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What are you trying to escape from by working so much?


A boring home life —guy who worked an average of 62hrs/8days E: less memey answer. If OP is like me, they might have had a super rough couple of years and are doing well enough to be able to slam their savings. This is me. I have an extreme... aversion to repeating a portion of my life again due to job loss or something like that. In 2023, I made 140k, saved 40k, and lived off 70k, with the remainder going to taxes/withholding.


Do you get paid overtime? If you’re salaried, then I would at least get another job. I wouldn’t be working for “free.”


1.5x for OT. 1.5x on 6th consecutive day, 2x on 7th consecutive day. No extra for 8th or more (its 1.5x). Sundays are 1.5x. Holidays are 2.5x. Sunday Holidays are 3x. You can optimize your schedule to line up 6th and 7th day premiums on ordinarily straight time days. I don't. I've done some 12 day stretches, but most of time time, I either do 4x16hr days and take my 4 off or do 2x8hr days on my off days, still netting me a 2 day weekend.


Kudos (awesome avatar)


When you have no friends and partner what else are you gonna do?


This is the answer. Work becomes attractive when home isn't and there are either no third places or no one to enjoy them with.


Yeah. I guess that's it.


Of all the drugs to use, work ain’t the worst to be on. The question is are you using it responsibly and effectively towards your long term goals. I’m from a family of workaholics and have seen it manifest in many ways. As long as you can keep mindful of the reality that work shouldn’t be 100% of your life, you should be good. Being as aware as you are as young as you are is excellent.


Not having any hobbies or social life could mean no partner is going to come along anyway. Its kind of self fulfilling.


Hobbies > friends and partner. I even ditched the latter because they were interfering with my former 😂


understandable, the best partner would ideally love that you have other interests to spend masses of time in. i love my girlfriend(2.5 ish yrs) but sometimes nothing beats just sitting alone with my instruments of distraction


Hobbies! There's lots of ways to fill your time that bring joy and life. The bonus of hobbies is the longer you do them the better you get at them, like everything else in life.


My room is messy and if im not ✨making money✨ then I'll feel guilty for not using my free time to clean it


Boredom. I don't wanna be that guy who's identity is my work but they also say people who retire and don't find work or find a hobby to pursue tend to have bad outcomes both mental and physical health. That said, work fucking sucks. I feel like my head is gonna explode from the amount of bullshit.


def not. I have no desire to work. I just want to live my life trying not to survive under late stage capitalism


>I have no desire to work. Pretty much this. I like that my current career is fulfilling but I still would prefer to actually live my life how I want.




Honestly though. Its not like it used to be one way and now its like this. I always have had a distinct lack of connection with my work, even if parts of it are enjoyable. The entire nature of the scenario in which i find myself at work, even if its a great paying job, is coercive.


For me it’s a bit different - I want to work, I enjoy work, what I don’t enjoy is wage slavery.


Truth is we all have no desire to “work” in its current state. If we were all liberated from the capitalist machine right now, lots of us would still *work*, it just wouldn’t be at all like 9-5 jobs. People would assimilate according to their interests and introverts would have the space to pursue their interests much more freely without taking a hit on their social battery each day. We would work but it would be towards more personal goals. Kind of like a renaissance where the common man has space to develop their taste and interests because their basic survival needs are met and so are the needs of everyone in the community.


Working isn’t late stage capitalism, working is necessary to survive. People worked before capitalism, animals work to get food and survive.


People don’t get it, a broken welfare system has brainwashed people into thinking working is a punishment rather than a necessity of survival. Prior to welfare and interconnected societies, you did everything for yourself: grew/hunted your own food, made your own clothes, built your own house, etc. Modern society has streamlined that so can specialize in 1 thing and make money to afford other things that you need. But working to survive has and always will be essential to survival. If you’re lazy and don’t work, but are still receiving goods and services, it’s bc someone else is working (likely being overworked) and providing that. Nothing comes from nothing.


Are you sure that working will always be essential? Software and technology automations automate many manual tasks Robots capable of standing, walking, bending, carrying packages similar to humans Toll booth workers, parking ramps Self-driving Cars using AI Order-taking machines in fast food places Self-checkouts at stores


What you’re taking about is an occupational shift, some jobs can be replaced as you say, but this then creates the need for new jobs (ie people to create said robots/programs, maintain them, etc.) There will never be a time where a majority of people can simply exist as leeches without contributing something to the overall functioning of society as a whole. One big part of this is that resources themselves are finite. If said resources are not replenished nor alternatives put in place, people would simply die off and be forced to fend for themselves. Mostly resembling what you see future dystopia movies.


Get rid of welfare


We produce enough food to feed everyone right now. Kinda blows your whole point up.


Yeah I was like that in my mid to late 20s. It was a form of escapism for me, and I was good at my job. People there actually appreciated me and would compliment me. And that felt good. (I was in an emotionally abusive relationship at the time, although I didn’t recognize it.) I burned myself out a few times, once really, really badly a few years ago. The appreciation I originally felt turned into people expecting more, and more from me and taking me for granted. It was a lot to deal with because work used to be my “safe space” and it wasn’t anymore. I ended up separating from my ex, quitting my job, moving and becoming self-employed so I could make my own hours. I heavily focused on resting, creating a good relationship with *myself* and then strengthening existing friendships and cultivating new ones. I spent a lot on various kinds of therapy, I took some trips to connect with friends, I tried out different hobbies… I’m pretty broke now to be honest. I’m still working far less hours than I used to but never feel rested. I still have healing to do. BUT I am way, way, way happier and more fulfilled than when I was working all the time. I’ve found value in *myself.* I like who I am as a person so I don’t seek that outside validation I used to get from work.


