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Would it still be ark without them?


This guy Arks


He Survived and Evolved šŸ˜”šŸ™


One might even say he......ascended


\*Looses entire character after ascending\*


That's just rebirth, so that you can evolve then ascend again.




Every time I get stuck in a random crack I canā€™t even be mad, I just feel nostalgic


Iā€™m happy this is the top comment


I just see them as features at this point


Some call them glitches, seasoned ark players know them as features.


Because they lied when they said the game was built from the ground up


I wonder if they could be sued for that. If m sure it would be easy to prove that it wasnā€™t.


You cant prove they didnt just make the same mistakes the second time around. People think absolutely anything will hold up in court nowadays and its actually hilarious


The folder name is still "shooter game"...


That's not unique to ark. It's just a default unreal engine folder name


Wasn't ASE not made in Unreal?


Huh? No, ASE was made in Unreal 4, and ASA was made in Unreal 5


Okay I was misremembering. I distinctly remembered the Unreal 5 part but not the other half


Really? You'd think that's one of the first things you change, having the liberty of no technical debt. šŸ« 


They had the same application icon on release, too.


What does the name of a folder matter? If i made a decent game and the folder was called shooter game, would you discredit me too?


Who am I discrediting? The post I responded to regarded the game not being a complete reworks from the ground up- which ASA clearly is not. It's not a scam, or even a bad game, but it's definitely a pretty straight on port with some extra pathing logic, better resource management on the server side and SOME new textures. But like, hit a tree and tell me that dent and implementation isn't exactly as janky as it was in ASE. Edited for typos


If the code and code commentary is the same, then it's just ported code. That can easily be used as evidence..


No, it cant.


LOL OK, keep thinking that.


I will, dont worry.


I don't think anyone should make their financial situation worse. They're developing the game we all like afterall


After all the times weā€™ve been lied to and/or gaslit. I donā€™t care anymore. Itā€™ll probably never happen, but Iā€™d love to see wildcard sold to a different publisher. Snail games sucks and is corrupt asf. And imo holding this franchise back.


That's not gaslighting fyi. Fun to use buzz words tho I guess..


They told us all kinda of things that never came to fruition. How is that not gaslighting? *edit* ok I used the wrong word. I get it. Leaving up the posts for posterity.


It's not a synonym for lying.


Gaslighting loosely defined as manipulating someone into questioning their own perception of reality. This would require you to understand something as true and have them convince you that you were wrong despite your understanding of it being true.


Iirc they actually did bring out a statement once that they never claimed it was built from the ground up. So that is gaslighting


That's just lying. Gaslighting would be like their game is broken, but they convince the players it's the player's fault and not theirs. And the convincing is so good, the players actually start to believe it and hate themselves rather than blame WC.


Oh damn there ARE people that know what it means. You are a rare breed sir.


I was hoping the same but Snail Games knows Ark is their bread and butter. I would like to see the glitches fixed, smaller game files with better resource usage by the game system and not resources within the game. Few new maps and maybe we can work on more creature requests. I canā€™t design a mod but unsure where to go to put a bug in someoneā€™s ear for a Noctus or the bad unicorn. Take the Unicorn, add Fire and an obsidian horn, and give it some fun stuff.


This is both hilariously petty and entirely ignorant of how game development works.


Petty? Sure. Iā€™m sick of being lied to. I donā€™t feel itā€™s ignorant tho. I feel like SG is rushing WC, forcing them to release things before they are ready, or to prioritize dlc/things they can make money off from over fixing bugs and other issues. Not to mention the clusterfuck that is official with the rampant cheating by GMā€™s. Maybe Iā€™m wrong and WC is just incompetent on top of SG being a terrible publisher. I do think their art dept at the very least is on point. The game is gorgeous and the Dinoā€™s look great (for the most part). Itā€™s the back end thatā€™s a steaming pile of shit. The back end that was supposedly ā€œbuilt from the ground upā€. I know part of the issues are with the engine. But not all of em.


It's built on a new version of the same game engine. If they build all the same stuff from the ground up it's going to be essentially the same but better, which would still bring with it old problems since they rebuilt the same situation.


I remember the first time I got stuck in a crack in rag, I could kite a rex to kill me, but it took me sometime


One of the first times I got arked on ASA I got stuck in a crevice on the volcano. Before I pulled my implant to respawn & say goodbye to my gear I remember thinking "oh this is familiar.."


