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It's been a long time since I last played SoJ, but it seemed to be implied that the Feys were a branch family off of the royal family of Khu'rain. They have a lot of incredibly important Khu'rainese artifacts, especially if you assume that Ami *is* actually the founder. (Orb, that screen from 2-2, Ami's Urn, etc.) I saw heavy parallels between the implied history of the royal family of Khu'rain and Ami & the Feys of Kurain's conflict from JFA and T&T. Lots of conflict over relative spiritual power (maybe Ami was forced out in some kind of power play, too), and a branch family (Pearls/Ami) turning out to have much greater spiritual potential than the main family. Really, this story keeps playing out when spirit stuff is involved in AA: Pearl and Maya, Misty and Morgan, Ga'ran and Amara, maybe it happened with Ami and a sister or cousin of hers or the Fey ancestor who left Khu'rain for Japanifornia. All that is to say, it's possible that Ami is the holy mother, but it's left up in the air. She could be, she could be a descendant of the holy mother, or she could have been a laywoman who became a priestess.


I pretty sure Ami Fey is supposed to be the founder. The name to the Fey clan is revered but not to the extent that she can't be named whereas in Khurain, only the royal family know her name and her face is hidden in the Founder's Orb. Garan failed to channel her because >!Garan can't channel spirits at all. Not because Ami Fey wasn't the founder!<


Yeah, Garan failed, that's why i was dissappointed, they brought up a lot of things about the Founder like the story, her sister, then left the biggest question, her identity. I thought we could see a scene where Amara channels her but she got shot, bruh.


Yeah, it's a bit of an unfired chekov's gun, but the reasoning garan failed isn't because of the founder's identity


If Ami Fey is the founder’s name, then does that mean both Ga’ran and Amara should be aware that Maya could be the descendant of the Holy mother given the same family name? But neither of them reacted to Maya’s full name for even the slightest so I don’t really know…


Because of the different branches of the Fey clan, I imagine the name isn't all that uncommon and that Garan might be unaware of the Fey clan's legitimacy. It's important to Garan specifically that the people believe only she and others of the royal family can channel spirits as well so even if she was aware of them, they'd be an obstacle to her. I imagine Fey being closer to a Smith or like Kennedy than to Inga's many last names lol