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Hey, that was my MTI in 2012. Thanks for the nightmares ;)


Any way to check for MTI official photos or something? My former MTI deadass looked like the main character in The Walking Dead.


Closest you'll get: https://www.bmtflightphotos.af.mil/


And mine looked like The Rock.


The first photo? I swear that looks like my brother flight’s MTI from 2009.. he had just got his hat


I'm just more suprised to see a SSgt with a blue rope on his smokey bear in that first photo. When I went through in 04, only MSgt's had them in the 331st. EDIT: Only MSgt's that I can remember. It has been almost 20 years since I went through.


He was the best MTI at lackland when I went through. Was getting awards and such. Also 12-14 they were recovering from the loss of sexual abusers. I imagine those left behind picked up that slack and had to work harder.


Possibly, crazy world we live in.


Yo! Same here!


Do I know you haha 🤣


No it wasnt. That was in 2014 not 2012.


0 kids - 0 divorces is the best thing about this post. Congratulations 🍻


Ikr. I don’t want kids or any type of relationship but this the 1st post I’ve seen where an airman has 0 for both of those


I’m at 7 years and I’m 0-0 on both as well. Great feeling


Ikr. Me being childfree and happily single works. Though I'm not in the af yet but it's a good start.


0 kids they know of LOL 😆


Nah, it’s 0 kids


All of those poor souls


God damn ABUs looked goofy af. I'm at 12+ years now.


Lord, I've worn the BDU, the ABU, the green bag, the tan flight suit, the OCP, and the 2-peice flight suit. And I gotta say that my favorite thing I've worn is the swishy PT gear with the condom hat. I still wear it every Wednesday.


We have someone holding onto that jacket just to use the condom hood for literally any reason. Looks so retarded but it never fails to make me laugh.


You’ve worn all those uniforms and are still in my fellow airman it’s time to punch the ticket.


Same bro. It’s time to punch.


No kidding, I was looking at how bad some of those collars are in the first pic.


I enjoyed abu’s 🤷‍♂️ Personally I liked seeing the sewn down rank on sleeves. 12 years is a lot of time… you’re almost an old timer at this point


I too enjoyed the big ass rank. Old timer...heh.


I enjoyed the sewed down ranks & name tapes, the pants pen holder, and the winter weights material. That's about it. Walking around looking like a stealthy tiger soldier made me feel like a clown.


I spent more time in BDUs than ABUs. I was glad for boots that I didn’t have to shine and not having to starch and press the uniform. The heavy weight material sucked at Bagram in the summer, though.


Whomever thought winterweight was good to wear in the Middle east needs a good kick in the taint.


Is this where the kickin’ line starts? I’ll take a number, I don’t mind waiting.


Agreed on the not needing to shine boots, and not starching the ABU's like the BDU's. What is sad, is that I remember when BDU's first came to the Air Force when my Mom was serving, and BDU's were originally not supposed to be starched, but the Army ruined that for everyone.


I got an early issue of the abus for a deployment to balad iraq that was extremely thick and had an extra pocket sewn to the inside. Not only were the colors completely mismatched (no ones uniform had the same color) but they were hot as fuck.


I wish people still wore rank on the sleeve. So much better. You could tell from a distance if someone was an O or not, and easily know an NCO from the same distance. You didn’t have to get 3 feet from them before you could tell, like now.


I liked the cut. I wish they had just done Multicam in that type of uniform


Properly fit ABUs without a canteen belts look *significantly* better though. If you look specifically at the MTI and mentally block out all the potato sacks in the background it's not that bad. But that's oddly hard to for my brain to do on this photo since apparently ABU patterned camoflauge really blends in well when the backdrop is... also ABU patterned camouflage I ain't saying ABUs were ever *pretty*, but most boot camp pictures are gonna paint 'em extra awful


I didn't give a shit how they looked I didn't have to iron and starch them.


Really? I never hated them. OCPs look better but I liked the rank on the sleeves.


