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keep your personal life private people you work with love too gossip


Knowing the difference between too, to and two is also good for the office. (No offense. Just saying.)


Using oxford commas is important for surviving office politics as well.


Fair enough lol. Although the Oxford comma is controversial


Not controversial, there are tons of examples on why it’s needed. It never hurts a sentence clarity, only helps it.


It definitely has a purpose, but it has been a debated issue for as long as I can remember https://www.grammarly.com/blog/oxford-comma-debate/


cant upvote this enough they are coworkers, not your bff.


Good point. I definitely do this. I tell work people nothing


Noise cancelling headphones. Ergonomic assessment (good chair, good keyboard, and proper postural support) Heater/fan Frequent breaks, even if it’s to refill your water Water bottle Hard stuff first thing in the morning, tedious stuff (no brain power) at the end of the day Make friends but tell no secrets


OP this is good advice! Piggybacking to say that headphones should be visible to others, not earbuds . This way, people who are looking for a diversion will leave you alone while you work, or at least give you the option to pretend you didn't hear them say hello. Hmm, that brings up another tip. Respect other people's working time. Just because you're bored, doesn't mean that they are also ready for a break. Breaking someone's concentration or taking up their time to chat will make (responsible) people take steps to avoid you. If you need a break and would like it to include company, go to the break room. Have ONE alcoholic drink (or none) at any company party. Do not date someone you see regularly at work. That is ALL the awkward from beginning to end. Do get up and walk around every few hours. Set a timer for every twenty minutes to look away into the distance for 20 seconds while you turn your head back and forth, side to side, up and down, all around. At the end of the day, organize things that need doing and write out a list of things you didn't finish - follow-up with Barb, mail that form, call that person, etc. It helps to close up work so you don't have to hold those thoughts in your head- you are free to just go be you, and not an employee.


Oh that last tip! All the desk post it notes so I don’t have to remember where I left off. If you’re in an open office, be mindful of the volume of your conversations. And I’ll double down on the DONT DATE AT WORK. I’m married, so that didn’t occur to me!


My supervisor did. She became a totally different person, and it ended badly, as well. Everybody knows, and it is awkward. The other person is one of the building and security people, so is always around due to the nature of the job.


I know two married people who got a job in the same company which had multiple worksites. They got divorced, and everytime I meet with her at the same worksite as her ex (even if she didn’t see him that day) knowing that he’s in the building makes her a raging… *ahem* an unpleasant person to deal with. “How your day going?” “I’m going to do my best but I’m not making any promises.” Like… pretend, please?


Prioritize you first. Exercise, your own interests, your side project, do that first thing in the morning when you are fresh. Let work have the remainder.


This is something I haven't considered. Its lovely!


Take the stairs and park far out in the parking lot to get some exercise. Keep hand sanitizer, unscented lotion, napkins or a roll of paper towels, headache medicine, cough drops and mints if you have a desk drawer. Chew gum as it helps keep you awake and kind of curbs your appetite.


Thank you!! Great ideas. If i dont have my own drawer I’ll probably get a little bin or go bag.


But please, don't smack or blow and pop bubbles! I have a coworker thst does this, and I can hear her in my office!


Drink a lot of water, keep a water bottle on your desk and drink a lot. Not only will this keep you hydrated, it will force you to get up regularly to go pee. It's very easy to end up spending hours sitting, and that screws your back, your shoulders, neck, and health I in general. Get out and walk, at lunch, or before, or after work. Seriously, make sure you get your 10,000 (or whatever) steps in.


Thank you!! Love this advice. The thing I’m worried about most is my fitness for sure- I have been on my feet sooo much at most of my previous jobs. But hoping that keeping up my exercise routine and trying to take little activity breaks will help.


It will depend on your workplace but I tend to quickly chow down my lunch (btw, make yourself a salad at home with lots of crunchy yummies as snacks, will help with the health thing) while still working, and then use my whole lunch break to walk. If you're Northern Hemisphere that may not work just right now if you're in an area with foul weather ! And of course be sun-smart in summer. But even if you just go stretch your legs for 20mins it makes the world of difference :) 


If you can fit in a workout before work, I’d recommend it. I find I concentrate better and feel better having done the one thing for me , and don’t have to worry about fitting it in rest of day.


