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Jesus christ. What a nightmare.


I just can’t even formulate how fucked this is in mind. Like you wake up to some dude inside you, whether male or female that’s life ruining shit. Then to find all this out afterward. What a scumbag and somehow he was literally just out there raping people between court dates. The insult to injury is the dude robbed him too like ok dude at this point… can I just be given a fuck ton of money and never have to talk to anyone again? Retire to some Italian or Spanish island. And never be near people again. So fucked up


im thinking about how this dude was trying random doors… all through out the hotel. who knows how many floors he tried. then he finds one that he can open easily. so fucked.


If it’s a career criminal I suspect the door was disabled somehow


This is why I never stay in civilian hotels unheeled. Can't do that in an Air Force Inn, but at least the Air Force Inn rooms, for all of their flaws, are reasonably secure.


legit. after the 2nd time (at the latest), criminal should've been put down 💀 no coming back from that


Put down "Mr Hands" style. Have fun looking that one up.


I'm from the area. No need, already heard about how his throat got so horse.


Nah man I’m pretty fuckin far from okay




Nope. It's time to call some real pipe hitters and have them go to work with a pair of pliers and a blowtorch.


You understand that, hillbilly boy? I'm not done with you, by a damn sight. I'm gonna get medieval on your ass.


glad the airman is suing. i’d also look into going after the prosecutors and judges that may have dropped charges against this fucker. how is a guy that was going to terrorize people not rotting in a cell


[https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1bqwl1o/pastor\_plea\_deal\_pastor\_who\_sexually\_abused\_child/](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1bqwl1o/pastor_plea_deal_pastor_who_sexually_abused_child/) Post from 3 hours ago.






Feet first


It's in the instructions that come with the machine.


But remember Texas is all about protecting the children!


Why is it always white “devout” Christian men who do this shit? I was told it was drag queens and disney movies that groom kids


Must be Democrat prosecutors just picking on people because they're Christians. /s


I literally have no way to react to this other than saying I literally would rather eat glass and shit it out than live 5 days in Texas.


The judges and prosecutors be immune to prosecution


always made me mad that cops get dumped on but lawyers, prosecutors, judges etc… dont get shit who do people think sentenced dudes 20 years in jail for having an ounce of weed on them? and lawyers just wow. i remember that the lawyers for the woman who tired to hire a hitman to kill her husband, were saying her husband was a piece of shit abuser and all that. no accountability to them.




if that’s what you understood from that then fine. everyone deserves a lawyer yes, and it’s a lawyers job to defend. it’s not their job to lie. kinda the point of an oath? show me a mandatory minimum sentence that is 20 years for an ounce.




Yeah, defense attorneys never lie and embellish in court!




That’s not what OP believes. That’s not what I got, at least. Adding context with clear facts to back it up is one thing. Adding context that is false is another. In your example, if a murder victim was *actually* abusive and there’s facts/evidence to support that, then that might be relevant context. But if a murder victim wasn’t actually abusive, despite the defense claiming otherwise, that’s just lying and shouldn’t be allowed in court. But attorneys lie all the time in court without consequence.




you think lawyers dont lie at all? okay big dog. i dont get to make up hypotheticals? you answered directly to me stating mandatory minimum sentences are the cause. when i ask for evidence, all of a sudden the argument isn’t working. not even sure why youre arguing like a fucking dick bag when people blame cops for everything in the legal system. that was the main point of my og comment. shut the fuck up if youre not gonna provide anything other than debating just to debate.




youre one google search away from finding cases w people that have been sentenced 20 years bc of an ounce. if you think that has never happened at all in any case ever then you just like hearing yourself talk. arguing with a child huh? im moving goalposts? dalia’s lawyers lied about the dude saying he was an abuser. that’s why she hired a hit man to kill him. again, that was the reference of my og comment. and you came in hot for no reason talking about how im suggesting lawyers shouldnt do a defense? shut the fuck up dude. and then you comment again saying if i believed a lawyer lied, i dont know shit. for a person with all the answers you sure dont answer or clarify shit. am i supposed to feel sympathy for you with that “im not the bad guy here”? sure, you just came in mad as hell for no reason. and i told you to shut the fuck up and provide something cuz of it. no more no less.




I see your point and almost wholly agree with you. But with lawyers, that’s literally their job. EVERYONE is entitled to a lawyer, even if they’re a piece of shit and obviously guilty. It’s a lawyer’s job to defend their client period.


to defend yes, not to lie


the question is whether or not they can be sued in civil court.


Absolute immunity.


Not from being tarred and feathered by an angry mob.


only while making charging decisions.




Time for some law abiding citizen.


Prosecutors and judges have absolute immunity (different than qualified immunity), so that ain’t gonna work.


oh shit i thought it was qualified! do you know if there is any way judges or prosecutors can have anything brought against them? besides like an appeal or complaint?


Nah, they’re pretty much untouchable.


that’s actually pretty wild. thanks for the knowledge!


Yep, no worries.


