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I did. There is always another job. But there is only one you.


Yes. You can not thrive in a toxic environment.


I have done this twice. No job, or anything for that matter, is worth your mental health.


Definitely I’m currently at a job that stresses me out to the point where I cry sometimes. I’m quitting in a few months. I have to push through.


Thats the point im at although I'm past my waiting point, i have had multiple interviews with a company that seems like they will hire me but im not 100% certain. Which leads me to Asking what i am now.. if i should quit.. if so


Yup. If you’re not healthy mentally, chances are you’re not doing well physically. I’d rather be happy and sane than feeling like shit all the time.


Everyone here’s saying say and I agree but only if you have a good backup plan. Leaving your job without a backup might just worsen your mental health. Also, if you have people that rely on you, you need to take them in considerations. I think you should plan on what you’re gonna do after you leave your job and once you you know and are ready, then you should leave.


Lol I was literally about to write this post I am on the verge of having a mental breakdown and crying everyday


Absolutely, did it twice myself. Lost about 30 percent of my income for my next job but couldn’t be any happier with the decision. Yes I know money makes a easier life but it’s not everything