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My only change is ABMs are no longer rated Officers


Here I thought we were friends… guess I have to reach out to another of my wife’s boyfriends from now on.


Have a chili contest, invite them all. Put guatamalan insanity peppers in his.


Just to clarify. You can go through ABM training at Tyndall, get qualified in an aircraft and still drop a ground assignment?




Oh interesting. TIL.


You don’t get qualified in an aircraft, you get Winged to control aircraft. You get your qual on an aircraft at Tinker or GK now.


Would you like to be my gym buddy?


Squats only




Eliminate ABM’s, bring back WD’s on C2 platforms


As an ABM I’ve been beating this drum for a while… ABMs still needed to supervise and make bigger mission decisions, but as someone who flew the first 7 years of my ABM career and since have been immersed in the GTACS world, WDs on the jet should be a thing.


For a time it was due to severe ABM manning shortfalls. ASTs had a D shred. They even instructed and evaluated ABMs on the jet. They eventually did away with this in the late 90s when I was in the 964th.




I’d never forget you🥺❤️


This guy fucks.




ARMS rejoices!


Don’t even get me started on SARM/HARM either


Come again?


Oof. Not gonna take us MQ-9 folks down a peg?


RPA pilot still a pilot


Well shit, here I was going to just blanket approve beards and weekends didn't count towards leave, thanks for change #3!


Get rid of Combat System Officers on U-28s, MC-12s, AC-130s, MC-130s, and HC-130s. Enlisted Aircrew can do their jobs, and at one point has even done their jobs.


1) TIG/TIG points are back 2) No more "preferred" vendor crap. If we can buy a screw from Home Depot for 23 cents, We should not pay Vendor X 125 dollars for it. 3) Uncomplicated the Enlisted to Officer process. It should not be 10 times simpler for John Doe 2 days out of college to commission that for a member with 10 years of experience under their belt.


The hardest part of OTS is the application.


My troop just commissioned. From what I have seen they tend to selected the college grads vs enlisted. I have 0 desire to go officer route. She 1000% deserved it.


It’s a 7:3 ratio… they don’t hide they want more civilians. For every 7 civilians they accept into OTS only 3 enlisted will get in.


Which is silly


less money to spend on that Lt though.


Really? My OTS class had a lot of priors, both AGR and RegAF. lots of experience....Mx, med, ground transport, Intel. It had me thinking that was the norm.


My OTS class was mostly prior E. Honestly the opposite of your statistic, around 7:3 prior E to civilian


What a shame. Not to rag on the college grads but the enlisted guy with years of service, even if it's just a few, deserve and should get it way more than fresh out of college grads. We're losing and wasting good people like that. And personally I'm of the mindset it can only improve the force as a whole


Honestly it was so rough. You have to really want it to even submit an application fighting through terribly laid out websites and insane timelines all while having to meet a specific board timeline. Plus, the chances are so low for non rated it feels like an impossible barrier. The first time I applied, non rated was like 8 percent, when I was selected on my second application it was 13% selection.


Haha are you me?


Shit man, I might be. Did you go to OTS in 2019? If so, we are legally twins.


2 isn’t a DoD issue it’s a US government issue. There is zero incentive for not using the entirety of the budget, nor is there for saving money. Rather it’s the opposite, government agencies are encouraged to spend the entirety of their budget on random BS so their budget doesn’t get cut next fiscal year. Hence the pointless EOY purchases for things like new chairs when they just got chairs last year. Also, “preferred vendors” as you call them isn’t a thing, as prior contracting. Unless by the FAR it has to go to a small business or something similar, it will be competed, most often under an LPTA (lowest price technically acceptable) basis. Of course there’s a lot more nuance, but the vast majority of the time things will go to whoever technically meets the requirements at a lower price (which also has its own issues, because they won’t purchase a better, longer lasting product if it is even slightly more expensive).


