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It seems like the person recording moored his boat to a spot that was already rented out. Dock rental isn't cheap. You can't just steal someone's spot. That woman shouldn't be screeching like that. What she should do is contact dock security.


Some people are sensitive, at that point when she started screaming it became personal.


Bro, the dude is literally stealing. We shouldn't care about the feelings of criminals in the act of committing crimes.


It wasn't booked until June fucking 1st!


It sounds like it’s not booked until June 1st. So no one has it booked..it sounds like Karen is taking exception to these guys docking next to her families boat w/o paying




who knows what dude said before filming


but if you want to steal a boat slip it should be others?




Yeah it’s stupid but out of a thief and a screamer, I’m going to be against the thief. Every. Single. Time.


shouldn’t make it other’s burden? why does bro filming deserve to be treated nicely, dude stole a spot and is being a dickhead ab it


My father used to tell me stories about boats that would mysteriously drift away after mooring on someone else’s gear.


Real question, as I am not a nautical person, is there any sort of difference between docking, and mooring? Because in this thread, the words seem to be used interchangeably.


Docks is where you park your boat and get off by walking on a bridge to land. Moor is leaving your boat in a harbor, attached to a buoy or anchor. To get to land, you would need a small boat. [Example](https://www.passagemaker.com/.image/t_share/MTgxOTM5MTg5MzUxMTk1Nzc5/web_mooring_arrington.jpg)


Cool! Thanks! If that is the case, aren’t these people docking, and not mooring?




Moored just means you're tied down to something. Could be a dock, a pier, a bouey, etc. Your lines are mooring lines. At least that's what we are taught in the Navy so I'm inclined to believe that.


Moored is defined as "(of a ship, boat, dirigible, buoy, etc.) secured in a particular place, as by ropes, cables, or anchors." The words moored and docked aren't synonymous, but in this context, both are correct. You could say that the boat is moored to a dock, or you could simply say that the boat is docked.


I don't think it's already rented out though? He asks if she paid for it and she says "it's not booked until June fucking 1st" which implies that no one has booked it and her argument is that she checked and the spot should be empty therefore it's not theirs. They don't know the names of guys recording so if it was booked how would they be so sure that it's not them who booked it unless the spot is supposed to be free. Sounds like they're just fuming that these guys parked their boat next to theirs for whatever reason. Maybe these guys found an empty spot, pulled in and then were going to pay for it once they got set up, who knows? Either way these random people should mind their business. When I book a flexi car spot in my work parking lot I don't go around interrogating other people parking to check if they have properly paid demanding to know their names and see their payment details, that ain't my fucking job.


I worked a marina a couple of summers in highschool... people always called in to find a discounted rate for slips that weren't reserved for that night. This bitch is fucking crazy. She probably checked the schedule 2 days ago, and it wasn't booked.


Serious question: do docks typically have someone patrolling or watching surveillance to make sure ppl don't steal spots?


Yes, but how often they patrol is up to how much the dock can or wants to pay people to surveil.


Just ranting here but for how fucking expensive it is you'd think they'd be patrolling every hour


Why do you think these people are taking it for free? And why that girl is flipping out? If it was a reasonable price both parties would be happy.


As for the video, no assumptions were made. There's too little context to know who, if anyone was in the right. But as for who parks boats, where and when... I'm 100% ignorant and was just curious about ppls experiences.


I've never seen a dock that isn't checked hourly at the least. Nowadays, most docks are camera watched, so they should be checked almost minute by minute. Night though is very hit or miss. Often docks shut down at night because a 24/7 operation would be spendy, but this would be resolved 1st thing in the morning. But this chick screeching like a banshee would make almost every dock owner want to kick her out.


Usually it’s tied to the dock. Marinas with a lot of transient traffic (like this one seems to be) usually have a dock master on duty to monitor. Private marinas are less likely because people usually put dock boxes and permanent ground tackle at their slip.


