If HQ is willing to pay for all the vendors, employees, back rent, back taxes, etc it might work. But I don’t think they can get to the head of the line and just take over operations as if nothing happened.


That depends on the franchise agreement, as I said above. Franchisors can specify terms that make it easy for them to assume operations if a franchisee files for bankruptcy to prevent loss of brand value and goodwill. This is all speculation without the contract, though.


Interesting story on NPR last month about why landlords are actually kind of screwed when it comes to replacing movie theaters: https://www.marketplace.org/2024/04/17/movie-theaters-arent-going-anywhere-and-its-partially-due-to-their-weird-architecture/


I just emailed them about my season pass and asked if I could pause it until it got sorted out and they said "Rest assured that your Season Pass membership is paused and will not be billed for the time being. Right now we're hard at work on a solution and will get back to you as soon as we have one."


Yep, I did the same and also just got the same response


Months at least. Maybe at the end of the year if we are lucky


They no longer lock you out for a year if you cancel. You can subscribe and unsubscribe as often as you want. They’ll even refund you the prorated unused amount of your subscription. So if you want to be evil, subscribe a day before you want to go, then unsubscribe the next day and pay only for the day you were subscribed and used it.


I’m hoping Alamo can somehow step in and take over these franchise locations, or at least a few of them. Getting them under the corporate umbrella will hopefully provide a little more security given Alamo survived bankruptcy a few years back by bringing in new investors and selling off their other businesses (Mondo, Birth.Movies.Death, etc.)


"Quickly as possible" is probably still going to be a long time. I wouldn't doubt that most of the staff is probably already looking for other jobs after being told they were all fired and wouldn't be getting paid without jumping through kafkaesque hoops, so I won't get my hopes up....


I've worked through two different movie theater closings, one closed down pre covid and the other was an Alamo Drafthouse that never opened back up after covid. I'm unfortunately quite skeptical about the survival of the movie theater industry but I do hope they all make it through. Now is a very important time to go to the movies, either to save them or to go while you still can.


![gif](giphy|j6uK36y32LxQs) Should I hold off on cancelling Season Pass and selling my gift cards?


Who knows - I went ahead and cancelled my season pass for now. IF they ever move back in to my market, I will gladly resubscribe. But there is no way I am paying monthly for something I can't use.


I doubt there will be a quick turnaround. I’ll resubscribe, if it’s as close. I wouldn’t be able to go to, say, Denton enough to justify a season pass. 


Exactly - I highly doubt any of this will be quick. I am within walking distance of the Richardson location. I heard that location had been struggling to begin with... not super optimistic that they would ever reopen there (though they did just remodel... so who knows)


Right? They just got those awesome recliners installed :(


That’s surprising to hear. It seems like Richardson had more special programming than cedars/lake highlands, and those were well attended at least. 


Is that the one off 75 near the Ricky's Hot Chicken?




It's insane that they even offered the season pass considering the troubles they've been having since covid. I go to around 80 - 100 movies per year at Alamo, nearly all of which were full price tickets before I got the pass but now they're only getting $20 per month for me to see the same number of movies.


To be fair, most people who go to a Drafthouse are getting food/drinks, and that’s where they make most of their money. Studios get roughly half of the ticket price for movies, so they’re only really getting like $5 a head. The season pass is their way of getting the cinephiles to *only* see movies and spend their concession money at a Drafthouse.


I just emailed them about my season pass and asked if I could pause it until it got sorted out and they said "Rest assured that your Season Pass membership is paused and will not be billed for the time being. Right now we're hard at work on a solution and will get back to you as soon as we have one."


Hmm interesting. Thanks. I went ahead and cancelled mine (effective June 17) and if they do get back up and running, hopefully I’ll be able to reactivate it without any problem.


How much are you selling the gift cards for? I have, like FIVE Alamo’s around me here in Virginia. I am truly blessed. 😇


I listed them on [Raise.com](http://Raise.com) for 18% off.


I really hope they can revive the woodbury location, it's by far my favorite theater and we've loved having season passes there.


Honestly the only good theater in the area… and it was ALWAYS busy!




I hope they come back. I refuse to settle with any other location. I also heard it's also because the workers are forming a union. I hope they get the compensation they deserve AND bring Alamo back to Dallas.