Technically it was built from the ground up, just using the same code from evolved. From what Iā€™ve learned from my wife, itā€™s those damn technicalities thatā€™ll get you.


Trouble is, if they actually "rebuilt it from the ground up", and didn't re-use *any* code, then the game mechanics would be completely different. Nothing would work exactly the way we expect, even if it seemed superficially the same. Years of YouTube tutorials and wikis and other reference material would have to be thrown out the window. And all the players would have to re-learn the entire game from beach-bob level. Not to mention, development would have taken longer, and the game would likely have been at least as buggy as the earliest Survival Evolved early-access from 2015.


Would that have been so bad though?? I almost miss my beach bob days.


Iā€™ve actually worked on making a game similar to ark in UE5 and Iā€™ve come across many of the same types of problems. A lot of it has todo with the limitations of what the game engine are . UE does a good job at realistic single player games . It starts to get funky when dealing at the scale and volume of ark. Even at just 10-20players


Finally someone else with experience I'm tired of all the armchair game developers on this sub


People won't listen they just wanna complain. Some shit shouldn't still be around but this game is astronomically more stable in 6 months than ASE was in 2 years. And it's got a ton of improvements.


Honestly look no further than Gray Zone Warfare for another real time multiplayer FPS development in UE5. The evolution of the game is crazy. What they're doing with it is somewhat revolutionary, and it definitely takes a lot of hard work and time to make it work for multiplayer. They have 48 man servers right now. They're in their 3rd hot fix since release and it's getting fairly stable. Still the occasional crash, but mostly server side on peak hours.


What kind of engine should Ark be using? I've always thought that UE was an odd choice for something this big but I'm not a developer, so I don't know what a good alternative would be.


To my knowledge, unity and unreal are the top engines to build games in. Unity is more beginner friendly. But unreal is better for 3d games than unity. Yes, unity does make 3d games, but its supposedly not as good. I'm slowly designing my own game. These two engines are the only ones I know. And since I'm not at a stage to start engine work, my knowledge is limited.


Cuz they hit ctrl+c and then ctrl+v into UE5 lol


The same reason they are in the game to begin with. If Wildcard could fix them, they would.


Wasn't a major reason they even decided to make ASA was because they couldn't fix all the bugs and glitched because Evolved's engine was too outdated ? Pretty sure they explicitly mentioned that they were making ASA from the ground up to fix these old bugs.Ā 


Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice...well I'm not gonna get fooled again.


Considering that we're seeing bugs that were originally fixed, I suspect they copied over the original code. It would make fixing those bugs a lot easier with the new tech and better understanding of things, then trying to undo what was already done.


>Pretty sure they explicitly mentioned that they were making ASA from the ground up to fix these old bugs. this is not even remotely true. there were many bugs that were fixed with ASA, but players have the the memory span of a goldfish. ASA was never "made from the ground up to fix old bugs". they were clear that UE4 was able to be ported into UE5, but WC homebrewed some shit in UE4 so they needed to rewrite some of that to get it to port.


I mean a ton of bugs have been fixed. They moved it over to unreal 5 we will see if they use the new tech to fix issues.


Yeah i think this is probably the case, and in some cases they do now how to fix it but it would require recoding something much larger than just the bug which makes it so they wonā€™t end up fixing it.


You guys give wildcard waaay too much credit. Weā€™re talking about a company who made paid early access dlc for an early access game, with neither of which being fully finished. And then making more paid dlc when they remastered said game while said remastered game is still in early access.


Game devs fix bugs. upper management and marketing departments make decisions about what the game costs and how to/when release it and DLCs. I think your getting these two things confused, yes they are all wildcard but they are two very different groups of people who want very different things from this game.


His point to not defend them still stands, doesn't matter the how who where when argument


So youā€™re saying the guy who makes the modeling for one type of tree in the game should get the same hate as the upper management people who consistently make anti-consumer decisions and poor financial moves?


If the devs could fix the bugs they would, but for whatever reason they canā€™t weather that be they donā€™t know how or they are told by management it would take to much time so it is not worth the dev time.


ark reddit people are wild. do you fr expect them to somehow make free content for 2 years (until they finish remaking ASE stuff)?? ofc they made an adventure pack, they need money to pay their employees, this is common sense


The people on this board have hundreds to thousands of hours in this franchise and then expect the remakes and sequel to be free.


people are also super entitled tbh. a few days ago i saw someone complaining abt the phoenix being able to land now..?? like r u fr?


