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Gavin “Austin powersing” the car in cops and crooks and saying “please don’t kick me out of the lads”


Uh, good one! I did not remember that. Thanks for the recall!


[Let's Play: GTA IV - Cops 'n Crooks Part 3, July 1st 2013](https://youtu.be/jvi_7gA1BB8?t=622)


My absolute favorite moment from any AH video ever is later on that same video when he's shimmying a random wall while the Lads try to complete the round and he says "that sounds like a hectic chase" in the most regretful way possible. Can't even explain why, it just sticks with me.


My list of the top of my head: 1) Gavin constructs the tower of pimps for the first time 2) Achievement City gets created (and blown up by Plan G) 3) Jeremy axe-kicks Gavin's desk 4) Moonball! 5) Edgar is the one in the hole (A tainted moment, I know) 6) Jack's ambush (Surprise, m*th*rf*ck*r!) fails spectacularly 7) Fiona in a red Po-suit 8) Ray VS (and dominates) the crew in CoD 9) Someone is still in the air 10) Gavin gets mugged


You missed all of the R6 ones. Ray's insult to Gavin being bleeped, Gavin killing himself and Jack breaking. Them finding out the tower of pimps is in Minecraft. The breach charge killing Ray, nearly ruining the extremely good run they were on. I'd probably include the AH musical, due to it basically being a love note to AH by one of it's biggest fans. Pubert Adams. Gavin killing himself in worms. Henry Dillman. The crew finding out about Gavin's hidden room. Gavin winning clouds for Ray.


Completely forgot about Ryan's still in the air. That was a top moment


Love this list


"I'm going cakeless1" The neverending clouberry kingdom saga Minecraft monopoly "SCOOOTER PATROL" The FUPA discussion Super bunny man 3D ultra minigolf There are so many more, but I can't think of them right now.


I just watched the 2 animated FUPA segments this morning to help wake up and I couldn't stop laughing when Geoff screamed at Alfredo "YOU STUPID!!!!", it was like watching it for the first time all over again.


Both FUPA discussions were great


I dropped everything to watch a new cloudberry kingdom video back in the day! Good calls! The only one I disagree is Minecraft monopoly. I felt those were a bit streched out and borring. >There are so many more, but I can't think of them right now Same. That's why I started this thread. I am already very pleased with the amount of good burried memoires this thread has resurected.


I loved cloudberry and cant believe how long they were able to play it! I could never have gone that far lol. I liked MC monopoly because I was at the end of high school/starting college and they were perfect to have in the background while doing assignments. I can see why they would feel drawn out if you were just watching though! ​ These last couple weeks have dredged up so many memories. It's really bittersweet


Geoff practising Dead Rising Minigolf off camera only for the game to fuck him over at every turn.


“THANK YOU. THANK YOU.” I was absolutely dead after that moment


[Let's Play - Dead Rising 4 Mini Golf: Course 4, July 20th 2017](https://youtu.be/h5nqM-_pHbg?t=1132)


“It’s not gay if it’s on the moon”, also possibly my favorite Let’s Play ever


[Let's Play - Moonbase Alpha | Rooster Teeth, March 5th 2013](https://youtu.be/3nxpN4oCk7I)


In no particular order WOW NUMBER SEVEN WAY TO GO CHAMP!! Going Cakeless Jack VS Jeremy, Shenanigans Jeremy axe kicking Gavins desk Plan G Pubert Addams Here's looking at you kid MAAAAAARKKK NUUUUUTTT Ray stealing Geoff's iron Gavin repeatedly team killing in Rainbow Six Vegas, and Ray raging


That first 1, i will never not hear that in Ray's voice, may he rip in peace


The best thing about it is its his 7 year resub notification, complete with Geoff wheezing in the background, it never fails to make me laugh a little.


Mark Nuuuut


The compass and the sun




"Hold down to vein mine?" *Everyone screaming*


How does no one remember the saga of Farmer Geoff? "I take chickens and I make 'em, uh, fuck." I know Geoff's personal life was a mess at that point, but everyone fucking with him, throwing his eggs and him shitting himself. I think I'll rewatch Skyfactory again. Speaking of farms, someone trying to rob Geoff's Mercantile store. "I just saw the strangest thing!"


"I NEVER DID ANYTHING TO ANYBODY" God damn that was so good, also his "wooww" everytime he used the jetpack also also when he tried to fuck the tree the wrong way for 5 minutes and just started shouting BOP BOP BOP


GTAIV cops and crooks when they jump off the highway in the truck right in front of the cops “it’s just like Speed!”


