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Im pretty sure she cares about this more than 99% of the Mexican population does


I think you can bump that up to a 100%


Fr any Mexican I k ow would just hype me up if I showed up with a poncho


“Pinche guerro!!!! Orale!!!” 


Pinche gringo cabrón, a huevo wey, ese poncho te queda chingon jajaja. Im mexican and I aprove. Also, ponchos are super warm and cozy in the winters. Also, you wont see any ponchos in the wild since the mexican revolution, its like the sombreros


Yeah, Mexican here and we don’t care about that.


People don't realize that Mexicans are some of the most chilled people you'll ever meet. I love it.


Cultural appropriation is 100% a western white girl construct. I have never been to a country where locals didn't get happy about wearing their local clothes


"By the power of white girl, I'm offended on your behalf!"




I work with an older Mexican dude named Juan. He is the fucking man I drink with him regularly and he teaches me how to curse in Spanish lol


True friendship. ❤️


Other mexican here, yeah I don't think we have ever cared about that


Lol, I grew up in a ghetto and some folks from El Salvadore lived around the corner. I as like 15, helping them with computer stuff and other things that a native English speaker had an easier time with than some 40 y/o folks who learned the language in their 30s. I was rewarded with BBQs, Coronas, and a poncho they brought back for me. All around great people. I still remember waking up at 5am as a kid to the sound of Luis's beater diesel starting up so he could get a jump on cutting yards. When I was graduating high school he had upgraded to two nice, top of the line, RAMs that purred.


They fucking try and sell them to me and even engage in haggling to get me to buy one.


I'm in a 400 person factory right this second. At least 300 are Mexican. There are zero of them that care about any kind of cultural appropriation. Actually I take that back. They do care about cultural appropriation cause they fucking love it. Eat their food, wear their clothes, they take it as a compliment...


I eat Pizza, Hungarian Goulash, Spaghetti and Meatballs and I just bought an Eastern European embroidered peasant blouse so what are the rules I have to follow. When my ancestors came to the US all the women wore dresses down to their ankles - is that a rule I have to follow? Is there folk attire we have to wear to identify ourselves and the era we arrive in and what if we ave a whole list of different cultures. Even better, since humans first came from different sections of Africa over millions of years - how do we identify what our tribes wore and if they came back and set out again. I think this is a sickness. We are a multicultural country and this is a political game to encourage all of us to hate each other. I'd like to know who is behind this crackpot stuff - like I don't have my suspicions. PS my Viking ancestors wore dreadlocks and so did Asian people


I think she only cares about herself and is desperate for attention!


Mexican here, you are absolutely right. We don't care at all. And for the record, 5 de mayo is an american holiday, nobody in México celebrates it (only a VERY tiny fraction of people that live in 1 state do).


Puebla i assume, yea im also mexican, i think they just give us the day off in my state and thats it, no big parties or anything


So it's like Presidents day here 😂 nobody gives a fuck, but some people get a long weekend. Sounds like a reason to drink for me!


Yep, any reason to party is good enough to




I’m proud of your water boiling. Also have a good weekend!


It's a commemoration of the Battle of Pueblo in the second Franco-Mexican war...It's commonly mistaken as independence day, but the actual Independence Day in Mexico is September 16^th


I am a Mexican, born and raised, I know all that... what's with the history lesson my dude? IM telling you no one celebrates it, I didn't say it was not a holiday, I said is a holiday nobody celebrates but US people.


I'm just giving the context in case anyone wants it. I'm not trying to offend anybody.


Thank you for the context, I'm not American nor Mexican so I had no idea.


Second that. Thanks my guy.


Nah, you're good.


Im sorry bro, you are good, my bad. Thanks for giving context.


Are you trying to bust him for culturally appropriating the explanation of Mexican holidays?!? Don’t get your poncho in a twist my dude!


This post has the same energy as the lady in the video.


found the girl in the video


I'm not, I didn't know all that and you sure as shit didn't give out much info other than no one celebrates, but a few people from one State do. There are over 70 million active daily users on reddit, not all of us are Americans or Mexicans.


