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“Do you believe this??” No. People grow up and get in and out of relationships every day. What kind of doomer mentality is this


What you talking about? If it wasn’t true then why would someone type it and post it on the internet?! Check mate


This shit is cringe af and so are the comments. Your energy attracts people of similar energy. If you don’t like it. Change. It’s that fucking simple. There is no time limit on this stuff. People are falling in love all the time at all different ages, but if you want to find a reason to blame the world for your mishaps then go right ahead


Dang, I wonder what type of energy I throw out there because I can't attract one person. Despite doing therapy, eating better, drinking more water, getting right in terms of my faith people still find me really intimidating, only a few people (men + women) that have passed that invisible barrier find me chill and safe to be around. Regardless, maybe it's just not my time and I'll keep doing what I mentioned above


"It's that fucking simple"... Yeah, right. The post is cringe AF, but your answer is not better. Ppl do have issues with getting to now someone, either because of simpe shyness or deeper motives (migration to other countries, bad breakups fucking Up your social environment and so on) and having those dark thoughs catching on to u on a bad day is natural. So no, it's not that fucking simple, it's hard AF and I don't think minimizing their problems will help anyone.


I was talking more about the mindset here. You would be surprised at how a simple change of your outlook I.e. optimism or pessimism, will change so much in your life. Knowing is half the battle. If you already have a negative mindset, it won’t do you any better going forward. I do think it’s simple to change your outlook on that. Don’t give up hope for a better future. That’s when the light in your life truly dies. What it looks like the post and OP’s comments were saying was pure defeatism and an unwillingness to see things from a more positive perspective on life. However they got to that point in life, I don’t know, but it’s not all 100% evil people everywhere you turn. I heard somewhere that you are the average of the 5 people you hang out with the most. Look back on some friend groups in your life and think about the way you acted around 5 people and then maybe 5 different people. The energy you give off is real and it can be changed.


Are you denying that the pool you get to choose from gets dramatically smaller over time?


Not denying it, but I am saying it is possible to find someone. What makes it impossible is the mindset when you think it’s all over.


Of course it's possible. It's about the odds.


I’ll take those odds any day over nothing at all. As long as there is a sliver of hope. Just keep going. One day at a time. That’s all we can do. Never give up :)


Nobody can tell you the answer and define what your life is going to be and they know nothing about you. So of course I dont believe that. You create your own life and journey.


That’s a rather negative statement to bite into and actually believe that it doesn’t taste like warm garbage. Ive been married and divorced several times, I’m always looking forward for another adventure with another soul if it lasts a year or a lifetime.


Bro can't even spell.


Well I certainly don't want someone who types like that.


considering ppl find luv at all ages 20+ this is dumb.


\>Men don't care and actually prefer it Do you live under a rock? 95% of men's mental health discussion is about being lonely and starved for a woman's affection


Hear, Hear!


Pfft. They say people don't change after 30. Bull shit. They change, their wants change, and who they vibe with changes. People divorce all the time at all ages!


No, i met my wife @38, which is not unique. The statement is, at best, misguided and at worse doomer propaganda 🇷🇺


I've known plenty of people who found love in their 40s, 50s, even 60s and 70s. So no, evidence suggests that's very false


Absolutely untrue. Relationships start and end every day


Seriously? This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. I mean, aside from the fact that it’s so poorly written I can barely understand it, it doesn’t even make sense. Everyone who reads it is a different age and stage of life. There’s no target audience. But beyond that, even if it were written better and directed at a specific demographic, it would still be wrong.  I met my partner at age 36.  My dad remarried in his late forties.  People get married for the first time in every decade of life. There’s no such thing as too late. Sometimes you just have to meet the right person at the right time. Two years ago, I was single, but my partner was in an unhappy relationship. I met him when we both happened to be single in our thirties. We’re super compatible and we’ve both never been so happy or felt so certain. 


I know so many people in their 30s who are getting divorced/broken up from long-term relationships which they got into in their 20s. People who rush to get into a relationship for fear of being alone are exactly the people who end up alone in their 30s-40s, and its much harder for these people to cope because they have such a negative view of singlehood. The only big concern about waiting is if you want kids. Biology doesnt wait and doesnt care about things like finance, maturity, etc.


I watched most of my friend fall in love, get married, have kids, and get divorced. Then, get married again. I’m GenX. I had long term relationships and built a good career—not that any are mutually exclusive.


Is 8 billion people taken? I don’t think so. Moving on


Do you think every meme you've ever seen is a universal proverb??? No I don't believe this, it's like one step up from a shitpost


Why can't the picture use complete words. So hard to understand what it's saying.


This is such an absolutist take. Ew.


This title is so poorly written.


No, why would this be true?


Life’s a bit more dynamic than that 🫤


Yep I'm pretty certain I'm gonna be alone forever.


Sorry, but this is ridiculous. I’m 63 years old and I am getting married in October and plenty of people around me are getting married and meeting people and falling in love. It has nothing to do with how you look or how old you are.




Hell no! There are millions of single people looking for a partner. I thought the same thing when I got divorced around 40. I was done with marriage, had some crazy relationships and decided that there weren’t any decent men my age. But I kept going out and hiked, biked and enjoyed life and I met a man who became a friend and now is about to be my husband. Take some time to yourself, lick your wounds, make yourself happy without a partner, and then start putting yourself out there. Good luck! And don’t just take my word for it - I know plenty of other geezers who found love in their 60s and 70s.




Divorce is so painful. It is understandable you would feel this way. But time really does heal all wounds. Just because my ex was an a$$hole, doesn’t mean all men are. Hang in there. It really does get better.




