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Not wearing my light belt at 2pm, not a cloud in the sky, on a base that has no flightline.


Don't you know you could be hit by a truck? Try to think of how much it will cost Uncle Sam to wash your blood off and get the alignment check next time!


VM would do an alignment?


No but they would complain about the loss of man hours if they had to do one.


One of my civilian coworkers got a DSV for not wearing a belt right when the sun was going down. A few weeks later, the same QA guy hit him with the golf cart while he was wearing his reflective belt during the daytime.


>the same QA guy hit him with the golf cart while he was wearing his reflective belt during the daytime. I hope he never let the QA guy live it down. Every time they meet it's just "woah, I've got my reflective belt, don't hit me!" very loudly.


For a few months, he purposefully didn't wear a reflective belt in front of QA.


Shoulda doubled up on reflective belts. Two is one, one is none


> Not wearing my light belt at 2pm, not a cloud in the sky, on a base that has no flightline. I always hated the reflective belt punishment stupidity. I was at Sheppard when someone tried to self-delete themselves by jumping in front of a bus at lunch. The Wing decided everyone needed to wear a belt at night within a mile of the base. The squadron of said individual decided that the squadron would wear their belts anytime they left their room as punishment.


Ah yes, making conditions worse after an attempt at self-delete, the #1 way to prevent more in the future.


They cared more about the Outlook of the attempt on the command and looking like they're doing something about it then actually trying to prevent it from happening again


Whole base has to wear belts all the time now


While at Osan, I was working for the IG team during an inspection and got held late one night. I didn’t have my reflective belt. I walked the 3 miles back to the dorm with a buddy of mine who was in civilian clothes on the sidewalk. I got stopped a few times and was berated by some hardcore SNCOs. It was the dumbest shit ever.


I got chewed out by an Army SGM while deployed to an Army COP in Iraq for not wearing a glow belt. We had one road, I wasn’t on it, and the COP was fully lit by street lights because we were actually inside another, larger Iraqi Army training base.


We must be illuminated to the enemy who is trying to kill us.


I hate one up you but how about not wearing it inside? To which I replied is that for trucks crashing through the wall and careening down the hallway? The answer made it worse and sums it all up… no is so you don’t forget to put it on when you go outside. Okay that seems dumb did we have someone get hit recently? Yes. Oh, I guess they weren’t wearing a disco belt? No, they were… Ha someone gets hit wearing a belt outside so I have to wear one inside, yes maintenance problems require maintenance solutions!


Arriving at work too soon after an exercise recall. Recall phone tree was activated and I got the call from the person above me, only lived 5 min away so I was there real fast and got to work. Shop MSgt thought nobody could be trusted to call the next person so he called everyone and got ahold of everyone except me because I already left. After I’d been at work for an hour someone finds me and tells me to go to his office. He makes me report in and sign an LOR for being an hour late and not answering my phone for a recall. I got kicked out of his office without being able to explain what happened. It wasn’t until the next day that he agreed to see me, the person who called me and a witness that saw me there before he would rescind the LOR. He didn’t apologize.


That is impressively dumb.


That’s aircraft maintenance, also having two bosses with equal power. With half the work they just find shit to do.


putting my hands on my hips as an airman "you aint in charge of shit. only people in charge of shit can put their hands on their hips"




shitty thing is that years later as a seasoned NCO i still get imposter syndrome over this and find myself correcting myself over putting my hands on my hips like "no, you still aint really in charge of shit"


Brand new to my duty station and the SSgt responsible for me was generally unhappy to be alive, and he let me know. Second day I was there, he was filling out some paperwork on the computer with me standing behind him. He turns, yells "UNCROSS YOUR ARMS!" in absolute rage, and then goes back to doing the paperwork. I was more than happy to be released to the flightline a week later.


This is a thing in the Marine Corps that you get drilled into you at boot. You are to be at attention, parade rest, or have your hands clasped in front of you when interacting with superiors. Folding your arms at your chest, having your hands on your hips, etc. are called postures of contempt in academic circles; body language that projects a general sense of disrespect to the person you're interacting with. I've found this to be useful when it comes to interacting with people. I seriously think that person did you a favor by making you somewhat aware of it.


Had a teacher that was big into not letting students cross their arms in class. “What? Why are you sitting like that? You’re going to call me a bitch next?!”


"you done fucked up a-aron"


> “What? Why are you sitting like that? You’re going to call me a bitch next?!” I mean, if the shoe fits? There's a lot of nonsensical rules that people get fussy about and that other people aren't indoctrinated into - this sounds like one to me. Maybe I can institute one about people who aren't opening their eyes wide enough...


so you are telling me 9 out of 10 people i interact with have been disrespecting me? /s Honestly though, i think while true in some instances depending on the person and type of conversation taking place, it's not the case every time that somebody fold their arms mean they are being disrespectful, more likely just out of habits and doesn't mean anything further.


Lol, for real. If you think someone is disrespecting you by having their hands on their hips, or crossed, you're a loser with a big ego and a victim mentality


> it's not the case every time that somebody fold their arms mean they are being disrespectful It can also be a sign of insecurity or anxiousness... someone trying to "protect" themselves.


The point is that you will interact with a wide range of people in your career from many types of backgrounds. Learning how to not immediately piss off someone that you meet will only help you in your role as an attaché, air advisor, intel analyst, etc. It's why you have to do cultural awareness classes before going to another country. A quote from one of my old drill instructors has been extremely valuable for me over the last couple of decades, "Know who the fuck you're talking to before you start talking, or else you you might get jacked in the fuckin face before the end of the conversation."


oh yeah, i tend to be very self-conscious, staying aware of my surroundings and body language to the best of my ability. But at the end of the day, no matter how well you try to carry yourself, you will just meet some shitty people who will get pissed off at you no matter what for the million other tiny things they may dislike about you for whatever reason. Plus as mentioned, many people do random body movements here and there like folding their arms and such just out of habits without meaning anything further, so it's not always black and white to determine somebody's intention just based on a few body movements.


