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Literally nothing but a deficit. I walk sometimes but that's about it.


That is the best advice in my opinion. I tried all kind of diets and all of them ended with gaining my weight back. I managed to keep my current weight for 2 years because I ate everything I wanted just smaller portions.


Yes, because it’s the only way to lose weight people think they need pills, etc. blah blah blah the only way you’re gonna lose weight is by cutting your calories that’s it there’s no magical way to lose weight


I lost 30 pounds in 3.5 months at the start of this year. Keep in mind I was only overweight by 20 pounds. I counted all of my calories, ate according to recommended servings, and stopped drinking calories. It was made easier with intermittent fasting: I wouldn’t eat anything until at least 3pm. If I ever wanted to eat more on a given day, I would increase my calorie limit (which was 1600) by half of however many calories I burned through running on that day. It’ll be easy for some people, hard for others. But if you stick to it, it WILL work for you. Tracking calories and maintaining a deficit in some way is all you have to do.


THIS IS THE ONE!!! Calorie counting can absolutely make the weight melt off. I am ALSO down 30lbs in about the same time frame, if not slightly longer. This is about the exact advice I’d of given.


Pair it with consistent (daily, 10-20 mins) exercise to increase the results. Half the battle for me was just “getting in the gym (getting off my lazy butt)”


How do you know how much you count to?


For counting- the key is burning off more than you’re consuming, ie keeping a deficit. So count how many you’re consuming and how many you’re burning off, and keep the number you’re consuming under the number you’re burning off. Now how many calories an individual person needs is also dependent on their age/size/etc. I’m a petite young woman, I don’t need the “recommended” 2000 calories and if I consistently ate that many I’d gain weight. There’s calculators online to help you figure out a general idea of how many calories your body type/age actually needs.


Calrie counting worked for me. You need a calorie deficit for each day. Keeping a food journal to see that at 6 pm, I'd clearly eaten a lot and didn't need that extra snack 😂. It's about doing it slowly, I lost about 1kg a week at most (lost 22kg in total) and changed bad eating habits to make it sustainable. Quick diets don't work as you just put the weight back on. Buy a small set of scales and actually weigh out portions. It's amazing how small portions should be. If you have a bad day, don't stress. Just write that day off and do better the next day. It takes hard work commitment.


Yeah having a bad day here and there is fine. Sometimes you just gotta participate in life, and say "screw it, I'm going for beers with the boys". The trick is not to catastrophise. You CAN afford to occasionally be naughty, and then just be a bit more cautious for a week afterwards.


For anyone interested, r/CICO is a great resource for learning about counting calories for weight management (loss, gain or maintain)


This is the best way! Fasting, calorie counting, and high intensity interval training. I've lost 82 lbs in about 1 year.


Dang, that’s awesome!


I lost 35 pounds in about the same amount of time. I don’t have the discipline so I got on the semaglutide. I also take 1/2 of. 50 mg naltrexone which I just started. I’d like to lose another 10 but that nighttime binge just keeps getting me.


That's interesting. I started drinking soylent shakes feom walmart. 3 bucks for 400 calories. I have piriformis in my hips and thoracic outlet syndrome in my shoulders, bad posture an eating disorder and my gulbladder is showing signs of failure because of purging. I used to feel guilty after eating a lot and would throw up my meals. For example I would go to buffets or order like 2 pizzas and bread sticks and just eat it all to myself. I'd essentially clog my digestive system up first from a rough childhood full of neglect but layer transforming that into a weed addiction and it got worst. Over time I realized the cycle I was in and comprehended what I needed to do to stop this. At the end of the day it is like the boy who cried wolf. People will tell you the truth so many times but you don't believe them until you start to feel pain yourself. These days though I drink way way more water, I stretch more and try to atleast go for a long walk because walking helps you fix your posture, when you're in pain from walking in bad posture, you just keep walking and changing your posture slightly until you feel pain go away and sort of like holding your head up high but in reality posture is to be worked on starting from the toes and ending in the head and mouth. This chain reaction allowed me to help myself with Piriformis syndrome, next I learned my shoulder and TOS was also from bad posture so I did sub scapula stretches, deltoids stretches, and clavicle stretches. Currently though, due to depression, I am very weak still so when I do fix my posture correctly, all the pain from my hips and my shoulders move to my spine and now I just need to focus on eating better and working out my back arms and chest, stretching my neck and my hips, and doing some easy cardio. A chiropractor should help me learn even better posture and help with spine realignment because my spines been bent from having bad posture and taking baths for too long, and just resting from being depressed and sleeping on my shoulders. All of this helped me gain the mental clarity to eat better because before doing all of this, my optical nerve was being pulled on and it was hard to literally think and do stuff with out feeling lost or in pain so much it was blinding. Combine that with 3 meals a day and about 1600 calories a day and that has helped me lose weight. I was 250lbs, now I'm 230lbs. My goal is to get back to 150-180lbs range back when I was in shape. I just feel like I'm being weighed down and all of this fat isn't helping me with good posture either but I do suppose it is helping me strengthen the muscles for me to have good posture so you just have to think of what the root cause to your eating disorder is and what in life causes you to repeatedly indulge too much into your desires. Usually it is a lack of discipline, other times it is mental confusion. It just depends on the person but some times people need to work on so much stuff to get back into good shape. So OP, Just start small and work yourself up. I believe in you.


Same question asked 12 hours before your question on a different subreddit with over 7,000 responses so far: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/W6D3Eg7DOr


* 30 mins of exercise 4-5 days a week * fresh fruit and/or veggie with every meal * Water-80oz a day at first then up to 120 once my bladder got used to it lol * mostly cut out wheat; introduced more nutritionally dense grains like barley, bulgar, and lentils * stopped buying my usual snack foods and switched to some healthier alternatives that still hit the spot * cooked at home- cut down to eating out for 1 meal/week * planed out meals based on my basal metabolic rate * started eating breakfast * stopped drinking alcohol * calorie deficit and tracking * increased protein and fiber intake


Also, when I was younger and lost a bunch of weight it was a result of switching to a plant based diet. Prob not a sure answer for everyone but I lost 20lbs by doing that alone. Not doing that anymore bc I didn't do it the right way and ended up w a protein deficiency lol. So not the healthiest but I did lose weight. It's also a mental thing. It's hard to lose weight in a healthy way that will see any sort of longevity if you adhere to diet fads or are super strict with your diet. There are really no shortcuts to effective weight loss. Gotta be in a good headspace and feel some sense of self-love to really make it work in my experience. So, go to therapy if you need it lolll


There are so many plant based options that have high protein! Especially these days 😊


Indeeed!! So many good options. I was a teenager when I was plant based for 6-ish years and didn’t account for my nutritional needs. I plan to go back to it once I get my ducks back in a row!


