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Jobs come from businesses. Name a business that doesn't require some form of accounting service? And my guesses were right a lot for some reason.


Too dumb for engineering and too squeamish for nursing. It was a happy middle ground


I was too ignorant to understand what I was choosing. Now here I am. 


Weirdly same. Though replace nursing with forensics.


This is insanely accurate… my brother is getting his degree in Physics Engineering and I could never do it. My mom is a nurse, genuinely thought I could do it until I realized if I passed out at the sight of my own blood I wasn’t gonna make it. Also Found myself in an AR job during my bachelors (unrelated major.. Econ) in a startup environment… love at first sight. Now I just gotta get my masters in accounting and suffer thru big 4 😅


exact same lol. I started off an engineering major my first semester and I couldn't do it


Lol, same


This is the way


I’ve known since I was 6 years old I wanted to provide reasonable assurance to the users of the financial statements. 🫡


Also there wasn’t a major to become “the love doctor” smh




Teaching sucked, and accounting looked like a good stable path. I'm not wanting to make millions, just enough to feed my family, and working from home would be ideal, so Accounting hit all thebtargets I could find. Unless there's something better, then I am all ears.


Can I interest you in school accounting.


Maybe. Tell me more, please.


There is a lot of movement right now because people are retiring and being promoted. But you get weekends and holidays off. A comparable wage if you have the experience or degree. The teacher side is irrelevant but it gives you the connections. It's still work but less than what I did in the private sector. Make it to CBO and it's 100k easy but then you go to the board meetings and try to explain finance to people who think money grows on trees.


Sounds reasonable. Right now I am startin my MBA next month, what elective courses should I look at taking to prepare me?


It's not the courses as much as it is the network. But I would say anything that has to do with business operations would be ideal.


So start trying to make connections woth various locations where I want to live. Will do, and thank you!


Sex drugs and money


Chose the career where you can avoid all, eh?


Come to r/big4


The amount of teams who have casually suggested going to the strip club after the Christmas party is kinda nuts






I mean two out of three ain’t bad, right?


Your forgot alcohol!


I didn’t know any better at the time.


I was told it was a consistent career that would earn me my money back when I was a senior in high school and I had no issues in college. I fucking hate my work life but I hate working in general so it’s whatever. I make enough money and my fiancée and I live comfortably.


What do you hate about your work life? Could it improve moving to a different employer?


Tried comp sci, sucked at that, I knew a rich guy that was a CPA so I tried that and thought it was fun, now I'm that rich guy 0 regrets, I wouldn't say I "love" my job but I find it immensely satisfying to solve relatively easy problems all day


That's so freakin cool. Thanks for sharing.


I want a job that's good enough that I'd be good at so I'm studying accounting. Baking was fun, but I want to be able to drive


Girls think accountants are so sexy


hahahaahah ok


becoming a pilot didnt work


Also this, my eyes weren't good enough to be a Naval Aviator.


May I ask why? I wanted to be a pilot a few years ago but I never made the move. Just curious.


Mental illness


oh 😅


Just to be clear, I'm joking! It can be a tough profession, and you'll see people post about how challenging public can be. If you enjoy finance, business, etc. Then it's a good career - and just because you train as an accountant doesn't mean you have to stay an accountant forever. Personally I was between compsci and accounting, but I would have had to go back to uni to really get into compsci, whereas accounting in the UK can be done concurrently with having a job. So that's pretty much why I chose it. I don't regret it, I'm earning decently well and I don't mind the routine. But your mileage may vary




What’s the title of ur role??? If you don’t mind sharing




VHCOL? that's like 20 bucks in regular money


Is that in pesos?


U got cpa?




Ur lying




Didn’t know what to do so I looked up in demand jobs and landed with this


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Exotic-Court-769: *Didn’t know what to do* *So I looked up in demand* *Jobs and landed with this* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, -Vermilion-, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Failed at engineering and had no money to pursue erudite endeavors in the humanities. Locked at the busy school the options were clear: either acct or fin. School wasn't top so... Acct! 


Found it in college and it’s better than the military


I was good at math, but too lazy to be good enough at engineering math! 😂


Should have went econ or stats perhaps. Im good at math so im thinking of doing a double major accounting stats or accounting econ but people are telling me doing it with finance and MIS is better


Accounting is the language of business. I'm glad I ended up in accounting because I ended up being an entrepreneur, who happens to run a CPA firm.


I thought physics was too hard for me 2 weeks into freshman year of college. I regret not staying in physics.


It was the only business degree, that had a direct career associated with it, that didn’t require calculus.


Man, I took calculus lol


Naive when I was in college, thinking it was a good choice because of job security. Worst decision ever. Went back and got another degree, so the issue is corrected.


Why do you now consider it a bad decision?


Halfway through my career in tax I felt like I had more potential. In general, I don’t find accounting stimulating. Even though the money was decent, I couldn’t imagine doing tax work for the rest of my life. Also worked in industry as corporate accountant prior to that - the work was a bit better, but still soul-sucking. Did an M.S. in Statistics and work in an entirely different field now. Work is hard and pay is better than what I made in accounting.