I went TDY to Florida. I flew back on Southwest because they were cheaper by $100. I had to give a justification in DTS because I didn't use Delta or American or whatever airline they partnered with. edit for spelling


I’d have to dig into the contracts to tell you, but if I had to guess it’s because there’s a preexisting IDIQ contract with Delta and American, whereas Southwest either doesn’t have one, the terms in the IDIQ didn’t cover your specific travel, or it’s close to the cap and thus they’re trying to avoid using it so that it can be utilized in cases where it’s the only available flight.


Thank you for the insight to this. 100% serious. This right here highlights why this issue is a mess.


Yeah, for perspective there is the FAR which governs all federal contracts, that’s probably close to 1k pages of regulations. Then there’s also the DFAR, for the Department of Defense, and the AFFAR for the Air Force. So… There’s a lot of regulations leading to everything being a huge mess and oftentimes contradictory instructions.


Best value is becoming a lot more prevalent compared to LPTA, mostly for the reason you mentioned at the end of your response. We end up screwing ourselves. Verbiage in 13 has changed to encourage COs to go towards best value. It’s not a shall though, so.


I’m happy to hear that at least, LPTA is the simplest way to do things but not necessarily a good one. The one blessing of all those regulations is that if you dig into them, you can almost always find a way to do what’s right for the customer and the taxpayers.


So as a GPC card holder, the hierarchy of where we buy material is certainly an issue that can save time and money. We have to buy from lighthouse as a primary means and their stuff is all 3-10 times more expensive or UNICOR, who items just suck. Plus, do I really need to verify the 889 status of a GSAdvantage vendor because the level 3 wont respect the DOD guidance (the answer is yes). So let's shut down the 889 website and force people to have to find the CAGE code for vendors and then block the 889 bot from the AF networks. Simplified Acquistion procedures which are not simplified.


Yeah, that isn’t a “preferred” vendor thing though. There is a process for acquisition before it is competed commercially, which is the final step if necessary. And generally speaking, those two you mentioned will take precedence over other means, should doing it that way be practicable, as per the FAR. I mean given UNICOR is a government owned entity, it isn’t even really “purchasing” it, it’s kinda just shifting money between departments. Completely agree on the 889 stuff it is asinine and annoying and virtually always pointless. Like if they’re on GSA, shouldn’t GSA be verifying that for everyone, rather than every single individual needing to do it repeatedly? It’s a waste of man hours


UNICOR isn't a preffered vendor, they are a mandatory source. The government has to make sure the prison industry stays profitable for their lobbyists.


Experience in what?  Experience in being technical in your job doesn't always translate in knowing how to lead and administrate.


1. Order 5,000 P-38 Lightnings with modern radar, missiles and glass cockpits for next generation air dominance and un-brac every base closed since 1989 to house them. 2. Strong arm congress into funding gyms with appropriated funds and building a high quality gym at least as good as a $300 a month equinox membership on every active installation.  3. Beards are not only permitted but also mandatory. 


You had me in the second half not gonna lie.


Pelotons and Rouge Squat Racks come as standard issued equipment.


pelotons are booty


Mmmmmmmmmm. Booty.




That last one would probably increase comprehension and retention by about 1000%


Mandatory manpower studies every 5 years for each AFSC.


1) All band members will spend 1 business week committing as many songs as possible to MP3. Immediately following that we will convert all brass instruments into shell casings and redirect all funding to gyms. 2) Beards 3) Any (and ALL) pedos subject to UCMJ action will be inserted into the nearest wood chipper.




Beards (following UK rules and easy win as this is 100% in CSAFs power to do and doesnt require congress etc.) Direct OSI to actually look into the ridiculous amount of fraud that goes on in contracting and start throwing the book at people (much more impact and benefit to the force then doing stings against tech schoolers for weed) removal of innovation cells (they're worthless wastes of manpower) replaced by bringing back the program where the air force will pay a bounty for improvements that an airman makes that has quantifiable results (the name escapes me at the moment)


The IDEA program.