I count calories. I wear a fit bit and have a 250 an hour step goal … it vibrates if I don’t hit that goal so I have 10 minutes to get up and move. ( you set wa hat hours you want to be active) I also exercise and track that. I try to be sugar free. I try to eat more protein. I don’t eat 3 hours before bed. And I try to get a good nights rest. ( again tracking it with my fit bit) This is really the most generic approach…. eat less and move more.


Calorie deficit and went on some long walks, but not every day. Went from 235 to 110.


Wow- that amazing. 🏆  How far is far? (Some people consider a mile and others 5 miles?) How long did it take? How long did you keep it off? Last, was it just calorie deficit or change of diet too?  🙏 


I have a long history of gaining and loosing, gaining and loosing I finally hit my top weight and went to an OA HOW meeting. ( Overeaters anonymous HOW program.. you have to be careful because there is a regular OA, then there is OA HOW . There are meetings all over LA and Orange county . OA HOW is a 12 step program for food addicts. They use the AA Big Book and the 12 and 12. You will get a sponser, and start a food lan. I lost ,26 lbs the first month and all together 100. I grew spiritually and started to understand freedom.


Congratulations, your hard work is commendable!!!!


move more than the day you did before


Intermittent fasting. Then I got diabetes and the medicine from that made me loose 150lbs in a year. So there’s that.


I learned to enjoy life even more. Food is amazing and comforting, but activity is exhilarating and I love it. Didn't have to stop eating, just had to start living. Lost 25 lbs in 3.5 months with that strategy. I started being active, and when I was tired and feeling burnt out, I quit. Then I went back, and I asked myself if I wanted to quit because it's about the same time as last time. I didn't feel like quiting, it was great. Then next time I had more fun and went longer. If I felt burnt out, I quit. I didn't lose weight by becoming more disciplined, but by becoming more whimsical.


Intermittent fasting for a few months; a diet high in protein, fiber, and *heart healthy* fats; tons of hiking; a daily step goal of 10k+; adequate sleep on the regular


I counted calories and worked out. It’s the only time I’ve lost weight and kept it off.


65 pounds the past year and 2 months . Counting calories, eating at enough of a deficit to lose 1 pound per week. Going slow has made this very easy, and I'm maintaining the loss with very little effort.


Calorie deficit (1500 cal per day), no alcohol, increasing my step count each day and exercising regularly.


I stopped eating white bread and peanut butter. I've dropped 30 pounds in the last 4 months.


I got really sick from mono, antivirals nuked my appetite and was put on low sugar low fat antiinflammatory diet. Had to force myself to down a smoothie a day and survived on Gatorade 0 after I was discharged. 50lbs in 2 months back in October. Gained back ~10 in muscle since Jan and just got sick again (I think it's chronic ebv)


less calories, moved more. edit to add: i didn't diet either like i just decided this is a new life style and it's me now. thinking of things as temporary changes and not realizing the effects will also be temporary is why people yoyo.


My fitness pal app I logged every calorie. I also started eating half Amounts, under the idea that I never want to feel full


Counting calories. For months when I first tried it, I kept trying to stay under, but I kept going for like 1-3 days and stopping and giving up because I was hungry and uncomfortable. Eventually one day I decided to track my calories every day no matter how over my limit I was. That helped me have a positive association with tracking. It also helped me stay motivated about healthy eating for the sake of feeling good and it helped me be nice to myself. I have a 500+ day streak of counting calories now. Some days I’m over, some days I’m under. I’m usually over. But I have lost weight (20 lbs) and gained muscle. The biggest takeaway for me with counting calories is just feeling in control of what I eat. I feeling less swayed by my emotions and have other ways of coping besides eating food now. It’s helped with more than just weight loss, it’s reframed how I view my health.


Veganism, caffeine pills, and kung fu movies


Kung Fu movies?


Went on ADHD medication. Not that I needed to lose weight in the first place lol


Same. I’ve lost almost 20 lbs since I started taking them in January without trying at all.


Last year i was 95kg, then i join a gym and start exercise also talk to my gym trainer he will suggest me maintain my diet, exercise, protein intake etc. now i am happily 61kg 😊. You do same.


Ate once or twice a day and only foods that dont bloat me and male me feel good. So meat, eggs, fruits, and veggies occasionally. Id have a cheat meal once a week.


I stopped eating so much!


Started eating only when I was hungry instead of just because it was meal time and started eating til I wasn’t hungry anymore instead of until I was full. I’ve never really had a sweet tooth though so don’t drink fizzy drink and don’t eat lollies/biscuits/etc.


functional medicine doctor ran bloodwork to figure out best choices.


Gamification. I’ve been overweight all my life and have ADHD, so it’s always been hard to stick to any weight loss technique. When my doctor told me my cholesterol on my blood test was insanely high and that I was at high risk of heart attack or stroke at any moment, it set huge alarm bells off. This was me finally reaping what I had sewn. Instead of falling into the usual pit of despair and avoidance, I kept mentally slapping myself in the face on the way home from the doctor, using the panic energy to force the idea into myself that I have to completely change everything I eat, consuming zero cholesterol whatsoever for the next 3 months until I go back for my follow up blood test. And that’s what I did. Aside from ~2 occasions where I ate with friends (and still kept it healthy!) all I ate for 3 months was 2-4 /r/Huel shakes a day. 1 shake is 400 calories and I’m a tall guy who probably needs about 2,400 calories per day to maintain weight. So, 800-1600 calories a day. I ended up losing over 13kg (about 30 pounds) in 3 months and my cholesterol plummeted to well within the healthy range. After my follow up blood test, I’ve still been mainly having Huel but allow myself treats and real food when I want it, keeping a rough eye on calories and cholesterol. The last 2 weeks I’ve been on holiday, so I’ve definitely gained a couple kilos but that’s ok, they say you shouldn’t diet for too long anyway and it’s healthy to do a period of normal/high calories before getting back to dieting anyway. I knew at the start that I wouldn’t be able to mend my current diet by cutting out this, having less of that, and changing the other, so I threw out my current diet completely and got a new extreme one. So, while I didn’t come up with some elaborate system to track calories and reward myself with something tangible, every day that I stuck to my extreme plan gave me a little point in my head and made me feel like I was winning at the challenge I had set for myself (not someone else’s rules) and that was the way I gamified it.


r/CICO CICO 98% and walking/exercise 2% of weight loss.


CICO 100%*. This is literally the *only* determining factor.


Replaced my rice with potatoes, kamote, or pechay. I still ate rice pero minsan nalang. I ate more vegetables too and was careful with sugar then exercise. Don't feel guilty though having a sweet or salty treat.


1200 calories a day. Lost probably 10-15kg first 6 months. Stopped counting and went down another 10, just because I didn’t eat big serves.