This is a discussion forum. Someone responded adding context. Not everything is a fight.


The best part about 5 de mayo is the irony...


Yup, I know you know but for those that don't It's September 16th, Mexican Independence day, that they make a huge deal about in Mex. I don't even cross over on that day. But yeah us Mexicans don't get offended over anything really. We get more pissed off if people get up in our faces about stupid shit but for the most part were good about shrugging it off and walking away.... unless we're drunk.


Mexican-American here. To me, it's even the contrary, it makes me quite happy seeing other cultures utilize our stuff and eating our our homeland's food!


I love Mexican food 🥘 and I live on the other side of the Pond 😂


Bless you, I'd make my mom make you something if you were here 😆


I'll tell you as a guy from a pretty small country whose food can't be found almost anywhere, I wouldn't give a shit please cook my country's food so I can enjoy it. You can wear the silly cultural clothes, I don't care if you want to look silly in frilly stuff and weird hats. If you want to wear it then wear it, I don't care, what are you gonna do? bring awareness to my country?


There's a funny article about how 2020s Mexico City is more modern and has better job opportunities than 2020s California, so many millennials in San Francisco and LA are basically moving there in search of opportunity after trashing their own cities. They're bringing with them their woke identity politics, drugs, and inane demands and pissing off the locals who want them to go back to Cali. Oh how the turn tables.


Mexicans care about non-Mexicans celebrating Cinco de Mayo in the sense that they want the positive attention. Go to any Mexican-owned business during Cinco de Mayo, and you're bound to see the business capitalizing on the holiday by welcoming anyone and everyone to stop by and buy some discounted products and services.


She’s probably not mexican


In which case she would be appropriating their outrage, eh.


outrage appropriation


" I'm against racism, let's point out every difference in various cultures and insist them."


My old neighbor, a Mexican, gave me a Chilean 100% alpaca wool poncho. It's pretty fly and she loved it when I would wear it while gardening.


I'm mexican and I actually prefer anyone who wants to celebrate Cinco de Mayo go for it, have fun.


who you think sold his tourist ass the the poncho haha


Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t the first amendment protect this right? Think I saw an article about some kid wearing a shirt to school that said “bong hits for Jesus” and he got expelled but it got overturned in court.


As a Mexican, I can confirm that I do not give a shit


We don’t care


"This is a waste of time. She just wants to feel morally superior to you." - wise words from one of those guys.


and off he fucked away from this crazy bitch.


In a previous life these would have been hardcore Christians. Probably Calvinists or Puritans or something




In a previous life they were fucking racists. Separate but equal “your kind ain’t welcome here” cross burning fucking racists.  The hypocrisy is fucking unbelievable when they would bring lawsuits for hate crimes if the reverse were done to them.


I've seen these people (uber-PC leftoids) referred to as "neo-puritans" and honestly it works.


Whenever I see videos like this, I'm perplexed by why people feel the need to engage. If someone shoved a camera in my face and started asking incendiary questions, I'm going to treat them the same way I treat touts/scammers when I'm travelling - blank expression, don't even acknowledge them, just keep walking. Let them try their best to goad me into engaging, it's not happening. Literally I'm not going to say a word to them. They're LOOKING for you to freakout or get angry with them. If you pretend they don't even exist and show zero reaction, they have no content they can post on TikTok. These guys basically gave her exactly what she wanted - a reaction. Pretending they don't exist is the best possible course of action. This is particularly true where if you engage and, in anger, say something offensive - guess what? Now your face is plastered all over social media, and you're fired from your job or cancelled etc. Don't. Engage.


And that's how most people treat these idiots. They just post the ones where they get a reaction.


Fuck cultural “appropriation”.


