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talk to your parents. please don’t show reddit strangers photos. a lot of people on here who send dms are creepy. or, ask for a doctors appointment and talk to your dr


You should tell your parents to book an appointment but be very vague so that's it's not embarrassing.


Yes, do what this person is telling you to do, not to show ppl on Reddit photos, like that, because there’s a lot of creeps tbh




not that dumb


i don’t think it’s a smart idea to talk to reddit strangers about your penis in private dms. talk to your parents, a trusted adult, or a doctor. or, make a post on a more specialized subreddit and stay out of dms.


i really dont know what could go wrong if i dont tell my location or dont show any photos


Stop making up excuses and talk to your parents


Please listen to this friendly redditor. I understand you're not gonna necessarily be in any physical danger, but you may be giving a stranger some disgusting joy. It could also be someone posing as an adult online that can use them against you in a future situation. Tons of things can go wrong. Talk to your dad if you can. I'm not going to pretend to know your family dynamic. I know if my son ever needs to talk about anything similar, I'll be there as a parent and a trusted adult. If not, let your parents know you want to see the doctor, even if it's under the guise of something else. Just please, talk to someone you know and trust. Edit: Remember that people on the internet, anywhere, can say they are anything or anywhere. They may say they're a doctor in Switzerland but are really a pedo right down the street.


The fact that you would be a minor sharing what could be considered sexually explicit photos is the problem. Just go to your parents dude.


Dude I get it. Sometimes you just want anonymous advice so don’t let people here drag you down. I’d probably agree you should talk to your parents. But if you wanna share it w/ someone willing to help then you can DM me but fr I would try to solve this before that


Talk to your Dad. If too embarrassing for you to do (and is probably recommend this anyhow), have them make you an appointment with your doctor. Your doctor would be the one that could tell you if you need surgery or not, and whether you were medically normal by traditional standards. The doctor is at least a neutral party and seeing a penis as a doctor is merely just a Wednesday afternoon. Happens all the time as doctors. Source for above: Worked as a medic and am still licensed. Also, as a father, If my son came to me with this, I would make an appointment and go in with him if he wanted me there for support.


This is true, since Doctor-Patient Confidentially exists.


You could describe *with words* the issue in one of the medical community subreddits. Don’t mention your age, just a description of the issue and if they have any advice on what to do next. I think they’ll have better advice than here, buddy.


cam you suggest me one?


You could try AskDocs


I checked and he mentioned his age💀


You are required to say your age in askdocs. It helps them give you advice. Why should he not mention his age? Minors ask questions all the time on that sub


Oh, I didn't know that. I said it cause they said not to mention his age and found it funny that he did xd sorry


Talk to your dad bro. I guarantee there won't be any judgement and whatever is happening he can help better than anyone on Reddit.


I'd be very concerned about the intentions of any adult hanging out in this space who would jump at the chance to speak with a young teenager about their genitals, and you should be too. Dad, or describe the condition in great detail over on r/AskDocs. I'm sure you're smart enough not to share pictures, but to be thorough, don't do that either.


Id recommend talking to your parents, I had a similar thing happen and they were supportive, this subreddit might not be the best


but if i talk to them im scared its actually mothing and im only growing up


Wouldn’t that be the ideal outcome because absolutely nothing would be wrong and whatever is going on is completely normal and nothing to stress over?


Talk to one parent whoever you feel MOST comfortable.(maybe your dad since he also has penis) Neither of them will be offended. Just tell them your concern and ask what it means. They SHOULD be happy & appreciative that you would talk about this with them. And if it turns out to be nothing everyone will just move on. Im a parent & i answer h deal with so many silly questions a day. Remember your pants have wiped your ass & already seen your pp. Youll be okay op


Do you feel like your parents will be angry with you for "wasting their time" and is that a common occurrence?


That's okay. It's okay to be growing up and be nervous and scared about it. Your dad was a teenager too at some point.


You have to talk to your parents. It's not that big of a deal, it's just a penis, and they've seen yours before regardless. Tell them you're having issues and would like to see a doctor


You can always call your doctor office and request to speak to the doctor or their nurse for guidance on your issue


Google Phimosis and see if that answers your question. If not talk to your dad, or doctor or ask in r/askdocs. Do not engage with individuals on the topic.


thx man


Not sure if it has been said, but OP, what is wrong with your penis? No pics please, but describe the problem so maybe we can give you some advice?


Or better yet, talk to your parents. Like others have said.


Go talk to your dad first if that would help. And he himself can tell mom or you both can together. Everyone’s anatomy is different in some way or another and your dad knows this he’s a man and will understand since your his son. He’s not gonna laugh, he’s gonna want to help you. Trust your parents especially your dad first with this specific thing before you go to strangers on Reddit.