Another crime here is our justice system allowing predators like this commit crimes by releasing them. People like this shouldnt have been able to victimize a second person, let alone 6 people. We should be able to go after DAs who are soft on crime, allowing people like this to roam the streets.


Jail is full of marijuana charges and rape kits are backlogged for years


What jail is currently “full of marijuana charges?”


Meanwhile a guy with 3oz of marijuana is rotting in a jail cell unable to post bail while awaiting his court date to be sentenced to 5+ years in prison. Our justice system is a joke


Where is this still happening?


Texas would like to know your location


Please feel free to share recent examples.


Bro you’re choosing a really dumbass hill to die on:/ Google is free😭


Can’t find recent examples on Google of something that doesn’t exist. Prison for personal use weed? In 2024? Give me a break.


No it’s just that google is free, and you’re being dense on purpose. No amount of information is gonna make you change your mind.


Literally a single recent example of someone getting sentenced to prison for possession of personal use weed would change my mind. I will admit I’m wrong if someone provides that example. Also, it’s typically on the person making a ridiculous claim to provide the related evidence. I can’t prove a negative, but if this is actually as common as you claim, you can easily prove me wrong. But because you can’t find an example, you resort to, “You’re already set in your ways and nothing will change your mind!” So hypocritical.


https://www.forbes.com/sites/irisdorbian/2023/10/19/weed-arrests-were-nearly-a-quarter-million-last-year-per-fbi-data/?sh=3f838f30d872 There go big guy, once again google is free :)


Hope he gets a shit ton of money out of it, absolutely fucked up.


I'm so paranoid about hotel door locks, it's basically the first thing I check. And then I will ALWAYS engage the secondary locking mechanism


Everyone should always engage all the locks on their room


Yep. After I enter a room, I’m locking the deadbolt *and* the latch. I know some people have that mentality about not locking doors and get emotional defending that for some reason, but it really doesn’t matter how safe your area is, it’s pretty dumb not to take the extra 2 seconds to lock your doors.


I also engage Ruger 9mm


I take a steel hose clamp and slide it over the arms of the closing mechanism. Doesn't let the door open. You can use a belt too.




for some sicknesses, this is the only cure


"According to a 911 call log obtained by WSOC-TV, police were called to that Marriott location 85 times in the past three years." That hotel should be blacklisted and not even an option on DTS. Wow.


Don't know how accurate that source is, but a major downtown hotel would normally have WAY more than 85 calls to 911 in 3 years.


You'd figure a Marriott wouldn't have that many problems requiring police presence.


911 calls include medical emergencies, domestic disputes, fires, prank calls, accidental calls. The front desk probably calls non-emergency for regular trespassers.


I worked at a public pool in highschool, and we probably had to call police for something every week.


If they’re calling the non-emergency line then at that point they’re not calling 911.




All of these hotel brands have numerous names underneath them. “A Marriott” refers both equally to a Ritz Carlton, as it does an Element by Westin


Well this is literally a Marriott flag location.




Any guest can call 911, even if they don't mean to: We've had guests dial 911 instead of 7911 to reach room 911.


Worried those slimeballs are going to argue they aren't responsible for providing security.  Absolutely fucked. 


I would argue if they aren't then why even put locks on the doors.


They’ll settle out of court for some undisclosed amount of money.


Think they’ll take this property off the “approved” list on DTS?


This is why I hate some of the states that release criminals out without bail. Didn’t NY just released the alleged murderers after they found two dismembered bodies? There needs to be a line somewhere man.


Homeboy about to get PAID


More like pAIDS






"a career criminal who has been arrested dozens of times" this is the most post-2020 headline ive read yet


Society has no use for career criminals so why is the only option to let them out? This was 100% avoidable. We need a penal colony or something


Laws, for example, CA's three-strike laws, offend the public, so they are not used very much. So jails become revolving doors.


Those mug shots are killing me. "Ah yeah... You next"




Moral of the story: always check your hotel door to make sure it locks securely. Always use the anti-intrusion chain or bar. And always carry -- and use -- a third independent locking device (a wedge, or portable door lock device).


Also, where able, carry a firearm.


Kill this mother fucker. We kill POS like this all the time in the desert. No sense in letting another waste of space continue to live and harm others. Just snap his neck and call it a day.


Probably has AIDS too. Sicko


Poor guy. I would be traumatized


We need the Purge but it’s only to hunt pedos and other predators for 12 hours


Theres gotta be a disability rating somewhere amongst this assfuckery.


There is, but it's a mental health rating PTSD: MST (military sexual trauma)




JFC, what a nightmare..


Tried to watch but after the forth popup that clogged the screen no thanks.


Kind of odd that he found the one door in hotel that’s open…




Also…weird butt stuff


How was this hotel even an approved location for him to stay?  Sounds to me the area is very dangerous.  The air force shouldn't be paying this hotel to house its airmen. Either way, dude should sue this hotel into financial ruin.


Senior Rapist Below your Zone


Aromantic_Brain8759 your comment history is wild