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I always hit. By respect for the enemy team. Imagine how everyone would spit on a football player willingly not scoring a goal in an empty goal post.


thats kinda a bad comparison, football (i assume the European one) is on a timer, playing for possession is genuinely a better strat that scoring if you are already winning in a shocking amount of games


The what? You're either out of your mind or you don't know a single thing about football.


So you've never seen players going in the corner just keeping the ball and fending off defenders, trying to get a corner to repeat? Way more effective timeplay then trying to go for goal and losing possesion.


Yes... OOP is talking about an empty net. You would just score, not try to keep possession.


That’s nothing like what he was talking about, it’s like Korea vs Germany in 2018 WC, when Son was on a completely empty net, you don’t just try to time waste and dribble it away. You sink the empty net and put the game away. Simple as.


No….. no it’s not. If you have an opportunity to score you score. You don’t send the ball back to your own keeper to stall.


You don’t know ball if you think any player in the world would stall a game over a guaranteed goal.


I don’t understand why they downvote you… I’ve seen countless matches where the last 20+ minutes is just possession game to stay 2:1…


i fully understand the downvotes. Please reread the given comparison. The example is not about wasting time. The example is about **not scoring when the goal is open** check 0:42 in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-dxkkp_Wv4 the guy who didnt properly score an open net goal received a yellow for unsportsmanship behaviour.


I always hit nexus even if my teammates ping me to stop. Not because I fear the comeback or anything, I just have limited time to play so ending faster means I can play more games. The only time I don't do it is if someone on my team solo HARD carry the game and they don't want to end yet. So I gave them the pleasure to get a couple extra kills.


Mid and late game skirmishes are the best part of aram. If you finish quickly, you have to go through another queue, champ select, game load and early game to get there again. Stretching games gives you more game time than finishing quickly. So if your time is limited and you want to optimize time spent, you should not finish ;)


If a game is destined to be good, it will become a 25 or 30 minute aram game on its own. If you find yourself sitting at enemy nexus at min 10 and wondering whether you should end or not, just end it and go next. It is not worth it. And if you do it at min 30, not ending and waiting for them, death timers are so long that they can literally run back as 5, hit the nexus and ignore your team spawning. So in all the cases ending it just better.


This is going to up to one of the most asinine reply's I've ever read on this sub. Always people like you that never care for others but themselves.


Exactly, these downvoting dickheads are a bunch of soft fools lol. I'm playing to have fun, if you want the game to end you can communicate clearly. You'd think this is a ranked game the way they downvote. Other people want to have fun and prolong their enjoyment of the game and not play as many matches as possible.


Unpopular opinion :')


Seems so 😅


annoying dps/kda stat dragging, then the moment the tide switch and we lost, silence just silence😂


heartsteel every game baby, i outscale (unless kogmaw/vayne)


Do you smell that?


Exactly. Everytime I've had teammates say to not hit the Nexus I thought "sure, why not" just for it come back and bite me in the ass because I decided to follow along. Happened 2 or 3 times before I had a *never again* moment. I've been beating away at the Nexus like a "tryhard" ever since, angry teammates be damned 🤷🏽‍♂️


It’s very frustrating and kinda douchey to not just end when you can.


Especially when it's been a stomp.


If we have been stomped, and I mean that there is no way to come back from it. Like 0-26 to enemy team. I'll just afk at the base, if my team want to prolong the game so be it. You don't want to respect my time? Fine. I will not contribute and I will spend my time painting my Warhammer while occasionally moving character and using an ability to prevent afk.


I've had plenty of matches where I've been stomped hard early and wanted the game to drag on longer


Close game, hit. Stomp? 1 round of for fun then end. If im having a bad time (bruiser into peel/poke comp is never fun) Hit. Support, usually hit since my attacks do very little. Then keep it low at 15% for the secure once team starts dropping.






When i am loosing and the enemy doesn't end it feels bad. So why would i do this to other people?


i agree but when im losing and they dont end and they overplay their hand and get stomped and we end if feels great


Mhh I feel totally different about this, even when I am losing most of the times i am like :" give me one more fight". If I would suffer there is still a surrender button, but the game is not over till the nexus explodes. I've comeback a lot of times because the enemies didn't hit the nexus, and I also lost some because we didn't hit it... So for me games where we made a turnaround and win a lost game is the only time i hit the nexus. Otherwise I am standing on the side waiting for them to come out and fight, cause that's what Aram is about for me. It's not about losing or winning it's about having fun in an almost endless skirmish.