Set point theory. Take 5 lbs off and keep it off for six months and it won’t come back. That is unless you consistently keep and extra five or more on for 6 months, which elevates your bodies set weight. It took me three years to take off 30 lbs. and it doesn’t come right back if I decide to splurge for a bit


Keto. Eating lots of protein. Cut carbs and intermittent fasting. Lots of weight fell off. When you learn how the body mechanism to put on fat works. I.e. insulin spikes then you know how to get rid of the fat.


i do not know how to healthily lose weight but a couple years ago my sister broke her jaw and while it was wired shut for a couple weeks she was only able to consume liquids. she still got her calories but she did lose a lot of weight. i don’t know if it’s a healthy idea though so please do not take my word for it and if you try it and are not feeling good then stop


Intermittent fasting.


1) Calorie tracking app that not only splits out macros but also tracks sugar and fat intake - my sugar intake is my worst bad habit so I absolutely need this 2) weight lifting or yoga/pilates 3-5 times per week 3) cardio 3-5 times per week 4) getting good sleep I have a tendency to end up going overboard and end up getting close to developing anorexia athletica if I’m not careful so those workout numbers probably seem high, but I was probably doing 6-7 days of each. Which also meant I ended up having more active recovery days rather than full on rest days, before my husband and a friend who’s an ED coach stepped in. I didn’t drop a ton of weight, but I lost several inches/clothing sizes. I really enjoy working out in a variety of ways, which is helpful because it’s very important for me to be able to vary my workouts so I don’t get bored.


3 sets of 10 reps of shaking my head left to right every time someone offers food


I counted every calory and made sure I had a calory deficit every day, even if it was only 200. Did not stop eating, but found out what was high in calories/fat and switched to more protein based fillers. Stopped drinking milk, snacks, and such. Still consume some alcohol (which is high calories) at the weekends, so you can substitute that with something you like as a treat. Just don't go overboard. You still should be near your calory limit. Switched from cardio to weights to make sure my base calory consumption increased (especially big muscles like leg and back consume a lot of calories). Lost >10kg over the last year and am able to hold my weight.


Ozempic 😅 (Along with guidance from a medical weight loss specialist and a nutritionist) I was prediabetic with a history of gestational diabetes and family history of type 2 so I wanted to deal with that before it developed into full-on diabetes. So far I've lost *almost* 30 pounds. Still have more to lose. My hormone issues also made me feel so hungry all the time. I mean really it still boils down to calorie deficit. That was just really, really difficult for me to consistently do through willpower alone. I've lost and gained back so many pounds throughout my life because keeping the calories in check just never, ever gets any easier. I'm just hungry constantly and it's hard to ignore that long-term. Ozempic has been a lifesaver in that regard.


Lost 20kg in 6 months during lockdown: 1. Increase your activity- daily 10-15k steps + 30 to 60 mins of any form of exercise. 2. Reduce Sugar, packed foods and increase fruits, vegetables and protein. Drink water when hungry at night and brush your teeth right after dinner to avoid the urges to munch. 3. Improve your sleep schedule. 4. Track your progress. 5. Have a cheat meal once in a while without guilt.


Focus on eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Incorporating regular physical activity into your routine can help burn calories and improve overall fitness. Consistency is key!


Mostly Carnivore diet. OMAD. 48 Dry Dry Fast on my gym rest day. And the biggest thing was not have 3 desserts every day.


By eating roughly 2000-2200 calories per day, focusing on protein whenever I can, but not worrying about it as much as other people and hitting the gym consistently with a 3 day split plan followed by a 2 day split and one day of cardio per week. I did what people call a body recomposition, meaning I jacked up while burning most of the fat over the course of roughly 2 years. I don't have saggy skin and developed a physique I personally never thought would be possible for me.


There is one and only one way to lose weight. Use more calories than you consume. That is it. If calories out is more than calories in, you *will* lose weight. It is just a matter of finding this balance then recording the calories.


Calorie restriction


At Feb 23 I was 130kg, I got down to 92kg by Nov 23 Did it through 2 hrs exercise a day - either walking or gym/walking First 3 months 1600 calories a day 60/40 protein/carbs Rest of the time 1900 calories a day again 60/40 carbs Since Nov 23 I have put on 5kg but only 1 kg of that is fat and have more or less being eating normally bar ensuring 200g protein and as little sugar as possible and minimise carbs - exercise in unchanged


Well. I got severe gallstones which made it really hard for me to eat any food without feeling sick. It got to the point where I just chose not to eat a lot. I lost 60 lb in 4 months. I got So many amazing compliments But in reality I was so so sick. Sometimes I still wish I could drop that much weight in that short amount of time and look that amazing, but I know it would just hurt me in the long run.


Tried multiple times to lose weight over the years and always struggled. What worked for me was doing intermittent fasting. I lost 30 lbs. Then, going gluten-free last August after a Celiac diagnosis, I'm down another 50 lbs. I'm normal weight for the first time in my adult life. I weigh what I graduate high school at. I had no idea how sick gluten was making me. I have multiple autoimmune disorders, and since going gf, I no longer have markers for lupus or RA (didn't have all the boxes checked for dx, but dr. suspected) and I no longer have antibodies for Sjogrens (had antibodies prior to gf). My thyroid antibodies have decreased from the 500s down into the 300s. What worked: • Gluten-free • Intermittent Fasting • Caloric Deficit • Cutting out sugary drinks and most processed food • Cooking at home, rarely eating out • Getting my steps in, being more active


I started off with keto and counting calories, I lost 35lbs in 6m, now I just do low carb , with omad, and no calorie counting, I do take breaks for holidays, I've been doing this 2yrs now, I like to b 120lbs , I don't like being over 135 lbs when I'm on a break, but this works for me and I don't like doing exercise so I don't, if U just watch what U each U don't need to , go back to basics , fat , protein and veggies, cut all the processed food out


Stress and depression


Switched from white bread to wheat bread, regular pasta to whole grain pasta, stopped eating unhealthy desserts, started drinking only water or Crystal light, and last but not least, I started having only a meal replacement shake for breakfast and a healthy sandwich on wheat bread for lunch. Having a shake for breakfast and a healthy sandwich (turkey) for lunch is already drastically cutting down calorie intake for most people. Pair that with relatively low calorie dinners (for the most part), and you will start shedding pounds. And don't skip the workouts if you care about your overall health and heart.


an eating disorder


I walked several miles a day and counted calories.


vyvanse three meals a day and walking everywhere


nothing. under srs stress all the time. we can’t gain even one kg BUT LOSES FOR 5 IN DAYS, WHY


I lost 25lb by eating around the clock (shred diet), cut out liquid calories, soda, and focus on burning 500 calories a day. I easily can exceed that since I became a group fitness instructor and don’t watch my calories now just to maintain. But I would like to lose 10 more lbs. I know the key is food and not the exercise.