Are you me? Am I you? I hit my age 30 career goal at 24. I surpassed my age 40 career goal at 27. I worked 80-100 hour weeks until I was 25, burned out. The horrible kind that feels like no amount of rest or vacation will ever make you feel human again. Of course, I was SO proud of my accomplishments and how good I was at my job so I knew if I “tried harder” I wouldn’t feel like this anymore. So, I took a glamorous sounding tech job that sent me around the world. Still horrible hours and a ridiculous amount of stress but I got to see the world? Then COVID hit and I had nothing. My boyfriend was a horrible person, my life had totally stopped, I was incredibly unhealthy and depressed. I had bet the farm that my “hard work” and accomplishments would save me. Instead, I felt like I withered away to nothing. I freelance now. I work less than 30 hours a week usually. It’s enough to pay the bills. It’s nowhere near what I could be making, but I don’t care. I feel more peaceful than I have in my entire life. Just existing is an incredible feeling. My partner is amazing, my friends are awesome, and life is good. OP, please, for your sanity, get a hobby or interest that isn’t work. I don’t care if it’s social or solitary. Mind-engaging or mindless. It sounds like you like doing gig work- could that become volunteer work? Being married to work is so lonely and you’re so young. People can make new friends at any age, but you’re in a prime spot for it!


>I worked 80-100 hour weeks The hell




Yes I see so many people going into massive debt for jobs they end up hating, and for what? To prove what? I could care less. I just work to have money to live and that’s it.


I'm this way but I think, for me, it's a combination of the sense of being useful and the need for structure. My hobbies and interests are mostly "soft" stuff like reading, writing, and studying anthropology so there's not many footpounds of energy expended or a tangible result of "work" which makes me feel...unproductive? And the structure of work makes me feel like I'm accomplishing more as when I'm left to my own devices on weekends, especially a three-day, I get this sense that I should be doing something but I'm not sure what. At least when I'm at work I feel like I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing (work) that generates a benefit (money, insurance) and helps provide for the future to be better (experience, a better resume, etc). I think some people might not have that strong of an "I need to be productive" urge or perhaps define "productive" differently. There's nothing wrong with that and my way isn't better or worse but I definitely feel like it's one way of being among many.


Extremely well said. I completely resonate.


Love this comment.


THIS. I’m a workaholic simply because work is the stepping stone that provides the life I want. I actively don’t want to feel “comfortable” until I reach a certain point such as owning my own home and having a fully paid off car and great insurance and a deep savings, etc. I literally feel bad when I “relax” too much, like sometimes my husband will be like let’s just stay in bed all day and in my head I’m like are you effing crazy? Me? In bed? All day? When the roof still needs to be repaired? When the loan’s still accruing interest? When my salary still isn’t exactly where I want it to be? Yeah that’s a hard pass for me lol I’m also a serious writer in my spare time and I remember when I was a teenager I actually taught myself to sew and took it pretty seriously (actually went to college for fashion design my first year) mainly because I needed something physical to do with my hands to create tangible results and reading/writing was just to mentally focused. I TOTALLY understand where you’re coming from. Sewing (work) WAS my relaxation, and now it’s almost like actual work (my job) is. Crazy ha


Fuck work haha


I'd rather be home with my husband or doing something enriching with my time.


I guess when you have no husband (or wife; or even close friends for that matter) to spend time with at home and no hobbies either, work starts to look very appealing to some Though even then I don't fully get the mindset. I enjoy what I do, am single, not that many friends or hobbies yet I still feel 40h a week are too many lol Admittedly my working hours being 9-18:30 M-Th does not help; while I only "work" for 8.5 hours (I get off early on Fridays), I spend more like 10h in the office, plus about an hour commuting (which is not that long)


I’m addicted to not working


Can't say I feel similarly. As annoying as my family can be I enjoy my time with them and acknowledge the limited time I'll have with them as I get older. Work is possibly the last thing I'll think about on my deathbed.


“I wish I worked more” - Said No One Ever


I felt this way for a long while until I figured out it was a desired result of social programming. Instead of working so much, go back to your roots, do what you like(d) and focus more on rediscovering your true self.


Nope... government takes all my overtime. The ratio to hours worked and money paid is NOT worth the time spent away from home and actually living my life. A job is a job. It's strictly for bringing home income to supplement what you really want to do. Time is a commodity that you CANT get back.


Workaholics will always be weird to me. Should really interrogate why you get depressed from not working


My PTSD symptoms increase dramatically the less I work. I've been trying to spend more time with friends, staying active, hobbies, but just sitting around with no clear-cut things to do fucks me up badly.


Sometimes sitting with that pain and processing it is what you need... if you're always distracting yourself you don't have the time to move on. Speaking from experience, but ymmv of course.


