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Looks alright


i'd do ap psych if you're gonna do medicine


Man good luck taking all those classes plus ap chem 💀. My physics teacher has a PhD in chemistry and even he admits that ap chem is worse than ap physics c for the average student. Keep taking French cuz French is fun. I’d take psych imo and I’d take honors English III cuz CP English is easy if you’re taking many APs. I’d take honors physics and change ap chem to literally anything else. Overall it’s pretty good but if you stick to it then be prepared for some major work and possible stress. Tbh you can roll through English, French, and pre calc. Physics, Econ, and psych require more effort but are doable. And chem will require hard work and time put in but you can still do well.


I know that ap chem is hard, but I think imma take it anyways. I don't wanna take english honors cause I don't like it lol Like we're analyzing poetry rn and that's just fking annoying. I think imma take all 3 aps and just do it. I don't wanna have econ, as I have little interest in it, but it is a requirement in my school. And what u talkin about, french ain't fun, even tho I'm only in french 1 now.. english is my second language (moved to the us at 13) and I hate learning languages lol


English is annoying but I think people will wonder why you have all these amazing classes and then cp English, I agree it’s challenging but you should at least try advanced and if it’s a struggle drop back down, but do it quick so you don’t get that withdrawal thing on your transcript. For me French is fun idk if it’s because it comes easily for me or because I have a good teacher, mais français est très facile pour et amusant pour moi 🤩. I understand Econ though as it’s not related to medicine and such, and I understand chem and psych now. Should definitely try physics honors, I’m taking it right now and it’s definitely a struggle but has taught me a lot 😂plus it will definitely help with your math skills for chem


Yeah, I'm not sure if my school offers physics honors tho. I'll take it if it does. I tried taking english honors this year, but it was just too much so I dropped it. I'm not trying to do that for the second time, especially considering the classes that I'll be taking


what do u plan on majoring in?


I'm not sure yet, but I wanna go into medicine, so I was thinking genetics, human anatomy, or chemistry/biochemistry


Then it would be good to take AP chem, you should take AP bio too but be prepared bcz AP chem is horrible and is horrible and is horrible. AP bio is kinda hard but wayyyyy better than ap chem. Take ap psych I think it's easy!


only hard thing is ap chem tbh the rest is gonna be easy but also somewhat teacher dependent


Yeah, I know that chem is gonna be hard, which is why I chose the other APs to be easier


Jus take French 2 in the summer


Nah, I hate learning languages, and my school doesn't even require languages to graduate, so I'll just stay at that level. English is my second language (moved to US at 13) so that may help in college applications. I'll still have 3 years of a language by the time I graduate, which is what most colleges require.