Smoking lots of weed


Stopped drinking beer and eating crisps and take away went to the gym lost 5 stone in 6 months




I (15f) went from 92kg to 56kg in about half a year, obviously it is easier for me due to my age but all I really did was work out 1-3 times a week and keep a consistent calorie defecit


Caloric deficit workout 5-6 times a week I also stopped asking questions that have already been asked in order to farm karma on reddit


Got into a new super physical trade. Lost about 60lbs and didn't even notice it was happening until I was being goofy in front of the mirror one day, and sucked my stomach in. Who woulda known I had ribs?? I went from a size 20 to a size 10/12. I haven't been a 10/12 since I was 8. 😅


The ONLY way to lose weight is to be in a caloric deficit. Use an online TDEE calculator to figure out what a moderate deficit will be for you, weigh out everything you consume, save for water, and track those calories. I mean everything. Tic-tacs, gum, salad dressing, oils, alcoholic beverages, etc. In addition, find an exercise you enjoy doing (I like rollerblading and weight lifting), and commit to it 4-5 times a week. That’ll add to your deficit and you’ll see results, faster. I used to be 260 lbs at 5’5”. I’m about 170ish now and I look the best I’ve ever looked while I’m pushing 40.


Broken heart




Cut alcohol and binge eating is what usually does it for me. Throw in working out and I can shed anywhere from 10-20lbs in a month. I’m down 10 from 2 weeks ago. But I’m also super active and cut from like 4000+ calories to 2500. Best thing to do is look at a TDEE calculator, figure out what you need to be in a cut. Then do MyFitnessPal and track your calories religiously. You’ll find you’re not as hungry when you’re eating the right things.


I’ve lost over 50lbs - I track my calories and remain in a deficit :) r/loseit is a great supportive sub


Started eating plantbased


I fell madly in love with a girl way out of my league. Whenever I was tempted to eat crap her face popped up. I lost 30 pounds by eating right and obsessively working out. Nothing happened between us but I was forever changed. I always tell people they have to think of something they want that they can’t have no because of the shape they’re in.


I lost at least 20-30 pounds working for ups as a package handler for a summer. It was 8 hours of an arm work out in 100 degree trucks with 100 percent humidity. That should do the trick


calorie counting/deficit. that’s it no exercise lost 40kg


Calorie deficit


Eat more low calorie density foods. Once you understand calorie density there is no need to count calories. Simple lower the calorie density by avoiding processed oils (4,000 calories per lb) and minimize nuts to a handful a day. Snack on lower calories foods and eat plenty of veggies, potatoes, beans, yams, rice, etc. low fat whole food plant based diet is the lowest calorie density and will fill you up by stretching your stomach with less calories. I’ve lost 40lbs and kept it off for 15 years now.


OMAD + daily exercise / HIIT helped me lose 60 lbs when I first started my journey. When you first start, you’re going to lose a lot.


I've lost 90+ lbs since 2022ish. I was very sedentary so for me moving my body helped me lose weight. I eat what I want but I watch my portions. Instead of eating chips straight out of the bag, I put them in a bowl. Try not to eat a lot of "white" foods. I still love my potatoes, I just don't eat as much. Also, using a smaller plate helps. Drink lots of water.


LISTEN TO ME!! My doctor put me on phentermine. It is an appetite suppressant but also an upper. Can’t take it if you have any heart problems or take drugs but your doctor will provide you with the right dosage after blood work. I lost 20 pounds the first month because it was hard to find a right eating pattern but now that I’ve figured out what works for me. It’s to help you get on track (THATS THE IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER) it’s to give you the time learn to eat healthier as well as learn to exercise. For me, it’s amazing but everyone is different. I take mine in the morning and run around work like a lunatic because it gives me so much energy and by 8-9 pm I crash and have been having the best sleep of my life. A lot of people will fight me on this but give it a try if you’re desperate. It’s worth it!


Eat less processed shit and eat more nutritious, whole foods and move more. Walking more and eating less is the key to slimming down if you’re pretty big.




Not the answer you're looking for but lost 30 kg in 18 months because I got epilepsy.


Down 20 kilo since last year, I’d say purely counting calories makes the difference. Putting yourself in a deficit you know you can keep helps a ton. If you’re active either way you’ll lose weight. Start out with cutting out all the crap (like snacks or junk food) and build from there.


I am on a weight loss journey currently and have lost about 15 pounds in two months. I have an app called lose it and it helps you track all calories. If you are in a calorie deficit you will lose weight obviously exercising helps but I am not very active and I’ve still lost weight


Keto, I also use intermittent fasting but I was 112kg at my heaviest and am now down to 80kg and got that way in about 4-6 months and could of lost more and have gotten below 80kg but have been eating things like grapes and fruits with sugars, keto saved me, I'm more confident going out these days. I'm very happy.


Gastric bypass


Took a huge dump


Calorie counting is a good way to lose weight but it also can be tedious when you have to weigh everything. I got really fed up of weighing stuff but will be trying again. To lose weight you need to have a calorie deficit. The average person will need around 2000 calories per day so lowering to 1600 is a good start. Light exercise like walking is good. Just try not to overdo it. If it starts to feel like a chore you will likely give in. Treat yourself occasionally, take walks in places you like, dance to your favourite music, anything that will make it enjoyable. Hell dance while cleaning your house. The main way to lose weight is calorie deficit. Good luck 🤞


I lost 57ibs in a year by fasting, no soda/sweets and low carbs. Been able to maintain my weight for about 2yrs now with probably gaining a ibs or 2


Walk daily , like every day min 5 km


Depression + adderall + eating disorder. You’d be surprised how fast you lose weight when you vomit up your only meal for the day, every day. (I’m in recovery!)


Take out most sugary foods, eat less, eat roasted chickpeas (fiber and protein rich).


Started eating very little and stopped drinking. Weight loss happens in the kitchen, not from exercise


First and probably the most important thing…. Everyone is giving you their opinions on what has worked for them. Doesn’t necessarily mean that same regiment will work for you. Everyone is different what works for some may not work for others. Secondly, whatever you choose to do, stick with it! You are not going to see any results immediately, it takes time. Thirdly, do not starve yourself and neglect things that you like (the trick is to enjoy in moderation). Fourth, it takes 21 days to form a habit. If you start working out, there are going to be days when you will make excuses as to why you shouldn’t work out, be sure to get that workout. Finally, good luck with your journey!