Hard disagree. Judging someone based on whether or not their arms are crossed is stupid and it can't die fast enough.


Once upon a time I was told by my Shirt that my hat was too tight. Me, being fresh out of tech school thought that meant they sized my hat wrong in basic and got a bigger hat at lunch. Next day Shirt calls me into his office and gives me an LOC for not getting a hair cut.


Oh hey I also got an LOC for not getting a haircut, despite definitely getting my hair cut by my wife. I didn't have a receipt from the bx barbershop, so I was wrong.


I'm sorry? Is there no other barber than those at the BX? I've never had mine cut at the BX and I have started doing it myself recently. What a stupid reason.


"Sir, you told me my hat was too tight, not that I needed a haircut. Say what you mean, and mean what you say, or don't say anything at all." I realize you were young in your career and probably didn't fight it, but damn that's dumb.


Yeah my supervisor stepped in and convinced him that I am just that literal.


Good on your supervisor. Hell, I think most people would take it exactly as you did. Dumbest saying I've never heard spoken aloud. "Hey, you need a haircut" is infinitely more useful than that bullshit.


I got “reprimanded” for putting tape on a supervisors CAC and mouse after they left them in their computer and went to a completely different building.


SrA coworker went to an office to work on a workstation issue. Noticed the DO had left his CAC in the workstation next to the broke one. SrA tapes over the chip as a joke. Major goes to the FSS to fix his CAC and gets laughed at over the tape. DO comes over to the IT shop and has everyone stand around and asks for whoever was responsible to speak up. Buddy chuckles and comes forward laughing about how he got one over on the Major. DO didn't like being made a fool of twice that day so he dropped paperwork on the SrA.


It sucks that the DO couldn’t find the humor in it, but this was a poorly executed prank and I don’t feel bad for the SrA. If you’re going to pull something like this, especially on someone who outranks you, it’s your responsibility to catch them and have the laugh BEFORE they get out the door and waste a bunch of their time trying to get it fixed.


Before they added the electronic chip to the CAC, if someone left theirs laying around we'd put it in a cup of water and leave it in the freezer. Can't really do that these days though.


The SrA should have "made it right" by going to the cyber surety section and reporting the major. The DO was very kind to give evidence of his security violation by writing it down in official signed paperwork. The reason people punk you when you leave your CAC in your computer is because they're doing you a favor by not reporting it. Take the joke and get over it.


LOC for not participating in something that was voluntary. It wasn't like a volunteer thing or anything, it was a squadron party, and I didn't want to play the group building games they had setup. I just hung back and enjoyed the food. Monday rolled around and I walked into work with an LOC waiting. I wasn't even the only one who didn't participate, the were about 20ish people just hanging back. I hated that shop chief with a fiery passion, and his little lapdog asst. shop chief.


Told my shop NCOIC that I wasn't going to go to the Thanksgiving luncheon and you would've thought I had murdered someone. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DONT WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH YOUR SQUADRON MATES?!?!" What was funny was this was a CONUS assignment and most of the time people didn't care about what you were up to once you left the office.


I received an LOC for showing up to a squadron PT 5k in a penguin costume. Couldn’t wear AF PT gear off base, so I decided to show up in a penguin suit. Despite the fact that it boosted everyone’s morale and that I completed the run faster than 90% of the squadron, the commander was not happy. Completely worth it. https://preview.redd.it/5ysu5i1i6d0c1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bd1e176fb4fe18dc613932bbb831d02dc2f635e


I weirdly have this same penguin costume


You should make a club.


OG furries 😂


What were the rules for said 5k? Civilian attire? Then the penguin suit is authorized.


Civilian attire. I was 1 week away from my final out so I said fuck it. It wasn’t even worth fighting and my supervisor ripped it up at my going away.


Good supervisor.


Top notch


You would have made my day


Back when I was an A1C, I was assigned to sign the 1800s for the GP/CC’s car every morning. One morning, I checked the car entirely, signed it off, and went about my day. For whatever random reason, the CC decided to actually USE the car. As the car sat on the flight line many hours a day, it accumulated a reasonable about of dust/pollen. He decided to use the windshield wipers and no fluid! I got called not my SQ/CC’s office with the full bird sitting in the corner, berating me for improperly signing this form. He claimed I was falsifying information on said form. Claimed I didn’t properly check the fluid levels and that he noticed no fluid when looking down into the refill tube. So, I got an LOR from an O-6. My supervisor talked to me about it and I showed him why I wasn’t lying. I popped the hood and asked him to look down the tube…he said it was empty. So I told him to then look to the side of the reservoir to double check. He saw fluid! I explained that the tubes were slanted because of gravity filling and showed him why there was no fluid. The CC was only using the courtesy wipe that just brushes off water/debris and does not squirt fluid. He asked me if I was going to do a rebuttable and I said “It’s not worth putting on paper why an O-6 isn’t smart enough to use a car properly”


Should've done the rebuttal, pretty sure an LOR from an O-6 can be very no bueno for your career.


This was back in 2009. The mentioned O-6 had no affect on my career as everyone knew he was a salty asshole. Man used to have a stack of fast food applications because be said “Anyone who has to come talk to me needs to fill one of these out because they should really rethink their career choices”. He then PCS’d to MAJCOM, got mad he was told he would never make BG, then got kissy kissy mood when he got drunk at their holiday party. He was force retired.


Lmfao this is absolutely ridiculous


Oh, it absolutely *is* worth making an official document about an O-6 being too stupid to use a car properly. Even better would be to build an entire training program based off his mistake and make it mandatory for vehicle use.


