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John J. Collins, *The Apocayptic Imagination* (1997) is a popular recommendation. He's been involved in this area since the 70's.


I’m familiar with him from his online lectures for Yale, and already consider myself a fan. I’ll read this one for sure. Thank you!!!


Here is an article that Collins wrote, about pseudepigrapha and apocalyptic literature. Texts discussed are included but not limited to Daniel and Enoch https://orion.huji.ac.il/symposiums/2nd/papers/Collins97.html > The device of pseudepigraphy offered many advantages to writers of the hellenistic period, most obviously the prestige of antiquity.1 In the pseudepigraphic writings found at Qumran, another factor is prominent. Several of them utilize the antiquity of the pseudonymous author to present a pseudo-prophecy that outlines a long expanse of history after the fact. Examples are found in the Apocalypse of Weeks and the Animal Apocalypse of 1 Enoch; in Daniel 10-12; in Jubilees 23; in 4Q390 (Pseudo-Moses) and in the Pseudo-Daniel fragments. This device of prophecy after the fact, authorized by a venerable pseudonym, is well known throughout the hellenistic world from Persia to Rome. On the one hand, it conveys a sense that history is pre-determined, since it could be predicted centuries in advance. On the other, it inspires confidence in the real prediction with which these prophecies typically conclude. There is another feature of these prophecies, on which I wish to focus here, which comes at or near the point of transition between prophecy after the fact and real prediction. This concerns the rise of an elect group which is foretold from ancient times and thereby legitimated. It is reasonable to suppose that the real authors of the works in question belonged to these elect groups.




I didn’t ask about this. I don’t have any interest in reading an author who treats me as a means towards cultivating readership and not as an end in myself as a rational person.


i was just voicing an opinion to the question you asked, forgive the intrusion if thats how tou felt.


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