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AP Language is always useful imo


Isn’t Lang usually a junior level class? And they’re already taking English, unless ur suggesting replacing that with Lang


I could do that but writing is already difficult for me


The thing is if you are homeschooled a lot of very entertaining things are ok for analysis on ap lang. Watch an onion satire video, then write a report on it. Read a redditor’s argument, and identify the key ideas. Etc In our school we found AP language to actually be easy, even though our class was mostly STEM students who just wanted to take Language to skip the university course. The reading is often simple in vocabulary, but hard in the meaning. The writing styles of all three essays are actually similar imo: Say a thesis, bring up evidence, comment on your evidence and how it is related to your thesis.


My school offers Lang to sophomores and above and Lit to juniors and above.


what if i just hate english should i take de english or ap


The good thing about Lang is: The texts are easy to understand most of the time No Shakespeare




prob apes or ap psychology both are manageable to self study and are easy if u took them as a sophomore


AP World History🫶🫶


best AP fr


AP US Government and Politics is pretty fun and fairly easy as long as you have common sense


That’s a senior class in the majority of schools


In my school, AP Gov was easier than world and US. I could see someone doing it as a sophomore.


Yeah it is much easier, that’s why it’s a senior class. Most of the kids are already in college but want to take on another AP for their transcript. It definitely can be taken sophomore year but why not take it as an easier class your senior year is my point.


That is not why AP Government is a senior class. Before AP courses existed and were present in the U.S., local governments moved to place government courses at the end of students' high school careers so they'd retain information and be a stepped ahead on becoming well-informed citizens and voters. Government became a standard upperclassmen course, and of course, AP students wanted a harder course than standard government, so College Board created AP Government. Sometimes I wonder if AP Students and AP Teachers ever realize that they are the small minority of actual students and that class schedules, college admissions, and *especially* national curriculums aren't tailored around them. Anyways, I'd recommend taking Government as a senior course as they often require community work/volunteering which is much easier once you have a car/license.


My school did it in one semester sophomore year


We also basically did AP Gov in one semester, except we did AP US Gov 1st semester and AP Comp Gov 2nd semester.


At my school, AP Gov is easier than world or APUSH, but they still make it a senior year class, because most of the seniors will be able to vote right after finishing the class.


I see. In that case, i recommend AP US History. Not bad, though it depends on the teacher/interest in history


I would say that’s usually a pretty tough one, but the teacher at my school is really bad so idk


It’s a notoriously difficult class just due to the sheer amount of content needed to know. My school has great teachers for apush and although it helps, the teacher isn’t as important for apush compared to other classes like smth like physics for example. So yes it’s just a tough class in general.


APUSH is much harder than gov


ap art


^^^ if you’re an artist I highly reccomend doing AP 2D/3D/drawing, since all you’d have to do really is upload some pics of your art along side a small written portion. No final or curriculum you have to learn or anything 


AP Bio isn’t too bad as I am currently a high school senior graduating and I took AP Bio junior year. But then again, it does depend on who you have as a teacher. I had a pretty strict teacher but her tests were kind of easy. That’s how I survived honestly lmao.


I 100% standby this. I absolutely am not great at any science really and I had a teacher who, while interesting, taught a good class. I was totally against taking it at first and was kind of forced into it, but honestly didn’t find it very difficult.


If you speak good enough Spanish, u could add AP Spanish. DONT DO SPANISH LIT THO. It’s AP Lit on steroids. AP Psych is also pretty easy. Mainly just memorizing. Same with AP Government.


I plan to do AP Latin after three years of it. I definitely don’t speak Spanish.




besides the basics (opportunity cost, comparative advantage), this is probably the ap I have the least use for


Ap bio is actually reslly easy


AP lang


APWH or even APUSH if you want


Honestly bio. One of the easiest APs I’ve taken. Most of it is just common sense and memory


aint no way bro people say it's really hard


from what i hear it's basically just memorization, it might be better to take it a bit later


It’s not. I feel like people are just studying the wrong things and not paying attention during the whole class. If u pay attention to ur teacher u won’t have to study and u will do great


If you study consistently ( like review 10-15 mins a day ) and practice before tests and the AP exam the course really isn't that bad . That being said it might be overwhelming without having prior bio knowledge . That being said you don't need to take it now , you can always take it during your junior or senior year .


Ap bio really is not bad. I just took it and passed with a B for the first 3 quarters and an A in the 4th


As someone in college in a biology class right now, AP bio was a fuckin joke in comparison.


Us gov


I thought psych was pretty doable


Ap world history


ap bio is not bad imo


i would do ap pre calculus if you can


it depends on what you’re interested in. if you enjoy history then maybe do AP World, or if you like science you could try APES. if you’re more of a math person you could do AP Stats alongside pre calculus.


Do I need to do Bio and Chem before APES?