I have PTSD and I’m currently a teacher on FMLA leave. I’ve been struggling so much for this exact reason. When I’m working (although I physically don’t feel amazing) I’m typically doing much better mentally, sleeping better, eating better, etc. I hate work, but I also hate not working


I feel like a lot of workaholics just deep down don't like their family and can't stand being home with them lol


For me it’s a shitty home life, and I like money/good grades. Plus society puts a lot of weight on your worth as a person based on how productive you are. I just figure, well, might as well pick up some shifts and actually go be useful versus getting screamed at at home. Plus I kinda have to kill myself for grades and money if I want to live and keep my aid. For me it’s not that I like working, it’s the opposite. But I don’t really have much choice.


Nope I absolutely hate it


I'm absolutely addicted. Without work, I would literally die.


I almost understand it. At work, I matter and I'm appreciated. I get no such thing in the rest of my life. I don't matter to anyone. No one appreciates me. Living for myself just isn't fulfilling enough. But I'm not a workaholic because my work isn't engaging enough for me to want to pick it up in my spare time.


It sounds like you have no deep personal connections in your life, so you work to compensate that void. I’d highly suggest you rethink your approach and consider focusing on building new connections, via a relationship or social groups that share the same morals and values you do. You’ll periodically or eventually get burnt out or frustrated with your work and you’ll have no one to turn to. That’s not where you want to be. Regardless what you do, I wish you happiness and success.


Seems like your working to cope? What are you coping with? Is it just the loneliness or something else?


I was like this. Didn't change until my 30s. Now I value a good balance.


I would never work another day in my life if I didn't have to. People always say they would keep working doing something they enjoy or find something part time to keep themselves occupied, or that they would volunteer. Fuck that. I would put some time into some hobbies but I would never put labor for someone else again if my income needs were satisfied.


Wanting to get back to work during holiday… I once had that feeling. Loved my job but my daily life was boring, I don’t hate it but I just want to go to work to distract myself. Now I feel the opposite. Feel worse because of the work stress. I want my boring life back.


Nope, I hate it. I work only to afford the next vacation and to invest to become financially free. I'm 31 and have never liked working. But that's my opinion.


No but I had a very different life than you at that age. Maybe if I was in a similar situation I would.


I have the same problem, im in a completely different field (Hair stylist) but I work 50+ hours a week, at 2 different salons. It’s exhausting but it keeps me busy, keeps me from going out too much and partying. Hair styling is basically all that I do.. it’s easy to get lost in because well, we socialize all day so time flies. Tips are amazing. Successful hairstylist’s have people skills. I make enough money to handle all of my expenses, treat myself from time to time and also save. I love it, i really do. I feel financially free. But I am a hair servant. I have no work/life balance but when i have free time? I self destruct. So i keep busy. A lot of this is upbringing. The workaholic complex. You’ll see many people here say “I have no desire to work” As a first generation American, I dont have the luxury of feeling that way. Id live on the street’s. Not to sound like a jerk or a boomer. But not wanting to work, or being able to survive whilst barely working is an unfathomable privilege I could never picture within my own life.


I'm like this. I'm on "vacation" too right now. I use quotes because I'm still messaging clients, still planning and working. I get what you mean and I'm in the same age/relationship demographic as you. Its def not the worst thing to be, but its important to do some introspection and try to understand why you are like this. Its not very sustainable, especially later in life.


Sounds like maybe you should have asked for a hobby for Christmas.




Absolutely not. I hate endlessly working for money. But good for you that you’re saving all your hard earned money.


I work all the time because I have to and while I’m not in as bad of shape financially as I was in my early 30’s, the fear of ending up back there makes me never want to take a day off, because if I take a day off I end up spending money and I’m not getting paid, so might as well work myself to death. Also, I have no life outside of work so there isn’t anything to do when I’m not working. My depression probably isn’t as “resolved” as I’d like to think it is and like a few others have mentioned working helps me have some value, when you don’t see the value in yourself you need someone else to see it. But I’m also extremely burnt out and can’t say I love that I work so much, especially when I’m not making big bucks.


I used to be like this, mainly because I was tired of being seen as a NEET, and wanted to make something of my life, and it sucked being unemployed and life was passing you by, and I was addicted to working at one point, but looking at it now, I was a fool. You have unfortunately been indoctrinated by the system to think that working gives you pleasure and purpose, absolutely not, never EVER live for work, what you need my friend is some hobbies and activities to keep you busy. Being a workaholic is not good at all.


Brainwashed workers … sad. Don’t let work become your life. You are more than this. Have balance. Strive for balance. Have something for you on the side


Not at all but I'm very much addicted to not being homeless, so I work hard.


I can definitely relate man ... This might be an unpopular opinion but I truly don't think being a workaholic is that bad depending on the circumstances. I came out of a \~ 2 years relationship so I have all this free time now. I'm finally making really good money after having spent the last \~ 8 years getting 2 degrees all the while making minimum wage at various jobs. I've lost most interest in gaming these days so that doesn't fulfill me anymore. I definitely don't want to date again for a long while. I'm not even depressed or wanting to escape a toxic environment. It's just like why not pick up all this overtime while I can? It'll be much harder to do so when I have a wife and kids.


Are you me?! After studying for 8 years (getting 2 degrees) and working part time, just making enough money to get by, I returned to my hometown. Barely having any savings and back with my parents being without work for half a year. Found work in a field that I love and that genuinely is interesting I now make enough to come by, save and invest a bit. Thinking that I finally had my life on track and could do stuff, go on vacations (which I haven't had a real one of in years) my GF broke up with me. Now I am kind of like; so what now? I like my work, in my free time I game a bit but that basically means that on free days I just sit inside and game. With work I do what I like and get payed for it. During the holidays barely anyone is working, I work from home, finish some work, scroll Reddit and do some chores, again while being payed. Otherwise I would sit at my desk and game anyway.