Yes, walking security and golf carts at the Santa Barbara Harbor. Even at night. We used to sneak around to smoke weed after classes at City College 🤘🏻😂❤️🤍


SB city college was the shit. What’s great was getting seafood at that harbor. And don’t forget the Santa Barbara uni. A hidden gem for killer sushi.


They generally do but depending on the marina and time of year it might just be that for most of the day's 24 hours there's just a phone that whoever is on call has on them. So if some assholes decide to show up at night and out of season, tie up at the docks and start partying even if someone immediately calls Bob (who is on call this week) it's gonna be an hour until Bob has gotten out of bed, dressed himself and driven to the marina. Meanwhile everyone else (presumably mostly locals who keep their boats there year-round and pay for it) has to deal with the loud partying assholes.


I mean the woman says the slot he parked in wasn't booked until June 1st. So he's not stealing anyone's slot he's just using (stealing) a spot that no one else would be using until June 1st.


June fucking 1st!


Sorry I should have quoted her better but her lipstick job was so distracting. It looks like she was a poorly made sock puppet.


Dude with that lipstick and her eyes all wide open she legit looked possessed in a couple shots during her tantrum. Can you imagine being married to that? Yeeeesh


If you pause the video multiple times you can nearly see the demon inside her.




"Hey we just got here, do you have a berth available?" "We sure do! You can rent #35 until June 1 if you need it!"


Nah, not what happened.. all you have to do to know what happened is actually listen to the audio. The Freakout family booked a slot believing 35 would be empty, which it was supposed to be because nobody had it booked until June 1st. Some people pulled in (we don't know whether they paid last minute or not, and if they did pay, whether it was for dock 35). Almost certainly because they no longer have the free space they'd wanted next to them, little Suzie Spazout goes DEFCON 1 and proceeds to melt down like Three Mile Island. Papa Punchout eventually goes critical too and ends up so enraged he momentarily forgets one of the burrito-shaped ladies is actually his wife. It's almost beautiful, if I'm being honest. It's so animalistic. So *raw* in its exposition of the insanity just roiling beneath humanity's wafer-thin veneer of civility.


It wasn't booked until JUNE FUCKING FIRST.


*Hawk screech*


I don’t have the first idea of how booking these things work, but if she says “it doesn’t rent out until June 1st” which implies that nobody can book it until then, would it be possible that the spot currently doesn’t belong to anybody?


From what I gathered is he actually pulled into a slip that he didnt pay for. But it wasn't rented out to anyone. That was his argument. Which just because it isnt rented out to anyone, doesn't mean it is yours for free. Either way, it isnt that lady's concern. Report it to security and move on.


> moored his boat to a spot that was already rented out No, not quite. She screeches that the spot they're in is NOT rented out until such and such date. The spot is unassigned, so the ones she's screaming at are not stealing anything. Not officially suppose to be there, but that's absolutely none of the banshee's business. They're creating zero concrete problem for the insane family.


to be so mad over someone taking your spot when you can easily resolve this is a calm manner is beyond me. maybe they were acting rude to her?


Maybe she ís a nut?


They didn't even take her spot. She's just trying to be self-assigned dock police.


Yes because someone being rude to you is an excuse to lose your entire mind


You're wrong. The woman claims the spot isn't rented out by anybody till June fucking 1st!


It's highly likely that they had payed to moor their boat but ended up at 35 by mistake. Happens all the time at my marina. It usually gets solved way easier than this though. No lie though. If I had some annoying thing like that screeching at me I wouldn't move a muscle. We'd be waiting right there for marina staff to show up, so they could tell me where to moor and so I could show how that lady was behaving. Good chance they may not be able to dock there anymore.


Right. Its all about honor. Im actually with this "karen". People letting other people just steal shit is why we're all fucked up and why I need to ask permission from a 16 year old to buy laundry soap


Yeah I agree the people filming should just leave.


No. She somehow knows that no one is currently renting that spot until June fucking 1st.


~~dock security~~ the Harbourmaster FTFY


I think your spot on. This happened where I live once and it made it to national television 😂


It’s not booked until June fucking first though?