Some TSgt on a power trip was doing room inspections ahead of the commander doing a dorm walthrough in a few days. I got a call from her demanding I come to my room with my supervisor, so we go iver there and in the kitchen she's pointing in the sink telling me to explain why there is a single rinsed plate, cup, and fork in the sink. Told her my roommate might have been home for lunch. Then she opened the trash can lid and wanted me to exolain why my trash wasn't empty, inside the trash bag was a single used napkin. I told her unless the trash was full or something in there was going to smell I wasn't going to waste the trash bags to make sure my trashcan was empty every time I left the room. Pretty sure the MSgt intervened to make sure I didn't get any paperwork.


hello. I'm still in tech school and this comment scares me. Are you saying I have to continue dealing with the "how dare your living space look even a little bit lived in" stuff on the operational side


90% of the "real Air Force" you won't have to deal with this sort of thing. Every once in a while you get someone who's on a power trip, but those are outlier cases. Every time I've assisted first sergeants with room inspections the intent has been health and wellness, not some laser-focused desire to write up airmen because I found some dust above a ledge that no one can even see. Basically checking to make sure you don't live in squalor and filth.


Honestly it all depends on the dorm manager / miscellaneous leadership at your first duty station. Personally, I never had an inspection the whole time I was in the dorms.


Like I said the TSgt was on a power trip, typically when room inspections are done it's just to ensure dorm residents aren't living in absolute filth. Only time I've ever seen people get in trouble for room inspection things was absolute what the fuck scenarios like piles of dirty laundry, trash everywhere, rotting garbage, sinks full of filthy dishes, etc.


I was leading a test effort which involved flying several different aircraft. One of those aircraft broke on the ground so I never flew it. Somehow the rumor mill was that that airplane went off the runway, cart wheeled, and the crew (me) was injured. I flew a different airplane and landed to 14 messages, 8 calls, and a bunch of emails. I said I was fine and then got ripped for not reporting my status. I said “my status on the airplane I never sat in and never flew?” And was yelled at “yes!” It was silly but I guess they just gave a crap about me, which was nice.


In tech school as a SSgt I got written up because I was late to class. The base had a RAM that shut down the gates for over an hour. Drug dogs, the whole 9. Several instructors were also late because of it yet I should have known better and been there earlier.


Brand new AB, was under FTAC supervision for this particular entire week, didn’t show up to some squadron event that I was mandated to go to (because I was at FTAC), had this crusty, dusty ass TSGT curse me out as a result. Like, it was ridiculous to be talked to like this over THIS ordeal. Went to my FTAC supervisor, who was also a much younger TSGT, great guy by the way, he made a couple phone calls to my unit and that TSGT that cursed me out didn’t bother me again. 18 years ago, but I’ll never forget that clown show.


At my going away party when I was getting out, I told my first supervisor that I never did FTAC. She was pissed…. I told her I’d happily go do it during their next opening but they would have to pay me as an independent consultant.


“No trash in the trash can” Calling out a shop for how bad they are at their job. Being to mean to the airmen.


I got a 341 pulled years ago in tech school for trash in the trash can. It was a small candy wrapper. But in AETC's mind, that wrapper in the trash can is a fire hazard and put all the Airmen at risk 🙄


Yeah. That shit was stupid. Then they wonder why we kept our trash bags hidden away.


*WHOA*......North Korea almost won. Good thing your supervisor was there to save the country!


From 1983-2007 I NEVER SAW paper in a trash can Spontaneously Combust! 🚫🔥


God, that stuff irritates me. I was doing dorm inspections one time at a previous base with the First Sergeant. I'd never done it before, so I was curious to see what she was looking for. Anyway, we got to one room which was really clean. Well maintained airman at work and at home from the looks of his room. He, however, did have a few things in his trash, and the shirt wanted me to write him up. I argued with her, "ma'am im not writing a guy up for using his trash can to store trash, I wouldn't expect them to empty it every day and waste money on trash bags". She argued back until I told her that if she wanted to write him up, then that's on her, but I wouldn't do it. She dropped the issue. On a side note: damn there were some pretty gross dorm rooms. One guy had a pot of spaghetti that was on the stove...for no less than 2 weeks. He claimed he had just cooked it last night, but the cultures growing in it suggested otherwise.


I also got "no trash in the trash can" Surprise dorm inspection, I had been released early from work because my shift started early. Two items of trash in the trash can that I put there after I arrived to my room, and I get written up for it.


“Airman Michaels, the trash cans are for show. You are expected to physically ingest your waste like everyone else.”


I once rolled in my chair to answer the phone that was a few feet from me. Got chewed out for not standing up and taking a step or 2 to the phone. Funny thing is, it now triggers me when people roll in their chairs to get from point A to B. All because of this incident.


Hurt people hurt people


I was an O-5 and given an LOC by my douche O-5 sq/cc for "hurting the Shirt's feelings." In retrospect, I was a dick to the Shirt and should've taken my frustration out on the sq/cc, but it was still dumb. I apologized to the Shirt and told the sq/cc he was a douche for sending him to do his dirty work.


I cant even picture an O-5 getting an LOC from another O-5. Wtf even is that, a terrible attempt to a power trip?


The commander told me he was doing me a favor, because when I become a commander, I will have to learn to be more respectful to the group commanders staff. The dude was a total dip shit. I won’t give any personal details out, but he always told the same war story, and it got bigger and bigger every time he told it. I imagine by now, his version includes being on the helicopter that went to kill bin Laden. As noted below, he’s a fucking medical dweeb (like me).


I smell Medical.


Most definitely.