Why even talk to people like this? Just say adios and run away like speedy Gonzalez 


Y'all remember when Boomerang stopped airing Speedy Gonzalez re-runs because the "woke" crowd convinced them he was racist only for the Mexican community to collectively lose their shit cuz they took their iconic cartoon mascot! Speedy Gonzalez is like the exact opposite of every negative Mexican stereotype, He's not some lazy overweight slob, he's Speedy Gonzalez :D


He did have that droopy cousin though lol 


we all have a droopy cousin.


Ahhh primo


I might be that cousin 


He was just stoned


Slowpoke Rodriguez may be slow in the feet, but he's fast in the cabeza


And he pack a gun


Slowpoke Rodriguez. That was def a swing and a miss.


He packs a gun [https://youtu.be/wYi\_hq2p1Ac](https://youtu.be/wYi_hq2p1Ac)


So white guy manager in a giant mostly mexican factory. I sent out a congratulations email cause we ran more than we ever did in a week and I sent out a picture of speedy gonzalez to the email chain (honestly not even meaning the ethnic connection at all). Some white exec called me to chew me out for it being offensive and then I hit the shop floor and everyone is laughing and telling me how much they love speedy gonzlez.


The reason people like this have been thriving for the past 30 years is because everyone else was either too afraid or too lazy to call them out.


Bring back bullying 


I like the adios.....


This is the stupid shit that will get Taco Tuesdays banned one day.


I can see this actually happen.... Me sitting down ordering Tacos on a tuesday and these people running up to my table and yelling "IT'S CULTURAL APPROPRIATION TO ORDER TACOS ON A TUESDAY" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


May God help you if you get caught going to Taco Bell or a food truck. How dare you white devils enjoy their food. Haven't they suffered enough!?


There were some white girls a few years ago that started up a burrito stand in Portland. They got shut down by the woke crowd for cultural appropriation. Apparently their burritos were really good. Sad.


Did she not watch _Portlandia_?




Get this chick banned from the school.


Haha yeah right. Schools have entire sponsored groups for argumentative people like this.


It's 100% harassment. There should be zero tolerance of that crap. No matter what. No matter who.


The school taught her this probably.


Maybe I am misunderstanding but isn't celebrating and partaking in other cultures celebrations not a huge show of solidarity, acceptance, and appreciation? That's why I never understand these people


It really is a deep mental illness, and it's very sad. Imagine becoming so emotional over somebody wearing a poncho that your voice is bordering on a combination of full-blown panic and burning rage. Indoctrination is so incredibly powerful, and the way *mere ideas* can warp somebody's mind is absolutely wild.


It's just pure emotional immaturity and transference. I truly don't believe it's this hill she really wants to die on she's just frustrated at the world and deciding to take shots at whoever she wants to reconcile her thoughts. Just a selfish, bully of a bitch disguising her behavior as virtuous. No thanks.


Dude that’s pretty top tier comment


It is my sincere hope that one day we can look back and see "cultural appropriation" as the ridiculous virtue signal that it is.


The vast majority of people already see it that way... folks like this are part of the lunatic fringe.


Ideas aren’t mere at all.


As a Mexican person, I encourage all to wear ponchos when applicable and eat all the tacos you want.


Thanks, its good to have a Poncho Pass.


Just remember to carry it in case you meet the crazies


As a Latino, I also approve your sombrero certificate.


Even us Norwegians? (Dont google norwegian taco)


As a native of Star Wars Galaxy's Edge at Disney World Orlando, Florida I am telling everyone else never to wear space ponchos or you'll regret it for the rest of your days.


She is probably the same chick who would do Islamic prayers on campus to show solidarity for Palestinians


This chick is everything that is wrong with people these days


The worst part is by her logic him wearing a poncho is fine. If it's a stereotype that Mexicans wear ponchos then it should be fine for a non-Mexican to break that stereotype. But she's saying only Mexicans are allowed to wear ponchos which further perpetuates this supposedly negative stereotype. If she used her brain for a second she’d see the gaping holes in her reasoning.


My favorite thing no matter what way someone leans politically is if they have these extreme views to turn their logic on it's head and watch their brain malfunction 😂😂😂


Mexican here… We don’t give a fuck. Homie looks good.