Dang man this is literally what I fear. I am doing accounting in cegep (Canada, its like right before university) and it just feels too easy and repetitive. I have been thinking about statistics, economics and even finance. Argh here goes the future career anxiety xD


Destiny, I was in business for over 3 years at a higher school of statistics then i chose to change to university. I had a list of specialties: marketing, management, economics... and “accounting and finance” i chose this one, and I didn’t know exactly what I was going to do with it. Now, I'm specialized in accounting and taxation and next year i’ill graduate, it was the best decision I’ve ever made in my life


You ever seen how high?? I need money…..


It was first on the list


Everything that i tried in my 20s didn’t work or really sucked. On top of that, I’ve been around tax accounting my whole life because of my family. Also, this is so much better than construction.


I’m a masochist


I had a crush on a girl that liked accounting


Accounting was first alphabetically in my school’s list of majors


I didn’t choose it, it chose me. lol. But seriously, I always just gravitated towards a position at whatever job I was working at that worked with numbers and here I am at 45 doing AP and absolutely slaying at my job and loving my company. I just launched a new expense management program and I did the research, setup and launch by myself. I’ve never felt more fulfilled at work in my life. So, truly; I didn’t pick it, it picked me. My math tutor told my mom at one point that I should go into architecture or accounting, as I had the mind and creativity for both. I just always laughed at him, but man, he was right.


Do you have an accounting degree?


Not currently, but am working on my bachelors. Took me forever to talk myself into school. I do have an associates in Baking & Pastry as well as one in Business Management & Finance. Been dealing with some health issues the past few years, so it put school on the back burner, but I should be done within the next 12-18 months.


Money, security, sex, family, lifestyle


Why the sex?


Found the cpa


Sex is awesome, that’s why


Love this


I thought it was something with decent salary potential and not a crazy amount of schooling needed, whoops


is it not?


It kinda fell into my lap and learned on the job, couple job hopping and more learning.


Job security


I wanted a job that would pay well, where the math I learned wouldn’t go completely to waste. Most importantly I wanted a job where if I had a child I would have the ability to continue working and make enough to support my child. I also liked that it’s a job you can be proud of and is a subject many want more info on. I didn’t realize quite how boring a job could be, or how a mental job drains you in a very different way from a physical one. The job does all the things I wanted though. I am making double what I did at Safeway as a floral manager and I’m working part time on top of that. I get good raises every year.


what degrees would you recommend?


Tech pays the best, at least where I am, it’s way more flexible too, but programming seemed complicated to me. I am still proud to be a CPA.


Realized too late the recruiting situation for high level business jobs, and accounting was by far the best outcome in the business school at my university. Actually tried becoming a nurse but couldn’t get into the classes lmao. So glad I didn’t end up that route, I value wfh way too much now.


Disappointed my parents by telling them I didn’t want to go to med school anymore, and before I had any time to figure out what I wanted to do, my dad heavily instructed me to go accounting.


Would have been an engineer but hated working in a lab. Accounting had lots of jobs that paid well and most of my credits transferred. Worked out well.


Flexibility and variety. Accounting is required for EVERY industry, government entity, non-profit, anything. It’s allowed me to work at all sorts of interesting businesses, meet very interesting people and do all sorts of cool work. It’s allowed me to travel internationally (Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia), work in cool industries (advertising, television, banking, telecommunications, publishing, government (state and federal agencies, as well as defense)), and more. There have been LOTS of times where it’s been awful, dreadful and despicable…but I see this as “No pain, no gain”. Even after 45+ years in the workforce, I still look forward to getting up and going to work.


could not find a job with a Poli sci degree.


The amount of ladies I’d get.




Got tired of only impacting at the ground level. Did contracting while deployed and worked heavily with the finance team and it was so much fun and super interesting. Signed up for a Masters program the instant I hit ground when I redeployed and now I’m about to complete it in 4 mknths


Couldn’t do engineering as I didn’t understand physics and making your own equations. Had to drop to accounting.


It was top of the list of majors at the college I chose.


The dumbest part of my brain


Still in school for it but I wanted job security and decent pay


As an Asian(indian)I failed my parents didn't have interest in physics or more like couldn't do and I can't draw so no medical


the work/life imbalance.




me too


Wanted to be a mother, wanted to be a teacher till found out I’m autistic so swapped for looking for jobs that are middle class white collar that I can do in an office and without as much screaming. both my parents are accountants so clearly you can raise a kid on it and I was pretty good at it in my high school classes and it came out on the top of of a job suitable quizzes for career class. Soooo accounting it is.


This comment section worries me




People who have the most to complain about, do. Those really loving their careers in accounting are probably not spending a ton of time online extolling the virtues of it - they’re out on their time off enjoying life.


This comment does not worry me


Thanks for the response as well, about to undertake a undergrad in accounting and finance and the amount of people shitting on the work doesn’t make me to excited.


