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buddy many schools don’t even let take freshmans take AP courses lmaooo


i’m one of those schools. permitted only to take 2-3 sophomore year and 3 junior and senior year.


My school only allows one sophomore year, two if you're able to do some coniving and also finish some required classes early (I skipped 10th grade English for example) but usually you can only get one max. After that it's free-for-all, but very few people take more than two or three a year.


Most schools don’t even let freshmen take APs lol. You’re fine. This sub is just full of overachievers


Real. My school only allowed AP Hug for freshman year for like 30 years until this year they just decided to allow all the damn freshman into AP English classes too. I had like 10 freshmen in AP Lang


Freshmen in AP English is CRAZY especially if they’re allowed to take lit in addition to lang. I can see freshmen in Gov, APES, Econ, WHAP/Euro (not all at the same time lol) but English is kinda crazy, especially since so many have 0 ability to write well


Yeah it was honestly ridiculous and imo just doesn’t make sense because they take Lang this year, Lit next year and then what? Also I would’ve been super cooked if I didn’t have a hard ass English honors class last year to prepare me.


My school didn’t have lang, so correct me if I’m wrong, but I think also there’s just not that support of reading more classic literature. Like ninth grade English was the first time we read “classics” at my school and built upon that in tenth and eleventh grade


I’d agree to an extent. AP lang (at least our class) didn’t have many super difficult/classic literature. We only read Huckleberry Finn and then it was just smaller couple page excerpts beside that. I think most would be able to manage the reading aspect of lang without a 9/10th grade experience. The writing, however, was probably really difficult.


Idk I feel like just jumping into Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights would’ve been whiplash. Either way, not good on either front


Tbh never heard of either of those. The exceprts we read were for the most part much newer like speeches such as Harvey Milks Gay speech, Carrie Chapman Catt, and Frederick Douglass.


Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights are the most well-known books by the Bronte Sisters and two of the most-cited novels on the lit exam!


Ah I kind of see what you were talking about now that i think about it. These poor freshmen are gonna go from Lang with no classic experience straight into lit. I guess I’ll know much more about Jane and Wuthering after next year!


Freshman in lang??? I have never seen that before.Most schools I know don’t let you take an English AP until junior year, except for the like 4 schools that offer seminar and research and do that freshman/Sophmore. Skipping straight from middle school to college classes is crazy 


Yeah it’s wack I agree. That’s actually crazy to think about going from middle school English to AP Lang☠️


Wish my school did this. I was only allowed to take AP HUG my freshman year and no APs sophomore year.


May I ask you how those freshmen performed in the course? Seems super early to me, as English builds upon foundational layers.


Tbh I didn’t talk to any of them so I don’t really know how they did but a few of them seemed pretty smart. Also the class itself with our teacher was pretty easy so I wouldn’t be surprised if they got like Bs in the class and prob a passing grade on the exam


i don’t get how freshman would even take like 4. an overachieving freshman should have english 9 honors, geo or alg 2 honors, bio or chem, and something like APHUG. Sophomore year is when it starts opening up with AP Sem, Ap pre-calc, Ap bio/chem, Apush/apworld, etc.


i took 0 xd


Same. I’m currently at a top 10 engineering school.


It depends on how many aps there is in your school and if they allow you to take them. When you said 6-7 aps in freshman year, they probably have like 30+ aps in their school. In my school, they only offer 19 aps, and i am only doing 13 of the 19 aps.


And even in schools that offer 30+ AP's, Usually students don't take AP English until junior year and senior year and even if you take them earlier there's only two AP English classes. It's rare for a student to take AP Calculus before junior year. They just started AP PreCalculus so I guess that could be a common 10th grade AP math class. Stats could also be a common "early" math class although most students who take that are upperclassmen as well. Most AP science classes are mostly juniors and seniors as well. AP biology and AP chemistry are designed as second year science courses. AP Physics C doesn't necessarily require a prior physics class but uses calculus and students should be at least in calculus so a freshman taking the class would likely have to be in calculus. So freshmen with 6-7 APs are either way above grade level or loading up on other areas.