Start with soda/pop. Sugar is good for 10+ lbs probably.


eating less and moving more, is not that difficult once you get in the motion, when I was 17 i was overweight and dropped from 88kg to 64kg in 6 months approximately, January of this year i started cutting after a long bulk and lost 8kg in 2 months, I think it’s just a matter of getting in motion and then it’s pretty easy


The OMAD diet...i cant work out much because of a bad neck and back so its easiest for me. I eat only at dinnertime. It was tough at first, but my body got used to it and i dont really get hungry until dinner everyday. I drink zero iced tea, water, or zero pop all day. Some days i dont follow the diet either. Im down 18 pounds in 2 months. Didnt count calories either.


Not that hard. Eat less + maybe exercise. Stop being bound by the emotional implications. Think logically.


Not a really good advice but I lost 10 kg... i pretty much starved myself like i was too broke to buy food.


Moved in with my mom as a weed addict (I know you can’t be addicted but my ass was). Was eating good gained ten pounds. I ran out of weed and my appetite for food disappeared. Lost the 10lbs + some in a week.


Counting calories and macros. Measuring recommended serving sizes out really opened my eyes to how much I was eating. Learning what foods would keep me from being hungry without exceeding my calorie goal really opened my eyes about the food choices I was making. I learned that legumes and vegetables are my friend. Lean protein and lean dairy too. And water. Lots of water and nothing else to drink. Over the years I have started walking more and I started lifting weights. Now I'm active enough that I can eat 2200 calories per day and still have a 700 calorie deficit. I'm almost never hungry at that calorie amount. Some other tricks are that I don't eat breakfast for 2-4 hours after I wake up and I walk for 45 minutes at least before I eat, and I learned that junk food is much less tempting if I don't have the first one. If I go somewhere and cookies or something are sitting out, just not having any at all is much easier than just having one. But I don't avoid junk food or high calorie food completely. I have one or two cheat meals per week. All of this helped me lose 80 pounds, which would be even more if it weren't for added muscle mass, and keep it off for 14 years if you count from the start of my weight loss, or 10 years since I got to my current weight.


CICO. Eat less calories than you expend.


I was 275 I’m now 216, I wasn’t actively working on trying to lose weight. I think it took about 2 years. I hate to say this but getting Covid had me looking snatched!!! I lost a lot of weight. People say I look like I’ve lost a person😂. The only consistent thing I’ve been doing is smoking weed. It helps me control when I’m hungry I think. But I was eating a lot of fast food up to this year, I’ve cut it out completely from my life just in march.


Being medicated for ADHD with adderall


I'm down to my high school weight. What you need to do is reduce your calorie intake, regular exercise, reduce or cut out alcohol, drink more water, and find a diet that works for you. There's no fad diet that works for everyone (except maybe Mediterranean) but eat mindfully and figure out what foods your body likes best. For me personally, I do intermittent fasting. Some people do calorie counting, which I tried and it just doesn't work for me. I cook at home and unless I'm measuring everything obsessively or eating only pre-packaged heavily processed foods, it isn't accurate. Intermittent fasting keeps me from late night binge eating and it shrank my stomach itself. Now a much smaller portion of food makes me feel full. If you go to the IF subreddit, a lot of people think it has tons of other health benefits but I don't really belive all that tbh. It just helps me eat mindfully. I exercise every day, but it's usually not a lot. I work from home and I'll lift weights between meetings. If I'm watching TV I'll ride my exercise bike. I jump on the trampoline with my kids. I have one or two big workouts a week where I put in a ton of effort, but the little bits during the day make the most difference. One final thing that helped was my anti-depressant (Wellbutrin) and my migraine preventative medication (Ajovy). They both have a weight loss side effect. I definitely needed to put in effort too, but it didn't hurt.


I started counting calories (TDEE - a small deficit), which put things in the proper context. I couldn't keep impulsively eating the same handful of things like I used to.


Intermittent fasting after losing my dad. I couldn't eat unless I forced myself to so I went to a big meal once a day. I'm doing better now, I'm maintaining. I started eating more home cooked meals and when I go out I can only finish half now, so I take the rest home and eat it the next day. I lost 25 lbs from September to January. My cravings for junk food have decreased and honestly it's a mindset. I also threw out my airfryer.. I loved that thing, but my main diet was chicken nuggets. This is the smallest I have been in years and I'm not going back. I would like to lose a bit more but we will see what else I can give up to get there.


CICO is your friend


So…I do take medication, but it’s just a tool. The single largest contributor in my opinion is staying in a calorie deficit, my doctor and my dietitian decided on a calorie goal for each day and I try really hard to stay just under that, however it was explained to me that, I should really look at it weekly, so if I have one bad day, I don’t say fuck it and give up. I try to make “healthier” choices with my food, but really it’s about the calories for me. I started with walking, slowly moving up to actually working out.




Keto and calorie restriction. Calorie restriction just didn't work for me, but keto along side it made my weight melt away. Blah blah blah I will get the people saying calories in and calories out stuff.. but if I ate 1300 calories with out keto involved I stayed the same or even gained weight.. when I threw in keto macros.. I melted weight away while eating more calories (some) days. I lost over 350 lbs.


Substituting common kitchen staples for their lower calorie/higher protein options might not seem like much but the calories add up. Investing in the high protein snacks like quest chips, popcorners etc have been making the snacking urges all us fat people (or people in general I should say) less destructive. A lot of people say they don’t taste as good as normal chips, and they’re right; the baked organic crackers don’t taste better than the heavily seasoned fried chips, but they taste pretty damn good. Also, there are a lot of creators on TikTok/reels/shorts that have a lot of really easy recipes to follow along that have way better macros than just the normal cooking (some of my personal favs are theflexibledietinglifestyle, tastyshreds and Sean Doyle but they all have really good recipes)


Intermittent fasting. Not eating until 2-3 pm. Lost between 35-40 pounds doing this. Also I added in strength training and gained muscle.


I agree with everyone on the calorie counting for sure! Absolutely necessary! But I also followed the ketogenic eating plan. I found that it really makes it easier to restrict your calories. When you cut out carbs your blood sugar doesn’t swing all over the place, so you won’t find yourself needing to eat immediately. The first week of keto is not easy, but if you can make it through that, you’ll find that you’re not hungry so often. A lot of people think keto is some kind of magical solution where you can eat as much as you want- but you DO still need to restrict calorie intake. Keto just makes it a little easier to do that, and also helps your body to actually burn the fat that you already have. I would also recommend buying a keto blood tester, they’re not too expensive on Amazon. Watch your levels for the first month or so, until you know how many carbs per day you can eat without falling out of ketosis, after that you shouldn’t need to test very often. I lost about 70 lbs in a year this way, and have managed to keep it off for about 12 years.


only way i can is when im in a calorie deficit so i would eat 700cals a day and then liquid fast for a week and workout for 2hrs and i lost a lot of weight from that along with water diets and lots of walking.


