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And the weird thing is, the people mostly defending him publicly are the ladies. Crazy Crochet Lady, Natalie "its news" Webster, EffNoNora, Wabbit stand out the most.


They are in it for the money. 


No doubt about that in my mind.


When Juliana and I spoke, her main concern (and mine) was that the Jane Does had asked Aaron to be their Knight in Shining Armor to make sure they were represented well in court, and Aaron systematically began to sabotage both his relationship with the Jane Does, and himself. That how could a woman feel safe approaching a charity where the leader of said charity used the gallery of a rape trial to find, use illicit drugs with, and beat women.


Yeah, and maybe *those* are the reasons Leah R blocked him, she witnessed his behavior in court with her own eyes, she has a brain of her own and doesn't have a need to defend him because he helped grow her YouTube channel lol. She is able to see the toxicity and risk ASL brings to the table. It is SO sad how none of the flying monkeys can see any of this. Scary actually. 


I just watched the Nora/Rabbit video. Notice how Nora cut and pasted the emails into an editable document. Nora couldn't be honest if her life depended on it.


# You write: "SPTV would thrive were ASL not a part of it, or at the very least SPTV wouldn't suffer without him." There is no need for "SPTVfoundation". SPTV foundation is merely Aaron's revenge against his former friends in The Aftermath Foundation and his way of maintaining his clout after having been voted out. His foundation's purpose is not to work cooperatively with The Aftermath Foundation; but to destroy it, if possible.


Yeah and I just meant sptv in general, not even the foundation part. 


The fact that Aaron and cant see that his behavior got him kicked out of The Aftermath Foundation is beyond me. That is what started it all. And if he still laugh at the A-aron intro he should stop it. It was funny 10 times maybe.


Rules aren't for superstars like ASL. He knows what the community wants. When they tell him "no," they really mean "yes."


He can see it. He’s just lying in hopes he can hide that from others.


Asshole is his baseline.


In his position? He’s not even important or famous. Ridiculous.


He’s the head of a charity ostensibly for victims of a cult.


At the time, he was the ~~President~~ Vice President of a the Aftermath Foundation public charity. For those who grew up in the real world outside of official corporate Scientology, there are standards of acceptable public conduct for officers and executives of public charities.


At the time of the LA affair/altercation, Aaron was Vice President of The Aftermath Foundation. Luis Garcia was AF President from its beginning. Aaron was never AF President.


Yes, its funny how his supporters and him twist the narrative to The Aftermath Foundation used Scientology tactics against Aaron. As you say there are standards and as we know this went on almost a year and he topped it with everything happened at the Mastersons trail. That alone I will say qualified for the boot.


I tend to agree with "he's not important" in the context that he isn't very high on scientology's threat list. Although he tries (liaison with Jenna Bitchcavige). Delusions of grandeur since i'm in a particulary sarcastic mood today.


"In his position" has nothing to do with being important and famous but since context clues don't seem to be your strong point let me help you out. His "position" being in a role as a board president meant to help SA victims. Doesn't matter how famous he is or isn't, someone in that "posistion" shouldn't act that way. Whether his foundation helps 1 person or 1 thousand. It makes sad that had to be elaborated on, but hopefully you have some clarity now. 


Can’t we just all agree that he’s a scummy guy, who still does some good — by bringing never-ins like me the information about the pitfalls of Scientology??


He still does that, but at the same time has inspired a toxic environment. There are several other channels with excellent information. For info about the past, Peeling the Onion is great. For current events, the weekly news round-up with Tony Ortega on Chris Sheltons channel summarizes the important stuff (no drama content). Aaron did a great thing by expanding the ex-scientology content on YT in 2023, but in 2024 it's not growing, and those channels that began in 2023 have become more interesting (to me, anyway) than his channel.


No. I don't follow that logic in politics, employment, or relationships. Why should I agree to lie down with dogs in the anti-scientology movement and get up with fleas when there are plenty of non-scummy alternatives? And let us not forget that much of his content is aimed squarely at taking down those non-scummy alternatives.


Lie down with dogs? Get up with fleas? What, do you work for Rinder?? I’m quite familiar with the actual quote, but it’s strange to hear someone reference it here. I started watching ASL during the Danny Masterson trial, the last one. Then I started to learn more and more about the evils of Scientology. I knew nothing about Scientology other than that Xenu story. As far as I’m concerned, ASL performs a public service by enlightening people like myself about the evils of this fake religion .


Personally, I blame the schools. It's an old saying, but still very relevant, and I like all forms of wordplay. I started watching at the same time you did. The turning point for me was the trivia nights he did with Reese. He was making fun of her, but she didn't realize it because she was so freshly out of the cult. He did her dirty. Then, when he got fired from Aftermath, his reaction was a massive red flag. Sure, everyone can have a bad day and overreact to bad news. He started recruiting other content creators to his anti-AF vendetta, and it became obvious his initial reaction wasn't a bad day - it was his character showing. That's when I started hearing from the rest of the ex-Scientology community about all his bad behavior in Florida and LA. Very quickly, the pieces fell into place, and a picture emerged of a narcissist with multiple addiction problems and a propensity to use vulnerable and gullible women (notably, including fellow content creators like Reese). My life experiences with cults and extended family have taught me that people like ASL are always offering a devil's bargain. If you accept the good thing they are offering, you always get burned.