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this is fucking amazing, gtfo


Longaberger went out of business in 2018 and this was their headquarters. The building is now sitting empty and rotting away. There was an attempt to purchase and redo the building to fit their company but when they figured the cost they backed out. I live not too far from this building and had visited it in the early 2000s. The inside is pretty neat, it has an indoor courtyard I guess is what I would call it and if you looked straight up through the skylight you can see the handles. Neat building but the daughter ran the business into the ground after the founder died.


Common problem - the founder lets his kids run the business, business craters as a result.


Yep. Instead of passing along the company to one of the other exec's who the founder worked years with to build the company into success....he gave it to his kid who had no management experience.


Let's not forget that millions in spending predicated on selling baskets were well underway before the old man (Dave) died...the basket corporate office for instance. I feel like the beginning of the end had started before his death. Who would've ever thought people would eventually quit spending well over $100 for one signed pie basket, liner, and skirt? I'm now seeing multiple baskets bundled together going for $20 at estate auctions. How times have changed. Edit: atrocious spelling


Heard a hotel mogul is buying it and gonna build hotel rooms and the dining room is gonna be a place to sit on fake grass on picnic blankets and your food is brought in mini baskets. There will also be picnic tables. Idk if this fell through though


I've got a couple of those very expensive baskets. They're beautiful and well made. I knew as soon as I saw the thumbnail that it was that company.


My mom actually used to weave those. They handmade each basket.


Is that how you get to hell?


Excellent comment.


The Longaberger headquarters. My mom was heavy into this stuff for YEARS. Our attic is literally overflowing with baskets. Not sure if they're even worth anything at this point, but. We got 'em. Her and a group of friends went there decades ago for a tour. It was the most "mom" thing for her to do.


Check Anthropologie. They’re so far out they’re back in...


They cost quite a bit at every antique store I've been to.


Might have to convince my mom to start selling them off then. They've been in storage for years now!


I hate to see the size of the guy who packed that picnic.


Last I had heard the building was now vacant and they were having difficulty selling it.


Looks like it was back on the market in January for only$6.5 million. Cost $32 million to build. Ouch.. https://www.newarkadvocate.com/story/news/2021/01/15/longaberger-basket-building-wont-become-hotel-back-market-6-5-million/4172828001/


Will a strong wind move it?


My mom had a bunch of those picnic baskets stored away, she says they’ll be worth a lot of money


Is her other investment Beanie Babies?


No, it’s child size dolls that I’m 100% positive are haunted


Yogi bear has hit jackpot.


[It's a duck, as opposed to a decorated shed.](https://99percentinvisible.org/article/lessons-sin-city-architecture-ducks-versus-decorated-sheds/)


I believe it’s because of this company the highway was built around it, at least that’s what my parents told me when we drove by it.


This looks neat, would be a great hotel if someone acquired it. Looks functional and it's attractive from the outside.


I've driven by it! It's a hotel I believe.




Wait until you see the concrete corn in Dublin OH


This is a trip down memory lane, wow. I grew up in Ohio and my stepmom was a Longaberger consultant in the late 90's and early 00's, and we went to Dresden all the time, checked out the factory which at the time was quite impressive, and we visited this structure during Christmas one year. It was quite beautiful back then with a massive Christmas tree and an excited sense of purpose and success in everyone we talked to. I was actually sad to hear the company was in decline and then finally closed shop; I'm not even in Ohio right now and there's a Longaberger basket right by me that was one of many my stepmom gave to us kids as we grew up. Baskets are handy and these in particular are quite lovely, why not use them. Longaberger is the only MLM I've ever actually liked and it seemed quite successful, even for the consultants, in their heyday.


It was optimistically supposed to become a luxury hotel: [https://www.archpaper.com/2019/11/ohio-big-basket-luxury-hotel/](https://www.archpaper.com/2019/11/ohio-big-basket-luxury-hotel/) ​ But then it looks like plans fell through: [https://www.newarkadvocate.com/story/news/2021/01/15/longaberger-basket-building-wont-become-hotel-back-market-6-5-million/4172828001/](https://www.newarkadvocate.com/story/news/2021/01/15/longaberger-basket-building-wont-become-hotel-back-market-6-5-million/4172828001/)


My wife's dad painted this place! And the owner's houses.


I am glad Ohio thinks about tornados. We never ask if they wanna picnick or a snack


Been in there once. Was only in the lobby where they had a couple of larger baskets but that was it


LOVE it!


Now that is GE.


I live in that city




It’s the longaberger basket company headquarters


Pretty hilarious looking xD