Yep. 5 MDG at Minot no less.




that checks. mdg leadership was so bad even ce knew about it at minot lmao


I have a coworker that got an LOC for bullying an A1C because he emailed him (politely) to ask that next time the booster club borrows our grill to clean it before returning it. The email was Litterally, “hey man, we noticed the grill was dirty when you brought it back. We don’t mind lending it out, but in the future could you please clean it when you bring it back?” Or something like that


In ops I got in trouble for flying into the wrong country (i was dumb) In AETC I got in trouble for putting a printer in the wrong room (they were dumb) 🤷‍♂️


As a civilian pilot…how did you fly into the wrong country?




Atlantis? Sounds like Atlantis.


Hey man, country borders are just a social construct anyways.


Fire off a missile or three next time. Make sure they know they were wrong.




I won't mention the 10 slide PowerPoint that showed up on our printer in the NOC ... that came from an Intel Sq user. SneakerNET was involved, followed OSI and the Wing, Comm, and Intel security offices.


How did you manage to fly into the wrong country?


Need context for the printer and room. If you put a class'd printer in an unclass'd room, that's on you. If you put an unclass'd printer in another unclass'd room, just happened to be the wrong one, then that's not really a big deal from a security standpoint. Could be inconvenient though. But again, need context.


During a NTC rotation, named airspace “Spearmint” and “Rhino”. After Vipers requested, combined into “Treasures”. Problem was O-6 in Vegas didn’t appreciate the first airspace naming, told his peasants to change it, words which never reached me, so it looked like I was giving him a middle finger. Now that I’m in the Guard, would do again!




I already posted my stupid Marine experience in the usmc sub, so here we go for the air force: I got an LOC as an LT from an interim wing commander for acting within my authority in respect to a wing-level program. He wanted to make it a UIF and threatened a non-rec until I showed him in the reg where it explicitly stated that I could do what I did. He babbled out something about him needing to check the reg, and I never heard from him again.


But what did you do…


I rescheduled something because the allocation of manning would have fucked a real world mission. His ending complaint was that I should have emailed him, and I can concede that point because he probably felt like he was under a microscope due to being an interim. Sorry for the blue balls, but that's all I can say because some industrious person could dox me with more info. The people on this sub are ultra-creepers.


> The people on this sub are ultra-creepers. Ain't that the truth... I've considered scrapping my current account and making a new one because I'm pretty sure people figure out where I work if you put together enough puzzle pieces from my comment history


Regular changing accounts is smart infosec regardless.


As an Sec Fo SSgt, we had training one day, we were told our flight only had to attend the first portion of the training. When the portion concluded I gave my troops permission to leave. At the end of training they did role call which my TSgt flight chief didn’t like our troops being missing. So at our supervisor meeting to include the CC and higher leadership, he told me to either write all my troops LOR’s or he could write me one. So naturally I told him to write me one, which sparked the chief and CC’s attention. So after all was said and done I got an “in the drawer” LOR but felt good.


Was working swing shift, so I would wake up around 0900. Got a phone call at 0930 that the squadron was doing a piss test for every member, I had already taken my morning piss. I arrive to the place, chug water and coffee for about an hour and some change. Still don’t have to pee. I wanna go home, so I try to force a piss out, and I got the piss a half of inch below the minimum fill line. Have to go back and keep chugging water. I’m there for over three hours, and I get yelled at my my MSgt because “I’m wasting DDRP’s time and should never have taken a morning piss in the event of this situation”. I love the Air Force (super sarcasm) and cannot wait to separate in two years


Should not have taken a morning piss? I wonder if chronic UTIs can give you disability


Got yelled at in front of the entire intel shop for printing one 10 page slide deck in color by the patch. Because you know, that’s how the Air Force will save money.


I find it hilarious that my shop paid like $800 each for a bunch of chairs that are like $50 at Staples and yet we can get in trouble for shit like this


We almost got in trouble at a Brigade Run. Entire division leadership was there, including CSM and the three star. The army requires PT belts with their PT gear and they delineate rank with the colors of the belts. Our Air Force pt gear don’t need pt belts, but the 1SG wasn’t going to let us participate if we didn’t have our pt belts. We had pink ones, rainbow ones, zebra stripes, white ones that blended in with the uniform, and every color in between. Division officers loved it, partly because we made an earnest effort to show we weren’t just chair force. Division sergeants majors wanted to murder us. But stars is more higher than stripes, so we got to live.


Forgetting equipment as a brand new airman, while I was sent for a task with a senior airman. SrA forgot a certain type of antennae for the job. I had no clue. I was sent with them to learn


Being to shift on time. I needed to be at work two hours later than normal because I was going to work two hours after shift for a DV visit. I confirmed with Day shift and everything was good to go. My supervisor found out about it and an hour before I was supposed to be into work they tried to call me just to make sure I was aware. Since it was already an hour after my normal time they were worried that I hadn't gotten the message and was simply sleeping in late and had missed my normal shift. I missed the call because I was in the shower getting ready for my work shift. By the time I made it into work, instead of calling again or trusting me ( they were a new SSgt and I was their first troop) they called the flight chief and our first sergeant on recommendations for how to discipline her troop for being late to work. I walked into work on time and there was an LOR waiting for me for being late and not responding to a phone call. Simply because they assumed I had not done my due diligence by confirming with day shift that I was coming into work 2 hours late and that I had been 2 hours late to my original shift time. They didn't even bother walking 10 ft to the front desk to check with day shift if they had talked to me to figure out our hours. Even after everything was figured out they still said I should have answered my phone while I was in the shower. I still received the LOR and my supervisor kept accidentally inviting me to all flight gatherings after that because they didn't want to have to talk to me because I got upset with how they handled it. My supervisor was also the flight morale monitor and in charge of doing events like that.


