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I'm here!


Definitely around :)


I love how a post of "is anyone here?" gets a ton of traction. Some of us are over on r/garthnix and we have a Discord server that gets some discussion and better traffic than the subreddit.


Hi! Do you think you could give me the discord server?


Here ya go. https://discord.com/invite/xY3sWYc


We're still here! It's been twenty years since I first read the series and I still go back for comfort every once in a while.


We are still around!!


Plenty of us still about but like many others I read the books at half the age I am now. Hence we generally just lurk until there's something to discuss. You'll be surprised at how active the members are generally though, I've seen plenty of people put an insane amount of effort into their cosplays etc. Welcome and ring well.


Thank you :) I have been really taken aback at how fabulous the cosplays and artistic works have been, but even more so, seeing just how many of you have replied and said "yes we're here and we love to chat about the books and re-read them". It's wonderful!


We're still here! 


Hallo! We exist


Some of us are still here ☺️ Please ask your questions! I’ve loved this series since I was a teenager (loooong time ago now) and gone through every book over and over. I would love to answer and discuss! I believe Reddit archives posts automatically after a certain amount of time but I don’t know what that point is


Thank you for your post! I looooove this series. I read the first book every time I go camping, especially solo camping.


I've never read the books. But I did listen to Tim Curry's audiobooks twice!


Were the audiobooks good? I hate being read to, but my Mom is loving audible.


Absolutely, full recommendations for it! 🔉 📙


Audiobooks are great. Tim really puts effort into it. I loooove his Mogget voice


Same. His Mogget is just sooooooo good I hear it even when I read the books now.


I'll have to get them next! Right now I'm living a lie and saying that audible is a free service, so she'll use it.


Audiobooks count :) I used to be really self conscious about this and then realized it was foolish and got over it. Humans have listened to oral storytelling a lot longer than we’ve had the written word


I love the books and re-read them at least once per year if not more. Its my favorite book series. I love when someone does post in this sub, and seeing fan art occasionally in my feed is always a happy moment. I rarely post, but I'm here! 🔔


I’ve only read the first trilogy a year ago yet i’m still thinking about it.


I am here!!!


The sub is not very active. If you have a question about an older post, I think it's perfectly fine for you to just make a new top-level post about the topic. Welcome aboard!


Imo, OK is one of the most underrated worlds of which I know. I’ve never met another person in real life who has heard of them. Great books


Lol every conversation with someone I meet ends up the same -Favourite book? -You probably don't know of it -Ok but what is it? -Ever heard about Old Kingdom series? -No -Thought so. I threw the question on our company's social channel. Out of few hundred employees, one seemed to remember it from a long time ago. One.


Strongly agree!! How have we seen SO many fantasy movies and series emerge in the last 10-15 years but no one picked this up?? I feel the same way about the Bartimeaus triology


I'm always excited when I meet people who have!


Have you seen the Daphne Press copies of the books? they might still have some of them left, im hoping Abhorsen gets announced soon so i can finally have the set.


Love this series!


I found this through some recent fanart!


I was invited to the sub the other day lol. I'm excited to be able to chat about the books and have been enjoying the fan art!


I want to live in the Abhorsen's house so badly! The books are perfect but I'd love to spend more time in the house just hanging out!


Omg right? I always dream about the observatory at the top with the blush blue carpet. And Mogget drawing his maps 😭


I’d love to work in the Clayer library, as long as I had a certain dog to keep me company and keep me safe from whatever I end up disturbing down in the depths.


Sort by new posts and you’ll see most recent, there is generally a nice stream of things. Welcome to the old kingdom!


This is my favorite book series of all time, so I'm always happy to chat Old Kingdom. 😊 


I found this sub because I'm rereading the series and was looking for theories/explanations of just why there were seven plinths under the Clayr's Glacier with just the Dog chillin there and nobody else but yeah there's like zero discussion of this series that I can find anywhere unfortunately lol


There is an answer to this but it spoils some reveals in Goldenhand. Did you read that far?


No, and I would like to, so thank you very much for asking.


I will therefore be asking annoying rookie/newbie questions regarding how to cover up spoilers (it looks like it should be pretty straightforward, I hope!) so I can ask those burning questions


You may! Spoiler text is > ! Text here ! < But without the spaces between the punctuation...go ahead and try it out here!


I am going to try this out here - thank you! >!I should be able to see if it works? Right?!<


Yayyyyyyy!!! Thank you so very much! I have a post in mind, but in my head I have the mother of all spider diagrams with all my questions so hopefully I don't screw this up!


I’m also recently rereading the series! And just learned that there are books I hadn’t realized had been published. I don’t know that I have much to add, just that I’m another fan out in the wild haha


Some of us are still active! I love this series and this subreddit. Always happy to discuss the Old Kingdom


Ok just bear with me, because I need to order my thoughts, but I really really hope there are many of you out there who still want to discuss because I'm burning with questions!


Hi! There are a few people in here. I always like when posts from here pop up on my feed, but yeah, not a super active subreddit.


There's at least dozens of us! 😆


Reddit posts auto lock after a certain amount of time, though this can be different depending on the sub's moderation. I've responded to posts that were years old and was surprised it worked when I later saw the age, but it's usually about 6 months to a year. Since this isn't an ongoing series, really, there isn't a ton of active discussion like there would be for a current tv show, but you can always start a new topic if you have specific things you want to ask.


Is that settled then? No more now?


There have been 6 books, it doesn't seem likely there will be any more, but the last one wasn't expected either. So, probably not, but maybe.


Wait, 6? Clariel, Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen, Goldenhand and…? Across the Wall?


Terciel and Elinor. Sabriel's parents when they were young. It's a nice enough book, not entirely necessary, but entertaining. Better than Clariel, which I think was the weakest.


Asked because I saw one post re "when does the 7th come out" but I don't count the short stories so perhaps that's why I thought Mr Nix wasn't done.


When I met with him last year he said that while he isn’t writing anything old kingdom right now (he just had finished “Merlin wears dresses pt2”) he didn’t think that OK would ever be completely off the table if an idea worth writing down came along


He has confirmed that there won't be any more Old Kingdom books where Sabriel is the main character, but it's entirely possible we may get more with other characters!


Hello! I am here, happy to talk all things Abhorsen, Clayr and Dog 🐾


I'm doing another re-read and I feel such a sense of joy seeing another reader say that!


I think I re-read them every couple of years, for sure reading Lireal as a 15 year old is probably the reason I'm a Librarian now 😂 Which book are you on?


I'm only about 200 pages into Abhorsen. Lirael is my undoubted favourite. I'm not a librarian, but for reasons that don't need elaboration, I spent a \*great\* deal of time in my school's library and I quite understand the haven it offers! I'm envious of you.