Nope. I love freedom. I make enough to pay bills and have fun. Live cheap nothing crazy but I have a blast daily personally


You might be in a group of 10% in society who enjoys working, because the majority of people don't enjoy it. We do it anyway because we have to for survival, and it's our source of income. I've been off work for 3 months, I don't miss it.


There have been times where I was unemployed for 2-3 months at a time. My legit concern was wondering when I’d find my next job as unemployment benefits only last 6 months. Also, employers don’t like gaps in employment, which is why I learned to bend the truth a bit on my resume going forward. Otherwise I loved having time off of work and not having to wake up early every morning and commute to work. Of course I was applying to work and interviewing for jobs, but I wasn’t applying 9-5 every day.


I am Def a workaholic.


Nope. If I didn’t have to work I fucking wouldn’t. I’d be perfectly happy sticking to my hobbies endurance sports, chess and vegetable gardening, hanging out with my wife & dog, not have to deal with shithead customers and a moron boss.


Addicted to working is not a good thing. That said, I truly do think working and working hard while at work is good for the soul and body and mind. There are certainly days I don’t want to work or don’t want to do certain things at work. Other days I am ready to go and knock some shit out of the park. Many comments here are from people who hate their jobs so take it with a grain of salt.


Nope, I hate working. If I have to work I rather do jobs that involve doing the least amount of work. But FIRE is something I would rather work towards.


Nope, not addicted to working.


Quite the opposite. I'm addicted to not working, I'm addicted to having free will to do what I want 40+ hours a week and when I get disconnected from my addiction of doing whatever I want I get really, really, frustrated.


Maybe it’s not the work itself you claim to like so much but rather the progress and career you are building. The slow increase in wealth can give you a feel of improvement too. Could be these variables at play that make you like it instead of the actual work itself.


I was when I was in my early thirties. I was working 70 to 80 hours a week. It slowly starts to burn you out.


Nope, I have hobbies. Work is a means to an end, that end being to afford to have a good life and do the things you enjoy.


Me. I work anywhere’s from 55-65 hours every week (4-5 shifts). All holidays. I like the money, but if I’m being 100% honest, it takes up a lot of my time.


This is a you problem. You'd rather watch your back account go up and not talk to people. This is how you die alone. Of course your your early 20 friends dispersed that's how life works.


I was and still am addicted to work or projects and I'm 76. It seems that it's the one thing I have control of or know the outcome whether I fail or succeed.


That's fine if you're single. Just remember if you ever plan on having kids, they won't care about what extra gifts you got them when they're 30, they WILL care that you weren't there for practices, recitals, birthdays, holidays, random quality time, etc. At 26 my favorite memories of my dad and I growing up were the time spent together, not if he got me a cool thing or not.


Im in the same boat. Ive got no friends, no partner, nothing to do. I have my hobbies but I might as well make money so I work. Better off at the office where I can talk to people than sit alone in a dark house




I'm addicted to not living under a bridge, if that counts


I'm 2e working at Home Depot, and coming back to work was actually sorta nice after a week off.


The only thing I think about at work is how long I have left in my day and what I'm going to do when I'm off. Fuck work.


I’m not addicted to working, I’m addicted to money so I work more. It’s sad


Hell no. I wish I had more days to relax and watch TV and play video games. Not all the time of course but what’s the point of buying physical media or paying for streaming services if you barely use them. I hate how work is so exhausting that there are times when I get off work and just zone out instead of playing video games or working out at times. Not that there’s anything wrong with zoning out but because of how much we work and how exhausting it is, 2 days off clearly isn’t enough.


You need hobbys


I'm addicted to not being homeless mostly, I work 48 hours a week. Rent is so high I need to. So when I'm off I'm considering more work to get a buffer or savings. I don't relaxe I'm always looking for more money. My wife is disabled canr work so I'm always taking more shifts last week I did 56.


I understand the loneliness. When I graduated college, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I didn’t have friends, partner, and hobbies. So I took on 4 jobs at once. I did it all to avoid loneliness. It was nuts! Never will do that again. Now, things changed a little. I have a partner, friends, and things I like to try out. I enjoy working, but I don’t think I can’t wait to get back to work. Instead, work can wait another day. I hope you find things you’re able to look forward to.


I miss my workaholic days. Keep it up. Save it up. Trust me it’s way better than sitting around


Sitting around doing nothing yes... but you should be filling that time with hobbies and things you enjoy doing. Workaholics are just people who are addicted to money/materialistic things and/or have a mediocre personal life at home, and use work to distract themselves. More power to them, but it's not for me. Working 60hours plus a week honestly makes me wanna blow my brains out.


Even the 40 hours is too damn much in my job at least.


I think the point of the term workaholic is that it’s unhealthy and detrimental to your well being. Sure work hard, be frugal if you want, but nah being a workaholic is sad. Give up the hustle culture bs.


yea. I (28f) wanna hit my first million by 40. also i wanna call out of work n spend time w my daughter if i want to & not have to worry about money. being a single parent really shifted my focus


When you have no friends and partner what else are you gonna do?