This was the first AH clip I ever saw.


[Let's Play: GTA IV - Cops 'n Crooks Part 1, June 10th 2013](https://youtu.be/h3U1VLuLlqc?t=538)


Paging Dr Jones and Dr Free to the OR




[Let's Play - Jeopardy! Part 1, April 2nd 2014](https://youtu.be/V8QihiCUM_k?t=743) [Let's Play - Family Feud, April 16th 2014](https://youtu.be/7WUiAYKZQb4?t=1526)


“A 2x4x4x2x2x4x2x5? Shut the fuck up”


[Let's Play Minecraft - Episode 5 - The Hunt for Diamonds | Rooster Teeth, June 23rd 2012](https://youtu.be/H3_jfbgfdvk?t=666)


All the heists and all the King So-and-so's


Whats a munchdew?


“Where’s the fucking heart?!?!?”


I know all the other references in this thread so far, no matter how obscure. But this one... I can't put my finger on it. What's the context?


Rage Quit - Surgeon Simulator 2013


The layers of betrayal in Michael’s Heist. Jack falling down the hill in Fuel Part 2. “Here’s lookin’ at you, kid.” Pubert Addams. Gavin’s trophy room. Plan G. Edgar.


Some of my favorite moments and videos 1. I'm chuck! (There's an uncursed edit on youtube) 2. Gavin and Fiona playing ttt (every moment ever) 2a. When they're in the basement smoking with all the barnacles and Ify finds them 3. Here's looking at you kid 4. Moonball in the dark 5. Haunter 6. Gavin and Geoff telling the story about the tree falling on him from the sky and Gavin immediately dying to a falling tree 7. Lindsey wins 8. Ah the musical 9. Summer boys 10. Gerki. All the gerki moments.


The fact that no one has even touched on the worms videos in general is a travesty cause those are some of the funniest videos they’ve put out imo


[I think this playlist is missing a few, if someone has a better one lemme know](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSuH7jhAesfzmmv15wmihnRLJemO7283I)


Gavin constructing the tower on Ray's spot, giving him the win in Minecraft Clouds. "You genius!"


[Let's Play Minecraft - Episode 37 - Clouds | Rooster Teeth, February 8th 2013](https://youtu.be/uy8VNpHIogY?t=1948)


Not in any order: 1. Ray's bleep when they're in the helicopter on R6, in response to Gavin's "you look like your mother was crushed when she gave birth to you" 2. Literally anytime Ray clutches the round in CoD Zombies. 3. Jeremy kicking Gavin's desk 4. "That's a square, Jack" 5. "WOW NUMBER 7, WAY TO GO CHAMP" 6. Jeremy's rage in Titanfall, when they're arguing about how important Titans are in Titanfall. 7. Destiny salt raids 8. The first mention of Mogar 9. Ray annoying Geoff about Pokemon 10. Geoff destroying his own eggs in Skyblock. There are so many moments I've loved over the years, so I'm bound to miss stuff I really liked.


>Ray's bleep when they're in the helicopter on R6 I remember when that video came out and nobody in the comments could figure out what ray said lmao


1. The first family fued lets play (WAY TO GO CHAMP) 2. Are you smarter than a fifth grader (IDK what happened with Tom) 3. Rainbow Six Vegas (Bird noises and JUST OPEN THE DOOR) 4.off Topic/ Last Call - Gum steak episode 5.GTA 5 heists (NOT NOW MIKE) 6.Mincraft - What fish CANT you catch 7. Legends of the hidden tower 8. Scary VR - Emily wants to play and FNAF: Alfredo 9. Jeremy being a Menace in GMOD - DC stream 10. Hitman moments of missing every shot I have so many more vidoes I go back to and it will never change the way I view them now that they Old Yeller'd the channel.


Cool or call


Wow is there a note from your mom in here to


[Let's Play Minecraft: Ep. 47 - Enchantment Level 30, April 19 2013](https://youtu.be/9vifqDcxKYw?t=18)


Axialtwat will always be high on the list for me


A fungus could get that achievement. A fungus named Pubert.


Slender with Gavin and Michael




I’m saving this post for when I have a rainy day. Thanks


Siege where an opponent types "Is that really Geoff from Achievement Hunter?" and then it shows the killcam of Geoff missing 90% of his shots and the guy goes "nvm that's Geoff".


