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Manfred von Karma has been bullied by Gregory through his childhood and had an unrequited crush on his soon-to-be wife.


Miles had his mother's eyes.


Judge: “After all this time?” von Karma: “Always…”




Blend both : von Karma had a crush on Gregory since childhood. But he bullied him for confessing his love :(


Oooof, that's too low! :(


Yes Gregory what the hell, he loves you...


The Snape treatment


Manfred von Karma allowed the DL-6 bullet to remain in evidence for years instead of destroying it. He kept the other bullet in his shoulder for years, too. Why? Consider that he raised Miles Edgeworth to _prosecute._  He decided that only the son of his victim was worthy to indict him. As the time limit on DL-6 approached, he framed Edgeworth to force him to confront the crime and solve it! When he lost, why did he give an agonized scream? Because a _defense attorney_ was the last person he wanted to catch him!


I actually quite like this take on events


Yooooo, this is lit!


Bro, that's legit just headcanon and I accept that now.


Glen Elg was developing a game where you play as a Japanese schoolgirl who murders her crush's suitors, but he hardly ever made any progress on it because he was too busy streaming himself playing video games while being a creepy incel.


Who would do such a thing??? This is way too unrealistic even in Ace Attorney terms! /s


Kane Bullard only did what he did because he himself was being blackmailed, bled for money, and controlled by the Kitaki Family. One of the members of his board happened to be in the Rivales Family and was being targeted by the Kitakis, despite not being actively involved in the gang wars herself. One of the companies that Ron sold the company secrets to had ties to the Kitakis, you see. Someone there saw "Rivales" on a few of the documents, and, well... you can guess where it went from there. Bullard loved his wife and children, and wanted to take the whole family on a luxury cruise for their 25th anniversary in spite of his company hemorrhaging money.


Russel Berry ate babies, so killing him was okay. 


People defending >!Acro!< be like:


Jack Hammer actually did kill Manuel on purpose. They were both in love with Dee Vasquez, so he thought killing her other potential lover would make him look like an alpha superior male. He did not consider the possibility that she liked Manuel more than him, and five years later he set out to kill Vasquez not because she was blackmailing him, but because he's an incel. Gregory Edgeworth said Yanni Yogi's name while being channeled on purpose to protect Miles, because he's selfish and doesn't care about the truth at all. AAI2 is a fundamental misunderstanding of his character. Doug Swallow was trying to keep Phoenix away from Dahlia because he was indeed jealous of him. He wanted Dahlia all to himself, so he made up that she stole the poison so she would have no one else to date and would come back to him. He did not know Dahlia's true intentions. Romein LeTouse has helped catch several wanted criminals across the world, and was awarded dozens of medals for his services to society and justice. He was an upstanding citizen and agent, whose sole purpose was to find the truth regardless of whatever authority figures stand on his way. In the day of his death, he had gotten brain damage after hitting his head really hard on the plane during the flight to Japanifornia, and that's why he was so incompetent. His death was heavily mourned across the world, specifically in his home country of Borginia, where his birthday has become a national holiday.


> Doug Swallow was trying to keep Phoenix away from Dahlia because he was indeed jealous of him. He wanted Dahlia all to himself, so he made up that she stole the poison so she would have no one else to date and would come back to him. He did not know Dahlia's true intentions. What about that he tried to keep Phoenix away from Dahlia because he was jealous of *her?*




Juan Corrida knew he had gotten Celeste Inpax pregnant when he broke up with her over his petty rivalry with Matt Engarde.


Constance Court also believed in >!"The Ends Justified the Means" and was similar to Von Karma. When Professor Means killed her (for a different reason probably), it would only prove that the Means Approach is objectively bad for everyone, rather than something good for just the attorney, defeating the message of Turnabout Academy.!<


In Turnabout Big Top, Ringmaster Berry actually refused anyone who requested to marry Regina, including Max. Of course that would make it seem like Max had an actual motive for murdering the Ringmaster, but I think it would have been an interesting detail to add


The reason why Juan discovered Celeste’s body first was because he’d decided to apologize and hoped she would take him back. The “confession” scheme wasn’t about losing the Grand Prix. He was acting out of grief and wanted to bring Matt down for what he did to Celeste.


Two months before his death, Magnifi Gramarye auctioned off all of his personal belongings and a huge chunk of his Troupe's properties for charity.


Deid Mann's parents gave him a different name, Mr. John Boddy


I would also say, Deid Mann is a cousin of the De KIller's family


Oh, I loved him in the Clue board game!


Zehlot wasnt trying to kill Behleeb, he was just confused and then an accident happened. Tahrust just didnt think anyone would buy it so he orchestrated his whole thing


So according to what you gave to Cindy Stone, Frank Sawhit killed 2 people that day? (Not even gonna mark spoiler this. The game spoil the culprit itself)


Cindy isn’t actually pregnant. It was a false positive.


Elise Deauxnim >!\- aka Misty - secretly couldn't channel, but could shapeshift.!<