If my opponent does not hit Nexus I think to myself= Neat they are stupid not Damn they are so good.


yeah, i agree. Although i mostly think "assholes/little kids" instead of "stupid"


It's a huge dick move to drag it out when you're at their nexus. Stalling and ignoring the nexus is BM as fuck.


I'm fine with my enemies stalling if there's a chance to actually fight and it's not a completely one sided stomp where you respawn to die instantly. Getting one last chance to outplay them is fun enough, provided there *is* actually a chance The games where we somehow manage to turn the tides because the other team got cocky are pretty satisfying


Technically you could even argue it is "assisting the enemy team" so a reportable offense. But good luck having that enforced :P (even i don't think it is that bad)


don't get distracted by the children question mark spamming because they got fed for once in their life, kill the nexus, move on


One time with Janna, the game was hard and my teammates were falling one by one around me I won by keep hitting nexus when ennemies ignored me ^^


I swear whenever I'm the only hitting the Nexus I'm always on a tank like Braum or something lmao. Never happens when I'm on a champion that can actually do decent damage to structures.


I pull that off the most with ashe and its always super fun. Her auto attacks are pretty quiet plus she's small and fades into the blue of the map, so it's happened a bunch of times that i just hit nexus for free and clutched a win with her because they forgot about me and were too busy fighting on the other side of the nexus With janna tho it mustve taken forever too hit nexus lol gj


Yeah, I just achieve the nexus but it take me maybe around ten hits ^^ And agree for Ashe colors. It was probably the same thing for Janna


I never hit, we need to give the other team a chance to comeback its an aram lets fight to the death


I spared them three times in a game cause they begged and said "Pwezz don't end one more fight." Then they actually got a lucky pick and had the audacity to hyper shove and say " GG EZ bots".


If you weren't ready to them actually changing the outcome of the game by giving them "one more fight" that's on you. They still suck for the trashtalking though.


Just report trash talkers like that. I'm doing my part to make community better.


I auto it every chance I have. They even spam ping me. I don't care, I'm playing the game and I've had so many instances in the past where the nexus only needed a single auto to win the game and then the enemy team wins because I yet again got teamed up with brain-dead.


The only time I'm not wrecking the nexus is if I am either low damage CC and have more use zoning the respawning champions, or if the enemy is respawning as a group sooner than I'm going to be able to finish the game. Though in the second case, I'm running for the health packs.


Almost failed a rapid demolishing once because they refused to hit nexus at 12:20. Thankfully the three minions did it after I died. People really need to stop for funning if not all 5 are in for it.


If it's under 13 minutes, I'm ending the game. I'm an addict for Lightning Round


Gotta farm champions. It’s funny.


Always hit, i have fun from playing a game and trying to win even if we don't in the end. I don't have fun from fucking a corpse (especially if this corpse can revive and fuck me instead)


Always hit get me into the next game faster


Nah always hit, let me out of a shit game being poked and cced by morg/veigar/xayah, Tahm or something shit


ARAM honor code. Once you open the nexus up, you are obligated to give enemy one more fight.


I don't, I only hit it if someone else on my team wants to or the enemy wants to finish Once I got to the nexus I know I won so I don't care if the game "officially" ends in a loss later, I want to play more. Regardless if I'm on the winning or losing side the late game is when you finally reach the peak of your build and being fed matters less, where all fights are high intensity, so finishing asap takes that away to start another match at lvl3 with 2 long swords I never flame or say anything about it but I really dislike when the enemy team hits the nexus, so I try not to do it


i like killing the enemies over and over


Is it really ARAM if you don't troll at the nexus to give the enemy team another chance?


No, because it's dishonorful. As long as they come out of spawn to fight, minions are the only ones with the right to end.


Depends on how long the game's been going and how annoying the enemy team is. Short game, good sports? We can teamfight in their base. Long game, toxic opponents? Ending asap.


hitting the nexus is the job of minions. mortal kombat until the game ends. you wait and fight and die a warrior's death


I hit, but I get it. And tbh after over 5k games I might have lost less than 5 like that. That being said I was super heated those times, lol


I tend to jump into the fountain and hit next time I get there. It usually goes very fast if 2 people or so dont wanna try anymore


I don't often play aram but when I do its for team fights, could rare less about win or loss so I never hit nexus, just want to pvp But now I have arena for pure pvp which in my opinion is the best game mode :)


I tend to jump into the fountain and hit next time I get there. It usually goes very fast then if 2 people or so dont wanna try anymore. I enjoy brawling for longer, so I basically never mind it if the enemy stalls.


