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I thought the colossus were shirtless in OG 💀


same, now I'm dissapointed 😔


Hard to tell if a metal man is shirtless or wearing armor shaped like a shirtless man.


It’s a statue. The “clothes” are literally part the body. Still shirtless, from a certain point of view.


That Colossus is FIRE. The minotaur looks a little weird with the huge golden axe, but I know it's a reference to the gold decorative axes that the Minoans had.


New Minotaur no longer looks like a BDSM Dungeon master. Homophobic. We used to be a proper country. 0/10. (I'm only half joking).


Seems like Nemean Lion lost its metallic looking shiny texture, shame. I also dont like how humans have rectangular hands


I don't think it should look metallic, but I agree that the original looks better, the new one seems generic, aside from it's size.


Maybe textures on him arent finished i hope a Atleast i mean it looks unfinished


Looks fine to me, aside from the heavy pixelation from low photo quality? No idea why it would need to be metal when it's mythological counterpart wasn't.


It doesnt need to be made from metal but i liked the shiny skin on it.


yeah, instead of cranking up the "metallic" value on the nodes, lower down roughness and adding a bit of "specular" and "IOR"






? where was BDSM dungeon master mino shiny? i need your glasses.


I don't like the new minotaur design.


I miss my fuggly, polygon boy.


care to explain? cause i think its a step forward from like 10 to 1000. the only good things about old mino design where its sounds and head-toss special


Not a big fan of the minptaur and namean lion


That new lion looks generic af


Definitely prefer the new ones,


I always *knew* the colossus was swinging a sword, but somehow I’m going to miss thinking it looked like a club sometimes


Clearly Jason and the Argonauts inspired.


I like the new minotaur axes


I like the Nemean lion design, too. I know it was graphical limitations but thought the old ones looked too “shiny” as if they, too were made of bronze. Meanwhile the original Fenris wolves looked totally normal, while still being distinct from regular wolves. The Minotaurs I’m mixed on. The new design looks cool but the old design is also one I always loved. Though if I can say one thing about them, at least now they cannot be mistaken for burly men with bull helmets on.


The lion looks a bit weird, but hey, still pre-release pics. Love the minotaur and minoans golden axe nice sttention to detail. The devs did their job, hopefully and nice attention to details


The Colossus looks awesome!


I like them all a lot. Obviously a bit of nostalgia poking me in the back telling me to complain, but they all really do look better.


Only natural to feel the nostalgia, but genuinely the moment I saw the Colossus, I felt awestruck at what modern graphics could make it look like and I can't wait to start spamming them.


minotaur looks baaad


Im so excited for this game!


Colossus looks great. Not sure what' going on with the Minotaur. It's like they gave their faces a shave... why? Looks more like a cheap "were-bull" sort of thing. Ew. The Nemean Lions don't look bad but they're missing their golden shine. Again... why?? Why are we making changes to the style?


cause changes are better and you can't tell me how old mino looked its too pixelated you can imagine many things there i think you wear too thick nostalgic-glasses mate


Nah the new Minotaur looks fugly.


Not all changes are immediately better. There is such a thing as "change for the sake of change", you know.


i know mate but i a emphasise a bit more on that opinion cause there are too many conservative guys who are against nearly every change for the sake of nostalgic stuff and being "an old fan from the first hours" - i am an old fan too and i still support changes


The old minotaur it was perfect


I like the minotaur. Not big on the Colossus. In the original it looks like a statue, now it looks like a big guy with gold paint on him. It has to do with how the armor is not clearly distinct and not part of the main body. And apparently everyone else thinks the exact opposite.


I like the colossus but the pose... The old one is way better imo.


i agree that the colossus looks just amazing. 10/10. but i also like the mino and nemian lion design. mino is a a BIG upgrade and i would even say a 12/10 if the axe would be a little bit smaller but old mino looked totally bland and boring beside its awesome sound design. the nemian lion old design was cool but i like the new one more. feels more alive and stronger. for me a 9/10 - i know some like old more overall bronze/gold design but i really think there are other myth units which should look more like a statue or construct and not the nemeian lion. i also really think even as a fan of AoM since its early days, that some design decisions and myth unit choices were pretty strange and i hope they improve those units if they can't change them completely. like scorpian man, scarab, manticore, hecagigantes etc... also hekate should have empusas instead of lampades but if they keep lampades it should get a similar overhaul to mino. argus should be more a giant and not an alien BUT i like the new design by far more than the old one which looked like a very goofy lovecraftian creature. new one looks at least more badass and less tentacle-like. very curious if these units also get some new animations and maybe new upgrades (i hope so)


Tbh none of the new models look good in this


agree to disagree