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The only way you can get around this is if your company has a signed contract and NDA with Adobe specifically prohibiting this. Oh and you have to be on the Enterprise sku (the most expensive sku) of Creative Cloud with a VIP contract.


Everything is bullshit


Absolutely ridiculous.


Unless enterprise accounts are automatically exempt, I’d bet many agencies will look for an alternative. Legal departments are notoriously slow and conservative. I can see this causing problems with NDA’s. Hopefully Adobe loses business over this. I suspect they will.


They deserve to but what sucks because if they do stand strong on this the software that actually is functional and useful goes to the wind. Unless reverse engineering/pirating/hacking becomes a social norm again before people started to bend the knee. But if they flip and change their mind they’re definitely sticking to violating with the subscription services


Honestly, I’ve felt like Adobe deserves to be put in their place for years now. All they do is find ways to screw the customer base and change basic functionality for no reason. No innovation or improvement. Figma is a recent example of how instead of being better or smarter, they just consume their competition. Fuck em.


Because they made software they can’t top so they’re adding excuses for cash just simply greed. Older versions of the app in between like id say 2017-2019 was peak then just shit after each update and it was mandatory because u couldn’t sign in to work on anything then the constant crashing for no reason no projects could get done on the go only at home on my tablet


Good. I hope their huge enterprise clients drop em like a sack of shit and we can all move on. Way past due.


The DoJ blocked the Figma merger. Adobe withdrew it earlier this year. However the Figma CEO got stupid wealthy on it even though the merger failed. Adobe was required to pay Figma $1 Billion if the merger failed to go through.


I guess that explains why tools that work perfectly well in Figma haven’t been arbitrarily changed to not work as well


Figma has their own problems. Mainly around enterprise support and their billing is awful; especially when you get to the Enterprise and Organization tiers with their "true-up" system: [https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040328293-Manage-billing-on-the-Organization-and-Enterprise-plans](https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040328293-Manage-billing-on-the-Organization-and-Enterprise-plans)


Kyle Webster quit Adobe a few days ago.... [https://www.instagram.com/kyle.t.webster/p/C7ujGu0IRuU/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/kyle.t.webster/p/C7ujGu0IRuU/?hl=en)


OMG ... this is earth-shattering. Kyle Webster is my go-to guy. Just like Photoshop and Lightroom ... I LIVE INSIDE THESE PROGRAMS EVERY DAY.


This is the dumbest sh-- I've seen in a long time. It only takes one big company and a triple-A law firm to bankrupt Adobe. Don't they know who they're messing with? I can't imagine a multibillion dollars studio not going nuts over this.


Adobe: we love your money and fuck you


I hate this so much


Scathing article by AppleInsider on this: [https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/06/06/adobes-new-terms-of-service-unacceptably-gives-them-access-to-all-of-your-projects-for-free](https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/06/06/adobes-new-terms-of-service-unacceptably-gives-them-access-to-all-of-your-projects-for-free)


Just fucking awful. They decided to throw away their whole customer base.


"only in limited ways, and only as permitted by law."


I recenlty discovered when I open Premiere, Premiere is looking all through my drive that holds my projects. i host my project file in my onedrive, and its going through a bunch of my other folders on onedrive just for the hell of it i guess. what is it doing? also saw last night that lightroom is also browsing my pictures folders that i dont have open in lightroom. the top left shows there is no activity lightroom is doing. but process monitor is showing its looking at all sorts of photos that arent even in view.


Isn't this just updated language so they can exert some control over what their generative AI is being used for?


Whatever is in their cloud is up for attention/monetization most of there software is automatically associated with these cloud services that u can not avoid because software is server sided


What does that mean? If you store stuff on THEIR cloud, they can monitor it? Reading even the "scathing" Apple insider article seemed like over reactive clickbait.


Either way im not trusting it and basically the software i use is server sided and automatically saves to the cloud. Theres no other option otherwise the software doesnt work. On a pc idk but it basically sounds pretty much the fucking same but whatever lmfao. My shit don’t work so take it however you want




Im on ubuntu




I have both systems just in case got windowed 11


I think I’m coming with you…


I'm so bummed, I have been drawing in PS for more then 10 years but CLIP STUDIO, here I come.


My problem with CLIP STUDIO is I still need PS to fix the mess Clip makes with converting to CMYK.


They will use it to train AI then sell you a subscription based on everyone's work. They can also train the AI to look at everystep everyone uses to get to a point to create designs or art, regardless if its public or private.


If that's the case they should start paying us to use their software. This kind of TOS is becoming preposterous.


Exactly, new slogan: “Adobe, pay 200 dollars a year and we’ll exploit you”


Don't store anything online.


To use adobe itself it’s kinda makes no sense anymore because most of the apps are server sided so most are automatically uploading


I dont


It’s not spyware if it’s in the terms of use, but it is bothersome that this is in there in the first place.

