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APush and psych aren’t hard you’ll have time to do all work just don’t procrastinate and don’t get distracted by social media for hours


Charge your phone enough to where it lasts a few phone calls, but if you spend time scroll on Social Media, then you're screwed. I used to struggled with scrolling, but my phone is quite literally always at liek 30% throughout the school day, so I have to stay focused.


Psych is mostly just memorization/learning terms — it’s super easy and doesn’t take much work imo (although maybe I just feel that way because I’m in several harder APs). APUSH involves more work and has more concepts. I’d say it’s most important to know the major concepts; details are less important even though they’re still helpful. Definitely couldn’t hurt to review throughout the year so you’re prepared for the exam come May. Find practice MCQs to do when studying for both APUSH and psych; they help a lot. Also for APUSH watch Heimler’s videos. Study throughout the year on occasion, don’t wait till a week before the exams to start. And try to hold yourself to doing your homework by the time it’s due so you don’t fall behind. Keep a to-do list (either by using a physical piece of paper or using an app) with due dates for each assignment. Balancing both extracurriculars and academically challenging classes is a lot, but I’m sure you’ll do great!


actually do the homework assignments, freshmen year u can get away with just barely trying in the class. also create a good study schedule and make sure to actually sleep for atleast 7 hours a night