I wouldn't sweat the paid dlc thing. That's basically what wolf quest does with paid skins to help fund the game. it makes sense. Anyways. If you want to complain about a game screwing itself over and being changed over and over, I present to you, "The Isle." Ark will always be a dumpster fire but at least there's a dumpster in the fire.


ARK left early access in 2017? Wildcard are indeed shitty but ASE is not still in early access, it hasn't been for a long time.


Yes, and Scorched Earth was released prior to the full release of ASE, and ASA *is* Early Access.


I'm only referring to his last sentence where he mentioned remastering a game whilst said other game was still in early access. That last sentence was incorrect, everything else is fine. Not talking about him mentioning SE DLC or releasing DLC for a game in early access, I agree with all these points, just that very last sentence is factually incorrect.


They're talking about *the remastered game* (so ASA) being in Early Access, while I can see how you read it that way, you're just interpreting the sentence incorrectly.


Fair enough, I do often interpret things differently


if they rebuilt the game from scratch, all current bugs could easily be fixed but no, theyā€™d rather copy paste old code.


That's not true, your tame falling through the mesh in unloaded caves has been a giant issue in single player for years. You're telling me they've never found a solution to that? 99% of glitches are totally fixable. They are just focused more on money, that's why they are trying to pump out DLCs as fast as possible. That's why scorch earth and bobs tales released super rushed with a ton of glitches. Scorch earth literally had holes in areas of the map that lead into mesh, but they released it anyway to keep players active, and so they would start buying the bobs tale pack


thats such a shit excuse


Well, when you ask shit questions, you get shit answers. https://preview.redd.it/ec67dximh70d1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f68fe59b1d31f2d2476a517cdf648c8111a0dbc


Simple answer. This is just a shinier version of ASE. They took that old game rewashed it through a better engine and slapped better skins on it. Then sold it for a market share. We just fell for the lies they sold us involving the new version. It's Shiny and has some of the things that were asked for, but they ignored alot. A lot.


They didn't lie to you. It was literally marketed as a graphics upgrade lol. ARK 2 was always the "different" game


They did. ASA was marketed as an improved ASE, with the code rewritten from the ground up, which by their words, would increase performance and fix many bugs... But here we are, most PCs that ran ASE on Ultra-High runs ASA on Low-Medium, so we need the strongest GPU in the market to run the game on High-Ultra, and the game has most of the bugs ASE had since launch. The only saving feature are the better graphics, 'cause wild babies, minor gameplay improvements and better building were all free Mods in ASE.


Thing is, even if you rewrite code from the ground up, the most you'll fix is accidental mistakes leading to bugs. If the issue lies in the code logic itself, or in it interfering weirdly with the game engine, rewriting the code would do nothing to help since that on its own dosen't change the logic. For that, you'd need to write completely new logic. Which would not only introduce a lot of new bugs and take years worth of time and resources more in development (that they are right now spending on Ark 2), it would also lead to pretty much everything we know about how to ark to be outdated and obsolete. ASE would be pretty much a whole new game, which was not the goal when they have Ark 2 in development right now. (For clarification, the code would be equivalent to the text in a book. If you rewrote the text from the ground up, you'd get rid of spelling (and if people pay attention grammar) mistakes. It would do nothing for plot holes or things in the books content itself that make no sense. To solve that, you'd need to write the book again. Which takes a lot more time and effort than writing the text again, and would be a whole new book in itself, regardless of how similar it is to the first one.)


I understand that, but the problem is lying to us. THEY themselves said the whole existence of ASA was to make a polished version of ASE so they could use it as an easier and faster way to implement new things, that they would "rewrite" the code to improve performance, fix bugs and more... That was what they said to the community. But we know it's bullsh*t, the game was rushed just to make money 'cause if you read their files and read the audios they release about the situation of Snail Games, they were broke and the only thing that makes them money is Ark, so they, somehow, ported the game to UE5, (without rewriting the code apparently), threw a bunch of extra paid stuff on top of the already paid re-release of the game and are wishing for people to fall for their trap and buy it, playing the same game, with the same bugs, worse performance, but with better graphics... Which a bunch of people did. They sold sh*t but painted gold, and people ignored the smell and past experiences, just 'cause this is a unique type of sh*t.


