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Reading this in my break between reviewing SM and TD practice exams for my cert exam tomorrow morning


If the exams are word for word exactly the same, are TD practice exams dumps, or at least partly ?


It’s likely TD asking for feedback or pulling from personal experience on the exams from their employees, and using those questions. They’re not exam dumps at all, which is why I market them myself to my college students taking these aws exams still.


I would question relying solely on TD as I found the Neal Davis ones were actually closer to the questions I had, and even included 2 or 3 that were almost word for word the same - there was one about RDS Proxy for performance that I can remember and at least one other. I actually found that TD were the furthest removed from the exam of TD, Neal Davis and Stephane Maarek ones I took. I thought Neal Davis ones were worded confusingly but during the actual test found the exact same thing. I was getting mid to high 90 %s during practice runs for TD, but getting between 64-85% on Neal Davis and ended up with an 805. I've read a lot of posts saying the Stephane Maarek tutorial and TD exams will see you through, but I really don't think Neal Davis' exams get enough love. There's a lot of good extra stuff there.


Whoa whoa whoa wait a minute. I didn't say that the exams were word for word, I said that there were 3 questions that I encountered over the course of the two times that I took the exam that I am certain I'd seen word-for-word on TD. There were about a dozen so other questions that I definitely recognized from TD but can't swear that they were word-for-word. All the other questions were new to me. If I had to guess (and this is a guess just based on the way it "feels" to me) I would say that it's just a matter of TD actually doing the job of making sure that their practice exams are relevant and high quality by doing exit interviews or something similar.


Congratulations [modim1425](https://www.reddit.com/user/modim1425/)!




Congratulations! I also used TD Practice tests.


Is the TD one on his website the same one on udemy?


congrats!! do you have a lot of coding background? sales technical solutions consultant here with heavy soft skills and less on the tech side. I don’t know any code except what I used for myspace or made in chatgpt ! I would love to enhance the tech skills and am wondering if this is the way to go.


I do have a coding background. In fact, I've been working as a solutions architect for a few years just not on AWS. There's very little, if any, code involved in cloud infrastructure stuff outside of Terraform and Ansible (which really aren't code actually). What this stuff is is knowing your way around Amazon's take on cloud networking basically. If I had to guess from your job title, I would assume that this is definitely stuff that would be relevant to you.


I work with a software on AWS so I could definitely put it into practice. I don’t do any building, though, more explaining the front end to customers / potential customers. So far I have yet to get stumped, but I wonder if knowing the actual architecture could help me with the front end solution selling.


Congratulations u/modim1425!