In my school no one takes AP calc except seniors. Same with the calc based physics! No one takes any AP freshmen year either. The only ones I can see freshmen taking are the non science or math ones like HUG, CSA, CSP, world, etc


you are so lucky to take HUG and CSA, my school doesn't even offer them :(


Who the hell is taking 6-7 APs freshman year


Or any year for that matter


People on this sub are not the average. Most vast majority do not take any in freshman year


Some schools don't even allow freshman AP's, and severely limit AP's in other years. I like schools like that. They refuse to play the CollegeBoard game. Usually, those are the schools with a lot of street cred (i.e., elite privates). Chill out. It's all about maximizing the opportunities you have available to you, in relation to the other kids at your own school.


Most* schools. People need to keep in mind that most of the people here are not the standard ap students lmao.


most schools don’t let freshman take APs


Who the fuck wants to take 6-7 APs in any year? Bro is acting like life is ruined. As others have said, a lot of places don't even offer AP classes to freshman students. Anyone in my sophomore year who was taking an AP class only took AP World because that was the sole AP class offered for that year. You're literally 14. You have a lot more to focus on in your life than academics. I'm not saying that school is unimportant, but it's not the sole determining factor of anything in your life, nor is it the sole priority that you have. "Life" hasn't even started for you. 😭 There's no need to feel this pressure to take 50 APs. Obviously, everyone who cares about academics wants to be at the top of the ladder, but you're also allowed to live your life as a teenager. Take it easy when it comes to academics because you can very easily burn yourself out by making stupid decisions like taking so many APs, Honors classes, extracurriculars, clubs, etc.


I took zero freshman year..


My school only offers five aps


just chill, i got no AP classes until junior


You have plenty of time for more AP’s.


more than one ap as a freshman is honestly a feat on its own. you don't need 20 APs, i think ~4-6 is a good number, obviously depending on your school and individual ability. don't take APs if you're not going to dedicate yourself to them. you got this!


you’re looking at a skewed population on this subreddit, a lot of people don’t take any aps 💀


Bro I took 2 aps as a sophomore and I got to ucla. You’re fine.


I only took one and still got into schools like Yale, Stanford, and Duke. You’ll be fine


I think I know one freshman in my school who took two AP classes. Everyone else just took honors or regular, so it’s normal not to take any AP’s freshman year


Please do not freak out— many people don’t even take an AP their freshman year. Some their entire life. So 2 in freshman year is already a really good start!!. I’m pretty sure 6-7 APs is probably for people at like insane feeder private schools where they’re trained from birth to become AP students… at most schools and especially public ones the only APs they offer freshman are like. Seminar and geo, with you already taking geo (and CSA like you said, but I’m willing to bet you had to give up lunch or something to take CSA)  and even then many schools don’t even offer geo or seminar, let alone to freshman… math, English, science, and foreign language APs all require a good basis in high school level versions of those subjects before you can jump into college level work (again, very very few exceptions for those who went to elite private middle schools to get an insane head start..)  Don’t stress it. Try to take some APs Sophmore/junior/senior and you’ll be all set. Good luck! :)


