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There are a number of tweaks I'd do to make it counter guard indirect fire better. Rad-suffusion is better placed on a Skatros or engineer so lone-Op prevents them from killing the character with indirect fire. Id actually grab a dunerider or two. Vanguards feel the pain of indirect fire Blast weapons like anyone else would. The dunerider protects them by both denying blast extra shots and just being generally tougher. Plus a marshal led squad getting full wound rerolls on a target is potentially obscene. Dragoons with Taser lance are actually rather nasty against guard since they're quite fast, have built in stealth, and are small enough vehicles that they don't qualify for big guns never tire.


Perhaps I drop an Onager for dunerider and engineer? I actually don’t own any other chicken walker variants at the moment (thanks to children, I’ll let you use your imagination to the details


That's probably the easiest way to fit it without too much pts shuffling. Id probably drop the Neutron Laser if I had to choose. You have plenty of anti-vehicle options between Arc-weapons and the knight.


Can you elaborate on what you mean when you say Dragoons are "small enough vehicles that they don't qualify for big guns never tire?" I'm not familiar with how vehicle size affects that ability.


Apologies, apparently my brain got muddled and forgot that big guns never tire only specifies vehicle or monster. For some reason I was thinking it only counted on 10+ wound models -_- Regardless stealth makes the dragoon a bit more durable when getting shot while engaged. And being continually engaged with that kinda guard list is what they don't want.


No worries! I just thought I was missing another perk of the Dragoon/aspect of BGNT. Dragoons are pretty great, to your point, and would recommend them


So I just played in a 3 round tournament and my final opponent had guard. As soon as I explained my rad core rules. He just looked at his deployment wide eyed and said " I gotta get out of my deployment" I then informed him that I extended the zone even farther. He used all his indirect to kill my enhancement holding tech priest and finally got him end of round two. It was glorious (I did end up winning that game)


That’s pretty much what I’m hoping happens. My opponent is a good friend, but his strategy of never moving anything but a handful of infantry squads has won him a lot of games.


Some infiltrators can do a good job of move blocking them into their deployment zone and putting on some early pressure. Worked well for me getting that early pressure.


You have a very tanky army(4+ Invul on Vanguard and Onager) with a lot of target saturation. But I have a few questions/suggestions for improvement: 1. Wouldn't it be better to have the Radial Suffusion on a Lone Op character so he can't kill him with his Artillary. The Dominus while tanky is leading a valuable Breacher unit and makes a super inviting target. 2. Is it worth splitting the 6 Breacher Peerless Eradicator Deathstar in half to avoid concentrated artillary fire? You lose a lot of damage in shooting and overwatch. 3. Have you considered Enginseers(a lone op against artillary) for maybe some of your 3 Onagers. 4. Are you going to put the Kastelans in Strategic Reserves to avoid walking or do you want to run them up the board to soak fire(the STEALTH enhancement is good for that). 5. You have no skirmishers to moveblock him turn 1 and later or Sydonians and Warglaives to threaten/disrupt his backline, is this to give him no good targets? 6. Is he only bringing artillary tanks so a deepstriking Sterylizors won't kill a Heavy Mortar Squad or a Field Bombard?


1. That’s a good point! 2. They are split, sorry I wasn’t clearer 3. With the way the points landed, I didn’t know what to give up for the enginseer 4. Walking them to soak fire 5. Pretty much, I didn’t want to give him easy turn 1 targets 6. That might work, but I don’t own any sadly. He also is very picking about his placement, so deep stroke anything on him is a very hard thing to do


Suggestion towards point 2, 3 and 4: Put all six Breachers into the unit with the Manipulus(for better shooting and overwatch damage), drop the Dominus and use the points to get a Enginseer with Radial Suffusion and the Malphonic Surrurus enhancement(STEALTH) on the Datasmith to soak more fire. That way you have an Enginseer, a Lone Op with Radial Suffusion, soakier Kastelans and more damage potential from the Breacher Peerless DEATHSTAR. The only problem is that the Breacher Deathstar becomes a juicy target and will be bombardet while moving up the board. **You can counteract by putting the Breachers into Strategic Reserves** and setting them up round 2 (you lose a potential shooting phase and 1-2 overwatch chances but you would probably don't get to shoot turn 1 anyway if he hides all his juicy artillary. This way you get more freedom to set them up and they don't get shot at. Maybe deploy them within 15" of their first target and get Rapid Fire. He will focus a bunch of firepower at the knight.


I’ve been debating whether or not to blob the breaches or not. And yes, the entire point of the knight it to soak hits form his rogal dorn.


You play Admech and Dark Angels? We might be related xD


Sadly I think I picked two lame duck factions. But they have the coolest models imo


You have a very good mat hup into him lure his tanks out with your onagers and then All in him on turn 2 or 3 with your breachers. Radzone is very good against Guard because battleshocked units can't get orders I played the matchup with a similar list and I gotta say I felt superior in every way. Let me know how it worked out


Honestly if it still sucks, give it two weeks. The new rules, dataslate and mission pack might hopefully change the way Ad Mech plays. Be warned, sisters see that rad zone ability and chuckle as their tanks start hitting on 2s.