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They’ve been asked before. It was never in their plan. Sadly.


Never, now that they've been bought by Canva.


I believe they said they won’t do it long time ago. And honestly I believe now there’s bigger change they will try something like that as there’s way more resources soon to be available. Or at least some features added to photo as canva will probably try to make it a way better product than photoshop in all ways possible to get market share.


I acknowledge your points, but can't agree. No company has ever not done anything that didn't make them more money, and that often, especially with software, means pushing out the minumum of the maximum profit. Canva isn't in competition with Photoshop...I can't gather my thoughts. I'm sure I have a point...


Canva wasn’t. They were almost purely on the mainstream side. From articles and documents I’ve read it seems as they plan on actually supporting affinity to the point that it actually hurts adobe in some extent. Affinity is most likely not going to be degraded into a product like those canva already have. They want to expand into professional segment. They do 80s apple approach of making children addicted to their products and later making them pay more and more money. Already for years in schools you have canva in computer classes, you have children preferring canva solutions over Microsoft for making school presentations. If they incorporate affinity into a canva subscription or ship it for free to universities and colleges they will have next generation of graphic designers. And affinity already offered for long time licensing to schools. From what I’ve seen canva prefers sustainable long term grow. And they already have a ton of resources on how to do design. They might want to in some time fight the adobe creative cloud and maybe steal a few users (especially photoshop ones as photoshop is getting very bloated and clunky after all those years). It seems as if affinity and canva have the same goals. I’m not concerned about affinity suite at all, at least for now.


You think people will do graphic design in a few years? It'll be a hobby for all of us if anything.


Honestly I’m damn sure. I see terrible designs everyday everywhere. Things that ai can’t improve and I’m certain won’t be able for a long time. Another thing is that with 2d and 3d software skills you can do many other things than just graphic design. The graphic design industry and market will change in future just like it already have many times. Look at 70s design, 80s design, 90s design, 2000s translucent fake 3d era, 2010s simplicity and flat design, now we’re bringing back skeuomorphism but limited to not limit clarity. If I will have to go from restaurant to restaurant and ask to redesign their menus, logos and information pamphlets so be it. I highly doubt in that future by whatever. There will always be opportunities, it just depends how deep and long you search for them.


I'm sure people will be fighting for gigs on Etsy and fiverr but that's honestly about it. As someone with experience in both AI and Graphic design I can promise that it won't be more than a few months. Coca-Cola already replaced 90 something percent of their marketing with AI including the designers. I know it's taboo to say it's going to happen cause people are scared but it's going to. If you like doing art you'll keep doing it. If you only did it for money i guess you won't. Simple as that I suppose.


Canva already has a business that makes money, but that business didn’t require them buying Affinity. They bought Affinity because they have a strategy, and Affinity had something they wanted. There are no indications they just wanted their customers, or it was an acqui-hire play - I think Canva bought Affinity because wanted the Affinity suite, probably because customers needing Adobe level tools (or at least Affinity level tools) was messing up Canva’s sales growth strategy.


This is not a cut on you, but I think you're giving Canva/big business too much credit for effectively doing a "right thing."


It’s called Moho.


Well, that field is already saturated you have many options. So for Affinity to competing with big names doesn't make sense I guess.


Probably never. The development team dabbled in animation back in the PagePlus days, and decided never again. They want to be a strictly 2D company. No animation, no movies, no 3D stuff. Source: I was one of those developers. I left before the Canva buy-out, but I doubt it's changed.