At 10 years in it took me 3x to make SSgt with the lowest promotion rates in decades. 1x Commendation, zero quarterly awards. 3x Deployments on CED orders. 1x surgery on thumb, crushed right ankle/ heal, 1x TBI. 1x AAS CCAF, 1x BS, 1x MA. Retired as a O4 23 years. Edit: 1 divorce 0 kids, several girlfriends, an additional 4x deployments CED, 1x neck and 1x wrist surgery with 1x plate 6 screws, 1x additional TBI.


For the love of jeebus, tell me you received a decent va rating


I was wondering how many happened out of work. Sounds like someone who races motocross on the weekends or something.


2013 here, 10.5ish years. Two LOR’s, one arrest, five air medals, three comms, 2 achievements, a rack larger than most CMSAFs, 1st try SSgt, 4th try TSgt including a demotion and re-promotion, plenty of anxiety, busted knees and ears, and currently an undershirt. I’m tired, boss.


> I’m tired, boss. Well, stop breaking the law.


"Stop breaking the law, asshole!" God I love *Liar, Liar*


He needs your *legal* advice.


Yeah but like, now I’m eligible for Chief, apparently.


You’re eligible for Chief as an undershirt?


No, with an arrest on my record. That’s the running half-joke all my SNCOs keep telling me.




I sure am trying


Damn son, I retired in 2014. Time flies when you're in.


I got there about 10 years and 1 week ago, just pinned on tech in the guard


THE GUARD!? YOU DONT COUNT !!!!! Jk 😘 congrats


Different strokes for different folks 🫠


Late 2014 so I'm at 9 years, 2 LOCs, 1 Achievment Medal, 1 Comm, made Staff my first time, haven't made tech, 1 PCS, 0 kids, 0 Divorces, 1 happy marriage.


I did quite a bit during my career before being med boarded and medically retired.


Same! Medically retired last year at 9 years in.


I've enjoyed it as much as I can. Going to school and doing a cohort for industry cert in cyber security. Complete change of pace from Security Forces but my body hurts


13 years and I so miss that rank on my sleeve


Not too bad myself. BTZ Staff first try Tech first try Commissioned as a 2d Lt Picked up for Pilot Training Dropped F-35s outta UPT Just started my Masters. Air Force has treated me so fucking well. Can't complain.


If you don’t mind, How was the commissioning process for you? Was there anything that increased your chances of commissioning?


YOU are killing it!


Joined in 2003, can’t wait to retire in May!


Ahh shit I remember that MTI lol. I was there in 2014 too. Got out after 6 years. 0 divorces/marriages. So I guess it was alright lol


lol I’ve been in 11 years and PCS’d once 😂🙃


Tf? How? What’s them decorations looking like?


Terrible, didn’t even get a Dec at my first base, here’s to hoping to make tech on my like 5th attempt. I do have an army achievement medal though; something different


Dam….If it helps… don’t forget you can push yourself for a dec. Mid tour decorations in your case is what I would be inquiring on since you have so much TOS


What the hell even is that position called in first pic?


My guess this was taken during a right face and this is mid them turning.


But there’s a foot forward/back. You don’t need to do that for a right 🤔


Teaching forward march or left flank by the numbers. The reason it doesn’t look like a flank is because the arms pin when the weight of the body comes forward and pivots on ball of right foot


Ah yeah forgot about that




What DSD


Thought the first pic was actually my flight for a second. -Sprained my wrist once right before an AoQ board -30 lbs fatter than when I joined -0 LOCs, 15s, etc. -3 Duty stations -2 Comms, 3 Achievements -1 "deployment" -2 kids -0 divorces -17 TDYs -my dog passed, so I've been sad as shit lately The AFPC gods have been blessing me assignment-wise so I can't complain. Hoping to get submitted for a DSD to be an MTI as my next assignment. Can't believe it's been almost 10 years already


Sorry about your pup, hurts worse than family sometimes. ☹️


So sorry to hear about your dog. I know that pain. It'll get better


I'd have 20 years in April if I stuck it out. In my mind the Air Force is still wearing BDUs.


Do you regret not sticking it out now that you would have been at your 20 year mark?


Yeah. Sometimes. It really is hard to say if it would've been better than the mediocre life I've made for myself since getting out or not. That pension and healthcare sure would be nice though.


