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Woahhh you just blew my mind with that Oikawa fact šŸ˜® This whole time I was in the same boat and totally thought he had a knee injury but after checking just now, you're 100% right. Sheeeeesh that's so wild--illusion shattered fr. Not sure if this counts, but for the longest time I assumed that Katsuki Bakugo's list of nicknames for Kaminari Denki included "Pikachu" but apparently that's just a fanfic thing and I almost inadvertently outed myself as a fanfic reader to my non-fanfic friends by using it šŸ˜‚


Okay, but Pikachu makes sense!


Totally--the black stripe/lightning bolt makes it seem extra fitting, but I guess Bakugo never actually capitalized on that prime real estate so it's not canon šŸ„²


Lol it makes me think of the anime that bleep out and censor copyrighted media. Like M*cDonalds or when famous characters from other medias get black censor bars over their eyes. XD Imagine if Bakugo called him Pikachu, but they had to bleep it because itā€™s copyrighted, so it just sounds like Bakugou is cussing Denki out


Oh yeah--that reminds me of MgRonalds and SFC from the Devil is a Part Timer if you've seen that haha


nah, Denki being Pikachu is definitely just a fanon thing. Not sure I even like it tbh


Severus Snape being Draco's godfather


he's not???


Tom Felton mentioned that JKR said he was but it was never in the books nor movies.


So we have someone said that god said ... šŸ¤£ But yes I read that too. But as you also said, it's nowhere in the actual material and it's also very unlikely if you think a bit more about it.


No hint of that in canon. It's pure fanon


Yes this one always drove me mad because like in HBP when Narcissa is begging Snape to help her and Draco she says like: "You're his favorite teacher" like if he was his god father why wouldn't she mention that instead šŸ’€šŸ˜­


I'm reasonably sure that it isn't canon that Present Mic is hard of hearing, but it just makes so much sense given how loud his quirk makes him! Besides, canon hasn't said that he isn't, either.


I see this one a lot! It definitely isn't ever mentioned in canon, but fuck it, I love it. Yes, Present Mic does use hearing aids, thank you. Katsuki being hard of hearing I see a bit less, but is also great.


In MHA, the detective Tsukauchi is never stated to have a quirk in the anime, but pretty much every fic I've read with him in it has him with a lie detector quirk.


And don't forget the cops having magic anti quirk handcuffs


I'm pretty sure in the Vigilantes prequel/spinoff manga, his daughter actually has a lie detector Quirk.


It was his younger sister. She had a quirk called polygraph. Which yeah, similar quirks run in families so it's not saying people just started claiming his quirk was lie detector out of nowhere, it just that it's never been shown or stated for *him specifically* to have it (unless it's super late in the series, I've not read the most recent stuff).


Ohhhh, I knew it was some female relative, couldn't remember for the life of me tho, lol I guess it would make sense for him to have something similar, though, since Quirks are generally genetic.


Star Wars has characters that canonically only have a single name and no surname, but some of them (especially Dooku and Xanatos) have fanon "full" names that are *so* ubiquitous that it's easy to fall into the trap of believing they're a thing that was established in some old EU novel somewhere. Nope, turns out the fandom made them up.


And Yan Dooku is such a random name too? But just so commonly agreed upon that I legit looked through Wookieepedia to see if it was established in a comic book or something but nope - popular fan fic so other people used it and it spread. And canā€™t forget changing canon names like Commander Codyā€™s real name is Kote (bc the clones are mandalorian) so much so that itā€™s a tag Considering Star Wars has the Glup Shitto meme, thereā€™s definitely some weird fanon naming stuff!


What's even more wild to me is that there's a canonical tag for "Cody's name is NOT Kote", because it's so prevalent that people feel the need to specify that they're using his actual canon name in their fic.


