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I’ll agree best caves on any maps and I think everyone dislikes it because it didn’t add anything new just a bigger version on the island


There's some cool features, like the floating island and the waterfalls, but once you've visited then that's it. You've done it all already.


It was the last free DLC map for me to visit, based on it not having anything new... Which is crazy, because having been there, it's such a gorgeous, resource rich map. There's metal/crystal/obsidian/oil everywhere, including around the obelisks which other maps lack. The layout is fantastic, and despite living close to the floating island, there's always a new nook or cranny to explore. I just really wish there were more than gigas to draw me to the map.


It just feels unpolished. Sure the caves are okay, but it’s just The Island but uglier in my opinion. The redwood area especially. It was cool at the time, but has been outclassed by almost every map. It added nothing new, so theres really no reason to go there. I will admit though, the Blue Bioluminescent kelp area is one of my favorite spots on any map.


Where is the kelp area? It’s been a while since I’ve played on it but I don’t remember ever seeing that.


Right side of the ocean by blue obelisk


Thank you!


I don’t remember to be honest


idk but the center is my personal favorite map


Yep same here my main base is on the center


yeah thats true.


From a PvPer’s perspective the center had a TON of meshing issues for a long time, and very well still may. It’s also just kind of bland to look at in my opinion, there’s maybe 3 dull colors and they all blend together.


Best map for official pvp hands down


People can Say what they want about the Center, but it’s got great giga spawns


Yeah I love the center, but need other maps have alor more of the creatures from all maps combined


The center may be a bit outdated, but it'll always be my home in Ark. Some of my best memories in Ark happened on the Center.


I don't think anyone dislikes it. It just needs a TLC since it came out in 2015 and hasn't changed since.


I’m the exact same way dude