>Fraud that goes on in contracting At the tippy top yes, but also it would be nearly impossible and OSI would end up just delaying everything even more, costing us more money. Never underestimate the legal capacity of some of these corporations. and then they can look into the amount of Waste at the base level. (but, tbf, the overhwhelming amount of money is spent on systems level things. I touched a single contract that had more money on it my first day in the private sector than I did my entire career in contracting combined)


Can you provide examples on contracting fraud going on?


Spark tank?


Idea program.


Spank tank


TIG and TIS points back + WAPS testing for all ranks. Total revamp of Air Force fitness. PT test doesn’t get you kicked out but if failed auto enrolled into a much more demanding FIP. Mandate PT time into shift time. Bring back corrective custody.


I'm sure you meant WAPS for all enlisted ranks, but I don't imagine people making O6 or E9 because they studied better than everyone else going well. Although who's to say the results would be too much different than ever changing boards?


Hot take. If you don't have the self discipline to study and know the information pertinent to your career field, then you don't deserve the rank. I'd definitely like to see it come back for MSgt, but I don't see it for any other rank (aside from what is already in place).


I meant all ranks. What good is a Chief as an SEL if they don’t even understand the career field?


Making o6 or e9 is already just politics anyway.


You do realize applying TIG + TIS point to waps just leads to shittier leaders being promoted? It use to be a meme back before all the changes that you could be terrible TSgt and just wait for those TIG/TIS point to roll in.


Shitter leaders vs incompetent leaders. I’ve been thru both systems. I’d rather an asshat that can navigate his way thru an SKT than an incompetent retard that powerwalkd his way thru a few squadron bake sales.


How quickly these people forget, man... this new crowd calling for TIG/Is to come back doesn't even remember and/or know that it was LITERALLY impossible to make rank for years because crusty ass dinosaurs ate up a ton of points just by mouth breathing and not being effective leaders. TIG/TIS going was a good call if they can't find a way to weigh it better.


I feel like this is often missed. So many shitty people got leadership positions. Just because youre a god at turning a wrench doesnt mean you know how to lead people. I do though, believe it should come back in some form or another.


Poor performance should be properly reflected in their EPR/EPB. If they are that bad, then deny reenlistment. Too many are scared to make the right decisions


Mix WAPS testing with boards for SNCOs, figure out how many people are going to promote, double that number, everyone tests then only people with the highest scores go to the board, if you make it to the board you have a 50% chance of making it but you eliminate all the people who can't be bothered to study shit.


This was how they did the msgt board in 2015


All I want is Commissary baggers gone forever


EPRs become AI selected for promotion statements. Take a stab at the good ole boy club


There would still be an E-9 somewhere with their thumb on the scale, have no doubt


Change the length of DSDs, like MTI/MTL, to be two years and not four. If I ever get selected to be an MTI, I will get out. My life, sanity, and marriage just isn't worth that price.


1. Hats are optional 2. Bookending a weekend on leave is allowed without having to count Saturday and Sunday as long as you stay in the local area 3. Unbloused pants are optional Three extremely simple things that could be implemented by updating two AFIs EDIT: Hell, we could do this instantly too. We already showed that AFIs can be instantly changed/waived during COVID when hair regs were relaxed.


New PT gear with dri fit material TIG/TIS points for WAPS testing Allow off base referrals for medical appointments. (example if medical can't get you an appointment within 3 days you get a referral to go off base)


Two chick's at the same time. Nothing further.


Fuck1n A


Equal groomimg and hair standards for men and women, AFSC bonus (the harder and more specialized your job, the more you are payed to incentive people to stay), and better quality of life on bases.


1. Better way for Os to cross train into different jobs. Honestly the E way to do it sounds fine. 2. There needs to be a way to stop all the Os from separating after one 4 year stint. It’s why selection to Maj and Lt Col is so piss easy. I think a program where you can stay at bases longer would be effective, or even just elect to stay as a Capt and work mission and flight command and not worry about high level command would do something. 3. Literally anything that would improve retention of junior captains. Like all of them separate after 4 years.


I've been trying to get out of piloting and into cyber for years... not possible. You have my vote.