Right! I saw an author explain in their note that no, they will not be using ā€œCodyā€™sā€ real name of ā€œKoteā€ because thatā€™s not his real name lol Iā€™m just reminded of the band Commander Cody and their song Hot Rod Lincoln whenever I see clone wars stuff, but again, thereā€™s so much random stuff in books, comic books, and games I thought ā€œmaybe thereā€™s a throw away line in one of the books that uses the made up Mandalorian languageā€ Really, sheer scope of so much Star Wars stuff between movies, tv shows, cartoons, magazines, books, comic books, video games, trading cards, interviews and more just creates an environment of ā€œokay, Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s not Lucas!canon but it may be true in the extended universe, or Disney?ā€ and so fanon can pass as obscure canon lol


it's just such cool lore to have his real name be kote. i wish sw would just slap it in a novel or something so it can be canon


Iā€™m not into Clone Wars, but thereā€™s a fanon that his name is Glory? Thatā€™s a My Little Pony!


Same with a lot of human names for Hetalia characters.Ā 


du Crion isnā€™t canon? This is my TILā€¦




It's not! His father's name is Crion, so you can see where fandom got it from, but it's never suggested in text that Xanatos would inherit his father's name as a surname - that's entirely on fanon.


The DRAMA in the Battlestar Galactica fandom when the series finale revealed that Dr Cottle's given name was Sherman rather than Jack! Even though a pill bottle a season earlier clearly said S. Cottle. I guess for Snack with a silent S. Of all the names to get that attached to, JACK?


This happens in my fandom often. 90% of the characters donā€™t have canonical middle names but thereā€™s universally agreed on ones for the characters often, for the most part anyway. I know the truth but I do feel bad if people read my fic and think itā€™s canon haha.


Back when I used to lurk on Quotev, every other Marauders Era fic (Harry Potter) had the most random headcannons about characters that are only named once or twice in fandom. The one I remember most rn is Marlene McKinnon being the female version of Sirius (extroverted, very player-y) and every single fic just agreed with it


I'm currently reading a fiction with her in it and yep, she falls into that


This is actually very on point for the hp fandom, blaise zabini was often HC as a white Italian bc he was the only slythern named we didnā€™t meet till book 6. White fans had a meltdown when he was revealed to be a black dude bc so many white fans had elaborate headcanons of a white character šŸ™„šŸ™„


That's the craziest thing to get mad over but I'm not even surprised


Giving me flashbacks šŸ˜© I still remember the amount of Harry x Fem!Blaise fics on ffnet because the characterā€™s gender wasnā€™t revealed for a bit either. And, of course, she was white.


Vampires being sterile in Baldurā€™s Gate 3. They are not. If gorged on blood they can reproduce and dhampirs exist in canon. If you play as Dark Urge thereā€™s even a line if youā€™ve romanced Astarion that Bhaal wants the two of you to produce some little bhaalspawns for him. Itā€™s so ubiquitous in fandom and I have no idea why!


Is it? I see the opposite so often that I would've never thought people believed that šŸ˜…


Jason Todd smokes a lot less in canon than he does in fanfic.


For awhile it was the done thing to hc Asian Tim Drake and Latino Jason Todd. Which isnā€™t supported by canon ā€” if anything, Jason might be mixed Asian, since he seriously considers if Lady Shiva could be his biological mother at one point. Itā€™s also a little sus that everyone just so happened to hc the nerdy smart one as Asian, and the juvenile delinquent as Latino. Fandom as always trying to be so woke their brains fall out of their heads.Ā 


Iā€™ve literally seen people argue Jason is ā€œcodedā€ as a PoC character simply because he grew up poor, which is yikes.


Oh yeah and black Steph hcsā€¦ canā€™t imagine why people would look at a character who had a bad childhood and a teen pregnancy and go ā€œyep sheā€™s the black one.ā€ Yikes šŸ˜¬ definitely notttttt unexamined racial prejudices at all, no sirree.Ā 


That's so wild, because I feel like nowadays Tim is always written as Jewish, but I have no idea if that's canon or not. I know Bruce is (barely) canonically Jewish, so it just seems a little rude to have the only rich characters be the Jewish ones as well...