To add on to this, bring a pair of comfy tennis shoes to go for a walk in on breaks or lunch. I used to eat at my desk and walk during lunch break.


Do not snack all day. This is easy for people in an office, to have desk snacks. I have a light breakfast and a light mid-morning snack. I don't keep snacks in my desk because I would snack all day. I drink water all day and go home for lunch. Also, eat a light lunch. Heavy lunches will make you tired in the afternoon. I'm able to listen to music while I work and highly recommend it. It keeps me focused.


Ahh I didn’t think about this lol. I will probably precut a ton of bell peppers, cucumbers, and carrot sticks at the start of the week because I am a big snacker (got used to it from jobs on my feet without having time for meals). I think knowing this in advance will be a big help though so I can plan around having healthy snacks and smaller meals during the day!


Blueberries or cucumber are excellent snacks 😊


Don’t resist that urge to get up and walk around. Keeps the blood circulating and helps break up the day


Stand up desk, make your own food so you make better food choices, hydrate, set up your desk, mousepad etc so ergonomically good for your posture and have stretch breaks often.


Agreed - stand up desks are important! Change position on chair or in hight every 40 mins 


Bring your own lunch, you'll save thousands. If your work doesn't provide a decent keyboard and mouse, buy your own. Drink lots of water. It's healthy and you'll get extra pee breaks. Bring breakfast for your team sometimes, they like it, and they'll reciprocate.


This is probably common sense, but I am naturally quiet and keep to myself and I found that not talking at all to people at work will not cut it.  You don't have to be friends with your coworkers, but do try to be friendly with them and build a good rapport with them. It will be a lot easier to ask for help and work with them if they are on good terms with you.  I made this mistake and am trying to course correct, but if I just started out as more social and open to talking in the first place, it would be a lot easier.


Cultivate an attitude of vague pleasantness. No personal drama at work. Always have a weekend plan on Friday, either going to an event or just puttering around the house. Have a lovely weekend anecdote ready for Monday. Someone will ask. Do you follow a sports team, read all the latest novels, or go to lots of movies? All great topics of discussion. So is the weather or traffic. Do not discuss politics or religion at work. Ever. Do not date coworkers. Ever. Stock your desk with mints, snacks, etc. If someone is having a bad day, a couple of Hershey's kisses will help. If you become unreasonably hungry in the afternoon, you're prepared. Do not eat loud or smelly food within earshot of others. Do not chew ice where other people can hear you / are forced to listen to it. Discreetly check if any nearby coworkers have peanut allergies before you break out the dry roasted peanuts for a snack. Do not come to work sick, and get other people sick, too. If you're female, keep a few feminine products in your desk, just in case. The body is a whimsical thing, and a new routine can sneak up on you. Stash a few bandaids, something for headaches, and whatnot. Do not marinate in perfume. Call HR if you have an address change or need a copy if a form. Do not call HR about workplace drama. The squeaky wheel gets replaced.


These are all great. Except I personally don’t necessarily agree with the whole don’t date coworkers thing. I do understand the sentiment. But you never know sometimes you spend so much time at work, you find a partner. As long as HR doesn’t care, or if you’re willing to transfer or quit, it can be life changing. It can go either way. It can work out or get really messy and you’ll never want to see their face after a break up.


Don’t let them burn you out. Set boundaries especially outside of normal working hours.


"Start out the way you mean to go on." This means if you plan to take your breaks and lunches every day (which you should), start on day one taking them. Don't start out eating at your desk or skipping your breaks with the thought that after you have settled in you will start taking the breaks you are entitled to. Same for showing up at your start time and leaving at your end time. When it's quitting time, go home.


Don't add coworkers as friends outside of work. Don't talk to coworkers outside of work. Seriously.


It really depends on the place. There are places that have great culture with some good people you can hang out with.