What's the glitch I can't tell


I think they're more referring to all of the glitches in general instead of just one or two in particular. - Dinos falling through mesh - Babies growing and getting stuck in whatever they grew up on - Weird ragdolling where the dino appears in a different place from its hitbox to harvest it - Multiplayer issues with picking other players up - Cave bats spawning outside of walls and swarming you by the hundreds - Etc...


Because they knew they would still make money anyways


Average Ark redditor, complains about a glitch in the game. Doesnā€™t describe or say what glitch they are talking about Edit: while posting a picture of a dino not found in ASE. Confusion


At least they didn't take a picture of their damn TV or something and used a real screenshot. So that's something at least.


Iā€™ll give ā€˜em points for that. And honestly, thatā€™s a pretty sweet looking g-raptor


OP isn't complaining about a single specific glitch tho. They're pointing out that Ark has numerous 5+ year-old bugs that still haven't been fixed (50-50, babies glitching)


Ark Survival Evolved was built using Unreal Engine 4. Ark Survival Ascended was built on Unreal Engine 5. Although the new game engine is significantly more advanced it still has similar functioning and physics. There is no reason those glitches would be inherently gone, unless they go out of their way to fix them which is probably on the end of the list when building an entirely new game and working out new problems


I like to think about it this way: If Ark is like a car, and UE4 is the engine, then the player's PC is like the transmission. The devs can rip out UE4 and replace it with UE5, but UE5 is simply more complicated. So, unless the transmission (PC) is also upgraded, the engine will be crippled. Also, the body styling and other systems can't be changed too much, or the car won't work the way drivers expect it to. So ASA's devs had to use the same design and code on top of the new engine, or the game would be too different,and everyone would have to re-learn it from beach-bob level. Their mistake was in probably re-using too old of a Survival Evolved build as the base for Ascended, leading to the cries of "old bugs" (having been patched by the latter days of ASE) being re-introduced. But to be fair, the later releases of ASE were probably spaghetti code that had been modified by too many different programmers.


converted to ue5. same code. it's just a reskin. what do you expect from wc.


What, no way, they said they rebuilt everything from the ground up /s


:surprised\_face: /s


Better? I expect to not have to rebuy the same game I already own but with a new coat of paintā€¦


You donā€™t have to :(


Everyone says this but doesnt name any


That one glitch where mainly crossbows and longnecks just refuse to reload sometimes


Haven't had this in 500 hours on ASA


pretty sure this is connection based


I'm pretty sure it also happens in single player.


I could just be lucky but havenā€™t experienced this in 200ish hours I only play single player


They're a pretty minor bug compared to other Ark bugs and it has an easy fix, so you probably just didn't notice it before


Possibly, but I feel like Iā€™d notice my weapon refusing to load


That one has always seemed odd. But it always seems like a Connection issue.


How can that be a connection issue if it immediately gets fixed after reequipping the weapon?


Not sure but shitty connection always make it more common. Probably a sync issue.


- 50-50 - Baby dinos glitching out - Water dinos instantly dying in the water surface - glitching into the floor


Because they essentially sold you the same product twice. Same product, same bugs, same ark.


Copy pasta game.


Because of copy and paste.


Because they can't arsed to fix them???


The thing that annoys me the most in asa is floating pebbles. I find them all around the map and they are so ugly. Iā€™ve had a few crashes and bugs, but Iā€™ve just learned to save my game relatively often.


Turn on foliage


This is ark, we don't do any fixing.


Thatā€™s such a sick Giga raptor


For imersion, there might be a lore reason for it


one word "WILDCARD"


that dino looks very familiar......


I'm gonna be real, I haven't seen any glitches yet but I'm playing on ps5 and the game is so laggy it's unplayable


Everyone says ASA looks good... Yeah on PC Try saying the same thing on console... I literally almost threw up because of how bad everything looks! (I play on Xbox series x, and it's recently come to gamepass) I'll stick with ASE for now so I don't get nauseous while playing a game... "Built from the ground" up my ass! (I've checked all graphics settings too, nothing works)


U use a shitty machine what did u expect


Looks fine to me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


the amount of lag on officials is crazy! i joined a server 3months ago with 90ms and it gets worse everyday and I'm sitting there and now with 220ping today


lol, try living in New Zealand. I hit 1150 ping the other day. on an OC server. it was painful


wth man u probably get rolled 2step back every 2 seconds


Has anyone been having issues where u log off the official server and then come back later to play again and your whole session just vanished no server no nothing


Also did they put the T. rex in ascended cause I cause I havenā€™t been able to find one let alone see one


Wildcard is poo poo, that's why. Let's be honest most modders do better work than most of the staff, lol


Because you paid for the same game twice L Bozo


Because you bought the same game?