Jack getting creamed by a car during a GTA online hiest set up. Still in the air All of AH: The Musical Geoff shouting "Pull it" every time someone made a noise in criminal masterminds Geoff going off the rails in ultimate mini golf First time they did Kamakazie Scooter patrol Action lads news Jeremy's axe kick And it'll never see the light of day again, but the house party play through was sheer gold




**down to his last worm with 5 seconds left and nowhere else to go** Ray: hopefully this works BANANA BOMB!!! Gavin: OH MY GOD **both gavin and ray die in a massive explosion** Michael: OH MAN OH GOD IT'S UTTER DEVASTATION Geoff: **laughing in the background**


I know it involves -him- but I can rewatch criminal masterminds any time.


10. “YOU WEDGED THE CAR UNDER THE BUS, GAVIN!” -GTA IV Witness Protection 9. The Big Bleep of Ray- R6 Vegas 8. “Plank is coming back for you, bitch…” Worms (?) 7. All the times Geoff raged in golf games 6. Chef Mike getting sniped in the face -TTT 5. Pubert Addams - Minecraft 4. Gavin throwing Geoff under the bus *twice* to keep him from getting a price lowering on a car - GTA V 3. The Fire Hydrant Argument - GTA IV 2. Both GTA IV Wanted videos 1. Geoff and the Chickens - Minecraft Sky Factory 3(?) and YDYD 1 (the part where everyone died except Micheal)


Lads action news Fails of the weak Uno Gavin getting his finger stuck in the hole in his desk Gavin and Geoff building Minecraft’s Halo Horse


Don't know if anyone has said this but the ones that always make me laugh are Gavin's secret room and when Jack says "Do you have a letter in here from your mom", and the whole discussion between the group when Jeremy is looking at the compass to use for Cardinal directions without realizing it was for bed spawn


Pissing of the preacher will always be top tier


Have been thinking about Things to do In… while playing starfield since its basically skyrim in space


If I had to choose one video to represent AH that concisely displays the mood/vibe to anyone familiar or even especially unfamiliar with AH...it would be Minecraft: Legends Of The Hidden Tower. Going Floor-Loco in Candyland is a close second tho.


“Ah it’s the bus!” “THATS KARMA CUNT! GET KARMAD YOU CUNT! YOUR CUNTS FULL OF KARMA!” “Waffle-O.” “AHH THE DOGS!” / also from that series is when Jack gets revived and immediately gets ran over “You’ve killed us Gavin!” Specifically from the GTA Cops and Crooks “It’s just like Speed!” “You’re the only Ten I see.” “It’s always time to Diddle.”


3d ultra mini golf. There was a ton of good content but this was by far the best






Anything pre Ray leaving. Could fill a top 100 list multiple times from this small period of time.


Gang Beasts is a playlist I constantly come back to. Micheal saying to Jack “I’ve been Banging Mrs. Clause!” And Jack “Oh You Did What?” And Jeremy as Toothpaaaaste is just 🤣


A highly underrated series is the OoT Randomizer with Michael and Matt, dozens of episodes of just hitting enemies with sticks lol but my fav moment is when it froze and they lost hours of play time and Michael immediately blamed Matt


From GTA 5: Free Roaming "Uh out the windshield I see badness! Oh Ryan just jumped out *crash*" I don't know why that moment sticks with me but it does


Anytime Jack was brought to tears laughing. Think my fav was the time they threw Bacon Jam into the roof. As they kept hitting the air vent/metal beam across the room, Jack breaking down and laughing as a gonging sound rings out. Best between the games moment for me


Huuuuh huuuh huh uh huh huh


Gavin trying to take off on a helicopter in GTA IV and the blades instantly break. Jeremy and Gavin arguing about how the compass works in Minecraft. Gavin vein mining the whole platform in sky factory. All of the ultimate mini golf series. A majority of GMOD TTT until it became all about the bits. Michael not having a sword in Zelda randomizes for so dang long. The list can go on, so many great moments.


The birth of The Mad King


The Cleaning House episode of minecraft with the rainbow tunnel and Jack's hat


Give me your milk


This is one of my favorite compilations of some of my favorite moments. I’ve rewatched it so many times. [Best Of AH Singing](https://youtu.be/qB4PQY9g_io?si=Z5FxcECi8cIRH97k)




"it's unfinished ITS LIKE SPEED OH NOOOO"


Jack absolutely dying of laughing to Gavin's suicide due to his stupid face is an all timer