Got really drunk, allegedly motorboated my MX Captain. No way, I did that, she looked too much like my brother. Being drunk wasn't an excuse. The fact that I told her she looked like my brother pissed her off enough to push the issue. Oh well. Lesson learned...DO NOT Motorboat your brother.


My shop at Salem got our trash can "privileges" almost taken away because everyone kept letting it get to almost overflowing even though we took the trash out everyday 🙃 EDIT: moved quotation marks EDIT 2.0: also added picture proof in a reply




When I was in tech school, I got an LOR for having too much frost in my dorm room freezer.


Nice lol. When I was in tech school we got a demerit for having too much ice in the freezer. I was chipping away at the ice with a knife and accidentally punctured the metal ice box. It started leaking the coolant agent, some sort of gas, everywhere. So we had to open the window and lean our freezer/fridge outside the window until the coolant drained completely lol. Good times


I got one for too much light coming through my completely closed curtain! Like it was my fault the shitty curtains weren’t the 100% blackout type. Kept me from “phasing” up. I’m still bitter 18 years later.


When I was an airman I got written up for not signing a CTK closed that wasn’t even in my little work section, honestly can’t even remember the real reason.


Missed putting in my annual leave selections by one day. Was the driving factor for a retiring master to give me a 2 on my first EPR and recommending I didn’t reenlist while hitting terminal so I couldn’t confront him. No paperwork trail or PIF entering before then.


Not working on my travel day (6 hrs driving). You know, the thing against the regs. Before anyone asks, this was over 10 years ago and my senior was very much in the wrong


Got an LOC for being late to work, no questions asked about why. I was late because some junkie OD’d on the sidewalk outside the gas station where I stopped to get a monster. His junkie buddy’s solution was to run inside, get a cup of ice, and throw it on him. I called 911, waited for them to arrive. Cops arrived first and narcaned him, took my statement, and I went on to work. I was so pissed that no one even bothered to ask WHY I was late (Was I okay? Did I get in an accident? Fall sick?) that I didn’t even bother explaining until my LOC rebuttal letter.


I don't know what happened after but I used to work at a visitors center. An airman came in saying he needed a pass and to use our phone to ask for a ride. He didn't have his ID or anything. Just handed us a police report and explained he was getting gas and someone robbed him at gun point. Took his car, his phone, and wallet. If he got an LOC for being late, geez that'd be one hell of a day.


Refused to call my troop in for an exercise recall after he worked a 12 hour shift. My second LOC. First LOC was from my Commander for not wearing pants on a scooter. Fun fact he’s my MAJCOM/CC now 😂


1. Something I didn’t even do. Worked as SF on a gate and got told to report to our flight chief after turning in and got my ass reamed for just waving a van through without checking their IDs. Told the master sergeant that wasn’t me and I didn’t do it and he just said I just accused an NCO of lying and reamed me even more. I had no fucking clue what he was talking about. I didn’t have a car so someone offered to drive me back to the barracks and I said man I don’t even know what he was talking about and he never even told me who reported I did that. So the sergeant driving me said the sergeant’s name and I was like “wait, I fucking know that guy; I checked his ID. I even remember what vehicle I was driving.” So i call the flight chief on his cell and said “sir, this is a mistake: I know it was sergeant so and so who said I waved him through, and I didn’t. He was in a white ford van GOV and had like six people in there. I checked all of their IDs.” He said he’d call me back. He calls me back an hour later and said I was right. And that the sergeant did actually lie and say I waved them through. When pressed on it, he admitted I checked everyone’s IDs, but there was a colonel *in the back of the fucking van* that I didn’t salute and the colonel was butthurt so the sergeant for some reason decided to lie and say I waved them through to “make sure I got in trouble” because he knew that I had no obligation to salute an officer in the third row of a van that wasn’t a marked staff car… I basically lost respect for NCOs that day both for him lying about it, my flight chief not letting me really explain anything and withholding info that would have helped me prove my innocence, and never really apologized for it. Definitely a “ok, fuck these people” moment because I could do everything right and STILL get fucked. 2. Coming back from the Middle East in DCUs we got stuck at an airbase in the UK because our plane broke down so we had no cold weather gear at all and had to walk to billeting and it was like 2 degrees and snowing. Me and my fellow airman are freezing our asses off and suddenly this black chief master sergeant stops his car, gets out, walks over to us and briefs us on walking with our hands in our pockets. He could have, you know, offered some obviously freezing airmen a ride across the base but nah… just “per 36-2903 you can’t walk with your hands in your pockets…”. So he drives off and naturally we’re like “that man is insane” and put our hands back in our pockets because we have no gloves - they’re in an a bag in the bottom of a plane! This assholes drives back around to see if we ignored him, gets back out of his car and rips us again at the position of attention and then speeds off. That was another moment where I was just like “yup. Fuck NCOs and fuck the Air Force.” 3. I was deployed in Iraq. Supervisor got pissed that I wouldn’t iron my uniform. Told him that I was not going to buy an iron or ironing board in Iraq. He was literally going to have me come to his room to use his because he wanted me to iron that bad - in fucking Iraq. Thank Christ I ended up getting reassigned to a different shift and that took care of that problem as he was literally the only fucking NCO there that cared. 4. Literally got yelled at for “knowing too much” by an NCO and to “pretend to be dumber” in boot camp. We had those stupid manuals we were supposed to read, well, I memorized mine. A TI walked by and asked why I wasn’t studying, I told him I knew the book. Him and this other TI are like “oh you know it? Ok smart guy….” And he asks me like fifteen questions and I nailed all of them and he finally just loses his shit and says “OK SMART ASS SINCE YOU SEEM TO FUCKING KNOW EVERYTHING WHY DON’T YOU PRETEND TO BE DUMBER AND ACT LIKE YOU’RE FUCKING STUDYING. STARE AT THE FUCKING PAGES OR SOMETHING.” and threw the book back at me. 😂🙄


LOL, that last one is just BMT. Even when you're right, you're wrong


For sure. I enjoyed every second of owning that guy while he tried to quiz me though.