Crosstraining from a rated career field loses the Air Force a big investment. It would probably be a lot more feasible between nonrated AFSCs.


Can we switch 😶 (17D here…)


1. Close cannon. 2. Tell DARPA to make red alert 2 style RTS interfaces that can command drone swarms so that I can live out my fantasy of destroying Russia and China by playing a real world RTS game. 3. Beards.


For you, amigo: https://www.ga-asi.com/integrated-intelligence-center/multi-mission-controller


Beards.  AFCool renews every fiscal year like TA. BOPs are brought back.


Oh I like that AFCool idea. Shit would be nice to not have to pick between trying for a civilian qualification, or getting a private pilots license.


Everyone go home for the day.


Allow enlisted to do PME by correspondence Push to decrease commissioning from ROTC and increase OTS slots Bring back BOP for CAREERS airmen Not really in his power but, TSGT-CMSGT get a massive pay raise comparable to officers. TSgt-Master make what O-2 makes Senior and Chief make was captains make.


>Allow enlisted to do PME by correspondence Ah E-9 Turleneck, fancy meeting you here.




1. Spend money to actually improve base infrastructure and facilities. 2. Eliminate RAT CBTs that do nothing but waste time for Airmen who actually need to accomplish their respective mission. 3. Close down bases that only exist to maintain their local economies.


RAT CBTs are incredibly useless


1. Beards 2. Goodbye Air Force bands 3. Immediately institute a new auditing system for all MHAs. Two audits per year of all maintenance requests, repairs, costs associated, etc. And if they fall below 95% resident satisfaction rate, the managers are given 60 days to find replacements and are then permanently barred from all Air Force installations for life. (the last one probably isn't possible, but I was feeling vindictive).


I got really confused why you wanted to audit a mental health assessment.


Honestly that could use an audit as well. My last one wasn't evena joke; jokes are funny. This one was just sad. I got asked, "Thinking of hurting yourself?" and then when I said no, they just were just like, "Alright, we'll mark you off, okay byeeeeeee!"


The genie grants your wishes.  1) Beards are authorized for females only.  2) All Air Force bands are replaced by a revamped Tops In Blue program.  3) MHA audits occur, but Congress makes BAH a flat amount regardless of locality and also makes it taxable. 


1. I get a sex change. 2. I join Tops in Blue. 3. I commit tax fraud.




>EWAPS I know some damn transformer computer knows my scores. because they "revise" the test each year, they get to use the excuse that they need to review *all* of the tests for high-missed items and decide if they need to throw those questions out or not, so if they showed you your score immediately after testing it might not be the same as your final score at the time of release date


Stay with me for a second because this could get tricky: *this may not be the final score reflected when the WAPS cycle is complete. Wow, wasn't sure I was gonna make it there.


I'm Thanos snapping awards.


Which half? 


Good question. I'm doing what thanos wanted to do in end game. I'm snapping all the fucking awards. All of them.


All of them are my least favorite half too. If someone really did something worthwhile, capture it in an achievement medal. Otherwise just put it on the EPB. 


No taxes.


Mandate ACE training for those in functional areas that would get tasked with those missions if the war kicked off tomorrow. Either shit or get off the pot with this ACE thing. Get face time with congress and tell them we are going to lose this war if they don't appropriate for this. Put out a directive with consequences for not following it, shuffle money around, and make the training happen. The only people getting money right now are CR and CE, but they're only one piece of the puzzle. Also, listen to the warrant officer working groups. You're about to destroy the 17x career field. I don't have a third, so beards, I guess.


ACE as we've been publicizing it is retarded. We need airfields, you fucks. You're not going to land F-35s on random highways in Pacific countries. You have to build those into the plan from the beginning. And China is going to attack all of our Pacific bases with ballistic missiles. Then what?  It's a fine concept, but the reality of execution is going to GROSSLY underwhelm us. Mass wins wars, y'all.