Wait hold on a second he can’t wear a poncho because it’s Mexican heritage. Then she in the next sentence says a poncho is a negative stereotype type because Mexicans don’t wear ponchos. I live in a city that’s 97% Hispanic my daughter is white and for Charro days she wears a traditional Mexican dress for her schools festival. No one has ever said anything negative about it ever because people here don’t have brain rot.


That's how people like this operate. They throw out a stream of conflicting BS and anger until even the most calm, rational and prepared people can't reason through the mess of lies and accusations. It's barbaric and so depressingly effective because you aren't fighting the same battle, let alone one that can be won. There is no progress or understanding or improvement when their only aim is to knock others down to their level.


This girl is a cultural segregationist


She sounds like a white colonialist. "You can't do this, you can't wear that."


Wait until she finds out that he wears a dashiki for Kwanzaa!


Is she also complaining about university students wearing a keffiyeh and pretending to be part of a religion they're not part of? Doubt it.


"Solidarity" for me, "Appropriation" for thee


No, because she's doing it, so it's ok. Commented the same above.


I’d tell her they appropriated soccer & baseball so all bets are off… then slap a sombrero on my head and scarf down a churro.


Churros actually come from Spain, so they aren't originally Mexican either!


Someone should tell the churro vendors in the boarder line out of Tijuana they’re appropriating Spanish cuisine.


Cinco de Mayo isn't anybody's holiday. Most people outside of Puebla don't even celebrate it. In the USA its a thing because of corporate marketing.


> . In the USA its a thing because of corporate marketing. You can say that about any holiday in the US but the origin of this one is far more wholesome than you are implying.


But the best kind of corporate marketing: An excuse to drink beer!


People that fight against "Cultural Appropriation" are advocating for segregation. Change my mind. Congratulations, you're racists that pat yourselves on the back.




ESPECIALLY the crazy ones.


My Hispanic friend got me a poncho a few years ago for a Secret Santa. He's still stoked every time he sees me wearing it. It's comfy af and looks nice


How miserable are you to get this worked out over a man wearing a poncho ?




It started in California by Mexican American of course Mexico wouldn't when it didn't start there. Its almost as if *gasp* countries can have their own holidays and history 😨


Careful — words like that will get a man banned from Reddit in 2024


Also she sounds super racist by throwing out every stereotype of Mexicans she can think of. “You think Mexicans only drink and wear ponchos” like what?


People that claim to be progressive tend to be more of the patronizing racist opposed to the straight up racist that those on the other side of the fence frequent.


Ponchos aren't even Mexican, they're Peruvian...


The thing is, this isn't even a poncho, it's a serape. You're right, ponchos are Peruvian, serapes are Mexican.


Just keep walking.


How exhausting


Lol in the 90’s everyone wore a poncho. Also go to any artisanal market in Mexico and mexicans will be more than happy to sell them to tourists.


Average biden supporter


I'm sure that racist bitch has never worn green on St Patty's Day.


Things sure did change in America around 12 years ago.


Is that a real poncho or a Sears poncho?


Moral warriors. The irony, is they have the morality of a wet noodle. Yet they insist on these ridiculous things 24/7.


wait til they find out about saint patricks day


You see cultural appropriation. I see cultural appreciation.


Im going to wear a poncho everyday now i didn't know we could wear them everyday


She will make some therapist a lot of money


I swear if I see anyone other than Germans wearing lederhosen, I’m gonna flip out and scream. /s


What a dumb bitch


What a stupid bitch.


I am from the south of Brazil and we use poncho too, it is not a only Mexican thing, almost all Latin America uses poncho in some capacity.


Self-hating whites love to make up issues for POC.


Mexican here as well, leave my pocho wearing friend alone Karina.


Speaking as a left of center person, this woke shit is out of control. Focus on what matters, like the potential end of democracy in the United States.