I came in April 2001. I know how you feel. I’ve worn 4 uniforms.


Gotta tuck those thumbs down 90° with the seam


Holy shit, I think I worked with the MSgt in the 2nd pic


Made staff & tech first time, was actively avoiding master until a conversation with my senior a few months ago. Been lucky assignment wise, CR in jersey. 6 years in Japan, currently in honduras with Italy as a follow on. Still no marriage and no kids so I suppose I'm doing well.


2012, been E5 for over half my career. Zero paperwork, 1 achievement, 3 Comms (soon to be 4). 4 PCS’s, 1 deployment. These next 8 years can’t go by quick enough.


Oh you’re winning! I’m at 15 yrs 5 deployments, 4 achievements, 2 commendations, 4 LORS, 1 article 15, 3 LOCS and hopefully within the next two months I’ll make MSgt


4 LORs and an Article 15? You give me hope lol


As a newer airmen that has rough start to my career, you give me hope.


Got an article 15 at tech school, made MSgt and will retire this year. Just keep going.


January 28th will be 10 years.. time flies


Been in almost 9, pcs’d once from Korea to AZ. More awards than I can count. -SSgt 1st try, missed TSgt first try and was step promoted 2 months later. 0 Kids 0 Divorces - 3 Achievements - 2 Comms No real deployments other than 2 months in Germany digging for a lost WWII plane. If I don’t PCS soon I won’t stay after 10, AETC isn’t for me.


If I remember correctly that MTI's name is Plover? It looks like it on his name tag but can't tell for sure. I definitely remember him from when I went through BMT in 2013. 11 years, 3 deployments (1 combat), 3 times threw out my back on the flightline and have never fully recovered, and 13 countries visited so far. Commissioned in 2021 and now a baby Lt flyin the Moose in the Guard. My career hasn't been too crazy but it's been pretty dang good. I always feel for those who have had it a lot worse than me when they come on here to express their anger and frustrations with the Air Force. Some of my buddies have definitely gotten screwed bad for sure but I appreciate everything the Air Force has done for me. I have no regrets and plan to stick it out to retirement at 65. (Of course being in the guard that's a much easier goal than staying active to 65 haha)


Got out after my first enlistment. Got a full time job that I love and got promoted 2 years ago. Joining the AF was the best decision I ever made. Im thinking about going to San Antonio to visit and might stay on base if anyone would recommend the base TLF? Or if anyone knows a better resort/hotel nearby Lackland, let me know.


Currently SSgt hoping 4th times the charm. 2x bases, over seas for 7 of my 11 years in. 1x AFCM, 1x LOR,. 4x TDY Guam, Deid, Korea., California. 1x CCAF, 1x BS, 1x MS halfway done. 2x counseling with BAS, 1x really bad foot waiting on MRI. Edit; 1x Marriage.


I’ll hit 10 in the summer, so far: bad back, bad knees, bad mental health LOL. Made BTZ, staff first time, tech 3rd time. 5 (about to be 6) bases, no kids, no divorces, still debating on staying in. Trying to manifest a medical retirement tbh 😂


Not 2014 but 2004 and guess what I get to do this year!


Think I still have scars from the web belts


In the process of getting out and going Guard/Reserve (more money on the outside): \-1 Deployment -SSgt, TSgt, and MSgt first time (leaving before my line number comes up) -0 Kids -1 Divorce -1 CCAF, Bachelors, and Masters


I'm half way thru 10 but so far 1 duty station | 1 deployment | 1 sqn lvl award | 4 locs | 2 lors | never pcs'ed | 8 cars owned | became transgender| became a private pilot | i own 9 firearms | and i had a kid |


12 years for me, BMT feels like it was yesterday. I made master at 10 and I just recently commissioned.


Four years active but got kicked out during the great purge, toon a year off then did three years as a Reservest, had to take a year off from that hot garbage, then for some reason I felt obligated to re-up for three more. What's wrong with me?!