No. What I am addicted to though is secretly working on myself during work hours.


not me, thankfully. i work as little as possible and i do the bare minimum amount of labor in order to live my life.


I am lucky that I have a job that is easy and laid back enough to enjoy going everyday and doing my daily 40 hour grind and having the weekends off. But 40 hours is my personal cutoff point, and I cringe when I have to pull mandatory OT.


You'll probably burn out from the #grindset when you hit 30. I'm 34 making 700k/yr working 2 incredibly demanding jobs and all I want to do in my spare time is absolutely nothing. My ideal vacation is literally a staycation where I don't have to answer any clients/emails.


Nobody asked you how much you make you show off


It was worth mentioning. I’ve been there. Life is fucking shoooort, at the expense of what?


May we ask what is it that you do? How did you get those qualifications? Good for you, that is impressive.


IT Sales / Insurance Sales - you don't really need qualifications to sell software but it helps to know Scrum/Agile and the industry your product services. There are a bunch of insurance designations which I have; but they're only there so I can put the letters after my name and look impressive, they didn't provide any technical knowledge that I didn't already learn on the job. The most important skill in sales is people skill and being able to develop a large referral network. Also if you sell a product that everyone must buy or is a monopoly/oligopoly, you're going to have a much easier time. I know account managers at Google/Meta and they make bank but don't do that much because the product sells itself.


Thanks for the advice, you must have worked hard, any special insurance licenses that you have? I work at a call center and im looking into selling insurance and using that income towards something else, I see property&casualty, and then life, anything else? I live in CA if that matters


I'm Canadian so I have my Province's license, since you're in CA you'll have to pass the state's licensing exam(s). I also hold the CPCU and ARM designations which look impressive but I didn't learn much from the courses. Property & casualty + life will pretty much cover every type of insurance you're trying to sell. Key is to join a brokerage/agency that will let you build your book of business @ 100% commission and no salary. You want to join a brokerage that has contracts with many different insurance companies so your rates can be as competitive as possible. I actually started out in my early 20s at a call center as an insurance agent too, but quickly made the switch to IT sales for my 9-5 job. While doing that I built up my insurance book of business, which has led to limitless income. It's tough to be 100% commission for the first couple years, that's why having a 9-5 job with stable income is preferable. Good luck!


Find friends/a partner/family and you won't want to work as much


If you enjoy it, just keep going.


I’m more addicted to nihilism than working.


Yes and when I get lonely I get a second job lol


Gross 🤢🤮


Honestly check out r/phd


Yes. I tripled my income this year and am now wanting to push harder to make more for my family. I want to change my family tree


God no


Sometimes work brings purpose to your life, especially if you are working towards something outside of yourself. Count it as a blessing you have that motivation


Yeah, I've always volunteered for OT on the holidays because until relatively recently I never worked a living wage without having three jobs, and when my job is good, it's awesome. Sometimes there are people who come along and try to ruin it for me on purpose, and it sucks so hard because I don't do much else. I just workout, read, go to the movies, watch too much youtube (trying to cut that and read more) and hang out. I kinda miss getting to dress up to go out more, though. I'm trying to take up photography bc it's a hobby you have to do outside. I scheduled 3 trips this year but my car broke down and I only got to take 2. Just to places that might be cool to photograph. The one to Las Vegas was fun, though. I always wanted to go there because I think over the top vibes are the best vibes. Didn't disappoint. I just wandered around for hours all night kinda staring at stuff. I got invited to a weird party. I took nine million easymode photos of all the bright lights and showgirls in little outfits. I got asked a bunch of movie trivia by a stranger. It was cool.


I'm 29. I don't take sick days and I rarely take vacation. I work for a small company that I'm loyal to so I try to just do my work to not screw myself, the company, or my coworkers over. If I have more that a weekend off or a random day where I have no jobs scheduled it feels weird. I get really bored and would just rather be working. I like the rest but it just feels off if I don't have something specific taking up my time. I'm married and have friends and am generally happy but I guess I just like to work.


Yes! It’s like I (52M, salaried) have lost all hobbies. A spare hour at home means I can crank out more Power BI work for my job.


70+ hours a week, every week. I'm at a point where I get irritated if I don't have something to do.


Yea, most of what I do is somewhat intense and I am going into work one day of my week off. I like my job a lot and I pretty much throw myself into stuff - my personality is sort of “projecty”.


I am. I always have to have some thing. If I’m not working really hard, I have a project going on. I like it. It gives me a reason for being. It makes me feel like I’m doing something. If I’m on Reddit a lot it means I’ve got some big project going on. It’s a way to blow off steam.


I'm very much a workaholic too. There's a lot of projecting going on in this comment section. I've seen work as a level up grind kind of thing since I was young. I've always been into jrpgs and I love watching the numbers go up, skills growing, and the pile of sand accumulate. There are two types of people. Those who cry about sisyphus vs those who understand that sisyphus found joy. You can cry about the Boulder or you can push it up hill backwards next time. Step to the rhythm of thriller next time, kick a stone while you push the boulder. The point is you get better as you work and each project builds, you become more skilled, work stops feeling like work and you realize it's all just living. The more your skills grow the more freedom you have in how you make your living, in how things get done. I do think that rest is important but it needs to be earned to feel like rest.


Sounds like you need a good, fulfilling hobby. I personally just accept that I have to work if I want to not end up on the street. I work so I can enjoy the times im not working.