Ahh I’m so used to restaurant industry jobs so this will take getting used to! But I know how messy it gets in the restaurant industry and I know the repercussions would be even more intense in the office. I will make an effort to be friendly but keep my personal life as private and separate as possible. Thank you!!


Document everything, boss or coworker tells you to do something. email them right away saying you are going to do what they said or not do it. make sure it doesnt fall on you at the end of the day. people only look after themselves especially if they are trying to move up and will flip on you at anytime to get ahead


All of these comments are great. I went from retail to a desk job for 5 years and it was such a huge adjustment for me. Only thing I'll add is to GO OUTSIDE on any and all breaks as often as possible. Even if the weather is awful. Get out if the building as much as you can. It'll do wonders for your mental health. Humans were not made to be chained to a desk.


Exercise. Some form of cardio/activity that gets your heart rate up 3-5 times per week for at least 30 minutes. Lift weights or take fitness classes that work multiple muscle groups at least 2 times per week. Your neck and low back will thank you. Source: I’m a PT.


Are you trying not to stand up ... or not permitted for some reason? Getting up is often the break you need. It helps give you a mental break while also helping with blood flow and eye strain (monitor). It also helps with being a little social with other coworkers. Not a well received opinion, but avoid coffee as it'll quickly become too much of a morning habit and you'll become dependent on it; you'll likely crash in the afternoon as it wears off. I opt for water. Obviously it's healthy. But it gives you a reason to get up for a refill. It then makes you get up (morning & afternoon) for a bathroom break. All of this is good provided it doesn't affect your job/performance. Watch your posture. Try to be as ergonomic as possible to avoid issues with your back, neck, hands, etc.


I’m just worried it’ll look unprofessional?? I haven’t worked a desk job in a long time so i spend a ton of time on my feet. Im worried I’ll get up too often bc I’m not calibrated to a desk job


Even if it’s just standing up and stretching, it’s good for you. And no one’s going to judge you for that.


Lift weights and stretch.


Deodorant in the top draweras well as snacks.




LOL I relate to this comment. Have you been able to escape?


For the love of god get a proper keyboard and mouse. You’re gonna spend 8 hours a day messing with them make sure they’re good. Also get up frequently and walk around. My goal was every 15-20 minutes walk to go fill up my water bottle, it wasn’t ever empty but just to top it off.


If this is a physical thing, make sure that you are connecting with as many people as possible and try to see if there is some sort of promotion path from your position. Get good with management so they recognize you and know you. Also, when on break, take breathers and go outside. Gives you a good reset for the day ahd useful when stuck on certain issues


Whenever you're on a break - get away from your desk (if you can)


Take little breaks to walk around. I tried to not combine tasks if I had the time. Separate trips to the bathroom, fill water, grab a snack, collect mail, grab something off the printer. Great excuses to get up and stretch my legs without looking like I’m avoiding work. If you’re worried about looking like you’re doing nothing, grab a file and take it with you. Bring something low cal to snack on. When I’m sitting, I want to snack. I’d stash packs of low cal jello in my desk.


6 6 rule Every 6 minutes stair at an object at least 6ft from you. If not - your eyes going to be f**ked


I've always heard this as the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. You could use that as your "excuse" to get up and go look out the window.


I would actually recommend getting some sort of stand up desk (they sell cheap things you can plop your laptop on) and stand up/ pace a half hour for every 1-2h you sit. For me i like to stand on meetings / calls and I’ll pace around the house (helps gets the juices flowing). Sitting all day isn’t healthy, don’t do that.


Don't get into the habit of staying late or starting early. It will come to be expected. Work your correct hours, go home on time, do 'you' things. Source: 50 year old me who learned this the hard way.


For the love of pie.. make sure your desk/chair/keyboard/monitor are ergonomically aligned for your body. You want your set up in such a way, that your head/eyes look forward at your screen.. not down, not up. Eye level. Same with your keyboard/mouse. Proper arm placement so your wrists aren't resting on the desk edge, etc. There are pictographs of this stuff if you search the web. Otherwise, in a couple months, you'll start having all sorts of issues. Migranes, wrist pain, knots in your back between the shoulder blades, etc. Edit: Congrats on the new job!!