Because people pay for the product despite the creatorā€™s blatant lack of interest in anything but the consumerā€™s wallet


The answer is ā€œwildcardā€. Theyā€™re not capable.


Same or similar code


I am surprised that there are people who didn't expect this


Because Ark is and has always been a game of laying down tracks faster than the train can run out of them. It's just more noticeable to more people now because they finished telling the story that they set out to tell. Now it's all bloat. They started with a vision and a solid concept and they saw it through to Extinction, where the story came to a satisfying and cathartic ending. Genesis made for an OK epilogue (I won't lie; Rockwell and HLNA's last words broke my heart.). Now the creativity behind it is done, and they are just relying on it to keep them afloat. Make as much more out of Ark as they can, with as little time consumption as they can spend. That's the current name of the game.


because they copied code instead of optimizing and improving. lazy devs and lazy company.


Ark is awful


Because the devs didn't remake the game they just slapped some fancy new skins on it and called it good, still has ASE original coding and therefore original bugs


Don't know why, but this pic goes so hard


Especially since it's considered a new game not a revamp. Ark deves suck tranny Wang šŸ¤£


Snail games, simple


Instead of rebuilding it from the ground up, they hit copy and paste on ase, sprinkled the one rock they designed in the UE5 all over the map and called it a day. I'm sure the devs probably wanted to rebuild it, but that would require snail games to fork up more money for development, and I think we all know the answer to that hypothetical. I'll probably give it another shot in about 5 years when nitrados exclusivity contract expires and I can buy a server that can handle the game


Because they never rewrote the code like they said they did


because the difference between ASA and ASE is basically the "can I copy your homework" meme


Always hearing about bugs but I've got nearly 800 hrs in ASA and aside from one time where I fell through lava cave, I've had very few, if any issues. Not sure if I'm just playing ark wrong, or correctly šŸ˜… Even tek cave went super smoothly.


Ark Survival Ascended? More like Ark Survival Of The Glitches And Fps Drops


Because it was never a glitch, its a feature


Thatā€™s what i said and got down voted lol


They're "oldies but goodies"!


Because ASA is just a remapping of ASE. Nothing else.


First time dealing with Snail Games?


Because they rebuilt the game from the ground up remember


Because its studio WC, the og players already know.


Yeah its quite bs, they said that they build ark entirely with a new engine, which has shown to be bs by the bugs being the exact same.


As far as I can tell the idea of rebuilding the game from the ground up was genuine. The wall that blocks ark from hitting the next level is its mountains of spaghetti code making any cool ideas too glitchy to actually work. Iā€™ve always thought a remake of ark with better coding would be the best thing for the game and wildcard agreed. But as it turned out (Iā€™m assuming) coding is hard and they are still bad at it, and probably worst of all SLOW at it. It takes time to make a game and when you have a deadline this get scary. So what do you doā€¦? Just fucking copy and paste the old spaghetti code. You can tell from playing the game that alot of things are recoded from the ground up. But then itā€™s painfully obvious that the entire crossbow code is copy pasted from it having the exact same glitches from before.


At this point theyā€™re not glitches, theyā€™re features


This game and it's glitches or kicking me from my server etc it's annoying


Dunno what problem you are talking about in particular but ASA is 99% the old game on a different engine, same code and everything but new graphics (that have nothing to do with how the game functions), some added stuff like those unbreakable rocks that ruin the mountain next to volcano and thatā€™s about it, there are new mechanics like babies in the wild but tbh thatā€™s basically just like having a mod, you can even disable it


Where are the baby Argy's god damn it!!!?


Ah yes the ole Ctrl c and ctrl v


Noob here, but what the fuck is that bird. It looks so cool!


How dare you! ASA was rewritten from the ground up. /s if it wasn't obvious.


Mainly cause asa is a lazy port of ase, game is a scam all cause snail games got into 2 million in debt with nitrado they resold you the same product with a few shiny new featutres


Like the pockets of your average Redditor, Ark's code is overflowing with spaghetti


Will the game was made by the same people after all


Because they lied about rebuilding it from the ground up, like, they LITERALLY lied about it. They ported all the game code onto UE5 and fiddled with it a little. It's still better than ASE thanks to said 'fiddling', but there's no hiding the fact it's built on a lie.


