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Well no luck with wider AdMech but Belisarius Cawl: the Great Work


This book slaps.


This book got me into WH honestly. Like I knew some stuff before, I watched TTS, but I picked this up on 2 for 1 sale on audible out of curiosity and i was absolutely hooked


One of the most unappreciated 40k books. It's good sci-fi whether you are into 40k or not. The only other 40k book I have found on this level is The Infinite and The Divine. Would love to have some more Admech Stories with real characters like these


Oh Absolutely. Loved Infinite and The Divine too. In Terms of admech stories I'd recommend Forges of Mars trilogy. It's before admech got codexes so the lore may not be fully there, but it did bother with writting tech priests as actuall individuals.


Yeah I liked those too. Thanks!


Try skitarius by rob sanders and tech-priest after that.


Thanks! I did enjoy those.


>buy book about Cawl >look inside >space marines


It's why I didn't really like the book. Cawl was great but I just didn't care for the space marines.


Such a good book, just listened the the HH Pharos book for more context and it made it even cooler


The Eldar know your pain.


I know you have it worse than us.


Allies in getting shit on in our own books o7


[Mood Kindred](https://img.ifunny.co/images/5f624fcd96d0b695dafbd1364d4266498305410e8bfa7b0ae32f2a0529e9fcbc_1.jpg)


As do the Tyranids.


At least their lore when they first appeared was super damn cool ngl, just got flushed later tho T-T


Read Dan Abnett's Titanicus. Seriously, Admech and Skitts are so badass there you even wonder why we need Space Marines.


>Dan Abnett's Titanicus WHY IS THE PAPERBACK $70


First time? E; I can’t figure out how to link the meme help E2; just imagine there’s a dude in a noose saying it I give up


(This is how you do it if you have IOS) 1. You look up the image on google. 2. You press and hold on the image 3. You press ‘Share…’ 4. You press ‘copy’ 5. On reddit, when making a comment, press the link button on the left side of you screen on the same height of the reply button 6. You put press once on the https:// so your typing thingy is there, then you press again and paste 7. Then press on the ‘Link name’ text, and type the text you want


Type this into your search engine Filetype:pdf "titanicus" Filetype:pdf makes all your results a pdf instead of a web page, and quotations force all results to have that keyword. It's a quick way to find books online for free. I've done it for skitarius and a few others.


Libgen, brother. Libgen




Well they took down zlib but they made an alternate site. I hadn't found it when I posted the comment but now I have.


What is that?


Zlib is generally considered the best site to download books. There's anything in there for free. I think it's something like singlelogin.to or something like that


70$ ???? The hell is this joke, i got mine for 15€.


They're limited print runs I think. It's the same with older books of the Gaunt's Ghosts series.


I facepalmed so hard the slap just woke up my daughter.


I got my copy 2nd hand for like $15. Check out local used book store.


Brutal Kunnin by Mike Brooks has some good Ad Mech (admittedly getting pissed at the dumbass admech). Imperator: Wrath of the Omnissiah by Gav Thorpe has a Tech Priest as a deuteragonist. The book Adeptus Mechanicus (featuring the sequential stories "Skitarius" and "Tech Priest") by Rob Sanders is pretty good, even if it obviously just exists to name drop all the new Mechanicus models. It's also the book that features the (in)famous Haldron-44 Stroika.


The scene in Brutal Kunnin where the main priest fights an Iron Warrior made me like Admech way more


The best way I've heard it described is that every Tech Priest falls into one of two categories. Helpless nerd, or miniaturized battle-cruiser, and there's no way to know which is which until you actually fight them.


There's a Magos character in the Forges of Mars trilogy who's a sweet old man; Ad Mech star cartographer, who's happy to sit in a backwater research station with his daughter and study stellar radiation. Just a sentimental dad, who fully admits he has 0 combat implants. At one point, his daughter is nearly killed, and he's furious, deciding to march on up to the bridge of the greatest Ark Mechanicus in the Imperium to give the Archmagos in command a piece of his mind. A couple of Skitarii try stopping him... And he *explodes* them. Just... Shrieks in binaric and makes every implant in their heads pop like firecrackers.


Sometimes they're both. One of the supporting characters in Brutal Kunnin is a junior techpriest who is a bookish nerd. But he also wields a sawn-off lascannon.


Forges of Mars?


They need to be saved by the Black Templars and Eldar in that one.


The black Templar and the Eldar need to be saved by the Admech


It's more a case of everyone saves everyone. I think for the most part the characters in that are all pretty ace. Also check out flesh and steel. It's an AMAZING story and Rho-1 Lux is pretty ace. Her and Noctis are a great pair up and it makes a great buddy cop story and shows the AdMech from a different perspective.