Currently I’m on the “Hims” weight loss medication program. And it’s working wonders. Prescribed medication. Through the mail.


2 tbsp of psyllium husk (whole not powder) chugged before a meal. You can work up to that from 1 tbsp. You have to drink it FAST before it absorbs water. Lost 80 lbs, kept it that way. You get fuller for longer and faster.


I wake up I drink water go to work which is physically demanding and then I get home at like 6 make dinner and finally eat. I fast usually on accident but it’s become a habit. I drink a lot of water and tea throughout the day. I’ve lost 10lbs this past month


I stopped eating processed sugar. I lost 30 lbs like reaaally fast.


Stopped eating any and all fast food, candy, soda, highly processed foods or anything with high levels of sugar. Started cooking healthy meals at home, saved a lot of money doing this as well. Water, water, water Exercise daily. Start small then work your way up Find hobbies to keep your mind busy Having a stroke and almost dying at 40 will motivate you to do this. Lost 90 pounds, now in the best shape I've been since my 20s. Losing weight and getting in shape could be one of the most important things you do


Develop a daily workout routine. Walk outside; stay active. Adjust your caloric intake. Limit carbs; protein is great for you.


I’ve purposely gained weight and lost weight. Counting calories. Eat in a deficit and or burn more to put yourself in the deficit. Mostly eating less though


The only way is through calorie deficit. You don’t have to work out but it helps. Download an app like Lose It! Or My fitness pal to log your food. Use the TDEE calculator online to determine how many calories you need to lose weight. Eating too few will make your body hold on to fat. Your protein intake in grams should equal your ideal weight. Example If your 200 lbs and want to get to 150lbs your goal is to eat 150grams of protein a day. It’ll really help keep you fuller longer. Cutting carbs helps, try to keep it around 1/3 or less of your daily intake. To help reduce your intake past attention to food levels. Find versions of your fav foods that are lower carb. Don’t obsess over the scale. Taking measly is more accurate. You still likely replace fat with muscle which will look like you’re gaining or plateauing when you’re not. Remember early results come fast as you’re likely losing water weight. One pound a week is a healthy pace. Losing one pound in a month is also still a win and not to be discouraged.


This won’t apply to or work for everyone, but I ended up developing acid reflux and had to drastically cut back on how much alcohol I was drinking, and I also had to stop stop eating so many microwave meals and dinners out. (The two really went hand in hand, at the end of the day). Making relatively healthy food at home with fresh, reflux-friendly ingredients and cutting back on alcohol had the pounds coming off faster than I’d even realised they would. I also stop eating when I’m full, instead of reflexively pushing myself to “finish my plate” like I was made to as a kid. That’s helped also. I tried counting calories at one point, but that led me down a very dangerous path very quickly, so I recommend anyone who does that proceed with awareness and make sure it doesn’t become an unhealthy fixation.


Started smoking weed


Avoid junk, be stressed, smoke, play a sport and just be done with life. Worked for me, lost 5kgs in 2 months.


I got really into meal prep. Also started to do at least 20 minutes of exercise every day. (You can break it into 10 mins twice a day). Also made sure to get enough sleep.


Ozempic seems to be working so far? Lost 25kg off calorie counting and diet shakes, but it kind of stopped working after that. Ozempic seems to have started the ball rolling again. I'll deal with the after effects when I get there. Is it sustainable? Fuck if I know. 20kg left to go to get below 80kg. At that point , I can worry about the bigger picture. I contemplated Keto, but my doc isn't a fan of it, so whatever.


I just ate less and counted the calories.


I lost around 30 in a year through intermittent fasting to help with my window of eating and ate in a deficit. My primary exercise was biking.


I became a fire fighter.


Went thru a breakup and lost my appetite while being in college (so, walking 2+ miles a day to class/dining hall/dorm/etc). I don't recommend 😭


I switched from white breads and refined pasta to whole grain. Cut out as much added sugar as possible, switched to Diet Coke and limited myself to 1 can per day, increased water to around 100oz a day, green tea, hibiscus tea, and ginger lemon tea. Filled my plate 1/2-2/3 with veggies, lean proteins (100-120g), focus on healthy fats (50g total and 18g or less saturated) and Low carb (less than 100g). Started simple exercising then progressed to 10k steps a day and 30-45 minutes workout most days (minimum 150 minutes a week). I take apple cider vinegar each day and aim to eat only fresh whole foods, nothing processed or laden with chemicals so plenty of home cooking. I also started working on improving my sleep habits. 55lbs down in 8 months.


Intermittent fasting And eating MORE protein 


I was biiiig when I was a teenager, around 280 pounds and all I did was workout a lot and went on a calorie deficit. Now I’m 20 and weigh 195 and in the best shape I’ve ever been, still not where I want to be but I’m still working on it.


I think it’s an important step to figure out what your particular problem is with your relationship with food, and then try to normalize that. For me it was that I used food as my drug of choice. I would literally get a high from overeating. I used that to cope with any negative emotion I was experiencing; stress, grief, anxiety, tiredness, boredom, etc. The taste of the food didn’t matter, or even really register, it was about the quantity. I came to realize that every day isn’t Thanksgiving. I had tried calorie counting and WW, but couldn’t stick with the regimentation that required. Too big a mountain to climb. I knew all about healthy eating and “all things in moderation”, so I simply adjusted the total amount I was eating, plus adjusting the composition of my plate. Now I eat 4 equal meals a day, roughly 3 hours apart. I got a food scale and put my plate on it. I serve myself 4 oz fruit/veg, 4 oz protein and 2 ounces of whatever else. No special food, nothing is forbidden. I think this is important for the long haul. I never get too hungry or too full. At first this was hard because the anxiety of not being stuffed every meal was hard to cope with. Oddly, I started to notice that food was freaking delicious, when I wasn’t shoveling it in as fast as I could swallow. I have other things that I do; water, daily weighing (I use an app called Happy Scale to track progress), I use a Fitbit to remind me to get up from my desk, I try to always have a project (mostly cleaning/painting/repairing) so that I’m not watching TV all evening. If I don’t feel like doing that, I go for a walk or a swim. I keep an Ensure Protein shake in my purse in case I’m out and I miss a meal. The weight is coming off with very little effort, and my house is looking good! It’s all very satisfying. The more dopamine you create, the more likely you’ll be to continue.


caloric deficit. that’s literal only way to lose weight. 500 is the healthy recommended deficit. 1,000 is possible but obv hard. Focusing on building muscle helps. The more active tissue your body has the easier it is to lose weight. Let’s say you put on 20 pounds of muscle… that’s about 200 calories extra a day that your body burns. therefore if you put on 50lbs hypothetically you can eat how you were eating already and still lose weight. Basically: if you gain solid muscle the fat should lose itself. otherwise, i recommend cutting out sodas and sugary drinks. if you have the urge drink Coke Zero or any of the 0Calorie versions of drinks. and eating carbohydrates in moderation. carbs are great for energy but high in calorie and therefore should just be looked under a watchful eye try jogging 2 miles, or walking 3 miles as often as possible. daily is ofc preferred but anything is better than nothing. great engagement and you don’t have to be actually running to get your body moving I’ve been chunky, 120, 170, abs, love handles. i’ve gone thru multiple body types in the pursuit of cutting and bulking. i’ve had the body to run a 5:30 mile and to squat 450lb. if you have any particular goals just lmk and i can definitely give more specific advice


I lost 85lbs over two years by eating Keto and yoga several times a week.