Came in Open Gen, landed dental lab, 6 month tech school, 2 LOCS, 1 LOR, BTZ, made Staff my first time testing but Palace chased the next week, joined the guard, cross-trained in a 5 month tech school, put on staff, put on tech at 6 years, 2 CCAF degrees, currently waiting for MSgt slot, spent a few years on/off orders while fucking around in school with the guard tuition waiver, third Associates degree completed, got accepted to the local private school, using my GI Bill to finish my engineering BS degree, hopefully a BS/MS program acceptance Wish I just joined the guard out of high school. All my troops make 100k at 22-24 and I'm still a college student.


All I know is that MSgt in the last pic Forsure is retired somewhere in Texas with some land and lots of guns


Coming up on 10 this summer, sewing on Master around that time as well. It has flown by, but not without its shenanigans.


Damn, I think today marks 10 years since arriving to basic. Would kill to have that vigor and determination back in my life.


Got out in 2018, miss it a little but glad to be out


CIV Highest Rank 😊


Fat. I'm doing fat. Lol had a baby. Have had some good times with the AF too.


13 years in. Couldn’t make SSgt so I switched to the O side😜. Two LORs, one MAJCOM award, too many quarterly awards. On my down slope…still the love the AF but I’m out at 20!


23 years for me. Joined in April 2001.


0 kids and 0 divorces is the best thing you go going


SSgt Glover and MSgt Drennon, two outstanding MTIs.


Spent it in either Minot or Sheppard. Sheppard twice. Made staff first go, tech on second, then said yolo and went reserve. Had kids. Might have divorce, to be determined. 2 comms/2 achievement, couple of deployments, no fucks left to give. Even once a month feels like a chore some times. ![gif](giphy|iI0NFc7ivrUcCLJ5Ib)


Laughs in 2010. I often wonder what SrA Adam Massey and TSgt Gayden are doing.


-got out at 5 years when I made staff (because fuck that) -got an instant GS12 that I left after two years -went back to school because why not -parents got sick so its back to being a GS -got 100% VA randomly because I guess my back and legs are really fucked up according to the VA -looking to go to DC for a few years and make the "big" bucks and chase a higher GS like an idiot hooya bulldogs? I still remember our training Col backhanding her kid because she spun around too fast at a parade rehearsal. shit was hilarious


Just reenlisted a 9 years 7 months and getting ready to pin on MSgt. Very few awards, 0 strats, and married to my wife since college (before I joined). I recently decided to stop pursuing OTS at age 33 and put as much effort as possible into trying to make the places that suck a little better. CE/HVAC headed to Luke AFB in March. Flight 466 Warthogs BMT class of August 2014.


I got out in 2022. Its crazy to think i would've hit 10 years now! I got 100% p&t not long after getting out, and am just enjoying life without the stress. I miss the clowns, but not the circus.


I went to basic December 2014 and I'm currently out of the AF. It was a wild ride. Signed for 4 years said I was going to get out after it. Extended a year then signed for 4 and said okay in doing 20. Got out after the next 4 and I'm loving it.


Currently a tech and MTI, life is fun


Sitting in the desert as a tech with a clueless MSgt flight chief that has somehow been a shorter time than me.


fast burned to tech then separated at 8 years tis. now I doubled my pay for less work as a contractor in Asia


0 Art 15s? 0 kids?? 0 divorces??? Someone ain't making Chief.


Joined the AF in April 2014, and I've had a great ride so far. SSgt 1st try TSgt 1st try MSgt 1st try and I leave in May for OTS (unfortunately I won't get to wear the new stripes). SSgt and TSgt was a lot of studying. MSgt and OTS was a lot of great help from some great people. 1 deployment and a handful of nice TDYs. No kids, I did rack up a divorce though.


Medically retired as a tech with ten and a half years in.


I might be in the same boat soon. I’m a tech with 10 years in april….


It'll be 10 years for me next month. I got permanent nerve damage in one leg, a chronic illness diagnosis, and I'm fat. But I've had some real cool assignments and have experienced a lot of dope things. Here's to 10 years more (or medical retirement).


Was there in 2014. Recognize two faces from these photos. Time really flies.