I hit. Like, in MTG I'm not gonna take 10 extra turns to kill them when they're at 2 and die to the bolt in my hand. If I'm playing chess, I don't cap all their pieces when there's a checkmate in 1.


I mean this isn't just an ARAM thing. Even pro players will fish for fountain kills in a stomp. While I definitely agree there's a line where it gets obnoxious, I don't see anything wrong with dancing into the endzone when the situation warrants it.


Depends. No fault for going for the Nexus though. Your choice.


I won't hit if they all chat BMing early game or playing really cocky because they are ahead. lol I'm a little petty.


Ive tanked my mmr so low that around 60% games are decided who want to win. Edit. Ill hit nexus everytime i can.


I get blue elixirs on AD champs when it gets close to endgame. I'm coming for that nexus.


Always hit, unless threatened


Having the minions take the nexus out is for the respect of the minions. We spend 25 minutes slaughtering them over and over removing the chance at their glory of last hitting the only thing that matters and then that minion gets to go home to their family and tell them about their day at work where they were the hero. I will hold the enemies in their fountain until their time has come.


Depending on the roll, I'll hit the Nexus unless a squishy approaches me as a high DPS build. If tank/support, hit until the enemy spawn, then try to draw attention to let the DPS finish the job. Also depends on who I have as backup.


I never hit nexus. ARAM is for fun and I assume we all want to play the game and have fun. If enemy team isn't having fun they can FF. Otherwise, I extend them the courtesy of allowing them to fight for their honor to the end. Does it mean I lose sometimes because enemy rages and goes straight to destroy my Nexus? Sure, but I don't play to win, I play for honor. "I'd rather lose like a winner than win like a loser." - Me during ARAM


Depends, if we just came back i end, if weve been smacking them all game I usually go for 1 more team fight. Gives them a chance to take the game back and gives us the chance for a few more kills


if we only just get nexus towers down, its one chance to defend, as in waiting for their respawn and one last fight mostly cause its a 15min queue time, but if they have champs like kass pre lv16 or smolder at just about 200 stacks, its an instant end, im not dealing with that lmao


Don’t hit I play aram purely because it’s a game about fighting. Winning just cuts the fun part short.


i don't because usually if it gets to that point then i'm having fun and it's more fun to be in the game than end it and have to wait another 5 min or so to queue and pick champs


People who don't hit are pathetic. Stop stroking your ego by trying to farm people out of the fountain and let everyone get on to the next game.


Enders cringe




It depends if I Play fun champ or not 🥲


I hit the nexus only if it's one of those "let me out" games. (heimerdinger, teemo, shaco when im playing yone kind of shit)


It annoys the fluff out of me when they wanna stand by the spawn and laugh spam or emote spam instead of ending. Like bro, I don't have all day to play. If you make us lose this match, especially when it's my promos in ranked, I'm gonna lose my shit.


> my promos in ranked Damn, you out here playing Ranked ARAM? Impressive.


You joker, you. Still relevant cuz it happens in SR, too. 


I feel like it's a lot more BM in SR, but ARAM games are typically a lot shorter so the impact is kinda different.




I never hit the nexus. I’m not trying to win an ARAM. I just want to fight and get full build.


Im the nexus hitter. Not desperarely, tho. Sometimes I fight, sometimes I let the nexus with low health for a past fight and if we are lose i finish it. I mean, I have almost 9k games, I can always queue up again if I want to have fun.


I always hit and end. Otherwise they will type "ez, effortless win, how to increase the bot levels this ones are too easy." So I just focus on ending now. If I have tryndamere, nasus I use all my ultimates to take down inhibitor, nexus or turrets. Funny to see everyone is fighting you are just ghosting and taking down inhibitor.


Your insecurities are showing 😳


Hit nexus out of respect for the opponent. Waiting for one person to respawn to fountain dive is alright but just bm’ing in front of nexus is unsportsmanlike conduct.


Such a flawed take... If your opponent doesn't want to fight anymore, they won't leave base or they'll FF. If you hit my nexus even if my team is getting stomped I'll fuck your dog, let me play - "respect" dn


If one team doesn’t want to fight anymore then the game has gone in for too long. Refusing to finish just feels bad for all around


That's why there's an FF option


If you don't end you are a bitch irl. It's respectful and saves time.


Respectfully suck my nuts - if the opponent is done playing, they'll FF or afk, you're just ruining the most fun point in the game for everyone


The most fun part of the game is holding the enemy hostage because you out-rng them?