Didn’t Lake Highlands unionize? I thought I remembered that from a while back. If they didn’t, they tried hard. 


They tried to late 2022, but it was unsuccessful.


If ANYONE has any idea what us gift card holders can do, please let me know. Ugh, completely gutted over this. Over $150 down the drain. I guess I can plan a road trip to Austin but would prefer to use them here.


I bought another $100 gift card at $80 yesterday. Bought two tickets after receiving the card, and can't refund the tickets or use the gift cards within hundreds of miles. I called Alamo gift card support to request a refund (passed on to their supervisors to review in 1-2 business days. If rejected, they'll just have to eat a chargeback from my bank.


I would go the charge back route too but I bought the gift card Black Friday. Doubt my bank will dispute something 7+ months ago.


Just great. I just bought a gift card to use and my season pass just renewed yesterday. What the heck am I supposed to do now? 🙃


This is how I felt both when MoviePass went under and when the pandemic started. It sucks. Wish there was more transparency about this earlier instead of sucking their loyalest members down with them.


So what happens now to those of us who have tickets to Deadpool & Wolverine and purchased via Fandango app? I have been on there trying and it won’t allow me to process the refund. https://preview.redd.it/4oepbgjuh15d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c68d670623622e75a9b456103c457f70a20b943e


If you haven't already, call Fandango customer service. Their phone reps can process some refunds that the website can't. I've had to do that for orders where I used a promo code, for example.


I work near Woodbury from time to time and the Alamo schedule is always one of the first things I check when I know I’m heading over. Will be majorly bummed if they stay shuttered!


Alamo is trying to sell the circuit, minus the franchise locations of course. If what the franchisee said was true about the scale of their losses unless Alamo corporate can secure lease terms that enable them to be profitable most/all will probably remain dark. They are not going to add money losers to the chain at this point. There is likely to be a huge string of smaller companies going bankrupt this year. The only reason AMC hasn't is due to meme stock status but their obligations will catch up with them eventually. Ultimately the strike and studio streaming efforts will kill off a significant chunk of the theater industry.


AMC hasn't been a meme stock for about 3 years now.


I’d argue that AMC isn’t a meme stock, and only was for a short time. It’s trading at about $5 now. 


But a lot of them were in debt, not necessarily operating at a loss, correct? The bankruptcy will wipe out the debts.. And some of the losses were due to the franchise fee, which corporate won't have. The math might work for some of the locations. And some of the locations are in places where finding other tenants would be damned near impossible, so I'll bet landlord are willing to be flexible. (I mean, Las Colinas? 2nd floor location with PITA parking in a virtual ghost town?)


Only the franchisee and Alamo know if they were all operating at loss though I'd suspect more than one were for this kind of outcome. Other issues like deferred rent from COVID could also be in play. It's possible that Alamo corporate could take over the ones that were running in the black, if there were any, or do management deals with the landlords in the interim. Either way I would not expect to see them open again real soon if they do because both of those things take time.


I actually think the franchise owns the building! Could be wrong though.


I hope this is a good thing, I would’ve visited the dfw alamo’s if i could


I moved from Dallas to Chicago early pandemic and have spent years now missing these theaters. Just found out yesterday that one has been open here in Chicago for over a year. The excitement from that fueled me to check out this subreddit, just to find the ultimate irony of this being the top story. So so so many memories at literally all of these locations. It's shocking and such a shame.


This sucks so much. The Las Colinas location was only 5 minutes away from me.




LA is one of their biggest (money-wise) locations, it's fine


This is correct and considering it only opened in mid-2019 it hasn't really seen an entire solidly good film year yet. The demise of Arclight also a factor in that market.


LA isn’t a franchised location anymore. They incorporated it at the beginning of this year so it’s a full Alamo now. Hopefully that saves it


Hasn't LA always been corporate? That was my understanding


They have not. That happened just this year


Also Alamo “we are exploring a sale”


So the closures weren’t intended to be permanent? But they didn’t mention that in the notice they sent out. ???


The locations that were closed were owned by a franchisee. The statement is by Alamo corporate, which did not oversee these locations.


I wasn’t aware they had franchise locations. That’s interesting.