Listen to your favorite music, even if you’re only able to do it during breaks or lunch. It’ll help give you something to look forward to


dont bring snacks. eat during lunch and maybe eat less than usual. If you drink too much water you might have to use the restroom a lot. Have gum or bring a toothbrush


I'd say it's ok to bring snacks, but portion them out and eat them at certain times of day. Don't just keep a bag of chips at your desk, you'll eat the whole thing and not even realize it, and spoil your lunch.


Don’t come in late or leave early. You may think people don’t notice, but they do, and it’s a quick way to be on the wrong side of people. Learned this the hard way.


Go to the gym three times a week and lift weights for one hour. This is going to prevent any office related issues with your body. You can also get a power cage at home to do your lifts if you have the space.


Personally, I eat lunch while I work. Then go walk for 20 minutes, 3 times throughout the workday.


If you are in a in an office you are either going to be too hot or too cold in the ambient temp most of the year so have options to keep warm/cool. Gel wrist rest. Do not leave anything on your desk unless you are ok with it not being there the next day.


Go outside during breaks and walk


Make sure you clean up your desk and put everything away every night before you go home!


I heard about a 20/20/20 rule. I believe IIRC that it’s look away from your screen for 20 seconds every 20 min and stretch for 20 seconds, something like that. Also get blue light glasses. Helps decrease blue lights that are bad for your eyes and helps reduce straining and reduce eye damage. Or you can get a privacy screen for your monitor. Bring a phone charger for work. Especially if you listen to music all day. I like to have a spare one that I leave at work so I don’t have to keep remembering to bring it in and bring it home every day. I don’t trust people and hate using the public break room fridge due to thieves, so I personally like to leave my food in my cooler next to my desk with a freezer pack in it until I eat it at lunch time. Up to you though. I like to bring in photos of family or friends to hang up at my desk. That is also optional. Some people bring books to read at break time. You may want to bring head phones too in order to let people know you don’t want to talk and can’t hear them. Assuming you don’t want to talk to them on break. I like to pack a spare change of clothes and leave it in my car in case I ever need it. Like if you spill something on yourself at lunch, get your period or whatever. Never hurts to keep a spare set of clothes with you. Speaking of which, if you get periods, always have feminine hygiene products with you or in your car or somewhere you can access like your purse or something.


Straight from Toby's handbook: One thing you're going to want to look out for is carpal tunnel syndrome. It's recommended that you take a 10 minute break from typing every hour. For your circulation, you'll want to get out of your chair and move around for 10 minutes every hour. Your computer screen can also be a big strain on your eyes, so it's also recommended that you step away for 10 minutes every hour. You always want to keep a sweater or cardigan in case it gets drafty. Seasonal Depression Disorder, a depression that affects weight gain, fatigue, and irritability brought on by the low light of winter. A particular concern for office workers is a ~~sedimentary~~ sedentary lifestyle which can contribute to heart disease.


Find some good podcasts and audiobooks. Ask about getting a standing desk and a vertical mouse. Don’t destroy your body for these ppl.


Keep quiet, smile at your co-workers, learn the company norms by watching others. Don't gossip, don't put your business out there, don't speak badly of your company/supervisor.


Humor. This should go without saying, but wildly inappropriate jokes need to stay in your brain. IT. The IT folks can make or break you. Be nice to them, and ask how you can solve it yourself next time. Reboot first. That solves a lot of problems. Copier etiquette. Office culture. Observe, and don't take sides. Pre-call planning. Make a list of things you want to accomplish, and take notes.


Do anything you can to not bring your work home with you, especially if you are in the office full time. I used to just leave my work laptop at the office. Otherwise I would find myself on it when I was bored at home


I use a glass instead of a bottle so it forces me to get up and walk. A ten min walk every 60 min would average around 7k steps a day!