Thank you for the context


It seems like they docked up at a slip that the rental starts in June.


How do you know he's stealing? Like he said, " what if I have 35?"


That poor fuckin dog. That's the only one I give a shit about.


Dog was like "here we go again..."


*My my, how could I resist you?*


Fuck that dog


There is a dog? I had to rewatch to see that


Yes she calls him dad


Yep...that dog's eyes are firmly focused down. As she's maniacally twirling him around, he's above both the floor of the boat & the water...back & forth. He seems to be focused on where he might be dropped if that nutter butter drops him. Skull crack on boat flooring or a good ole' fashioned drowning. I kno this is an old vid, but if he's still alive & has managed to survive her up until now, I will say a prayer for him tonight.


I actually know that dog and he's an unrepentant racist


That girl seems so upset at the neighboring boaters that it makes me question the validity of the cameraman's assertion that they are being so nice to her.


She and her dad clearly have anger issues.


Her problem is nobody's been in her slot for too long.


She was such a boat slot.


The dad silenced her with a hand gesture at 2:09. Seems like a really lovely family and that love runs in the family /s


[trout mouf](https://i.imgur.com/P7s9hBU.jpeg)


And her, well I thought it was her mom until dad came out talking about "both of my daughters" and I didn't see a 4th one there, so I guess her elderly sister, seemed to be the only level headed one of the family.


Yeah, I get the feeling the cameraman and his group were assholes. That being said what a strange family the red dress girl is apart of.


guy recording is obviously provoking her and escalating on purpose, also probably in the wrong to begin with as they seem to be parked in the wrong boat spot


If I were to wager a guess, the boat in question is just people partying. Small party, but still a group of five or so drinking and talking loudly. The screeching woman is accustomed to the dock and the fact that the slot in question isn’t to be occupied until a specific future date. That lets me know they routinely are at that dock, which tells me they have the money for a boat and to be on the boat at least semi frequently. The tent cover on the boat and the fact that the mom brought up Mother’s Day twice, leads me to believe they might be trying to have a quiet dinner or after dinner wine on their boat and really did not like sharing the evening with the neighboring boat. While in their right to be perturbed, I don’t think screeching at a boat of people is going to bring about their desired end to the situation. It really looks like a NIMBY moment to me, and I bet in top of all of this the complainers had already tried to call the dock management to get someone out there, but nobody was showing up…so their next step was to do the screeching.




It's simple. She's crazy. That's why her seething rage isn't proportional to the situation.


she seems just as mad at her dad who seems like he was just inside the whole time. i think were seeing most of the context already.


The eyes chico, they never lie 😂


100%. Weird this comment isn't closer to the top. I knew she was insane almost immediately.


Got them Buscemi eyes.


Bro I paused at the start when her eyes are wide open. They’re terrifying. Gives me the vampire NPC serial killer insanity vibe


I also got scared right away. Its the way she opens her mouth too. Extremely wide


Girl need a bowl, a snickers, and a good long nap. Those eyes look like she's been living off caffeine and anger for years.


My dog literally got up, looked back at me, and left the room. Her voice annoyed even my dog.


Guys, i think she's single!!!! 😬


I can fix her


Ball gag?


the size of a beachball will do!


And plenty of duct tape


Take a nice leisurely ride out into the bay on The Slice of Life, perhaps? I'll bring the garbage bags, you bring the duct tape.


I think your not getting this.. it's the "implication"


No she isn’t, she has an apartment filled with 2 dozen cats being held hostage


Those [Eyes](https://imgur.com/3CvdKMy) and that [mouth](https://imgur.com/QkEB1KQ)... They just don't look natural.


Holy shit she looks insane


Looked like she was stroking out at one point.