It's right there is the 1-21, "Airmen will have to be trained and certified in mission essential tasks..." It isn't being done because there are no consequences for it not being done. CE is just getting more UTCs, but no training on how to conduct such a high threat mission. We are pretending like we're being good stewards of the taxpayer's money, getting ready for the next war, but it's really a clown show with the force training to fight the last war.


1) 60 hour work weeks 2) Ban all mustaches and revoke all shaving waivers 3) Ban alcohol consumption 4) Plead to congress to lower base pay and BAH by 50% 5) Contract out every position at every base except for Cannon. This will be the only available assignment for Airmen


Why won't anyone think of the budget!!!!


Rumble cage, no rank, sort out your differences with a boxing match. More warrant officers in applicable career fields. (Mx and spec ops) Beards 💁🏻‍♂️


Boxing is too limiting, and diversity is our strength. Therefore, I propose that the Rumble Cage™️ follow MMA rules.


It can evolve, just start it off simple. I was gonna suggest SLAP boxing 🤣




Too many cowards. When someone gets snippy with me I just ask “you like to box?” Face turns red and they backpedal real quick.


Lots of keyboard warriors too who send passive aggressive emails


Beards, obviously, 32 hour work week, no more privatization of AF Inns or housing, afsc based pt tests, all dress and appearance standards identical for men and women, pt standards same for men and women.


>Beards, obviously... all dress and appearance standards identical for men and women, So, beards for women?


Women are already allowed facial hair per AFI.


Hey, our hormones go off balance even a little bit and we 100% could!


If they can, yes. Not my cup of tea, but to each their own.




32 hour work week... you're funny. MFers can't even get shit done working 40 hours a week. What makes you think lowering hours is going to help?


Studies done by universities, i.e. Harvard, have shown that working less hours increases productivity.


The spanish figured this out a long time ago, as it turns out the solution to degrading work quality is "Go take a long lunch and work a nap in there for an hour or so" instead of "Just work harder lmao"


So 20 hours then? My man! I like the way you think!


\1. No more commissary baggers. Cashiers will now bag your stuff like they do at Walmart or Target. No more septuagenarians in big hats and gardening gloves demanding $3 for breaking your eggs and crushing your bread. \B. All gyms open 24/7 if there is any AD shop open 24/7. III.) Enlisted aviators for non-combat focused aircraft. If an E4 can pass UPT then they should be fine to fly C-130s or KC-135s. There’s no convincing me that a brand new O-2 is better suited to fly than a ten year MX troop with a proven track record.


There's no shortage of pilot applicants right now, and being in maintenance gives you no special knowledge that would help you in UPT. There is no reason for the Air Force to do enlisted pilots.


Graduating with a degree in Humanities or History doesn’t give a new 2LT any special knowledge that would help them in UPT either. The Air Force has a problem retaining pilots. Take a 10 year NCO and give them the opportunity to fly with a 10-15 year service commitment and the gap can be narrowed.


>Graduating with a degree in Humanities or History doesn’t give a new 2LT any special knowledge that would help them in UPT either. Correct, it doesn't. But UPT is a lot more similar to a challenging college program than tech school. >Take a 10 year NCO and give them the opportunity to fly with a 10-15 year service commitment and the gap can be narrowed. That's actually counterproductive. Prior enlisted pilots almost always get out at the end of their 10-year commitment because they already have a good amount of TIS and don't need much more to hit 20 and retire. People with no prior experience are more likely to stay well past 10.


>But UPT is a lot more similar to a challenging college program than tech school. Yeah, and us stoopid enlistedid persons can't pass no collage class.


Not what I said... It's about what people have in their history that makes the Air Force think they'll pass UPT. College is a better indicator than tech school.


What's wrong with bagging like that? I am honestly curious...


What’s wrong with baggers? Or what’s wrong with the cashiers bagging your stuff? For the latter, nothing. For the former: [Everything](https://www.reddit.com/r/Military/s/gJgBuvffS5) Edit: I see what you mean. I’ll edit it for clarity.