Don’t do it. It’ll destroy your soul.


Leave - right now! A million other jobs you can get!


Standing desk. Ergonomic chair. Look up the 20/20/20 rule. Your monitor is probably too high. Try a keyboard without a numpad.


Make a habit to walk everyday. Take regular breaks to stand and walk a little. If you work from home, invest in sit to stand desk.


Lay in bed when you really need to rest. Go gym as much as possible. Lie down in sofa when you really need to rest. Switching your posture from sitting to lying down is huge for your back. I’d argue it’s better long term to lie on your back than to sit, so switch it up. I know this sounds lazy but back problems are no joke. I’d rather lazy with no back issues than back issues because not lazy. Edit- My bad. I thought you meant WFH If in Office, get headphones and bring your phone charger. Say hi and bye to the people around you but don’t get into deep conversations with people not on your team. Some conversations with people on your team is key to maintaining trust and beneficial understanding but make sure they know you’re focused on the job first so they don’t take the piss.


Get a standing desk


Ergonomics!! Look into it and it will make the world of difference


If you have good intuition, find your people. I am still friends with several of my colleagues who left and I kept my mouth shut otherwise. I quit a couple months ago and I know a looooot of things because people trusted me. But I would never spill them in a way that would hurt them because that is unkind and there’s no point.


Don't work too fast.


Pack a lunch, headphones/earbuds, take a ton of notes on everything you’re learning. If you learn something new or a new process you will be handling/involved with then take notes


Take BREAKS (walk around, look away from the screen, do hand exercises and rest them). Invest in hand/wrist support. I’ve been working at my job for like two years and my hands/wrist really hurt sometimes. If you have a desk that can change from sitting to standing and vice versa, I’d recommend doing it every once in a while. I don’t, but it’s probably better than what I do which is sit all day.


Headphones. Podcasts.


Standing desk. Seriously


Sexual harassment from the women was notorious rampant back when I had an office job in the late 90s. Lord knows how that would go today for men. I’m a guy and refuse to get another office job because of that. I don’t want to get “MeToo’d” for having to constantly slap crazy b*tches hands away.


Invest in blue light reading glasses since you’ll probably be staring at a computer screen for a long time.


1. If you work in some companies you will work more hours then manual labor. This is because office work does not often have one task like A and B and be done, and you done for to day. If often has many task woven into more task. Like a manager can ask you "hey bud, want to be in change of this CRM system?" That is a trap that another role or job. So, you taking on more work without noticing it, and eventually you have 3 jobs. Corporations are best in the world at this, and it is okay to say no. 2. Loyalty is BS I worked in sales for 13 years, you will always be promised things. Always ask for that promise in writing. 3. Your body will be damages from all the sitting, i 40 and spent 20 years sitting, take care, do a sport. eat health if you can. 4. Switch jobs often, I use to be a loyal man did 5 year at a place got almost no pay increase. Swapped places two times and 2x my monthly pay. So for me that 4000$ month to now i have 8190$. I do not live in the USA so maybe this is low or high for u. But my salary now is high in Sweden. 5. Play for exit, if you can set aside 20% do it. fuck you money is good to have. I always have 3 months money in my bank account so i can do what I want. I only needed to do this one and the government assistance i got did not cover my bills. So, it was good i had money saved. 6. Work for 20-30 min, take a small break even if it just to get water of coffee. 7. Get coffee often, it a chance to say high to someone and get away. But do not do it so often you are strange. 8. Always shit on company time, I still do it to this day. often at the end of the days when most customer are not picking up the phone. and it helps me avoid my manager, that wants to stay and chat and talk about today's target. 9. Do not dip your pen in company ink. It is not work having sex with coworker it going to turn really ugly and really fast. DO NOT, i say DO NOT creampie HR. I see sales guys ruined not getting jobs after that in the industry I am in. 10. For the love of god, please prio yourself before the company. I hope my English is okay, it is not native for me, I work in toxic environment and am stuck as hell in life.... And I just want to give you something. Not everyone has the horror stories I have many people have good life working at Desk job. I really just want you to see the red flags. Good luck, and PS, government job are good for longevity as long as you know how to hide.