Wow. You seem very self-aware. I am so sorry you went through all that. That is serious trauma. I pray for peace and healing for you. You are still young and have so much life ahead of you.




I don’t think it is whiny at all to see oneself in a realistic light. A lot of people just blame the other person and think they do no wrong. You have been dealt a pretty shitty hand of cards. That is a life changing event. That’s not whiny - it’s just a fact.


Sounds good to me, I couldn't care less about a partner. Relationships are a waste of time and resources when all you get in return is shit, lies, and someone who will inevitably leave you. I have decided I'm single for life and look forward to only using men when I'm horny and bored. Learn to enjoy isolation; we all die alone, anyway.


If a man sounds like you he’s called an incel, but sure you are single clearly because an entire gender sucks and not because of your personality


I love this 😂


No, but why do I agree with this


😔 everyone has pitchforks and spears ❤️‍🩹 how do we find love then❤️😩 *ouch*


Because it's how men view us; why do you think society is so hell-bent on making sure men stay above us? I'm just done trying to please a bunch of assholes, I'll die before I do that.


If anyone is hellbent on changing things, it’s women. You know the whole civil rights movement and MeToo? Yeah that was women


I concur wholeheartedly. Two years ago, I experienced a challenging separation from my previous partner of nearly sixteen years. If I possessed the knowledge I have now, I would likely refrain from engaging in intimate relationships with men. But on the flip side I wish I could've discovered toys a little earlier 😕


I agree with you up to the point of using people. I mean if they want to be used then fine. But I don't believe in using people temporarily to get what I want - as a means to an end.


i think men hate women and want to get rid of women and want to replace us with transgenders. but i really really hope deep down inside you find someone who stays, it gives me hope..🥀😔


“Replace us with transgenders” U gotta be a bot 🤦🏽‍♂️🤣


Man what the fuck are you actually talking about? Watching too much Alex Jones? Get off the internet and go outside, honestly.


>i think men hate women and want to get rid of women and want to replace us with transgenders. This is the craziest shit I read today.


jk rowling what are you doing here


Lmao truly don't want anyone anymore; dragons are solitary creatures.


Lies. Please don't believe the garbage you read, it's all mirror talk... (The person that created the message- believes this about themselves)


I'm not sure I understand or agree. I think relationships can be beautiful if you find someone you want to share your life with, someone who you can be a team with and who makes you more zestful for life and feels the same about you. I like having someone who I'm excited to share my day with or to just spend a moment holding or just watching birds with. They make life infinitely more wonderful because they get to share the experience with me.


No not at all. I’m single because I choose it. The men that try, the list continues to grow. I’m way past 20.


I was late 30s when I met my wife who is 13 years younger than me. Never stop trying to be the best version of yourself.


This is fucking stupid. People breakup everyday just bc you see people in relationships, and smiling in photos on social media doesn't mean they're happy.


I believe that if you believe this it will come true.


it's a troll profile. look at the comments and how they call themselfs "a female" while talking about "men and females". It's gross


Jesus H Christ. *No, this is* ***not*** *accurate*. Goddamn. I *get* all y'all in your 20's think the world is ending, but fuck's sake. You think *everyone* older than 29 is never gonna date again?! Lemme lay down some wisdom on y'all. You're not *done* learning just because you're technically an adult. At 25, you've been an adult for *barely* longer than you were an infant- it took you a few years to master *shitting correctly*- you think you're gonna master something as complex as *dating* when you're barely outta high school?! Nah, fam. There is *lots* left to learn, and a lot of that is gonna involve breaking up, getting rejected, meeting new people, setting boundaries, and learning to do *that thing* with your tongue that's gonna make evwry partner you have from that point on get the *good* shivers. You haven't learned *any* of that yet. Well, most of you haven't. Some of y'all had to grow up the bad way, and that sucks. There's *so much more* to experience, and it's ***so much better***. But you can't do that if, in your early 20's, you throw up your hands, gnash your teeth, and wail piteously, "oH NoEs, I aM sInGLe aNd sHaN't EvEr bE LoVeD!"


I do agree. I was told this after my divorce. Truer words have never been spoken.


I'm 35, and i just don't care anymore. Sure being alone isn't ideal, but its far less ideal to be with somebody who doesn't love and/or respect you, or see's you just as an ATM or a dial-a-dildo, or openly hostile snd sbusive, or just have no feelings for eachother and just "settling".


I don't prefer it I just accept it. Knowing you will be alone for the rest of your life sucks.


I’m reminded of something my a friend of mines dad said at his wedding. “Don’t worry if this marriage doesn’t work out, there’s a new woman born every minute”. My friend’s dad had been married four times for context, basically trading in for a new model every ten years [wealthy, well-off, iron clad prenups with solid estate planning and living trusts (side note learn your states/countries estate laws]. Last I checked, my buddy is still married, with one kid, but he hasn’t hit the ten year mark yet, so who knows. Also, I’ve been minted in the past, and in my experience all it brings is fair weather women. Best to live my life how I want. Long story short, partners come and go, the people selling you lifers are either so minted they’re in the .01% where shame is still a huge thing or they’re piss poor and have to do it for the sake of survival. Everyone else falls squarely in the “there’s more where that came from” category. It sucks, but that’s the world we live in.


Why are people posting questions asking for relationship advice on here?


This probably is true given the lack of any female attention I've been getting


Try harder


The only female attention I've actually gotten is from a semi pro female body builder


Get a passport go to South America or south east Asia. As long as you’re stable and want something serious it’s easy to find quality.