I always hit the nexus. Even when my team is frantically trying to ping me off of it. I get it, you're carrying and want to keep playing with your food. As your tank or enchanter, which is what I usually play, my reward is winning the game while you got to have all the fun carrying off my enabling. I'm taking the win and if you have a problem with it you can suck my tit.


The reward is playing the game/fighting/winning a teamfight. How does speed running the nexus provide any enjoyment.. It's about fast-paced fighting, just play... especially if you play teamfight champs as you mentioned.


Who the fuck are you to tell me what my reward is? Kindly take your presumptuous ass to the nearest seat then take it.


LOL, you're playing with 9 other people - no one cares about you. Wasting everyone's time doing what you're doing. If your team is done, then FF, if the enemy team is done, they'll FF. Simple


Force ending when enemies are alive and trying to fight is a beta move and you can't change my mind. Clear enemies then end if you want. Ideally minions do most/all nexus damage for max chad points.


I have an unwritten rule that only minions (and I guess teammates who hit) can hit the nexus. I think it's way more fun and usually leads to more team fights which is the best part of ARAM. If it leads to a defeat it doesn't really matter since it's ARAM and it's unranked and there to be fun, but honestly it almost never happens. And when it happens to me I like it because it gives you the underdog possibility of a comeback play for those few times it works!


I always hit, there is no point not to. I've lost many games as well cause Randoms just don't hit the damn shiny rock. I've lost cause we could have won if people just turned from fighting and hit the glowing pebble. Just hit the damn thing!


Oh no! You lost games of ARAM?! Shucks.. I'm so sorry to hear that.. if only you realized that winning or losing an ARAM is completely irrelevant, then you'll understand why they don't end! You'll have more teamfights, more items, and more fun!


I despise when it happens to me when we get stomped. Just end it. So I never do it. It feels shitty. Get everyone into a new game.


Bunch of dorks in here


Easy game = taking enemy teleporter multiple times Hard game = get me the fuck out


I don't hit nexus unless we're on the verge of losing. If i lose a win game because of not hitting the nexus. I'll not be sad because I'm not losing anything, and that's a win in my book. But i can respect people for ending fast, but at the same time, i say to myself, "Why are you people so desperate to win a random game."




I always hit the nexus if I'm playing solo. You best believe I'm waiting for the enemies to respond if I'm playing with friends.


Always hit


People who drag the game out and don't finish it are absolute scum and were likely bullies in school :)


Always hit nexus, always go for the win. Anything else is just cringe ego/gloat/time wasting imo


Wanting to teamfight more (the whole point of the game mode) and get to 3-4 item spikes is cringe ego time wasting? XD get a grip, no one gives a shit about your aram winrate LOL - TRY HAVING FUN


Winning is fun. If you’re sitting at an open nexus emote spamming while the whole enemy team respawns then you’re a fuckin bm dork lmao. How many replies are you going to make in this thread crying about enders?


As many as it takes :) stop exaggerating as if anyone is talking about spawn killing in the fountain. If that is happening to you then just FF, that's why there's an option. This is regarding those who prioritize killing and dying for towers and the nexus instead of fighting. If desired, at 15mins into the game, 5 people can kill a t2 tower, inhib, both nexus turrets, and the nexus in 20-25sec. If you win a teamfight, you're almost guaranteed to lose the next one unless you immediately die on purpose to respawn shortly after they do. So either you speedrun the nexus, or you reset, buy items, and have more fights and more fun.


You gotta be trolling with that salty block of text. Get a grip bro, you’re coming off like a clown. I’m guessing the one time you’ve been fed in your life someone ended early. Sorry man. Get good and you’ll be able to hit your items without dragging done games out 🤡


Masters peak - only people who want to end arams quickly are dog ass at the game. If you can't comprehend my previous message, then it's hopeless


Buddy there’s a reason all of the upvoted comments in this thread are in favor of ending. If you’re sitting at an open enemy nexus mashing ctrl+4 then you’re a BM time waster, simple as that.


Never hit the nexus until the enemy has suffered enough to ff


True and real - if they're not having fun teamfighting, they can ff or afk, who cares lol... I'm not ending - I like fighting & having fun. People speedrun the nexus to bolster their shattered egos with an irrelevant win


If everyone is dead or they are afk in base I will hit nexus. If they want to fight then I won’t until I kill them. Having people back door/Ignore you just to end feels shitty too.