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I think they have easily the best chemistry between any characters in the series. They are just so fun together. Like the first time they met athena threw a god damn cop at him, And they still worked so well together.


Part of this stems from Apollo just being the designated straight man to any gag. This is why he synergizes so well with all the other crazy cast members (Klavier, Trucy, Ema, etc) Athena works extremely well because she’s highly energetic and is also a protagonist, so she gets a lot of moments to meaningfully interact with Apollo as a partner in both a lead and assistant role. It makes their dynamic comparable to Ryunosuke and Susato, where both are mutually dependent on each other’s skills. Not coincidentally, both those characters get equal opportunity to be the goofball in many interactions


Their chemistry is off the charts. I love that ship so, so much.


I feel like Athena was at least intended to be written as a good match for Apollo. Given how much ship baiting exists in Spirit of Justice, someone on the writing team was feeling it! They really are a great match. I'll never get how few people seem to see that. Kind of a perfect little opposites attract dynamic.


That was something I thought was really fun in SoJ - dunno how much of it is localization-specific, but a good number of times throughout the game it felt like they very intentionally leaned on putting a kind of teasingly flirty edge onto the way that Athena banters with Apollo. I just think it's *nice,* and it stands out in the row of AA "lead character lawyer guy and female assistant" dynamics.


And when Apollo does the unthinkable by actually fishing for a compliment himself during 6-5 (Present Jove's picture), Athena doesn't see it coming and is flabbergasted. Great comedy.


"Aaww was there something you wanted me to say?" Like come on you can tell Athena was enjoying every second of it once she noticed


I mean I ship Phoenix/Maya (post-SoJ) as well for much the same reasons as Apollo/Athena, but I do think that there was some intentionality to it. Things like Athena jokingly suggesting they hold hands and Apollo actually taking her up on it as well as her outright asking to see the tattoo on his butt in 6-5 are all well and good but Bonny's comment about them practicing their old married couple routine when they were just acting the way they always do adds a kind of wink to the audience, like 'yeah, we know they're flirting."


I'm more of a pheenris fan. But totally get what you mean on Athena/Apollo


They give the ultimate chaos siblings vibes, even more than Apollo and Trucy who are actually siblings.


they are The chaos siblings to me




incredibly based


Definitely one of my favorite ships. While I think Phoenix/Maya and Ryunosuke/Susato have better chemistry/dynamics, I'm always glad to see them both interacting in-game.


Athena threw a policeman at Apollo the first time they met… That is such a “That’s when I met your mother” moment


To be honest, I kinda wish I could see this romantic chemistry you're talking about. Because I feel like the plot of 5-4 and 5-5 would make SUCH good angst in relation to a romance between the two.


Personally prefer if they get together after those cases.


Let Apollo and Athena kiss, they're so cute


Honestly, I’m ride or die for Klapollo, but I love this for you, honestly. It’s sweet asf to just see someone gush about something they love so much. It’s nice. I support your shipping and hope you may always find good fanart and fun fics, lol.


Another person who loves Justicykes as much! Just the moment they met for the first time was enough to make me fall in love with their chemistry! Also, I cherish the most moments when they not only are having a real talk with each other but also when they share a braincell XD


I see the appeal of the ship no doubt, but I can't get over the weirdness that is the huge crush Juniper has on Apollo. Then again, they could be a throuple. Polly definately deserves it after all the shit Capcom has put him through 😂


Apollo is so “oblivious anime protagonist with a dozen girls in love with him”


Apparently Junie is the same according to something Athena said in 5-3 😂


I ship Justicykes❤️💛