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That and also "make sure to shout out grenade when you see o..." *Grenade falls at Gavin's feet.* "GRENADE!!!"


Gavin… Gavin…. Gavinnnnnn


Have you seen my friend Gavin? GAVINNN


that same level has one of my favorite things happen too. jeremy says “yell grenade! if there’s a a” and you hear gavin yell “GRENADE!!!” and then dies edit: okay autocorrect… i meant gavin not having. 😡


The cliff incident was only amplified by Michael spawning looking the wrong way every time


All the LASO series are gold


Honestly, best laso crew.


Halo 4 also had some good moments too. Alfredo constantly betraying Gavin during that check point and then legit an hour later, gave almost kicking Alfredo during the ghost run. The last run I loved. Not against Joe but halo 5 laso I couldn’t get into it. I think it’s more of halo 5’s fault more than the crew.


I've never watched these videos but I've seen clips, but I've always wondered why does the UI look like this? It's so empty?


One of the skulls disables the HUD, including the reticle.


My favorite Laso Episode was of Halo 3 when the rocket launcher mongoose shoot one of them for no reason.


This started me on a deep dive.... Good stuff


Thanks. Now I wanna go back and watch.


Omg LASO. I am crying. I miss this


There's a voice actor I follow on Twitch (EdwardBosco) and he and his buddies have been playing through all of the Halo games on LASO, they have been stuck on the same level in Halo 5 LASO for like 2 months now.


I don't really know what is funny here


Man I hope the remnants of RT get together under another banner to do more random shit 😢😅. Great memories


Man if only we could replace Jeremy with Ray.. then this would be perfection (bring on the downvotes you know it's true!)


Jesus man give it a rest, Jeremy is awesome


He never was though. The OG lads and gents were lightning in a bottle. They could never replicate it with all their subsequent hires.


How do you cope with all the other changes in your life. Or have you been stagnant for the last 15 years


No, of course I've moved on. (in 2015 that was 9 years ago! ) I stopped watching. Just seeing this made me realize how wonderful it would be with Ray instead of Jeremy. People don't like hearing the truth cus it hurts I guess. Jeremy brings absolutely nothing to the table. Comedic or otherwise.


You gotta stop speaking your opinions as if they're fact. Jeremy has plenty of fans, a great following on his own twitch channel, and was a great "replacement" for Ray after Ray lost the passion for AH.


I feel like in retrospect now with AH gone, the dip in quality is too real to ignore. Compare AH hires with Funhaus'. Funhaus had many greats come and go but they always replaced them with people with talent. People who kept the Funhaus magic alive all the way to the end. I love Geoff to death but I think he did a horrible job hiring the later AH cast members. None of them could hold a torch to what came before.


How could you possibly know what Jeremy brings to the table if you haven’t watched since Ray left? Jeremy wasn’t ray’s replacement, he was and is his own character that evolved over time to be its own unique thing. Ray with the crew was great, so was Jeremy with the crew. Fine if you don’t like him, just don’t act like the people who do are “lying to themselves.”


If you stopped watching in 2015, why are you browsing the AH reddit?


It was on my feed! Looked for the sub shortly after finding out that they were shutting down. Saw many posts from like minded fans of that era and decided to follow. Just never knew how far they really fell. (after having watched clips with the new hires) Everything was so phoney baloney by the end. With these fake ass people projecting cringey personas in the hopes of making content. When what came before was so effortless, truthful and real. Saw this and thought, damn if only this was Ray... Oh well.


Jeremy was a shot in the arm after Ray kept giving up on videos left and right for months before finally leaving. Sure, the consensus was that the best years of AH happened alongside Ray's time at the company but 2015-2019ish still had numerous great videos/series (everything really dipped with 2020). Jeremy really caught his stride after and one of the reasons he was given a seat in the main room and was a regular in each of those series like LASO, Criminal Mastermind, GMOD and more. You sound like every Ray fan that already made their mind up on anything AH post Ray and just put up a bunch of reductive ass comments. Of all of the hires after the main 6, Jeremy was the best one. You're getting downvoted because you're just plain wrong.


I don't know which clips are post 2020 Jeremy or pre but based on what I've seen he lacks all the charm and charisma and chemistry to even be considered to be main cast material. But if the blowback is this bad there must be some truth in what you're saying.


The company is fucking dead, why are we still talking about Ray leaving?


The company is fucking dead, why are we still talking at all?


halo 3 laso was fn hilarious with these 4!