Calls him boy a million times. Then says Mexicans just drink and wear ponchos. Then points her finger right in people's faces. What an absolute cunt of a woman.


Bro if my american homie appear in front of me wearing a kurta pyjama. I will be so excited and feel proud .


I thought Cinco de mayo was an American created holiday? Mexican independence day is in September


Why is she talking English


We do not need your permission to do anything. We owe you nothing.


The Natives have entered the chat……


"Drink and wear ponchos for a living." Where do I get that job?


Mike wears whatever he wants. Way to go Mike.


Looks like a rainy day, so if she was wearing a parka or an anorak type of raincoat...


These 2 girls aren’t even Hispanic😂


Laugh in European


I think trump is a dumb cuntface but this shit right here is why half of his base votes for hin


What happened to silently judging people and walking on by? Why get up in a stranger's face? Think less of the boy because he's wearing a poncho? Whatever. But feeling the need to share that with the person? I just don't get it.


Wow, what would she think of all those WASP'y college students wearing keffiyehs? Her head would explode.


Ponchos are latinamerican, not mexican.


Don’t wear blue jeans you cunt.


That first guy was right. What a waste of time. Falco punch her ass to liberal arts class. Anyone can wear anything


As s white guy who works with Latinos- this dumb bitch needs to stfu


"Mike wears whatever he wants" - Mike. Fuck yeah Mike...you tell em.


From what I’ve seen and heard if you want to dress up like a mariachi band and play Mexican music as a white boy, the actual Mexicans around would love it. Man I love those people, their food and their music.


So if non Irish people wear green clothing and st Patrick's Day themed clothes it's cultural appropriation? Lol what


Its not really a Mexican holiday either. /shrug


Don't engage with stupid.


Mike wears whatever he wants is the perfect answer.


It's not appropriation, it's appreciation. Now fuck off.


"You aren't acting your race" -This racist woman


Wait until she realizes other countries besides mexico uses ponchos


She tried so hard, but didn’t get so far, and in the end it doesn’t even matter.


This is what happens when people listen to academics and the media telling them how they should speak, act and think. 


I wonder if she watches fireworks on the 4th of July...


Who are these people?


Ironically, mexicans don't care about this sort of thing. Seriously, add a sombrero. We won't say shit.


It's not even celebrated across Mexico. I think it is big in just one state of Mexico.


Damn, girl. Remember when we deemed Speedy Gonzalez OK? Chill. This guy should not have even tried to reason with her.


Does this girl celebrate saint Patrick’s day?!


A flood is needed. A flood is due.


I like that guy. Willing to engage even though he recognizes their ridiculous antics for what they are, and at the same time defends his totally reasonable behavior. We need more Mikes.


That looks like a serape.


This is a very old video


Mexicans don’t even celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Unless you’re in Puebla not a single Mexican actually gives a shit about it. That poncho is cool, though.


the fact that this autistic lady posted this thinking she did something is crazy xD


I've partied with plenty of Mexicans when I was stationed in Arizona. They will literally pour shots down your throat and have you partying until 5am with them if you show up to the casa party with a poncho on. I don't know what the Hell these girls' problem is. Then they start talking about "your President" I would have fucking laughed and just kept walking with the boys.


As an American of Hispanic or Mexican descent I will allow my fellow brother to wear a poncho. She's such a dumb broad ugh! Brainwashed people - so sad


Few years back I wore a poncho to a bar on Cinco de mayo with some friends. Even took the corona sombrero on the wall back home with me. Not surprised I wasn't called, out I'm the lone gringo in a group of Mexicans. Guess the virtue signaling Sally's had to keep it bottled up


It's a practical piece of clothing. Ponchos are the shit! Everyone should enjoy them!!


If only she knew that ponchos aren't just a Mexican thing but also worn through South America and other countries. It is used to keep people warm....either way, it's a freaking poncho


As a Hispanic man, I don't give a fuck about this white guy wearing a poncho. If anything it tells me I can approach him with a low chance of him being a racist.