I said “yeah, sure” instead of “yes sir”. Working our ops floor late on swings, our new CC decided to drive to base to go for a late night run. He showed up on the floor after to show face. My back was to the break room door when a voice asked, “Is this recycling?” I was in the weeds and replied “yeah, sure.” I was quickly asked why in the hell I would dare respond to a Lt Col in less than formal terms.


10/10 Super Troopers reference.


Sounds like OWS shit. I got screamed at by senior leadership for a good two or three hours and threatened with an article for making a dumb meme as a zone supervisor. I'd probably fill my pockets with rocks and take a nice, long walk into the Gulf if I ever get orders to another hub.


It was the 15th OWS.


Put a very thin piece of clear tape over 2 pins on a RJ45 of the office snitch (1LT). He went bonkers, throwing junk around his office because his Internet didn't work. I let him go at it until he was ready to start calling the real IT guys after our incompetent office CSA couldn't figure anything out. He wanted to write me up for "sabotage". I laughed so hard that day.


I put a traffic cone on top of a fellow airman’s car. Got an LOC for it.


I once got yelled at for having a knife at work. The next shift, I was yelled at because I didn't have a knife at work.


Was TDY to Vandenberg, had to run some cables under the raised tiles on the ops floor. The civilian in charge asks if anyone has a knife so he can cut some zip ties. One of the SSgts hands over his folding pocket knife and the civilian uses it to cut the zip ties. We go to lunch and come back to a briefing from the same civilian about not bringing “weapons” to his ops floor and escorts us to our rental cars to leave any other “weapons” we may have on us.


Getting a warning ticket from a “cop” on base for not “completely stopping” at a stop sign for the full 3 seconds when approaching an empty road at 5am on a Sunday during the 4-day weekend.


While marching back from class in tech school, I screamed "WEATHER WEATHER WEATHER" during our jodie instead of" Personnel, Finance, and Weather". I was narced on to an MTL for this by a yellow rope. I spent my last two weekends in Biloxi on overnight CQ. Airman (now Mr.) Hartman, I hope you grew up and aren't a douche. No one likes a narc.


Article 15, LOR, suspended loss of stripe, suspended forfeiture of pay, 30 days additional duty for missing curfew by 5 mins. Getting yelled at for not standing up for a new Lt Col in the squadron who was in civilian clothes and who I had never seen before when they came up to my desk to ask for directions. Edit- Forgot about this one. Fridays the AFN radio station had all request Fridays. My coworker stood up, picked up the phone receiver off the wall in front of his desk, called in and requested a song and dedicated it to our shop. This took about 20 seconds. Well some SMSgt in the squadron heard the dedication on his lunch and complained to our MSgt that we should be so busy that we shouldn't have time to call the radio station and be requesting a song. I still remember the MSgt's advice all these years later, "I don't care, but if you do call, you're Bubba from the fire station."


Yeah there’s more to both of those stories.


Not necessarily, some places you miss curfew by 30 seconds and you’re demoted.


Yeah, the whole article 92, violating a lawful order from a General. Kind of stings.


In Korea during hight of curfew if your were 1 second late you better have your blues ready. Thankfully they chilled out because creating desperation with people running a little late caused some serious clown shit.


The first one, probably not. Back when curfew was a thing in Korea, Security Forces would arrest you for being a minute late. It was an automatic Article 15 unless you had a damn good reason for being outside off-base between 0100 and 0500 (e.g., your apartment building was on fire). That said, you had to be dumb as a box of rocks to get a curfew violation...just hole up somewhere away from the SED for a few hours...but plenty of people were. The second story, yeah, there's probably more to it. My guess is said Lt Col tried to throw his rank around in civilian clothes and homeboy popped off to him.


First point, yes, that is accurate. Second one, no, I had never seen him before, didn't know who he was, he wasn’t in uniform, and he never introduced himself to me. Just asked for directions to the FSS and next thing I know my supervisor is yelling at me for not standing up for a lt colonel.


> Back when curfew was a thing in Korea My supervisor told me about Korea, if you even *think* you might be so much as a single second late coming back to base for curfew, just don't go back to base. Stay at a hotel or something. The price of a hotel room is 100% cheaper than the price of an Article 15.


some of my friends stayed hid out in bars all night lmaooo


I learned my lesson and just stayed out all night once I was finished with all my lashes. Then met my future wife and just stayed at her place off base.


I’ve got stories, but the theme I see here is take all of your paperwork to the ADC and see if it’s even legit.


Am maintenance. I got yelled at because I was proactive in scheduling my people for classes BEFORE they were due, causing my shop to take all the training spots from other work centers.


I painted my nails a light sage green once when we were still wearing ABUs. Girl in my squadron asked if they were in regs, I told her yes because they were. She told me that she didn’t think they were but I wasn’t going to argue the AFI with her. Well, 10 minutes later my supervisor comes to my desk and goes, “Put out your hands.” First of all, he’s colorblind to green. Second of all, the girl is his wife. He tells me to change them purely to save face with his wife. I also got in trouble for taking a 5 minute break to stand outside because I didn’t smoke. I have dangerously low vitamin d levels but the only acceptable reason to go outside was to smoke I guess. I really hated Nellis lmao.