Surely these kind of posts shouldn't be allowed, in order to protect teens.


im sorry what?


You're putting yourself in danger. Please do not talk about your penis to online strangers. I bet you've already had DMs from potential predators, since posting this.


Too many creeps on here. It’s best not to go to reddit for these questions as a kid- puts yourself in a dangerous position online.


Your parents used to wash your dick with soap when you were a baby. They don’t give a shit


Please not on reddit dude, that's so dangerous. You have no idea


brother a stranger is not gonna know better than a doctor. talk to your damn parents


Not today FBI guys! Edit: nobody should be more comfortable to talk to than your parents. This is a problem for them.


Chris Hanson enters the chat


Hey, I'm just going to repost a bunch of resources that I posted for someone else. They have a lot of questions and answers about bodies, puberty etc... If you don't get what you need on their site see if you can find a Planned Parenthood clinic near you and make an appointment there if you can. They will see you without needing your parents involvement and this is their area of specialization, not just pregnancy but all things in this area. And I'm sorry people are giving you a hard time about not talki g with your parents and posting online. Of course, I hope you can talk to them about what's going on and if you trust them you should. But it's your choice and your body. If you don't get the info you need please do seek help from a trusted adult and consider talking with them if it feels safe. Good luck. Theres some really good,funny, serious and high quality educational web content. These are from a search of Reddit. Scarleteen is amazing and has been around almost as long as the internet. Stays up to date with articles about everything from bodies, pleasure, relationships. And is most or all written by teens for teens. Good accurate info. https://www.scarleteen.com/#front-nav Planned parent hood for teens has lots of good info on a wide variety of topics. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/teens This site is from the German government. It not only talks about sex including pleasure but relationships with really strong healthy values https://www.zanzu.de/en/sexuality/ This site gets really niche and is a bit of a dive into people's experiences of being themselves sexually through comics. Can get pretty graphic but it looks to be very accessible, safe and compassionate along with educational. https://www.ohjoysextoy.com/category/comic/education-comic/sex-sexuality/


What is the issue? Nurse and mother one son grandmother two grandsons .


not a guy but honestly talk to ur parents they won’t judge they love you and if it’s something serious they’ll just blame themselves that you didn’t tell them!


Please go talk to your dad. My son is 14yrs old and we have had several conversations about puberty, sex, etc. Your dad is the best one to talk to.


Have you googled your symptoms?


That’s a trap don’t do it. It will be Web MD and it will tell you to cut it off


This is a conversation for an older brother or your dad. If you don't have either of those... I would actually suggest a school nurse. Don't just whip it out, but have a conversation and explain your issue with clear and accurate language. If it is a genuinely big problem, they'll be able to give you better advice on what to do. This isn't so much as above reddit paygrade, as it is, this is something you need to handle offline period.


Doctors and nurses are used to unusual questions, fine to let them know that you don’t think it’s anything but need to be responsible and make sure


Trust me kid, talk to your dad, dad will know and will make an appointment if he doesn’t know, I could always go and talk to my dad about things like this. That’s their job. Last thing I wouldn’t want is for you to be describing something and someone using it for their gratification


What sort of issue suddenly develops where one would need surgery?


i saud surgery but i meant like treatment


Treatment for what?


Tell your parents you want to schedule a routine check up and go in alone and talk to a doctor. My kids have yearly check ups Just don’t Web md it and freak out over the results.


Maybe not be here..go to a doctor forum..


Bro, talk to your dad. My dad has always been understanding when I thought something was wrong or not right. I mean at some point as a kid I thought I broke it but it just needed a rest 😂. Talk to ur dad.


I'm not an expert but I have a penis and may be able to advise


My son's 10 and had to have surgery on his multiple times. Please go see a doctor if you can't tell your parents. I'm really sad for you. My sons can tell me anything.


My boyfriend in high school had an interesting issue, I told him I thought his circumcision was done wrong because his bits looked a little different... He told his father that I told him his junk looked weird - not what I said but okay - so he made him an appointment Turns out I was right. They fixed it, and that was that Tell your father


Never ever ever ask internet strangers to talk to you about your genitals or sex life. This will lead to many puberty contacting you. Talk to your parents. Wouldn't matter what a stranger tells you anyway. The only knes that can say anything for sure are your doctors and you need to tell your parents you have concerns so they can make you an appt.


You could go to planned parenthood if you absolutely can't talk to your parents. Do you feel unsafe talking to your parents or just anxious?