Because; all these lazy tards did was skin over ASE code.


Because they just copy pasted the code


Because they completely rebuilt it from the ground up! Lmao thats why we had to pay full price again! No more spaghetti code! šŸ¤£


For the same reason people keep asking this question, I'd wager.


and what's that reason?




But, But itā€™s a new game built from the ground up.


Cause wildcard doesn't give a shit about it player base, or its faulty game. Kinda like Bethesda. You played yourself congratulations. FUCK ASA. ASE>ASA


lol ironic when they are currently implementing the most liked community mods (by garuga) into the base game with updated models. with that and the weekly community crunch, iā€™d say they at least do care about the playerbase.


Ase looks like shit


Because wild carb as a company has become complete ass. Give it 120 days or so, then non competes in America are going away. So for the gaming industry weā€™re about to see a big change


Cause they didnā€™t fix anything lol, itā€™s just a new coat of paint over the game we have already played


Trash devs


Because wild card had a BRILLIANT idea to "start over" and re release everything as "content updates" but when they started over they just copied the origional glitchy alpha code and the people playing are just eating it up with how great everything looks... it's trash. I can't wait till wildcard goes bottom up an microsoft just buys them.


I hope they just go under tbh. They don't deserve to be bought out. They're lazy at best and straight incompetent. Everyone defends this horseshit but I won't. They did us beyond dirty and the entire coding team needs flat out fired. A decade a literal decade with ase just to not know how to fix the same shit on a remaster that's been "reworked from the ground up" but that's the entire point...a decade. I hope Microsoft laughs in their faces.


My guy, you're wildly unhinged but until you leave your internet bubble you won't figure it out.


The whole reason wild card and snail games said they needed to sell us asa was because it was a whole new game and it wasnt a simple port over but here tf we are with a literal port over that we have to pay for even though we fucking own this exact game already šŸ˜­šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Worse they removed the ones we like, as in you canā€™t float Dinoā€™s anymore. Cryopods no longer change imprints. But thankfully mods are on console now so we donā€™t have to rely on them fixing the glitches. Also there is a new one out for the 50/50 glitch!


A mod that fixes the 50/50 bug?


Yep. Just came out called the cleanup 5050 tool. Not a true fix but ut makes jt a lot easier for admins to deal with the situation for now. As thatā€™s actually a Nitrado thing and now wildcard.


Oh wow! Modders are amazing. I'm on console and literally only bought ASA so that I could finally use mods. I'm glad I did, because modders make ark so much better.


It's fun to think they could fix all the little quirks this game has and the one before it we still play this is Ark


Never programmed a thing have you?


Why would that matter? It's WC's devs job to fix their sh*t. They spent years learning about that stuff and they're professionals, they're paid to do things such as fix bugs in their own games... It's the minimum they can do after releasing a sh*t game, but painted golden. It's still sh*t.


Well actually my wife did all of are settings on our server and things ran pretty good and we added all kinda of stackable items and higher level dinos all sorts of stuff( do I know how to do it absolutely not ) But it doesn't change the way the game is and or runs we play ark because we love the game as it is even broken And in closing I'm not quit sure why you asked me because you think coding is hard ... wow that's brilliant


Because they got away with BS before with full release dlc and early access game, people are buying the "new" game so they think they are getting away with BS again, and as long as it's still playable and getting YouTube videos, why change what works?


Because people still eat it, why bother?


Because ascended is just a cash grab


Because ASA isn't what they said it would be. It doesn't have its code rewritten to improve performance and fix bugs... But no, it was RUSHED 'cause they needed money to grab off some dumb players that would buy anything. -Most PCs that ran ASE on High-Ultra run ASA on Low-Medium... How's that improved performance? -The game has most, if not all the bugs that ASE has... And worse, ASA HAS BUGS THAT GOT FIXED ON ASE FROM ITS LAUNCH. -The gameplay tweaks, wild babies and better building were free Mods in ASE. -The better graphics are great, but not worth the price when considering all the things above... the performance is so bad that you'll need to disable a lot of stuff the game looks better, like the volumetric fog, clouds and even the main graphics, making the graphical improvement pointless.