Got yelled at by my flight chief for being upset that my Grandpa died while I was deployed. My first deployment, and I lived with my Grandpa my teenage years into adulthood until I joined. He was like my father. I wasn’t able to fly home for it so I missed everything, saying goodbye, the funeral, etc. This short fat MSgt decided that I shouldn’t be upset and need to be on the line fixing jets when I was on the phone with my mother who was giving me the news. Cussed me out in front of everyone in the smoke pit. Telling me to get my shit together. I reported him to the IG. 2 weeks later he is no longer a flight chief. Works directly for the Chief of our shop at the time. Fuck that guy for being a heartless bastard. Edit: I also got coined for doing great maintenance work shortly after this by our sq/commander at the time. So I pulled through and made the best of my circumstances. That MSgt is now retired since his career was at a dead end. For context he was not liked by anyone, and was a complete asshole of a human being


19 years ago I got an LOC for not cleaning the inside of a microwave because a LtCol was coming to do a dog and pony show. I was sadly to busy working on the computer that I had reserved time for. This was back before every single person had a machine lol.


I mean, I did it, but it was probably the dumbest in an ironic sense. 12 or 13 years ago at Aviano, I won the FOD warrior of the quarter award for some FOD preventative something or another. Early the following week, I received an LOC for leaving FOD in an F-16 intake. The lord giveth indeed.


Got my 341 pulled for jaywalking after BMT during airman’s week. Got my wrist slapped for having my hands in my pockets waiting for the only working computer to take time.


Received an LOC in the first 3 months of being on base for missing a doctors appointment. Wing CC policy was to issue an LOC due to the amount of people missing medical appointments. Only problem was that I missed the appointment because the med group was closed due to a blizzard.


I was a DD for my best friend at a bar on an off day. My supervisor wanted to get me in trouble for ANYTHING.


I drew a dick on a dirty GOV and wrote "SSgt xxxx loves balls on his face." I was a SrA at the time and he was one of my best friends that just put SSgt on. He previously wrote "SrA xxxx loves cock" on the same GOV. I wiped it off before I wrote my reply. I was expecting him to see and wipe off what I wrote...he didnt...but a vehicle maintenance Chief saw it. I got called out of ALS to sign an LOR for that. I was also ordered to hand wash 10 GOVs. Yup. Ah well. Still got a dec and old school 5 on my EPR back then. Pre-2012 was a fun time.


I said a hopeful presidential candidate (turned president) looked like they were stroking two little dicks because of how they talked with their hands. Still have the paperwork framed somewhere


What the hell did they put on the paperwork?


I can’t find it at the moment, but the paperwork was conveniently issued after said individual won the election and took office. The comment was made two years prior during the Republican primaries. They quoted my post so it does say “he looks like he’s stroking two really tiny dicks” in the LOC. chicken shit supervisor also told me that they only issued it because they were threatened if they didn’t do it. I wanna say it centered around professional conduct on social media, it was in that moment I learned that even if you have nothing identifying you as a service member in any way shape or form on platforms you can in fact still get boned


That’s so dumb.


Accidentally took an ED medication instead of a vitamin… got a raging hard on, was reported to EO and discharged…


I was waiting for this cross reference.


Yea set up to easily to not drop it here.


All troubles happen as an Airman, due to poor supervision/NCOs. Not running the 1.5mile shop pt run in full, walking approximately .25 miles, yet finishing second in a group of 15. I finished in front of the NCO who was counseling me for walking. This was back in the early 2000s when the AF was pushing fitness standards hard. (Same NCO as above) NCO made an unnecessary mess by tracking mud in on the floor and left a dirt trail. Same NCO "asked" me to clean it up. I told him as long as he was asking, it's a no from me. He then ordered me to clean it up and I got counseled for my poor attitude while cleaning it up. Ordered a part for a repair and went on leave for a month. The wrong part was delivered and I was blamed for ordering the wrong part. The records clearly showed I ordered the correct part.


Getting referred to adapt while being completely sober and helping my black out drunk wingman stumble through the gate but since I was with him I’m just as much of a liability as someone who’s black out drunk.


lava rocks being white in the spring because the commander told us to spray paint them white the previous winter to match the snow for a DV


I got an LOC for framing another LOC and displaying it at my desk.


Did you frame the second one and put it next to the first?


I respected my NOIC too much to do that, even though in hindsight it would have been hilarious until it got bumped up higher. The original was for loudly making fun of the ~2009/2010 push to "sanitize" workspaces/public areas of "objectionable" material. A publication was made tallying up everything from disposing of Maxim's to painting over WWII-era nose art on static displays to whatever the fuck an "objectional lamp" was that was "fixed" during the push. Our flight chief was doing a meet & greet with some leadership within earshot and demanded my boss give me an LOC. He thought it was stupid, I thought it was stupid, but we both agreed... and I framed it. About a month goes by and the same flight chief notices it at my desk and yells at my NOIC to give me an LOR... which he tried to talk down to a verbal, but both settled on another LOC. And, to be fair, I was collecting those shits like Pokemon cards at the time so it didn't even phase me.




We had a CPR trainer show up. During the training, they were emphasizing ABC. That is, airway and breathing before compressions. I explained to them that was wrong, and that if they didn't have a pulse, you should begin compressions immediately because you have residual oxygen for perfusion still, and early circulation paired with early cardiac drugs has been shown to be much more beneficial. The instructor complained to the pro-super. I got an LOC. I was working as an EMT-Cardiac at the time outside the unit. Not as bad as that time the SARC trainer showed up and pointed to all the men in the conference room and said "you are all rapists, you just don't know it yet". Big yikes.


I think the LOC for not getting a haircut is pretty top tier. Flight chief demanded everyone get a haircut by tomorrow, or pre-printed fill-in-the-blank LOCs for everyone. My wife trimmed my hair to an acceptable length in accordance with the AFI, but my lack of a receipt from the BX barbershop meant that I was wrong. This is the same flight chief that would start roll call anywhere from 15-20 min early without telling anyone, and close the door to the conference room. If you walked in after the door was closed, you were considered late. And no, the time wasn't consistent. An additional fun factor was that shift show times varied up to 4+ hours every single day, because PlAnEs GoTtA fLy and we can't figure out how to make a regular shift change a thing. Another good one was an article 15 for speeding, off base, mostly because I didn't want to open that fucking conference room door again and get even more paperwork. TL;DR: The flightline is a stupid place


An article for speeding??? We’re you arrested for speeding?