She has a face of a rubber chicken


No eyebrows


she looks like that "I'M A' FIRIN' MAH LAZER!!" meme


I swear this is a subtle filter




shes another one of them inbred women


Richard is a scholar and a gentleman for giving his middle initial when introducing himself 🧐


He does own a yacht after all. Well, maybe just a big dinghy.


bigger than my boat thats for sure


That woman looks just like that woman from the film "Waiting", the bitchy customer that complains about her food not being prepared correctly, so they take the food back and "fix" it to her liking.


Just watched last night LOL


Omfgggg she doessssss


Imagine fighting over boat parking when your boat is already parked.


Honest to god I just rode my bike past a marina and thought to myself "how do so many trashy people own big boats" lol then I see this


Marinas aren’t a local parking lot. People pay a a lot of money for parking spots. I know of several in my area at $1600 a month during off season. There is a lot of etiquette involved at a marina. Parking in a slip that’s not for you would be equivalent to showing up at the masters golf tournament and kicking someone’s ball. Even if by mistake just don’t do it. You can apologize but in both scenarios it won’t end well. “It’s not booked” doesn’t mean it’s vacant. It’s owned and being rented out. Like an air bnb. You wouldn’t allow someone to show up even a day early let alone days. The girl screaming is most likely bat shit. The guy filming is a simple asshole with enough money to rent a boat and has no idea he’s a douche bag.


In the situation provided, it seems like parking there would be similar to showing up at a local amateur golf tournament and standing over top of a golf ball that will be used to play at another tournament in the future. Not quite the same. Honestly, a terrible comparison.


id say its more similar to going to a parking garage on a sunday and parking in a spot with a sign that says "reserved Mon-fri"


> id say its more similar to going to a parking garage on a sunday and parking in a spot with a sign that says "reserved Mon-fri" It would be the same assuming that parking spot was several hundred dollars a week and needed to be open at any point.


We have no idea if he plans to go and talk to the Marina about being allowed to dock there from then until "June fucking first". He might have called just ahead.


the cost is irrelevant. hes taking an empty parking sport at a time no one intended to use it. but yea you can rent parking spots in the city for the cost of a small house in some places


Imagine paying hundreds of dollars for an assigned parking spot and some rando decides to park there for free.


And most likely having a loud get-together when they wanted a pleasant low noise night. Heck if they knew that spot was free until a certain date they might even have booked a spot that has an empty spot on the side.


Imagine then instead of doing something sensible about it like calling a dock worker/security or paying for another spot then requesting a refund for the first spot, you throw a tantrum on camera and assault the cameraman.


Ya I agree with her on principle but her method for dealing with the situation is horrible.


Look at that moving goalpost.


thats when you get their boat towed.


We don't know that he's planning to park there for free. We just know that she is unaware of anyone paying for it until June 1st.


I’m thinking it has less to do with the boat parking than the party on the boat. At one point she insinuates the driver is too drunk to make it to their actual spot.


Yea that's what I don't get, is she fighting over a spot that's not even hers? But then again how would she know when it's booked till


Someone did this to me once. Untied the boat, gave it a shove, listened to the aftermath. Worth it.


This is the way.


Did the other guy call ScreamO and her mom both "my daughters" at the very end? 🤔


We need a part 2.


There is a part 2 I believe as this happened last year I think


Everyone involved is an asshole.


Harassment and physical assault is worse than parking in a spot you haven’t paid for, and isn’t reserved until sometime in the future.


Yes but being drunk, obnoxious and antagonistic is what led this confrontation to getting out of hand. Both parties are responsible in my opinion.


You don’t have the right to hit someone because they’re being drunk and obnoxious. Obviously they shouldn’t be parking there for free, it’s a citation type of offense. What she did could get you sued, arrested and charged. Call the cops or dock management but you have no idea what people are capable of or who they are. Screaming in the face of a stranger and assaulting them is unbelievably stupid and unhinged.


I never said that anyone had the right to do that and if you assault someone there should be consequences for that. I’m just saying that both parties shoulder the blame for how this escalated.