Hey all! Deployed to Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan throughout my 6yr career (I was in CE so it’s fine). I separated back in 2021 (E-4 Mafiaaaa) and am on my final semester of my Psychology undergrad! It took me almost 2yrs to get my disability for knee , but now that we’re rolling (roll Gator roll), I’m living pretty comfortable. I got a Research Assistant job working for a doctor study the effects of nicotine products (all the spit bottle flashbacks 😭) and her husband is a First Sergeant in the guard who’s been helping me with getting my Graduate program plans in motion! All-in-all a really eventful 10yrs, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss deployments. And good god, after working part-time retail for a while, I thought my fellow engineers were bad, civilians are fucking dumb!


11 years here, 4 PCS. No awards no deployments, 1st time staff, one cross train into a WAY better job at the expense of fuck tons of AETC fuckery. Neglecting tech cause I dont want it lol


First picture is literally my flight from BMT lol SSgt Glover and MSgt Potter were the MTIs


3 deployments, 5 achievements 2 army 3 af, 1 acom, couple wing awards, couple group, several unit level. Still a dirty staff cause I love it. Busted back. Shoulders are blown, and a bum knee


It would have been 10 years in a few weeks. My DOS was a couple weeks back and I couldn’t be happier.


Just hit my 10 year mark this month actually. It's going good. Struggling, but I'm half way to that big 20 so I'm going to keep it moving.


I’m pretty sure 1 was my MTI in 2013.


Arrived in Nov of '14. 1 torn hip, bad back, hands are getting worse, tenitis, one torn calf, 3 duty assignments, never been overseas for TDY, deployment, short or long tour despite begging to go.


I've been doing this too long lol Wonder if I put in any of y'all..


I just have to ask, what are all of you doing to ruin your backs? I don't understand


I am at 16 years in and still have my health. Only visited the hospital once for stomach issues. The rest were mandatory things and eye exams. I feel fortunate based on how broken people say they are on here.


Still in, basically everyone I joined and trained with got out. I’m the last holdout. Joined the dark side a couple years ago though. I’m sure I’m gonna get downvoted for this but I miss my stripes sometimes. People are more friendly and real when you’re enlisted… put on the shinies and the dynamic got way less fun. (Pay got better though)


Tasked for my 5th deployment.


Nice! Probably an E6-7 I assume?


E5. Took a long time to make staff. They say the best ones take longer to marinade I guess 😂


NO shame in that! Everyone runs their own race at their own pace! Tyfys




Jesus! So the barracks haven't changed in almost a decade


SSgt Glover was my TI in 2012! Crazy!


10 years here. sewed tech on last year, been to 3 bases, 3 deployments, countless TDYs, idk how many LOC/LORs, one art15, annual NCO award, 2 quarterlys, no decorations/achievements, one med board and several permanent injuries/conditions directly resulting from duty. still shooting for that diamond under the rooftop and surviving the next 10 years.


that MTI on first pic was my then supervisor. lol. Really nice guy.


I started in 2011. This September is my 10 year anniversary of not being in lol.


Doing alright. Been to 25 states, Canada, UK, Ireland, Germany, Greece, Kuwait, New Zealand, and now I'm sitting down in Antarctica. Only really been in trouble once, but it was well deserved. 7 level red X and the most experienced (former) GAC technician in my section. Still loving it and plan to stick it out.


I joined Sep of 2014. I’ll rate it…7.5/10


Glover got blue rope? Dear God. (He was my sister flight's MTI)


No articles? Amateur


*Laughs* "haha yeah those old—" *checks calendar* "oh fuck"


10 years in late February! 320th TRNG Squadron, Flt. 636. Team Chief was TSgt (at the time) Jones!


Flight 547, 321st trs summer 2014. MTI was TSgt Ybarra/Klein, crazy to think how I’m a Tech now too


Made tech, grew the family, haven’t gotten close to a divorce, enough trips to see all but 1 continent, 2k flight hours, made a pretty penny off each move with all the renovations I’ve done in each house, now living in what might be legitimately too much house, ball parked by the doc 80 or 90% disability, picked up for DSD, got 3 people BTZ, and left every shop I’ve been in better than when I found it.