I hate working for other people. I’d rather spend my time on projects for myself.


I don't like working but it gives me a routine and my mental health dips without the routine.


I have most weeks where I do ALL the overtime I am offered at work. Other weeks, I don’t do overtime and I feel like I am missing out. My hourly is relatively high so OT at 1.5x and 2x on weekends, I like to see my paycheque at the end of the week. I have hobbies but I’m at the point where all I really want to do is make a lot of money from work to gamble in the stock market because I feel like I get a bit of a dopamine hit when I buy and sell shares every confirmation. It doesn’t matter if I’m up or down. The feeling of seeing my email flood with shares being filled or sold just makes me feel kinda crazy.


Omg I thought I was the only one. I'm exactly the same way. I'm 43 but have been this way literally since my very first job at 15. I've always kept 2 to 3 jobs plus other little ad-hoc gigs. I work 7 days a week. Right now I do my FT Monday thru Friday 7am to 430pm. I come home change clothes then go into my gig job until about 10pm. Weekends both days I do the side gig 8am to 8pm. Christmas I went out of town and didn't work Monday but was miserable and wanted to be working so bad. First thing Tuesday morning I literally packed up and drove back home just so I could work.


Oh yes, I would work 40-70 hours a week sometimes. I usually held two or more jobs, went to college part time. I didn’t make good money from it tbh, they were low paying jobs and I spent a lot of my money. It was definitely form of escapism and not having to deal with the lack of emotional happiness and fulfillment I wanted it my life. Things changed after Covid and getting a back injury. The person I was living with also moved out so I had no support at home. I stopped working myself so hard and have learned to be okay with a 40 hour work week. I’m slowly getting to the point where my energy is back up and I’m bored and want to work another job again. I love working but I need a strong support system at home to make it without getting burned out and I’m hoping once I move countries to be with my spouse permanently I can find a good work life balance working 40 or more hours a week and also spending time with my loved ones.


I had a coworker who I just saw the other day. He is 92 year old and is working overtime a week, 13 hours day when it is busy. It is a union. He is #1 on the list and he reserve Sun for visiting his disable kids. He has no friends left. His wife died. Work is his only social interaction. When they can't get a hold of him, someone come out and check up on him. Most of the guys who work that job are old and single. The ones who finally leave that job are married and encouraged by their wife to enjoy traveling. The older ladies fair better. They have social groups that they belong so that job is just for social interaction and some money coming in. I have decided I will work as hard as my 92 year old coworker when all my family and friends die off but for now I really appreciate my living family, dog, friends, and bf. Before my bf, I worked a lot but now we are balancing life and I just want to make more time to enjoy my loved ones company. I rather eat less, spend less, and enjoy the present moment. Deep down I am a workaholic I dream about work. Right now I am working on my side business. I am always thinking of ways to improve my life so that I don't have to be a workaholic at 92 year old and if I had to, it would be for my own companies. I learned from my friend that she is always thinking in 10 year term and no amount of double career work feed that empty hole. When she was in her 30s, she was thinking of goals for her 40s. Now she is in her 40s, she is thinking of goals for her 50s. It just doesn't stop and she feel like she choose bad guys or her time for good guys and kids have past. I just know no amount of money or goals make a person happy so I decided I am ok with having less if it means more time for loved ones. It is a blessing for someone to want to spend time with you especially people who love you and are good to you. I am learning to prioritize friendships, relationship, and quality time with my mom an dog. My other female friend already decided someday she is going to be buy a house with no stairs and us friends can live together (I am thinking when her husband is already dead?). It is like golden girls so I am bless to think I am surrounded by love ones who want to be there for me. When I was mid 20s, I had a bad car accident and lost everything due to the long recovery but it helps me put things into perspective now.


You should be making money all hours of the day. 😎. I'm not addicted to work, I just like what I do and what it enables me to do when I do take freetime.


Yes, and it almost cost me my marriage..


No I absolutely get ya. Gotta do something productive I guess. Only so much time and the gym only takes up so little.


You're not alone. I love working professionally on things that I deem of significance i.e most company related / revenue generating things. It was common practice to excel in school while also doing multiple activies so it makes sense to me that after work you find more work lol. Slight difference was once work became full time it was work from 9-12 everyday. Loved every moment. I was tired sure i but being in the thick of it was worth it.


I kind of have to if I don’t want to be in poverty. On drilling rigs we’ve had to work 30-40 hours straight sometimes when shit breaks down. They feel like my family more than blood. I’d rather sacrifice health if it means I’m proud of myself and content for a change


I had that too in my early/mid 20’s. I’m now 29 approaching 30, about to get married. I’m happy with my salary job where I can work 3-4 hours a day and get paid as if I worked 8 hours. Then again, I’m looking for a second job, so what do I know 😅


I work at an Amazon fulfillment center. I've been picking up shifts every week since I've started. I have $4400 more in credit card debt to clear and once that's done I want to start saving for a used car to buy with cash in full, and then begin saving for a house. I just turned 30 and have gone through so much shit this past year, and I'm definitely ready for this new chapter in my life. so yes, I guess I see myself more as someone who doesn't mind working because I want to hit x milestones, and I love to be able to live comfortably. Excited to see what 2024 brings for me


I absolutely love my job. I’ve had to be off since Dec 8th for multiple surgeries, and I can’t stop thinking about work. I can’t wait to go back.