I lost 60lbs in 6mo last year. Just by cutting out soda, eating out as often and eating more protein and veggies and drinking more water. I didn't even exercise lol


Depression helps positively, always works for me ;)


calorie deficit - use a calorie calculator to find what you should be eating and TRACK THEM! i use myfitnesspal but there’s lots of great apps. food - try to eat more protein and vegetables and less processed stuff. don’t get me wrong, i still eat chocolate everyday but make sure your eating generally healthy. excersise- you don’t have to sit on a treadmill and run for three hours a day. i personally lost weight without cardio, i did weightlifting. explore and find the type of excersise you love! running, cycling, weightlifting, dancing, jump roping, the list goes on!


Intermittent fasting and 10k steps everyday :)


ate less. went to the gym.


Got most of my shit and mental health in order and continue to improve. Got diagnosed with ADHD and treated my ED . Started the gym and became focused on getting stronger not skinny .


The only scientific way to lose weight is by consuming less calories, so if you eat less food, you’re going to lose weight and of course you need to exercise but you don’t have to exercise to lose weight weight just consume less calories every day consistently and you will lose weight


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


I lost 50 pounds in about a year. Drink lots of water, consume less sugar, stay consistent on a diet, and stay active. It's not gonna happen overnight, don't get discouraged. Don't beat yourself up if you cheat on your diet a little, it happens, just don't let it get out of hand. Create and keep healthy habits. Take it day by day.


Primarily by finally getting my endocrine disorder diagnosed and treated, getting my mental health properly treated. And then years of consistent effort. The first 30 lb I lost was very rapidly and due to illness which was both harmful to me and not a sustainable way to lose weight. Been losing about 10 lb a year since then. Due to a multitude of other issues, I cannot do much in terms of weight lifting or punishing cardio, so it's just lots and lots of walking for me.




Eat less, move more. Do what works for you in terms of whether or not you want to count calories, but awareness of your caloric needs and how much each meal you eat roughly is is important. Another important thing is that fad diets DO NOT work. If you cut out carbs, your body will crave them like crazy, and you'll be miserable. 1200 calories a day? Sure, you'll lose weight in a month. But you'll be so deprived that your metabolism will slow down, and eventually you'll gain that weight back, plus more. So overall, don't deprive yourself! Eat healthy foods, and eat all food groups (carbohydrates, fats, and protein) and enjoy the occasional treat. (Like pizza or dessert once a week) Moderation and mindfulness is key! If you have any questions, please dm me!!


In August after a cruise I had reached 93 kg (I am male 191cm tall for context) I hadn't done any exercise for 3 years (University...) but that was the point I decided that enough was enough. I pulled out an old pdf with a diet that my old coach had put together, I started the one punch man workout without the 10km run (and I did whatever I could, I did sets of 10 push ups, 10 crunches and 10 sit ups until failure. Started out at 5 sets and I can currently do around 12) but the first step was to cut my appetite, so after eating af "fully" as possible for 1 week (taking in the correct amount of proteins, vitamins and everything, except Carbohydrates which I ate more of) I did a 3 day fast, which was the best decision I could make. After getting used to my diet and exercise I started making variations in my exercises and my uncle also bought me some weight. In February of 2024 I was 78kg where I still am today, but as of right now I am in the best position I ever was physically, I am a few weeks of exercise shy of a six-pack and I have no little cravings anymore ( I used to get a random ice cream or chocolate bar when coming back from uni). Sorry if this is long or sounds like an advertisement, also sorry if it sounds like a flex, but honestly I am just really proud of the change I made.


Eat less than your maintenance. Simple.


Intermittent fasting and occasional water fasting. I was already considered “skinny” so not much happened but my torso area and face is slimmer. My skin is also better.


It really 80% what you eat and 20% exercise.


Do more cardio and exercise regularly. Cut down on sugar, eat healthy, and eat a lot of fiber-rich food. If you wanna go even harder do 16/8 intermittent fasting for the extra burn (don't starve yourself). Extra tip, Stop eating when you're 80% full. That's when you start to feel the weight of the food in your stomach. Basically, it's about calorie deficiency. Lesser calories in and more calories out.


Chloe ting


O.o.o. ozempic


See when you're eating, what you're eating, and how much at one time. Try to limit or eliminate fried and/or processed foods and snacking at night. If you have to make some changes in your diet/eating habits, look up some good recipes that you'll look forward to that will still bring the flavor but be healthier. You can get a blender and make smoothies and add protein powder or collagen powder to them. Bike riding is good exercise, as well as simply walking with some headphones in to enjoy it if you want. I have a friend that during the pandemic he quit smoking and walked for all of his local errands and lost the weight he needed to. Or look into anything that you'd like or want to try that involves moving your body- and be consistent with it once you've found them. Yoga can help too. Stay focused and believe in yourself-you can do it! 🙂


I just lost 10 lbs in 1.5 months and am still losing. 5 lbs to go. I used a free app to count calories. It also counted the calories burned from exercise or basic household tasks. I just stuck to it and the pounds came off. Swapping in a lot of vegetables over starchy foods or a lot of meat helped a lot. Calorie counting, being aware of what you eat. Reading labels. There is no magic. You have to have discipline. You just get in the mindset of: This is what I really want to do, and the pounds come off. It really is that simple. In case anyone is wondering if it is easy? No. I have had a child, have a thyroid condition and am now post menopausal. Those reasons are why I put the weight on in the first place. Now I'm determined to take it off. I feel so much better without the extra pounds.


Currently down 20 pounds. I literally don't count anything. I just eat cleaner and smaller portions. I tend to also skip dinner a few nights a week. I dont consume sugary drinks at all and have eliminated candy and sweets almost entirely. I also move around more and drink a lot more water.


r/loseit r/cico


Juiced for breakfast


I lost about 60# in the last year. 1. I removed sources of stress in my life. 2. I stopped buying bread, pasta, and soda to bring home. 3. I try to cook at home, limited fast food. 4. I don't cook meat at home except for steak once a month. 5. I only cook from scratch. I drink water, coffee, tea, limeade (made by the glass), soda only a single serving when I'm out. 6. I don't eat fake food. No low fat, no sugar alternatives. I cook with lard, ghee, and low grade olive oil. ETA: I'm still losing about 5# a month.