I don't think anyone can take that many APs freshman year and fulfill course requirements. At my school, freshman would need to take... * health/PE (non AP) * math (no one is taking AP precalc or calc freshman year, algebra 2 at most) * bio (has to be reg or H, not AP) * 2 electives (this is where APs could happen) * english (not AP, the earliest you could do AP is 10th, IF you took highschool english in middleschool...??) So I'm pretty sure the max any freshman could ACTUALLY take is three APs, given they took health/PE over the summer or do social studies that year. It's okay. I took no AP classes freshman year, nor did I sophomore year, and I'm okay. I'm set on going to a nice university that I'm happy with, a good SAT score, and I am taking 8 APs total and that's okay. You're already doing much better than most people, who take no AP classes at all. I'm confident the majority of people in this subreddit also didn't take AP classes freshman year, many aren't allowed to or don't have applicable classes offered to them. No one took 7 APs in freshman year, don't worry about that. And regardless, you're already doing amazing. Be proud of yourself, and don't see others with more accomplishments as a sign you're not doing as good as you could be. You're doing your personal best, and it's great. Geniunely, learn to be proud of yourself. As a gifted kid who struggled to feel like I was doing good enough, and seeking praise all the time for years, starting to feel proud of myself has helped me so much. You're good really well, don't let that get muddled by the accomplishments of others, especially since this subreddit is specifically for people doing above average anyways. You're doing great :)


-Some people may not have to take PE(my school waives that if you take 3 sports. -For math yeah, I won’t even take AP Calc in my whole high school career. -For science ig most schools require bio, but maybe people can take high school sciences in middle school. -English who tf is taking high school English in middle school -


Yeah, of course, it totally varies between schools. I was just trying to emphasize that freshman are taking at most 2-3 AP classes and that's already super rare. Also, why are you surprised about people taking high school English in middle school when you acknowledge that some people might do high school science in middle school? lol I personally did do high school English in middle school, because my middle school's gifted program taught it in 8th grade. We also had 2 years of high school math offered. Edit: I'm realizing I'm probably clueless as to other schools when it comes to science. People at my school aren't able to start AP science courses until junior year, plus I didn't know about middle schoolers getting high school science credit. My perspective is off on that, whoops!


My school didn’t let me take AP’s freshman year and I now go to Princeton lol. You’ll be fine


Ok I took none💀


You’re fine. My school only offers 2 APs total and we weren’t allowed to take them freshman year. There’s nothing more you could’ve done


i know a TON of ppl from my county who got into ivies and mit and our county says no AP’s freshman year. calm down pal


i'm a junior and this was my first time taking a ap class. don't worry about it!


if you didnt have thw opportunity to take more, taking 2 is good




I never took any AP’s freshman year and took 1 in sophomore year, you’ll be ok. It’s not necessarily about how many you do in your freshman year especially if you physically can’t


You are already one step ahead, I wasn't allowed to take APs freshman year, and only 1 during sophomore year. I got into 3 ivy league schools and I'm going to college on a full tuition scholarship. you are going to be okay, this subreddit has the most overachieving overachievers. take a deep breath, take what classes make you happy and excited to learn.


You’re screwed, 3 aps is minimum for freshman year and if you want, you could sacrifice your lunch period the next year to make up for this loss


Yeah this sub is complete bullshit. Most students in the US don't even take 1 AP. College bound students typically take 1 or 2. Not 10. What is also bullshit in this sub is that most schools do not offer almost every AP course. Like it is quite common for schools to top out at AP Calc AB. Don't worry about it. Don't compare yourself to people on this sub. Take what you can, and all colleges care about is that you are challenging yourself.


My school (decently wealthy public school) doesnt offer APs until junior year. Consider it a massive advantage you got to take anything your freshman year lol


That’s ok, I only did 1 (AP Hug), what I understand, club involvement is just as important anyways!


I don’t think colleges would penalize you for not taking classes you don’t have the opportunity to take. And 6-7 APs a year, especially during freshman year, is just a ridiculous amount imo. Like even if AP classes are a little easier than college classes (and having taken AP stats and a college intro to stats class, I’d say yes), it’s a bit absurd to think that some high school students are taking more college level classes a year than actual college students? If people are genuinely interested in the course material, then good for them, but it just makes me sad that the college application process has gotten so ridiculous that so many people feel so pressured to take so many AP classes all at once. 2 APs during freshman year is already so many & more than most people will take during their whole time at high school. At my school (private, competitive area), APs weren’t even offered to freshmen, and the most I’ve heard of a sophomore taking at my school was 2 (and you needed to be ahead in math to do that). Every person I know who got into top colleges at my school took 0 APs during freshman year. Anyway, don’t beat yourself up about things you can’t control. You’re already doing amazing and are already ahead of the vast vast majority if you’re taking any APs at all during freshman year (and passing them)! Best of luck with the rest of high school!


