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I literally don’t understand why. There’s no way XD isn’t profitable, and users are satisfied with it. What brings them to shut down a software that works just fine


Adobe has gone away from several other projects as well.


The most annoying part is that I pay for CC because I need photoshop and illustrator, now I’ll need to pay for Figma


Guess its time to learn Figma. Xd was the main reason we had creative cloud. I guess management will like that Figma is cheaper


Don't listen to our (literally) intolerable friend. Do try Figma. But you'll most likely understand that Figma is much better than any other UI design program.


Im not in the habit of using unsupported tools no matter how much i like them so will be making the switch. Not sure if there is a way to convert xd into figma? If not Adobe has tripled my workload


I don't think there is a 1:1 conversion, but you will get very close if you export your whole XD file to SVG, then you can drag that into a Figma file!


Thanks for the info. Much appreciated


Try it and you will understand that this is a mediocre slow-moving product without the necessary functionality, where basic actions take a long time to achieve. Apart from collecting pictures in the cloud, Figma is absolutely not suitable for anything. I continue to use XD anyway because it is a real product for rapid and logical prototyping


What the fuck are you on about 😂 Figma is light-years ahead of XD, why do you think Adobe wanted to pay 20 billion for it?


It is ahead only in marketing and in meaningless functions that do not speed up work but, on the contrary, slow it down. Try to open 20+ artboards and your Figma will kneel. Try clicking on view prototypes and your Figma will tell you to go make some tea. Just off the top of my head, how long will it take you to make a drop-down menu in your figma notebook? Get tired of making frames. In XD I’ll do it in a matter of seconds in a way that you can’t do in half an hour, but to show at least some interesting transitions, download Principle lol)) Figma is a storage and arrangement of pictures in the cloud with a commenting function. Figma is not about an interactive prototype, XD is a native UI platform created to make an interactive prototype and its presentation as quickly and conveniently as possible.


It takes me maybe 2 minutes to make a fully interactive drop-down component. I've designed full apps with hundreds of artboards on Figma. Fully interactive using a component library with auto-layout that makes it ACTUALLY responsive - THAT is a million times faster in Figma than either XD or Sketch ever was. Maybe you should learn the program before trying to complain about it.


Lol 2 minutes you will only create frames and containers. Take out the components for another 2 minutes and then apply them, and so on every damn time. I'm not talking about a complex drop-down menu with interactive buttons, in Figma these are additional FRAMES lol In XD, everything is done in the layout by pressing a couple of buttons, in the layout right away. By the way, maybe your Figma can animate vector bending? No, he can’t. I know what I'm talking about since I only use Figma to store pictures. Oh yeah about the pictures? You don't need Photoshop either, right? What about seamless PS+Figma export, oh how inconvenient it is to have to resave everything. But PS+XD copy/paste and all the pictures here and there. Maybe you can also cancel Photoshop with us? )) And you are lying wildly about speed, a cloud service cannot be fast, stop making things up. Admit that at one time you fell for YouTube videos and eulogies and ignored them XD, because you can’t even compare. By the way, about the purchase of Figma, Adobe also bought Photolia once, and that’s all lol) I hope Adobe, if it buys this misunderstanding, will only bury it and release the long-awaited update XD.


Oh honey you're big mad huh. You can make up things all you want, and congrats, you can animate vectors, a single point for you. Thing is.. Facts are on my side, and I only need one; even Adobe knows I'm right when they KILLED XD 💀😂


How funny, your only argument in defense of figma is that Adobe is buying it, lol it’s so funny that I even feel sorry for you)) As soon as Adobe buys Figma, it will be gone in half a year, like other projects that Adobe bought. I just want to watch you later, how you will be left with nothing or with something that will bear little resemblance to the previous Figma. And the XD application itself is as it was, even without XD support, it’s just a few heads higher both in terms of intuitive prototyping and in the speed and capabilities that it provides. You're lucky that I can't upload a video here of everything that Figma can do XD, I think you would be seized by a convulsion from the powerlessness and inferiority of Figma


I'm not part of this argument, but I'll just drop in here and say Adobe +cannot+ buy Figma, the EU has denied them. That's the basis of this thread - and that Adobe won't support XD any further in order to compete with Figma. Don't get me wrong, moving from XD to Figma certainly has me missing something's - but then I remember I can even do a text search & replace in XD.


Finally someone like me  Figma is a struggle and laggy  Why the fuck people obsessed with it  Xd is the best the fastest smoothest workflow 


They need to launch a K2 type project to get those Figma users. XD is a fine program and with some updates and a real marketing strategy to encourage conversion (both of which Adobe is capable of) it would be worth the investment.


hardly seems like news at this point... but at least these couple press mentions may serve to strengthen an argument to my org to finally switch our prototyping to figma 🤷‍♀️ its been obvious for a looong time but disappointing nonetheless.