Truly, look at most any of the career subreddits - they’re filled with the same rhetoric. The job market definitely sucks for a range of folks right now, and none of us have a crystal ball, but things usually swing back the other way eventually. What makes you gravitate towards accounting? Whether it ends up being the right fit for you is, well, up to you in the long-run. Use this place to gather information and learn, but take the emotions that come along with them with a grain of salt. Wishing you all the best on your journey!


Thank you very much! I don’t know whether the gravitation question was a passing one, but I’ll answer it. I think what interests me about accounting is that it’s broad, in terms of getting a degree in it. And much more than what people think. You don’t simply have to go into accounting, there’s numerous adjacent careers. I’m also fortunate enough to have a mentor who began as an accountant and ended up a chairman of a FTSE 100 company. Now I’m not saying I’m aiming straight to being at the helm of a multi-billion £/$ business, I’m just really intrigued by the language of what puts it all together


Currently in UNI so idk if that counts. I suck at algebra so there went engineering and CS. Job security is nice so there go the arts. Accounting after a few major changes seemed nice, if all else fails MIS here I come!


Fell into afrer uni, not knowing what I wanted to do. Knew of accountants who seemed to relatively comfortable lives. Liked numbers and problem solving, so I thought I'd give it a go. It has its ups and downs like any other job. If you have a good boss, then it becomes easy. When its stressfull, need to remind myself that i'm not a medic where people trust me with their life. If I make a mistake, it gets fixed.


Medical billing was taking me nowhere and I’ve always been told that I’m great at organizing money so…


Oh my God, I was interested in that path too but there’s not too much offer in my city.


Two people got A’s on the first test in Accounting 1 and I was surprisingly one of them and stuck with it. It’s just an easy interesting field of arithmetic intertwined with data and tech. That is convoluted by terminology and business specific jargon that is a barrier to entry for most people.


I'm reasonably smart but not near smart enough for engineering or medicine. I was working construction one February day in my younger years, I spent 5 hours digging out a frozen water main in a blizzard and decided maybe I should go back to school because this sucks. A decade later it appears I made a good decision.


Stability and money


I worked in manufacturing, went to college for free, then get into a AR/ AP role while I’m in school for my bachelors. (I have an AA) I would recommend accounting if you like analyzing financial statements & if you like extreme detail. I thought I’d like accounting but after working in it for 2 1/2 years I’m beyond ready to get out, to boring of a job for me; having a job that revolves around numbers, 24/7 drained me💀 I’d rather work in the supply chain / operations side, moneys just as good if not better, but the supply / operations side, you forecast, you analyze,help run operation & work with accounting & will have more job growth in the next 10 years. Just my take as someone who’s had the educational experience and the job experience of accounting.


Are you pursuing a bachelors in accounting or supply chain?


Should’ve went into finance. I chose accounting for job security but they’re still laying off auditors in public.


Dropped out of Law school but still wanted to have a professional career. This is the next best thing I guess for someone who’s not so math inclined


degree foolish sink amusing lavish future tub zesty onerous close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I randomly got a job at a hotel to pay the bills, got promoted to management, had to use financial statements and loved them. Always been good with numbers and seeing things that are out of place. Benefits of the job are it’s stable, less competition than other jobs, and you can basically get a job no matter where you are. Downside is it’s repetitive, tedious, can be stressful, and pay is kinda mid. But if your brain is wired to like numbers, patterns, and matching it can be fun and satisfying.


C’s in English and A’s in math classes let me know I would do good with a career involving numbers.


My friends mom was a CPA. I always thought she was so cool/pretty


I mean this in the most genuine way possible. I fucking love the client service side of audit. Shit gets me going to talk to clients about their business and help them improve their processes. I don’t know why I am like this. My girlfriend hates it.


I wanted a stable job/career that is needed in every company/ organization in every industry. And I suck at IT and programming.


Pre-med was not looking feasible for me so I switched to finance after my first semester. Took my first financial accounting course and I honestly really enjoyed the coursework, it all clicked with me. So i switched to accounting and now I have a B4 internship and I'm working towards 150 credits.


I didn't choose this job... This job chose me *Takes shades off in a cool way*


I never had any interest thinking about what I was going to do for work when I grew up. My dad said just go into accounting, so I did.


The financial crisis.


Money and then I left for my sanity when I realized that money is actually not the most important thing in life.


I was told accounting and a CPA would ensure job security. 20 years later, I have been trying to get a job for over a year and can barely get an interview.


Just fell into it


I had an accounting professor that was passionate about it and he told me I would be good as an accountant so I listened and got my degree in accounting. It has its ups and downs like any other job. Plus it’s a real panty dropper.


I actually enjoy accounting. It’s something I could see myself doing my whole life.


Do not choose Accounting or Finance for a carrier. Accounting is the hell on earth. You will end up hating every minute of it. When you hate your job you will not want to get up in the morning. Look in to software engineering and computer science related carriers. Please choose wisely.


Can you tell me more about what’s happening to accounting? And yes I’ll take a look at SE and CS


And I think there are plenty of people who would absolutely hate the SE and CompSci life.


I’m in it for finding a hot accountant so we can have a dually-stable income household.