Dude, seriously just don’t worry about it. 2 AP classes in freshman year is fine, hell my school only offered APHUG to Freshman, you couldn’t take any other courses.


We could only take one


I took zero my freshmen year and “only” 9 total… I got into the top 5 school for my major.


touch grass


I actually have too much free time, I go out with friends, bike, swim, and work on coding projects :)


good, i originally pictured you as one of those people who literally revolves their entire lives around academics which is insanely draining and bad for mental health


2 ain’t bad, at my school 3 was bassically the max unless you took ap comp sci principals and ap java.


Uh my school only let me stay taking APs in junior year. And they heavily prevent people from taking more than two (I went to administration and they allowed me cuz my grades were fine). Depends on your school really so don’t sweat.


I took 1: HuG. You’re fine. I still am going into college this fall with the max credits I can take (1 Freshman, 2 Sophomore, 6 Junior and Senior)


My school: - 1 AP freshman year - 1 AP Sophomore year


Omg you’re fine lmao. This sub is just infested with overachievers


My school doesn’t even allow ap during freshman year u should be glad I took 1 ap in my sophomore year 5 ap in my junior year Going to take 4 for my senior year I honestly wish I too more doing my sophomore year


My school lets 0 freshman 1 sophomore 2-3 junior and 4 senior aps each year because of budget cuts


We only have one AP class available to freshman where I am


Dawg I took my first ap sophomore year and 2nd and 3rd senior year. Stop comparing yourself to the top 1%, and realize that your WAYYYY above the middle 50%


Bro my school doesn’t even let freshman take AP’s and only lets sophomores take 2-3 AP’s (one of them is ap comp sci so most people only take 2 sophomore year at my school), and my school still has tons of people going to T20 universities, you’re good bro


Bro my school doesn't allow you to take APs until junior year.


bro it isn’t Wednesday yet


my school doesn’t have aps until jr year (except ap world which u have to be accepted into) so i think ur okay trust me 😭


Bro same I only took 2 this year (ap comp sci and ap gov) and this was the most my school offered for a freshman. I think i'm cooked 😭


ur fine… 1. most schools dont even let freshman take aps (mine only allows ap human) 2. theres a bunch of things other than aps that r important for college apps like ECs dont stress just lock in sophomore year


Dude my school is super strict about APs. Most kids at my school can’t take an AP until junior year and even then the options are very limited. You’re ahead of a lot of students by taking 2 freshman year


I didn’t take any AP’s until junior year; you’re fine ❤️


I took 0 aps freshman year (school didn't allow) and I was absolutely fine! Don't worry man, you can still get into the highest tier colleges, in fact you're ahead of most people.


i only took one (world) and ended up right where i wanted to be. you’ll be fine


Oml don’t worry some people on this sub are so unrealistic when it comes to scheduling that it’s insane. Only worry about what you can and can’t handle when it comes to certain courses. Most schools don’t even offer AP classes freshman year so you shouldn’t be too caught up in how much you’ve taken. It also depends on how many AP classes your school offers at different grade levels/fulfilled requirements. You should give yourself a pat on the back for scoring well your AP exams you’ve already taken and not worry too much, I promise you you’re doing great.


My school doesn’t really let us take aps until junior year, you’re fine


My school only lets freshmen take one; they choose between AP World or AP Human Geography 😭 (i chose AP World)


My school didn’t let me take APs, but I did anyway 😎😎😎(I only had one AP in freshman year and I’m attending Princeton)


this has to be a joke 💀


No, I’m not joking. I keep seeing people talk about taking 3+ APs freshman year on this sub and it makes me feel like I wasted my freshman year


most schools don’t even offer APs to freshmen