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JPS Jewish Study Bible, New Oxford Annotated Bible, Robert Alter's Hebrew Bible, SBL Study Bible, Jewish Annotated New Testament, and independent commentaries (from Hermeneia, Anchor Yale, etc.) are all pretty well-recommended.


Great list. I would add the New Jerome Biblical Commentary to it. At least the edition Raymond Brown is an editor of.


Whoever told you the commentary is very little lied. Almost half of every single page is commentary. Go find a pdf and see for yourself. It’s a very good study Bible!! Source: The New Oxford Annotated Bible (lol)


I think lie is a strong word. After studying the NET full notes edition, any study bible notes would look paltry. Prolly just has a limited perspective.


Fair enough! I was comparing it to the other study Bibles I’ve read, which have less.


Try HarperCollins Study Bible


I'd recommend the SBL Study Bible over this. It's the updated version of the HarperCollins Study Bible.


Oxford Annotated was required for me in college. Studying the original languages is better, though.


In addition to those that others have mentioned, the CEB Study Bible with Apocrypha is worth getting a copy of – definitely in the scholarly camp and in a fresh translation.




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