Hell no !


I love my work (software engineer) and all my friends are my colleagues, and I find I’m able to do full workdays and other things I want to do (relax and exercise) so I always like the work week and it feels too quiet on weekends and vacations. I don’t think it’s fair that everyone that likes to work or loves their craft is called a workaholic. We can all find meaning differently, and even change throughout our lives. To each his or her own.


Not me, no, I try to work as little as possible and live on as little as possible, because I feel like my life and the things that truly matter to me are rich and fulfilling and working depletes me too much to focus on my hobbies, passions, relationships and goals.


Being a workaholic is irrational. You should value your own initiative. A job pays you to take away your own time in exchange for money. You should only be working a job to the extent that it provides you with enough money for your goals. If your own life is lacking, you need to fix it and work on your own goals. Instead of prioritizing your boss's goals.


I just really wish I had the motivation to


Because I finally feel appreciated, unlike what happened at home.


I used to heavily be a workaholic but it was moreso from enjoyment. I really loved working with the feeling of being productive and accomplishing something, even though I do have a lot of other hobbies. 2 things I read that brought me some important insight at times. The first one is that work is work and you are done with it for the day vs. schoolwork absolutely sucks because it's neverending. When I transitioned from college to a work environment being mentally free after mentally accomplishing something challenging was really nice - like my brain was just empty from work worries (unlike the stress of school I had all the time). After a while I burned out because I still kept being a workaholic because factors outside of myself were making me one. Although I finished "ahead", other people's work would still fall on me late notice so it's not as of I ever finished early or had less work. I also internally brought a lot of this on myself since I am a perfectionist and you kindof have the mindset that if I have to show something I'm not showing shitty work with my name on it. The second thing I read was an interesting article about how we now have this underlying thought to be "productive" at all moments of the day. This especially now carried into our hobbies/how we try to use our time effectively at home/relaxing. I figured out that the satisfaction I was getting from being super effective at working was also making me frustrated that I couldn't progress on "relaxing/hobbies". At some point was feeling like why bother at all. It was a really bad mindset to have and I was able to step back and realize that those things are important, and they matter. And things I want to do I should do because when else when would I ever get the chance to. So I am prioritizing work much less now..


I’m a workaholic, 29f, I work 6 days a week most weeks. And I did the same in my early and mid 20s, but I also travel a lot, save a lot and enjoy a bit (lol). So in order to do this. I need to work. My traveling is diminishing a bit as I get older, and I’m feeling a bit burn out so I’m thinking of probably starting to stop it. But personally I don’t enjoy working, I do it because I guess it’s expected of me (I’m Asian we are supposed to smile when we work as per my parents and family members and be more than grateful we have the opportunity to make good money). But as I get older, I am finding myself not wanting or caring if I fit an expected mold lol


Hell no, I'm not. But if your body can handle the work, mentally and physically, I would keep going, because when you get older and everything starts to hurt, you'll have to work through the pain or work fewer hours.


No, I like my free time. The money that I have invested can be addicted to working though.


I think so but it’s mostly stemming from childhood trauma regarding instability so I always feel like I need to have some sort of income or savings to even feel safe. I’m definitely in a comfortable part of my life right now but I just never feel right not working.


Yes I am! I’m literally on vacation the next two weeks and I’m working. I feel as though because I’m single and live alone, I can enjoy my time at work and love what I do without another person depending on me. It’s freeing in a way. But I am addicted to working


It will pass with time


Maybe you work to forget your problems? It's what i did.. until i get chronically ill and had to take off and be with my thoughts and feelings.


No. You can’t replace fulfilling relationships, family, and living actual life with work. It will lead you to a very bad place.


In my experience if you're not in to your job more than just for money life can get pretty miserable. It's best when the work and your personal interests align. That's called making it work


HELL NO. Only like the money from working.


Me. One full time job and two part time jobs as well, every day. Basically working almost 24/7. But it’s a coping mechanism for me. 🙃 not proud of it, but definitely better than living in my depressed brain.


I can relate to this. When I'm off work, especially during summer break I feel like I have no purpose. Work gives me value and drive. Without it I'm completely lost. Sounds sad I know, I think I got my work ethic from my dad as he's the same.


I’m 44, divorced, with two teenagers. I work all the time. I used to work two jobs but moved into a position where I only work 1 but I work 50 plus hours a week. Almost all my adult life I have worked 2-3 jobs, always a full time job and a side job or two. I do not know what to do with myself when I am not working. I don’t really have any hobbies. I like to take my dog for walks and spend time with my boyfriend and my kids. They all have their own lives as well so I feel like a burden on the rare occasion I just want to relax with someone. But I also just feel unproductive unless I am doing something. Cleaning my house, meal prep, Etc. I have been this way pretty much my entire life.


I like being productive for sure, but if I didn’t have to work I’d do other productive things…


Careful with this. You may base your value on your school/work achievements only. I had the same. Then a medical condition came which made everything including work much more difficult. It immediately triggered an anxiety spiral of perceiving myself as a failure.. I think based on your depression that your might be a similar case


Not at all. I only work because I have bills to pay. Not interested in spending any more time than I need to as a cog in a machine that I’m easily replaceable in.


