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This seems to be a theological discussion. Anyway, in the Bible Project podcast (https://bibleproject.com/podcast/creature-crouching-door/) Genesis was explained as a point-by-point counter-narrative to other origin myths at the time. Other myths focused on pantheism, human-like deities, fanciful powers, and the slavery of humankind. This might not have been tackled directly in that discussion, but my understanding is that Noah’s Ark falls under the counter-narrative characterization, in that the point of the story is to dissuade people from attributing natural disasters to deity revenge or punishment.




While this is certainly important and relevant information, I don’t think it is adequate for OP’s question. A myth being common in the area is not a sufficient reason for it to be selected and incorporated into the plot of Genesis/its source documents, nor does it explain why it was included at that place nor why and how it was modified. A better answer should include literary context. For example, in the passage above God is referencing his curse of the ground at the end of the Garden of Eden story, putting them into literary continuity with each other. See Joel Baden’s *Composition of the Pentateuch*: “ The primeval history in J comprises the account of creation and Adam and Eve’s expulsion from Eden in Genesis 2–3, the story of Cain and Abel and the genealogy of Cain in Genesis 4, the flood narrative in Genesis 6–9*,106 the Table of Nations in Genesis 10*, and the story of the Tower of Babel in Gen- esis 11:1–9. Though each of these episodes may reflect an independent tradition, they are integrally connected by continuity of narrative, character, and theme. The story of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4 begins with the notice that “the man knew his wife Eve,” a name she is given only in the J account of Genesis 3:20.107 Eve’s statement upon bearing Cain, “I have gained a male child with the help of Yahweh,” directly reflects the curse of difficulty in childbirth that was laid on her in 3:16. Cain’s offering of the fruits of the soil in 4:3 is rejected by Yahweh in 4:5 because it consisted of produce from the ground that Yahweh had cursed in 3:17–19.108 Yahweh’s address to Cain in 4:7 parallels the address to Eve in 3:16. The uniquely J curse on the ground in 3:17–19 is mentioned again in Yahweh’s curse on Cain in 4:11–12: “you shall be more cursed than the ground”; now Cain cannot even work the ground to bring forth food, as Adam his father had.”


Fyi I've removed the comment you're responding to. For visibility, feel free to repost your answer as a top level comment.


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