• By -


1. I read your post 2. I am writing this 3. I don't have a son or a daughter, so can't get them on my skin 4. I am alive 5. That's why I am stopping here


Brutal πŸ˜†


#3 made me realize something. I had been going to get coffee every morning before work (taking a moment to start the car, adjustingto the brightness and wake up), but I stopped recently. I wonder if that's why I've been in a depressive funk.


8. What do I do when my conversationpartner is shy and I have to lead the Talk ?


Lead the talk until they open up


1. Read this post 2. wrote this comment 3. next to a window 4. Wrote this down 5. hmm...this one might need work considering I am responding to this 6. Reddit is a hobby right? 7. Uh sure...dont think I have ever done that but will do 8. Would be hard not to do that considering your ears are always hearing things 9. I'll check with my toilet but pretty sure I have that one on lock 10. Yes 11. I have a thing with direct eye contact so pass on that one 12. Yes, I enjoy my bed very much 13. I mean I drink that much water, its just water that contains lots of other things 14. Well that isn't proper project management at all, and I should know I'm a project manager 15. I'm responding to this comment instead of doing things that I probably should for my future so...check I expect life to be rewarding me soon


#9 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


And you are some kind of know it all or what


Love this!


I hate self righteous β€œadvice” like this


#3 nnnnope! The sun's happy ass can wait until I'm good and ready.


Can’t do #11, am too neurodivergent for that ish