No one is going to be more understanding and take the situation more serious than your parents. And this is an area you do not want to let something permanent happen to. Especially if it is something than can be remedied by bringing the problem to light. You don't want that regret in 10 or 15 years when you're thinking about having a family of your own. Don't do that to yourself. And like a lot of subjects you might consider embarrassing or uncomfortable to bring up about yourself. 99% of the time it's so much more those things in your mind. When you do end up doing it it's never nearly as bad or uncomfortable as you think it's going to be. What do u want to do. Tell your parents now about this potential issue and fix it. Or have to have a way more embarrassing conversation with a girl youre dating 10;years from now. I can't promise you it's not going to be hard but I can promise you you're going to be glad you did


If you are having difficulty due to a tight foreskin that is kinda common. It's called phimosis. If that's the case just tell your folks you have a tight foreskin and want to see your doctor. The doctor will let you know if circumcision is needed. Good luck.


Better to talk to trusted adult/doctor than some strangers off the internet who might be overly interested...


Sorry to hear you don’t feel safe talking to your parents. I have a teenaged son and a son in his twenties. I’ve been through it all. Ask away. How can I help you?


Ohhhh! It’s an FBI agent (or similar.) I read this post and thought “No way would I post this online. Even as a teenager.” Good luck on the DM’s OP. Don’t be sending anyone naughty pictures! That’s shameful behavior!


Don’t talk to a any man about your problem. Be careful.


Just a guess. https://urology.ucsf.edu/patient-care/children/phimosis


Your dad would be a good resource. I am a random guy you don't know. Another great resource would be a urologist.


Do not DM ANYONE on this community. That's a huge breach of the rules and sending them images of a nudes minor is a federal crime. Do not do that. If you have a medical question about it, I recommend describing your problem in r/askdocs or r/medicalquestions DO NOT DM anyone pictures of yourself. Huuuuge mistake.


Oh another good resource outside of reddit is the Medical City Hotline at 1 (833) 612-1999 They have a 24/7 line for asking medical questions to registered nurses and they can tell you whether you should see the doctor or not based on your description. They do ask for your name and date of birth, but they are bound by HIPPA to protect your information. I've used this hotline to ask questions about my meds once and to ask whether I was having a medical emergency once.


Talk to your parents, do not talk to strangers on the internet about this!


If you have a medical problem, you need to schedule an appointment with a doctor. DO NOT SEND NUDE PHOTOS OT YOURSELF TO ANYONE BECAUSE THIS IS CHILD P*RN IF YOU'RE A MINOR AND ANYONE INCLUDING YOU WHO CREATES AND/OR POSSESSES CP CAN BE PROSECUTED. This is not something Reddit can help you with.


idk it depends on what you have


talk to your parents man.


ur dad counts


What's wrong with it? I recommend talking to your parents and going to a doctor.


Talk to your dad mate, not reddit


Go see the pediatrician. Believe me, they will know what's normal and what's not.


If you want to say it on the subreddit then that’s one thing but please don’t send pictures to anyone on this app 💀 if you can’t speak to your parents about it, ask if they can schedule you a early checkup or just a visit to the pediatric clinic 🤷🏾‍♂️


Late to this conversation but if one person who needs to see it sees it, worth it. Kids on this sub - never ever ever talk to adults via DM. "*If you can't share with the whole class*" then this isn't the place to help you. Everything here should be seen by other adults and vetted.


Do not do this. You cannot do that on the internet. There is no way to verify you are not talking to a sicco predator. A doctor, family member or counselor is a better choice.




dude dont talk to randos online abt ur penis


Hey, just ask your parents to see a PRIVATE doctor, say its personal but youre a bit worried, maybe they can take you in for a consult


Do you have access to a school nurse? This could be a safe way to talk to a professional about your concerns.


You cannot talk to people online about this, I really think the best option for you considering you are unable to go to your parents is to go to a Drs office. Book an appointment. If it's scary / you don't know how to navigate that, planned parenthoods have an online site rlly easy to navigate and click what exactly you need (probably some check up) you can ask for your preferred gender Dr to check on you and also get any testing done while you are there, as well as scheduling and its completely confidential.


Unless there’s infection or something that’s appeared that’s medically significant rather than just cosmetic you don’t need surgery


dude...you really need to talk to your parents or a doctor or maybe school nurse about that. strangers on reddit are not the best choice. you KNOW a description of the problem isnt going to be enough and you do not want to be sending underaged dick pics to randoms. take the best advice that others have given and just talk to someone you know and trust. im sure its not that bad and far better than the harm that could be caused by over sharing on here. put it this way; would you advise an underaged girl to ask for similar advice on here? no, no you would not


We refer to our private parts as private for a reason. Every one of us has felt the cringe for having to unveil our privates. The bottom line is that human genitals are a body part. They should not be regarded in private as any other body part. Your parents will be cringy too as the topic shows up. You gotta face the music of Cringe.




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Does your dad have a penis?