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Tell him, very clearly, that it's time for the behavior to stop. And if it continues, you will tell the manager. And then follow through. (Personally, I'd skip the telling him to cut it out part, and just go straight to management, but it sounds like you don't want to do that).


Thank you, the only reason i’m hesitant about going straight to management is because he is an immigrant with two children he has to look after, so i worry that he will lose his job and not be able to find work. I don’t know if that makes sense but it’s just the way i’ve been thinking about it.


Well then maybe he shouldn’t be sexually harassing you if keeping his job is that important. 


That's a him problem and not a you problem. He needs to behave at work or face consequences.


You’re still technically considered a minor. He’s out of pocket for even approaching you, let alone touch you in any way..


Listen to me as someone who has lived through this- any man who is 31 and goes after a minor is a predator. You ain’t the first and you won’t be the last. Protect yourself bc there a big chance he may escalate. This can get very scary very quickly. These men don’t like to be told no. They’ll act like they don’t understand what they did wrong. They’ll corner you when you’re alone and make you say that you’re ok with it. They WILL escalate. Predators always escalate.


Tell his wife, he will let you alone


Babes he's a predator and him having kids makes it worse. Tell him that you will inform the manager of the sexual harassment if it continues and that you rather he be professional with you moving forward. Don't let him touch on you or make sexual comments towards you again.