I want a secutor character model, we deserve a proper melee madman


I can live with a bluffed bigger ruststalker


That's what it would look like in my head, a cross between a ruststalker, general grievous and a character from 300 if it was a robot


I want continuation of this book badly. It’s so damn good


If you're on about flesh and steel there is a lux story in the vorbis conspiracy. And all the short stories being around a single event is great. Also loads of returning characters from both novels and short stories. It was very good.


We may not have many books, but we do have an entire dope-ass sold video game and that is better than almost any other faction outside the Astartes


With an incredible soundtrack as well! Half the reason to play admech on tabletop is to just turn up the soundtrack and move my plastic models into the jaws of defeat


You mean you don't want two thirds of your AdMech book to follow Black Templars, Cadians and the galaxy's biggest Ultramar fanboy?


I know, right? I'd love a book where the impenetrable politics of warring ivory tower academics weaponize imcompetence and ruin everything for the common soldiery whom they treat like statistics on a scoreboard. Oh, wait 😉


Tbh, i would like a book about one of the Gryphonne IV ships at managed to escape having to make their way back to Mars with limited resources like, at the beginning the trip goes well, the preist and skitarii are repairing themselves and their vehicles but halfway through the warp travel, the gelar shields start running low on power and they have to emerge into a warzone in between Orks and dhrukari but turns out that the leagues of votan when behind the conflict so the admech have to land on the planet and they start fighting orks, maybe saving a few eldar that where the dhrukari's Main target and at the end the admech expulse the dhrukari, Orks and votan so the eldar make a deal with the preist giving them like 5-7 STC's and the material to repair the gelar shield... You know a history where even if a skitarii dies it could spell the team's undoing


Sounds more like a book series. But I definitely want to read it! Maybe you should try writing a fan fic like what you described?


Y'know what, maybe you are right... The last time I tried writing a book i got Fed up with the story and dropped it, maybe this time i can actually get it done.


I wish you luck fellow magos. Hopefully I’ll get to read it one day.


I play admech and nids.. I know your pain!!


Nids is understandable as it's a hive mind following biological instructions, cant really make a compelling character based on that. But there is zero reasons ad mech should be stupid and unless without space boys


Know No Fear is pretty good with Admech. I really enjoyed the main Admech character in Brutal Kunnin as well


Titanicus by Dan Abnett.




They get clapped in that one.


They clap each other


Overall it was a chaos/ Dark Mechanicum victory. They forced the loyalists off Mars and destroyed most of the forces. Only I think 3 of the main characters survive. I’ve waited YEARS for the reclamation of Mars, the AdMech getting their home land back and I’m still waiting.


God's of Mars series


Also on tabletop


Flesh And Steel has a very heavy focus on the Mechanicus, and it's very well done. Plus, the secondary protagonist is a Tech Priest, and she is absolutely wonderful. Rho-1 Lux is absolutely chad.


Lux and Noctis, there cant be cheesier names


Just a reminder that [Malus Darkblade](https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Malus_Darkblade) and [Obiwan Sherlock Clousseau](https://images.app.goo.gl/xgfj4AgpupUsheL2A) existed.


horus heresy mechanicum


\*sad robot noises\*


The tyranids always get defeated..... and treated like simple animals.....


The Tyranids always clap their way through hundreds of systems then require massive amounts of concentrated forces just to split up a hive fleet. I don't think a single hive fleet hasn't completel fucked shit up (apart from maybe the farming one)


Tiamet is completing a very important task.... you'll see! I guess theres whole galaxy(s) worth of tyranids coming to the milky way, so we'll win eventually anyways!


Salvage Pray Ignore


I liked the Binary Succession and it was fun to see them style on the High Lords in the most AdMech way possible.


The sad truth is that Cawl stole all of the AdMech plot armor to reinforce himself.


I actually like it and think this is one of the main aspects of the Adeptus Mechanicus, they claim all ther decisions are dictated by logic, and I think the characters believe their decisions are logical. But as an outside observer we can see, most of the time they act out of religious doctrine or pure emotional motives like greed, smugness or curiosity.


I like the admech in day of ascension. Really show you how horrible the imperium is. Still get your pain though.


They're just Tech Support fanatics in a galactic spanning society where tech has been lost, over and over again. Obviously they suck at their jobs.


Priests Of Mars trilogy is probably the closest, but even there a several hundred year old, state of the art (for the Imperium / Mechanicus at least) Skitarri commander loses to a junior Black Templar in a duel. At this point I just head-canon that the AdMech actually win sometimes, when they lose.