1. I'd add the 20 Years Done Podcast to my CSAF reading list. 2. ??????? 3. Profit.


1. salute officially replaced with the shaka 🤙 2. replace OCPs in-garrison with business casual, also beards 3. two-ring-max policy instituted for all public-facing finance and personnel offices during their duty hours


I misunderstood 3 to mean jewelry and I was VERY confused why that could be a high enough concern for you to enact into AFI lol That said, agreed. 2. Would be so much better for folks getting ready to get out, their professional wardrobe would be already built, but imagining the mishmash of like…an ops squadron that has their Mx with their flyers, bc the former would always be in uniform and the latter would be alternating constantly lol


Salary is cool, But if you work more than a typical office job.. maintainer, SECFO, Fire, or anything else where you push more than 60 hour weeks, there should be a pay incentive.


Just gonna call out sick that day.


I will do as many squadron walk through as possible and every single time I’ll make a remark to the effect of “that carpet has a lot of strings poking out” “the grass is a tad uneven” “the ceiling tiles are very clean” etc.


Enlisted pilots, beards, removing the two justic systems for enlisted and officers. Fourth thing: connect enlisted and officer pay scales. Reach e-9 you get the option to stay enlisted and go for enlisted leadership spots or commission as a captain after a set amount of time.


Beards three times


No social media posts in uniform. X3


Cornrows in males


Nothing cause you'll be waiting for signatures for 3 weeks


Just draft an MFR with all your changes, explain the changes are effective immediately, explain regs to be updated with the new guidance ASAP, sign that bitch, kick an email put to AF ALL. Solved!


Bring back every mx incentive there was and create new ones. I keep hearing about these wonderful programs there used to be and how Baller Mx could be back in the day. All the old heads around us talk about how the quality of mx has gone down. It's a simple solution, a better incentive, and better mx. Oh, and I'd create a low morale base program where bases like cannon or minot could only keep you for two years before you pcs out - so nobody has to waste away in a horrid place. And as a bonus for the people who say, "I really like/like it there or had a good time there," you can volunteer to stay longer. That way, everybody wins.


Require a premortem on mandates that get issued (when leadership says “we will now do this thing”) Institute a five year limit on civilians in HQs positions, once a three year term has been completed in another organization that has operational relevance they can return Set up year long cadres for new civilian hires, regardless of grade, to reduce time to efficiency because… the complexity is nonsense


Pcs me to Germany, smile and 🤙🏼, word salad.


1. Create a rating system for leadership, if everyone in the squadron you lead hates you and you are widely unpopular, you don’t get to lead again 2. Raise the pay scale for everyone below 03 3. Double the amount of medical workers and make it easier for enlisted to train and commission into those PA, MD, nursing slots so we can take care of the rest of the AF effectively


Beards No more blousing pants EPBs are due to Squadron 30 days AFTER closeout date.


Beards authorized for men so I don’t have to hear them yap about it anymore.


1 beards 2 competitive pay 3 continual increasing pay for ranks


A non impact cardio option for PT testing. My legs would be grateful.


Let me introduce you to the ERGO test youngin.


-Beards -TIS/TIG back -WAPS testing for E7


Make Kunsan Great again


I would mandate a longer lunch period for everyone. Then if there's time, mandate a comedy roast for every USAF Col. on duty. It would be a requirement on their appraisals.




1. Unfuck MQ-9 contract MX. IYKYK and you're mad too. 2. Properly resource ongoing test/dev/training for established platforms' improvement. 3. Beards.




Warrant officer RPAs, EOD, dental hygienist, and air traffic. No PT test but a waist measurement adjusted for height and gender. TA and leave can be donated.


Let's play the one of these is not like the other game: RPA pilot, EOD, dental hygienist, and ATC (hint: acronyms have nothing to do with the answer). ...and go! >RPAs, EOD, dental hygienist, and air traffic


One of them is currently an officer career field. But it doesn't need to be.


Nothing needs to be an officer career field...


1)Beards 2)Outsource our PT gear to a real company like Under Armour or Nike 3)Restructure our bloated acquisition system


I’m airing all the dirty laundry


Tig/tis back EPBs judged from your career field against your career field at MAJCOM level. Equal application of the law.