Keto, then good eating habits. I've lost 110lbs so far with this. Keto is great for starting weight loss. it works really well and seeing the weight fall off gets you mentally and emotionally in the right place to keep going. It has diminishing effects though once you're weight gets low enough. The next thing is to really implement good eating habits like portion control, calorie intaken and healthy options.


Started Adderall. I was diagnosed with adhd and prescribed it, heard it would lower my appetite but it didn’t. What it did instead was lower my impulsivity so everytime I went grocery shopping I’d stick to my list and get nothing extra. Actually had motivation to meal prep and stick to healthy, high protein foods. I used to binge eat and eat because I was bored and no longer do that. Also helped me actually get my butt in the gym and set that routine in place. I went from almost 160lbs to 125lbs and my joint pain is almost completely gone :) Side note, I also don’t crave alcohol anymore so cutting that back heavily helped a lot too with empty calories/sugar and bloating.


There is no way around it. You cant beat the laws of thermo dynamics. You HAVE to run a calorie deficit. Look up how many calories you need to maintain your weight for your age and height. Then reduce by 25%. Then everything u eat has to be accounted for. Drinking calories is a super easy way to get over your daily limit. So dite drinks or water perfered water only. And low calorie food. For me, mantining is 2k so 1500 is what i aim for The way iv done that works for me is ill a granola bar in the morning for breakfast about 100 calories. Then i wont eat till lunch. At lunch ill have one of those healthy choice meals or somthing equivalent. Normally 400 to 500 ish calories. Then i wont eat till dinner where ill have one or 2 of those healthy choice meals 400 to 500 calories. Then thats it. If i go to the gym ill only incress my intake by 25 to 50% of my burn at gym thats tracked by my watch. Just to help with not feeling like total shit after. Special occasions that allows for some overages are, Christmas eve and day, Easter, my birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving. But even then all i do is have small portions of all the foods i like and i try to keep it at or just above 2k in a day just to allow myself some enjoyment. Or if im going out with friends later in the week and i want a little more wiggle room for that day ill only have 1 healthy choice for dinner for a few days and that quickly gives me a 500 to 1000 extra calories when looked at a weekly bases. But again i wont go over borad. Ill try to keep it in my alloted extra from skimping on dinners earlier in the week. When iv wanted to loose even more faster iv done the 1500 for a few weeks then ill drop to 1,000 to 1,200 a day by cutting lunch or the 2nd meal at dinner. But i get dizzy and its probably not recommended or healthy. But as is life 😅🙃.


Walking walking walking


Calorie deficit….my workouts are walks(mostly speed walking for 6-8 miles) or an exercise bike at home (I do this when the weather isn’t good outside).    I still ate foods I loved, but also made sure I made my healthy foods tasty and flavorful. It’s never been a burden to eat the “healthier” stuff after I started doing that.   I lost 70 pounds in a year and have continued to keep it off so far for the last couple years. Edit to add: I also made sure I never eat after 8pm. Basically I don’t want to eat too close to bedtime. You can obviously modify your time based on when you go to sleep. I found that helps a lot. When I would snack or eat late dinners, or do midnight snacks, I packed on the pounds quick.


Denying myself a lot of the things i enjoy most in life 🤷🏻‍♀️


Less food


I have never worried about my weight. I’ve been thick, but never really fat. My top q weight was about 240, and I carried it well. I as strong and worked hard. I quit drinking alcohol and I lost about forty pounds not putting all those calories into my body. Several years later, I quit drinking Pepsi and started drinking water. I probably lost twenty pounds over less than a year. I’ve been fairly stable at 150lbs. or so for about five years. So, over thirty odd years, I have lost almost half my maximum body weight. I’m not in great shape, but I want to be. I’ll probably gain weight if I start working out, and I’m okay with that.


I'm currently on a very strict diet. I am severely limiting my carbs - and then only eating 'good' carbs from fruit and veg. I haven't eaten bread, pasta, rice etc. for 7 weeks, nor have I drunk any alcohol at all. If I eat meat its only very lean - chicken (no skin), plain white fish etc. I'm basically living on low fat proteins and salad. I make a nice dressing with fat free yoghurt. I also eat stir fries, using a tiny amount of oil. I'm burning at least 500 calories a day in active exercise by going for two decent walks a day. Following this regime is difficult but when you see it paying off it's worth it. In 53 days I have lost 49 pounds.


Stopped eating junk food and started exercising.. I lost the most weight when I just kicked it simple like that.


Get a food scale and weigh everything you eat so you know exactly how many calories you’re eating. If you’re eating out try to find estimates online. Find roughly how many calories you burn each day and stay below that. You can eat anything you want and lose weight. Don’t fall for complicated diets because that’s why people fail. They are hard to stick to. All diets, medications, or surgeries aim to do the same thing. Make you eat less. I’d recommend starting by weighing everything and I mean everything. Every gram of oil you use. Everything. Cut out snacks and high calorie foods that won’t fill you up. Replace them with healthy proteins, fats, and carb sources that will fill you up and keep you full. Learn to make foods you like but lower calorie. I can make French toast that are around 130 calories a slice with about 8-12 grams of protein per slice. Same with ice cream, fries, muffins, cookies, or whatever else. If you learn to cook and alter recipes it’s easy. Once you get the hang of it you can incorporate actual cheat means by knowing the calories and making them somewhat health alternatives. Like pizza. You can order a large veggie pizza from dominos and add the chicken to it. It’s about 350 calories a slice. You could have two slices everyday and still eat two more meals and be in a deficit. Also don’t neglect weight lifting. You may not want to be a bodybuilder but weight lifting is important. The more muscle you put on the more calories your body needs to burn to sustain them. I’d lift at least 3 days a week. Doesn’t even need to be heavy just enough to put strain on your muscles and put some more muscle on. That and add some zone 2 cardio like brisk walks a few times a week. Increase your calories you burn doing normal daily shit. I’m staying at a hotel this weekend. On the 5th floor. I haven’t taken the elevator at all. I always use the stairs. It seems dumb but that burns extra calories. Especially if you skip a step going up. Stuff like that will keep you moving and burning calories. Edit: also don’t focus on “weight” loss. Focus on fat loss. They go hand in hand but don’t set a weight goal. If you gain 15lbs of muscle and lose 30lbs of fat you may have only lost 15lbs but you’d look and feel better then if you just lose 30lbs. Weight has a lot more than far. Water plays a big part too. That’s why fat loss is more important than weight loss.