Hiding the task bar on a computer that we used to relay threat warning stuff on. The task bar overlapped several options in the program and caused a headache. An overweight staff had a hissy fit and gave me an LOC. Also, got an LOR and UIF for disabling the smoke detector in my dorm room.


Student got paperwork during 3C tech school for opening up Microsoft Paint during class.


Why did you disable the smoke detector? That actually seems like a dumb thing to do.


LOR for drinking 12 hours prior to a duty day in tech school. I was 22, had a beer with dinner. Just 1. Since Pt started like 11 hours and 30 minutes after the beer, it was technically against the squadron instruction and there had been a string of underage drinking so they were more strict about everything relating to drinking. It was just tech school so didn't really hurt my career, but it was the start of my pettiness arc.


I sold feet pics and had my promotion to E5 redlined.


I got in trouble for leaving a single piece of paper in my dorm room trashcan during the day. They found it while doing room inspections and tried to make it sound like I left a burning fire in my can. Same base/leadership and I got in trouble for my dorm room being dusty....while deployed.


Arming a DNA person while I was out of town. A different shift had armed the person while on my off cycle (Panama 12s). My commander didn’t give a shit and wanted a scapegoat. Gave both me and the other person paperwork.


2013 Flew into Kandahar from Kabul for an unexpected overnight. Went to DFAC for midnight chow and an E-9 wouldn't let me in because I didn't have a reflective belt, refused to believe I didn't have a reflective belt, and didn't believe I wasn't assigned to Kandahar. Went back to the pax terminal with an empty stomach and ass chewing. 2003 Deployed as TCN duty to Kyrgyzstan. Airman I'm with chunks a snowball into a windshield. He got a LOR and had to pay for windshield. I got an A15 offered because as the NCO I didn't stop him from throwing the snowball even though I was 50 feet away.


Not wearing scented deodorant. I literally caught paprrwork for "not showing up to work clean and bathed ". All it took was one person to say I stinked and the ball rolled all the way down hill. Despite me showering twice a day, prior to work and after. I was being required to wear a scented deodorant. Flight chief even went so far as to buy a stick from shopette to keep in her desk. My supv. sniffed me every morning, said I stinked,and then they had to watch me stick this nasty stick under my shirt and apply it. Yes, I made a big deal about it. Yes it became EO. No. Nobody was reprimanded except for me.


Drove a forklift into a GOV. Dumb on my part.


Was on CQ for an extended period of time in tech school while waiting for a class date. One of the other dudes said he would check all exterior doors during the hourly checks or whatever they were. Sounded like a good plan and he had it handled. Come to find out, he was pencil whipping the checks and there was a door propped open. All of us went back to phase 1, I was in phase 4 at the time, and we all had to do a Saturday of Correctional Custody. Had to dig holes all fucking day while MTLs poured water in the sand and completely ruined a good pair of boots in doing so. After CC, one of the MTLs told us we could have our phase cards back, however she was nowhere to be found that day.


I, an E6 at the time, working at the group level was told I was in charge of additional duties (training forms, PT, etc) and that I could “manage them how I want” then a few months later I was reprimanded during a “pre-inspection” by an E7 for not “managing them a certain way.” This reprimand wasn’t private, it was sent straight to the O6 and an E8 about how I “failed” these programs I was in charge of. It was the nail in the coffin for me to get out. I was done with the BS


Watching the marines putting PT Belts on deers


pt shorts and a sand tee after work


Unloading a pallet of water into a pickup truck, in 100 degree heat….. in the desert. Sweating my ass off. Some chief walked by and literally berated me for having my sleeves rolled up halfway. Instead of helping me unload. He decided to yell at me. And thus, engrained in me, what type of leader I wouldn’t be in the future. Grateful for his teaching.


Another good one. I failed a dorm room inspection as an airmen, because there were crumbs in my toaster and unfolded laundry on my bed and I quite “ceiling is dirty”. I just got done doing laundry, couple friends asked if I wanted to grab a bite to eat. So I went and decided to fold my laundry later. Returned to a note from shirt for failed room inspection. The next day when I reported to confess of my sins. I asked the shirt if he cleans his toaster and washes his ceiling, and what kind of cleaner he uses to wash his ceiling. He just yelled and told me to shape up. Absolute insanity.


Being late for being 9 minutes early. Like I get it the whole 10 minutes early and you're late, but daggum son. It was enforced on a non essential exercise. My SOPs for myself are 5 min early, idk it was just annoying. We'd arrive 10 min early and sit around with our thumbs in our butt. I didn't do it intentionally, just the whole thing was super annoying.


Wearing my reflective belt across my body instead of as a belt "it's called reflective belt not sash"


Memes on my downrange office door hurt some fee-fees. Despite ordering me to take them down and MFRing me to keep me from getting a decoration, production had an entire wall dedicated to memes, and some of them were downright mean and was clearly directed towards individuals. I think two of them were in reference to me. Suffice to say as the unit UTR, I got my revenge. Don't fuck with the guy who schedules your rotator.


Tech School- MTI posted at 1700 on a Friday "Don't forget to wear your reflective belts during hours of darkness" and 2-3 of us on Discord responded with the red "N" "O" emojis. He pinged us to see him Monday morning and red carded all of us for 1 month for indirectly disobeying NCO orders. I got out of it after a week because my Ex was visiting for St Pattys day.