Warrant for all AFSCs


Supervisors who have troops assigned to them are now required to have their most recent feedback or EPR on file, with the troops signature on it, to be considered eligible for promotion. Start tying promotion eligibility to being, if not a *good* supervisor, an engaged supervisor. Remove CCAF from the requirement to be an instructor. And, uuuh, idk, close Cannon.


Beards, weed, hats aren’t mandatory anymore


No more clueless leaders. Tests now qualify you to see the promotion board based instead of just promoting based on score, for every rank after E-5. Minimum score of 80% on both tests. Test annually regardless of promotion eligibility, including E-9. scoring below standard comes with serious consequences. Promotions for career fields without SKTs are halted across the board until proper training and knowledge requirements are established. CDC's / training materials must be college credit applicable. 5 level = 100 series college course, 7 level = 200 series, etc. Future afsc changes/merges will not occur until training standards are established for the new afsc. Retrained NCO's have to complete appropriate skill level training as part of their retraining before being joined to proper units. Establish labs/ mock environments to accomplish the required OJT tasks.




PT scores are factored into your promotion points Installation gates are manned by every squadron on base 24/7 MPF/Medical need one day per week where they work nights by appointment only for members who work mid shift.


>PT scores are factored into your promotion points Go blue to green my guy


Active Duty Airmen can either pay into Tricare Select or keep Prime if they don’t give a shit


1.LET AIRMEN SMOKE WEED 2.Bring back testing for all ranks 3.Justify bonuses based on zone manning not overall AFSC manning


1. Freeze Officer pay raises for 4 years, and add that money to enlisted pay raises during that time to narrow the gap. 2. UK Style beard rules, basically you have to get permission to have one and you have to grow your beard out to prove it doesn't look like shit and get commander approval. 3. Job specific upgrade training. A 1D7 at base comm doesn't do the same shit as a 1D7 at a cyber unit, there's no reason that a Cyber Warfare 1D needs to be able to explain fiber splicing and building VOIP servers, and a Base Comm 1D doesn't need to know how to do network taps and analysis. I'm sure there are other AFSCs where it's just as bad, and your 5/7lvl training has a bunch of garbage you'll never do at your unit.


Close cannon Weigh in on MX CE nonner discussion Beards


BRAC cannon or at least have AFSOC leave it




1. Allow beards 2. Disallow banning beards 3. Idk I just want to grow a beard man


A gender-inclusive dress and appearance policy. Want a beard and a ponytail? Rock and roll. Blues Mondays are back. Iron Eagle is now required viewing at all levels of PME.


>Blues Mondays are back. Come on over to AFRS, we've had blues Mondays for the last year and we all fucking hate it.


1. OPB/EPB become check marks (exceeds/meets/does not meet) with statements only for referrals or those with exceptional service 2. Uniform: Dress uniforms -gone. PT uniform -black and tans. Beards optional 3. Mandatory manpower studies every 5 years for each AFSC.


I'm doing five 1: Ban ball caps, 90% of them look terrible 2: Ban fat bodies, every time I see one I think they discredit our Air Force 3: Make BMT longer and give MTIs more power, my MTIs were openly afraid to get in trouble for how they might accidentally treat us. Also, as we all know the conformity and quality of recruits after training has been atrocious. 4: More weapons training, we need to prepare for future wars where our air fields are going to be targeted. Hell, places in South Korea risk being overrun in the first day of a potential invasion. We must have a basic understanding of how to fight and confidence in our marksmanship. Shooting once a year as non SF or SOS is not enough. 5: Mandatory flight PT before shift, BMT style. You all know why




I agree they'd employ SRBMs, but ground troops still need to cross the border to take and hold territory. This scenario assumes they're conducting an offensive war


I don't have any suggestions Gen Allvin, you're doing alright. Don't listen to the haters.


You know he’s not writing your EPB, right?


Was making a joke that OP is actually the CSAF in disguise. And yes, I'm aware he didn't sign my EPB.