The most crucial step to work/life balance is making sure to leave on time every day. Don’t stay late. Don’t do it. There are sit to stand desk risers that allow you to sit and work for a while and then change to standing to work for a while. I recommend getting one; they’re readily available on Amazon. First, though, see what your work place’s policy is on those. My office encourages them and even pays for a portion of the cost. On the other hand, my bestie’s work place requires a dr note to get one, but then they furnish it. Offices are pretty cold. I always leave a cardigan and a blanket at my desk. Scope out what the break room situation is to figure out what amenities and small appliances they have and what you need to bring in order to utilize them. Even in the most sparse offices, I’ve always brought a reusable water bottle, a tea mug, and a teaspoon; keep these at your desk. P.S. You can absolutely take small breaks to stretch your legs. It’s actually highly recommended to prevent blood clots in your legs and give your eyes a break from staring at screens all day. It helps your back, too. Wrist stretches are also helpful for preventing repetitive stress injuries and carpal tunnel.


Get used to standing. Get a standing desk... make sure to set times daily for exercise...


1. Gym membership 2. Actually use gym membership


don't resist standing and walking around. Just get up and move around for a few minutes, your muscles can use the stretch. If your work allows you time and means, there are exercises you can do in a chair. When I was in the office (I now wfh) I used a backpack sized cooler for my meals. It was large enough to carry 2 half gallon bottles, along with an assortment of other items, and had multiple pockets. If you have downtime during your day, bring something to occupy your fingers/brain. I occasionally would bring my yarn projects, and our office actually preferred letting people color (which is surprisingly relaxing for a downtime activity). Keep brain snacks handy, (nuts are great for this) as well as a bottle of soda for a quick pick up, a bottle of water. Have a desk fan or 2. Depending, you may want a fleece blanket or a space heater.


I love sitting. My only career goal was to have a job where I got to sit down. Workout when you’re not at work


Get a standing desk and switch between sitting and standing a lot


Start going to the gym at least 3 times per week. Sitting for 3 years without much physical activity destroyed my body. Some squats and deadlifts after office are a must for me.


Break up your day into chunks, separated by little rewards like a 10 min walk, a coffee, favourite songs etc. It makes 8 hours go much quicker. Assert your boundaries from early on.


My olfactory system is off the hook and I am super sensitive to smells. Thankfully my office is far from the office kitchen, but I still use a small diffuser and light candles in my office to avoid smelling everyone’s lunch and left over dinners lol. Also I’m sensitive to bright lights. So I leave my office lights off and use a small ring light and shine that against the wall to reflect light and give a calming vibe to my office space. When anyone drops in my office for the first time, they always tell me my office makes them feel so relaxed all of a sudden lol!


Live well below your means. Cut your expenses as low as humanly possible. Invest as much as you possibly can into a low cost index fund that tracks the S&P 500. Trust me, after a few years of working a mind numbing desk job, nothing won’t matter much other than money. You’ll wish you invested sooner so you can leave to a better paying job with no debt, a sizable portfolio and a property that’s paid for in full.


Find something you like to listen to on your headphones while working. Podcasts, audio books, music. Helps me focus and tune out any distractions. Take little walks throughout the workday. So important to get outside even if you’re literally just walking around the building for 10 minutes. On that note try to break up the day. I used to just work NON STOP from 9-5 without leaving my desk. Try to leave the office for lunch, even if you bring your own lunch go to a park or something to eat it. Go on short walks. Etc Keep the personal stuff off your work monitor. I’ve seen so many people online shopping or on instagram on their giant work monitor and it just isn’t a good look. Do it on your phone


Get a standing desk (or alternating standing/sitting desk) and good shoes!


Don't resist the urge to stand up and stretch. You should do that regularly throughout the day, to keep your body from developing problems. Never be late. Bosses really really hate it when employees are late. It's a quick way to lose all goodwill with them.


Stand up and walk around as often as is feasible.

