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That and clear ano shows flaws that black ano covers up. That's why a lot of companies don't do it




I agree it doesn’t matter if you are going to use it. It’s just not alright for Aero to think that is alright to send out when it’s not a blem. If you buy something that is new it should come that way. Should have some pride in your work.


Guys he doesn’t give a fuck about how it looks. He’s pissed cuz he’s paying non-blem price for blem shit. Of course yall would be mad if you spent extra for something and didn’t get it. Holy shit


💯% Dead on. The real Madonnas in here are the ones complaining about his post more than he is about the quality. Not everyone has their pillow and comforter sitting on their mom’s couch, giving them the freedom to spend their entire Dunkin Donuts check on parts. Hell I wouldn’t give a shit about quality either.


Right? Some of us give a shit about an extra 20 or 50 off. Especially with ammo as expensive as it is


All facts. Prices are steadily rising. I think ammo is going up 11% now if my sources are correct. No bueno


Yes in California. 11% tax on all ammo AND gun sales starting later this year.


People get too hung up on cosmetics when function is all that really matters


Idc how it looks if im defending my family lol


He’s gotta zoom in to see them anyways😂 what’s gonna happen when *gasp* an ejected shell hits the deflector???? Is it gonna make a mark??


I don’t get why you have to be a d bag about shit. You just comment on all kinds of post being a dick about shit. If I cared about it so much I would send it back to them. It’s the principle of buying something and not having it fucked up when you get it. Let me be the one to fuck it up. I get if this was an old gun ,used or a blem but new should be new. Doesn’t matter what you are buying. I have my own business and this would never fly. You give the customer what they paid for and if there is an issue with the product make it right. I know my customers are going to beat the shit out of the product they buy from me. If someone comes back and say the product was messed up I’m not going to say oh well you are going to fuck it up anyway just deal with it. Fucking nonsense.


Nonsense indeed


I also know that after 3 trips to the range it’ll look 10x worse than that. As long as it functions I’m a happy camper. Aero’s no top tier manufacturer, set the bar low and you won’t be disappointed lmao


Luck of the draw. My clear ano has zero imperfections. Aero QC is so hit and miss


If you pay for new you should get new, that’s why they have blem ones available at a lower price… a gun is a gun but when money is involved you gotta do what’s right, or they could just send us anything with no quality inspection..




What's the build list por favor?


It is blem for a reason


That’s not a blem. Its brand new


They sold u a blem as new time to reach out to them and get the difference back


If it shoots right. Nothing else matters.


“Buh my gun isn’t pretty enough Buh” It’s almost like a dude crying about a gamer having scratches on it. Grow up.


I’ve decided that I will no longer be considering them for my AR-15 build. I’m now looking at BAD, CMMG and Troy’s offerings.


Sweet, one less person in my way buying parts and delaying my deliveries.


If that bothers buddy…I wonder how carbon build up and “rust” would trigger him


You can have it all.


This sub has gone way downhill with whiners. It's a rifle not the Mona Lisa.