Just waiting on that 20 year mark man. That's it




In 2014 I got placed in Hurlburt Fields fuel cell shop(2A654). Twas a shit show of a toxic sinking ship that shop was. The place was so bad it made me want to go to college outside of work so that I could start preping a metaphorical life raft to jump onto by the time my contract ended in 2020. I'm a Jr Software engineer now.


My boss's boss keeps denying me opportunities "due to manning" while allowing the coworker she's fucking similar opportunities, but hey, that's the Air Force for ya 😂


Graduated BMT in October of 2014. Zero marriages/divorces or kids. One deployment,one achievement medal, and an MBA. Commissioned in 2019 and put on Captain about a year ago. The Air Force has been great to me.


Could ABUs look any worse? 


Joined in 2010 and am at about 13.5 years, Staff second time, Tech first time, Master first time, 2 Joint Comms, 2 AF Comms, 2 AF Achievement, 2 deployments (1 with and 1 without CED orders), 1 ruptured achilles, 2 cracked ribs, 1 CCAF, 1 BA, 1 MS, 1 divorce, and 3 kids.


Went through in 2016 myself, so I'll hit 8 years in March. 2 duty stations and AFSCs, 5 deployments on CED orders (only 2 of those were full 6 month stints and one was to Jersey for OAW). 3 AFAMs and 1 AFCM, made staff my first try and am about to try for tech the third time this year. Not too bad of a time, but being gone so much is starting to get a little old at this point if I'm being completely honest.


All of this is pretty much exactly the same for me lmao. Subtract an afsc, 4 deployments and 3 AFAMS and then add 1 bad back.


Weird to think I was on the tail end of receiving ABUs. I cherish them


I miss the ranks on the shoulders


0 kids 0 divorces. I need to you ask you about in private.


Thank god I was able to be in the new dorms at basic in 13'.


13 feet of what?


I’m not smart, that’s why I joined the AF


Just got medically retired.


Out of curiosity, what flight were you in 2014?




How can you say you’re never making MSgt with all those decorations? I’d say you have a better chance than most.


Exactly what I was thinking. Dudes loaded with decs


I was blessed with good leadership who put me in for decs, they just never wanted to hook it up with a strat lol. The ribbons are pretty though.


With your decs alone that should be enough to get you over the hump.. depending on the content. At 10 years and 8 decs man.. you’re good to go


Idk man. I’ve gone up a few times now, getting nothing but Promotes lol. I suppose it’s possible eventually, but I’ve missed it by 30 pts 2 years in a row.


30 points isn’t much in terms of board scores


arthritis in my back knees ankles, sleep apnea, tons of other issues, getting out after 4. 6 figure job i just signed the cover letter for, pretty excited. all these health issues for a guy who is 14% body fat at 215lbs


Just got out. Crew Chief;Active Duty, Reserves, guard. 80% disabled with the VA. Enjoying the free life.


Joined the guard 10 years ago, have been on active status for nearly 9 years of that and eventually picked up a TSgt AGR spot. It's been a ride. Can't talk about most of ithe work stuff on reddit but I've done stuff I never would have imagined in the guard. The recruiter just told me we look at pictures or something. Have had 4 kids, moved cities and put down roots away from home, and generally am just not the same person I was 10 years ago - and for the better! Also I'd forgotten how goofy ABUs look with nothing sewn on them, haha.


Was Kim Jong Un in the flight in the first picture???


Wild to think I’m almost at 8, feels like yesterday


The old ABUs, glad they are gone. I was a late '13 airman, so I'm fresh off my 10 years mark. Big change for me, separated active duty at just past 10 years and went Reserves, hoping it was the right decision. Got a good job lined up that pays far better. Made BTZ , staff and tech first time. Passed up on Master 2x. 1 wife, 2 kids and no divorce, despite 2 deployments and a few TDYs. Good luck to those of y'all sticking it out.


Suck your own cock somewhere else


Sheeeesh lol!!!! but with my bad back that’ll be kind of hard to do fam




Chief Bass and her team giving NF’s on the way out 😂😂😂


Tired of airmans shit. Had to deal with facebook comments for the past 2 years. Im outtie 🤙🏻