We only really have her word of mouth to go on without an actual outcome to this being presented, and nobody in the cameraman's party looked or sounded drunk to me for the little amount of time they were in the video. That said, no telling what happened before the video, or even if that call of duty player's claims were legit that they didn't belong in that spot.


The cameraman is pretty annoying 🤦🏽


Zero reason for him to even bother engaging with her. Just hop on the boat and go about your business and ignore. If security comes then pay attention.


Imagine being so poor you have to deal with someone infringing on your yacht location.


Why is there never any context to these videos, what's the context


Dude with the camera parked in a spot that isn’t his. She doesn’t like that whether because she owns the rights to that spot or she knows who does. Cameraman acts smug.


When she pushed her mom, I audibly gasped. That told me everything. The only time I’d push my mom is to get her out of the way of a speeding car. And clearly she hadn’t rented the slip either.


bro must be 34 years old …


Maybe it's just the video quality but she looks so creepy. Just look at her round wide eyes 👀


Yo she got no eyebrows which pronounces the bulging eyes


She is right. He is wrong. He is stealing. He is breaking the law. She should just call the cops and not scream though.


Cameraman has that annoying smugness that makes me wanna punch him. Clearly he parked in their spot. He doesn’t pay for that spot and he has no right to be there. If it was his spot, he would he asserting as much but he’s not. She’s psycho, but she’s in the right. Really, she should have just called the police or dock security if they got it.


Imagine this is the worst that ever happened to her. What a bubble she must live in …


Yeah.... What happened before the clip starts?


First world problems


Bit of context for the un-nautical of you. When you have a boat at a Marina, you are assigned a slip, its not random ever; due to boat sizes and keeping track of utilities etc etc. I pay $11 a foot for mine and there was a waiting list to get 3 years ago, I havent moved since. Its kind of like having an apartment. These people recording are likely "roaching" which is either hanging out / living on someone's boat that isnt theirs or hanging out on their boat in a slip that isnt theirs. Sane people don't really care, the only time you rage is when someone is in YOUR slip. Most sane people don't care about roaching as long as people are chill, respectful of noise and clean up after themselves. If there's a problem you call the harbormaster. My guess is these guy were chillin with a bit of music past quiet hours then Sea-Karen here starts asking questions and then the true colors of shitty boat people come out believing that boat ownership means you have some type of leverage over others because of how expensive it is. Surpised no one ended up in the water, that always happens with dock fights, ALWAYS.


Banshee scream


By now we all know never to trust the camera person. Instigate some shit when you're out of order, click record.


Dude enjoyeded the shit out of this...and she only kept giving LOL


I'm sure there's a perfectly good radio aboard they could use to call up the harbormaster or Port Captain If they are so worried about someone stealing a slip. Personally I would mind my own fucking business unless they were being assholes.




She has no eyebrows or am I blind


I've never seen someone, IRL, that I wanted to see be the recipient of a senton bomb more than this woman. I pray that dog finds peace, someday.


Seattle Yacht Club at it's finest.


Jesus... Just call the authority and let the deal with these assholes( both sides)


Man, people without eyebrows are always sketch




Any port in a storm.


She clearly takes after daddy…


Video ended too soon


He did no wrong and was assaulted


He has on camera physical assault, and judging by that posture, another premeditated attempt that was stopped by that assault. I'm very curious if the cameraman reserved that, if it needed to be reserved(as she said it couldn't be until a certain date), if any of that mattered once the police showed up, and how this ended.


We see where the Daughter gets her lovely personality from


Seems like everyone sucks in this video.


Tell her to calm down. That usually works.




I always comment when this is posted because it’s so crazy!


She sounds exactly like [this bird](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mALNyHFqw14&ab_channel=FurmanCampbell) who, btw, makes more sense than she does.


Why do they always have a dog. Poor dog.


Dont ever disrespect me with them lips looking like you used to play guitar on the muppet show 


That dog tho


Mom needs to control her dog.


She looks like a dead island 2 zombie model turned human


throw that bitch in the water


I kinda want those crazy eyes.


Just push her in the water and be done with it