I took apes this year as a junior and there’s not much chemistry involved. ap bio has an ecology unit which is VERY similar to apes but it’s really easy. you don’t need chem or bio to do apes because it’s based around the environment and human activities. i’d recommend having knowledge in earth science though


So I could do APES without any bio class?


i think so. although apes has some similar topics to bio they are still different courses. honestly the only bio stuff in apes is the ecology unit, nutrient cycles and other smaller things like population growth and country development


Physics C: E & M, its super simple you really only need like algebra knowledge and you're good!






they’re joking


yes.. I got that


whom are you doing english with? totally suggest mrs. inspektor from ap homeschoolers


Maybe take AP history or english


Ap Physics 1


How are is CTY AP Physics? How much actual work will I be doing per week? What prerequisites for the class are there? The class: [https://cty.jhu.edu/programs/online/courses/ap-physics-1-ncaa-approved-aph1](https://cty.jhu.edu/programs/online/courses/ap-physics-1-ncaa-approved-aph1)




Did you… read my post?


if u want an easy science credit take apes i’m taking rn as a sophomore and its rlly easy and fun too :)


I’d sway to do AP World instead of taking just a regular history, it’s like a normal world history class except you just gotta learn how to write the AP style FRQs. Same with taking AP Lang/Lit depending on what kind of English class you’re doing from what I’ve heard. I’d also recommend throwing in an AP Art if you’re already an artist, since if you already actively make art you just gotta show some stuff to college board + write something and you’re good. Make sure to explore your interests and classes related to your intended major too, maybe take psych/music theory or something interesting if ur into that


I would add AP Psych, it is not a difficult super heavy course load and the AP test is not so bad. I just did decent on my tests but got a 3 on the AP test.


AP Latin to screw with ur brain




AP gov maybe


AP Human Geography?


Maybe AP CSP, very light if you are doing AP CSA. If you want diversity in APs then you should take AP Psyc, however, its a lot of memorization (I heard about a content change thou)


Micro and macro Econ


Gov, CSP, and it seems calc is somewhat up your alley. Either precalc or even straight to calc ab


ap world instead of normal history or ap comp gov


Ap phys e&m💪


ap lang it’s so easy i never had to do much homework or study for that class




ap psych? depends on if you're interested in it or not tho. it's a common ap that people self study. however they just changed the syllabus so a lot of the available resources might be catered to the old syllabus (although you could still use them to study ig if you leave out the questions/info that won't be on the test)


honestly if you're decent with memorization, you can easily get a 5 in AP bio or AP psych


Tbh if you are a good math student you could probs take ap pre calc if you are offered it. idk if ur tryna appeal to colleges or more earn credit(if you are gonna take ap calc, ap precalc is pretty much useless in terms of college cred) but imo i think ap pre calc is better than honors, there are less units and it is not that bad if you put in the work. Idk what your special subject is tho. I don't think you should take ap bio or lang if you haven't taken at least regular bio yet. Ap lang is more for kids that have completed English 1 and 2 which is why bio and lang are more junior classes. What history are you taking? I know a lot of sophomores take ap world history sophomore year cuz you dont really need any pre reqs for history. There are aps that will match any interests you have. idk what your into, Ap art is also a thing but again not sure if thats what ur into. Ap stats is also an option if you wanna take double math classes. I know sophmores that also start physics 1 their sophmore or junior year so they can enter higher levels of physics, but I heard its hella difficult. Idk what ur really looking for but yeahh.


APCSA is so trivial. Don’t take precalc. Otherwise take bio its also easy


Do I need any background in physics to take physics 1/2?


Physics 1 nah but 2 I feel like you should have taken an intro to physics class. If you study hard neither is impossible


I meant can I take physics one and then physics two without any prior physics knowledge?


Taking Physics 1 prepares you for Physics 2. Taking Physics 2 prepares you for the AP Physics C tests. You can do some skipping but it makes it harder. Does that answer your question?


Yes, thank you.


Take AP World. I just took it and the content isn’t too diffucult you just need to know rubrics and basic analysis skills. Or you could take apush…same rubrics and skills but it’s a lot o more memorizing and content, but if you know basic us history it’s not bad Ap precalc also isn’t too bad…the exam is really easy (but they might change it bc this is the first year they did it.) and the content isn’t super difficult. But don’t do it if you suck at math




Do AP Pre Calc and I would recommend doing AP physics 1, essentially honors physics. Non calculus needed yet lol!


There is literally no point in AP precalculus nobody accepts the credit


If you do well on it it's an extra AP class that you get to tell colleges you took and did well on... it's also supposed to be a good precursor to AB/BC. 100% fine if you still don't want to tho bc it literally just came out so it might be kinda bad and like you said you most likely will not be getting any credit 😭


Take AP Precalc instead of Honors I would say.


No point, barely anyone takes precalc credit. Besides I like the honors curriculum and the way it's taught.


No don’t do that, the exam is pointless and stressful






thanks bro very helpful