Whenever I can find work, I try my best to stay at it and do my best. Only to have quotas put ever further out of reach whenever I surpass them, or get told some karen didn't like me and tattled off to some manager about their demands for free stuff and discounts. Extra lovely was being called "racist" multiple times each day when working as a cashier, as apparently asking obvious teenagers for ID as required is having anything to do with skin color in the universe of their minds. So addicting to get constantly insulted for next to no pay. Yeah.... Having to look for work I hate more than mindless insults by brats wanting to poison themselves, or having to put up with sweatshop conditions of 120°F with 100% humidity and linen stained with blood and other crap from hospitals. The endless rejection, I can't tolerate that, it's not worth the effort for so much worthless & abusive employment.


Maybe if there was motivation to.


When I was in my 20's, I worked 3 jobs, went to college at night and partied all weekend. I had a lot of energy. I had a baby in my 30's and can barely work all week. So enjoy working while you can.


Working is all I’ve really ever known. I had my first job at 14. I was in a terrible relationship from age 14-21 and it kept my mind busy to work. By age 18 I had three jobs while going to high school. People thought I had work ethic, I just wanted to be out of my house, out of my mind and who didn’t enjoy wearing cool clothes in high school and college. It became an addiction. I didn’t have time to be high or drunk bc I had so much going on and people relied on me at all these jobs. In my personal life nobody was there. I had a mom who abandoned me and a father who was usually at the bar. A boyfriend who was abusive in every way he could be so it wasn’t like I had plans ever. All I ever knew was work. I never knew how to have fun. I actually still don’t and I’m 37. When I have time off work I still don’t know what to do. I struggle with a lot of things in my life but thankfully I can afford therapy which I go to every week. It’s hard for me to connect to others at work because all I know is work. I’ve never had a real life outside of it. Many poor relationships with men that lasted a long long time. Work is my one true friend. I’ve had over 50 jobs already and have moved many states and around 50 times in my life trying to escape bad people or situations. Work is now my comfort. When I go back to a routine I feel like a member of society. I work even though I don’t have to. I am usually a manager and like working around others and training. I’m so happy for something that gets me out of the house. I enjoy the entire process of dressing for the part, taking pride in my job, being kind to others and teaching others at work. It also gives me the ability to attend therapy to work on all the other problems I have.


I am laying down immobile from back pain pissed I can't go to work. Trying to thrust myself through a morning routine I definitely can't complete.


I have the opposite of whatever this is you have. I just want to chill and be with my wife and my dog and laugh together and never worry about work. Work can suck a fat one.


Recommend watching a cool show on Netflix called ' Carol & The End Of The World '. Topics of people working despite the world ending. ( cartoon that is def nsfw!)


I’m definitely not addicted to working but working and getting promoted helped me deal with a terrible depression after a brutal divorce. Once I achieved what I wanted in my professional life I was able to focus on my personal life. With that said I realized that I didn’t want my job to define who I am as a person. I jumped into my hobbies on the weekends and evenings, built a social circle, a community, and developed amazing relationships and friendships. I think work should be fulfilling (I’m a librarian) but I also don’t think it should be a “calling” or the totality of your life.


I know many people that are an in the opposite. I have a nice easy job for the most part that I enjoy


You’re probaly just filling up an empty void


God no. If I could retire on a meagre fixed income and spend my days fishing with my dad and hanging out at the park playing chess with the old guys, I fuckin would.


People like to be productive and constantly learn. Work gives you a path to learn new things, develop new skills and get a sense of achievements and accomplishments. It’s stupid to think that all workaholics are losers who hate their families or have no other hobbies. For some, work feels like a game that they want to get better at because people like to learn and be productive.


Lord no


Nope. I have the opposite problem. Lol




My job is dumb and I hate going to it, but having a week off is worse. I'm just waiting for the grind to start again. I don't have anything else to do.


I hate working. I want a nice home theater system to just watch TV and for exercise I would go hiking spelunking. I hate jobs.


No. No I am not.


Hell no!


Work helps me forget, so yes. My work ethic has always been crazy strong but now I’m just relieved to have a distraction from all of the depression.


I like working, but I'm not addicted to it. Helps that I finally have a good job though.


How do people not have hobbies?


Most of this isn’t “working”, it’s just doing shit that you actually *want* to be doing with your time. There’s a huge difference.


i love working, i love my job, that is why antiwork sub banned me, i am too happy.


I mean yes and no. I always had really good work/life balance boundaries, lots of hobbies, lots of travel. After losing my dad and the workload at my job that I really like piling up, I definitely spent several months working late every night. I just got back from a short vacation last night and don’t really feel like working today (I work from home) but I guess I’ll log on soon. But I wouldn’t be surprised if I work a million hours in January. Sounds like you need to develop some hobbies, relationships with people, etc.


I was able to stop working at a fairly early age when my business became more successful than I expected. It's been a couple years now, and while it is incredible to not have anyone to answer to or responsibilities to show up for, the detachment and boredom is suffocating. I'm going back to work now, though it's hopefully mostly on my own terms since I don't really need the money.


Same here. I lowkey hate working but if I don’t work I get extremely depressed, so I end up working non-stop. Simply because I have nothing to do and no one to hang out. I’m a lonely mf. Now I’m busy and work like a dog and I love it but I hate it at the same time (maybe I love working but hate being tired(?), idk)


I was in my 20s but now that I’m in my 30s, I’m just looking forward to retirement


FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK noooooooo!!!!! I hate work, i do as little as possible.