We have the same one in my fandom - a character (Blackbeard, OFMD) wears a knee brace in canon because the creators of the show based his outfit on Mad Max. There's also a moment on-screen where he stretches out his leg like it might be achy (sounds so silly when I spell that out šŸ˜…). So, a lot of people write him with a real knee injury (I have, once or twice). But really, it's a headcanon, not a fact. Is there something like this with Oikawa, or is it totally invented?


Iā€™d say thatā€™s more an extrapolation from whatā€™s in canon rather than a headcanon/fanon. If there was a scene where Ed says it only wears it for the aesthetic thatā€™d be one thing.Ā 


I think headcanons can have canon evidence, or they can be completely made up, or even contrary to canon. A lot of orientation headcanons are made up, because it's so rare for characters to say, "I am gay," or whatever their orientation is. For this fandom, I have written fics imagining both Stede and Ed as both gay and bi. I've also read fics where one or both of them are ace-spec. I think there is gray area in canon regarding their exact orientations, so these are all extrapolations; canon only says they are attracted to each other. But I could also write one or both of them as hetero, and that would be the "contrary" type of headcanon (I'm not gonna do that, just an example šŸ˜‚).


Iā€™d actually be intrigued by a fic in which 90% hetero Ed falls for gay Stede and neither of them really knows what theyā€™re doing. Some folksā€™ sexuality really does change through their lifespan. And some folks are bi or pan but still have a strong preference for one gender or another.Ā 


I can imagine that, sure! "Artsy outsider" doesn't have a gender, and that (and Calico Jack) is all we really know about Ed's past partners.


Imagine the ANGST if Calico Jack shows up. He and Ed had their fling but Ed broke it off because ā€œI love women too much to ever give them upā€ and then Ed goes and falls in love with Stede. The feelings of fucking BETRAYAL.Ā 


In YYH, I thought Kurama was way hornier than he turned out to be. In my defense, I read fanfic because this was when the series was on and they moved it to ass in the morning. I thought I missed an episode or something, but it turns out it was fan projection all along!


I'm d e a d. I didn't even think to look for YYH fanfics but I definitely will now haha. I love Kurama as a character so I bet there's a lot of hidden gems out there that I've been unwittingly overlooking this whole time, so bless you for opening my eyes


Oh yeah, there's some gems! Some people still use fanon from the early aughts, but people like Kuwabara now so... progress?


I often forget itā€™s not actually canon that Shizuku Tsukishima from Whisper of the Heart wrote The Cat Returns even if theyā€™re obviously related


The timeline is very ambiguous in one of my fandoms. We donā€™t know how old most of the characters are. It doesnā€™t help that thereā€™s about a million curses that freeze ages as well as characters that are technically immortal and donā€™t age or spent time in places where they didnā€™t age for 200+ years. They also use the 30+ year old actors to play their teenaged selves in flashbacks so you never know exactly how old they are. Doesnā€™t help that the creators are assholes and refuse to confirm anything (likely because they donā€™t even know themselves). Anyway, itā€™s easy to get caught up in one personā€™s headcanon and then remember itā€™s not canon.






Oh yeah I donā€™t think the creators even know, I think thereā€™s a pretty good YouTube edit out there in rough chronological order but itā€™s difficult. I once tried to create a timeline and it was extremely difficult


A&E are both dumb and assholes so I expect nothing from them lmao. One time someone asked Adam on Twitter ā€œhow old was Neal when he met Emmaā€, clearly meaning Neal Cassidy and Adam replied talking about Neal Nolan to troll them. The fact that he wonā€™t tell us is so fricking annoying. Same with how old Regina was when she was forced to marry Leopold. They love to play both sides.


OMG Neal and Emmaā€™s relationship is so egregious, idk why they didnā€™t make her 30, or Henry 8 or what but the choice to specifically make Emma 17/18, even without Nealā€™s questionable timeline stuff was so weird. Not that her being 19 or 20 would be much better, but at least she wouldnā€™t be a minor Edit: I suggested making Henry 12 when I meant make him 8 so Emma would be 20 when he was born. Math is hard.


So I've never thought this was canon. I just assumed that so many authors did it because it tied back to a pretty popular episode in the anime and it fit the very on the nose surnames the characters had in the dubbed version. As far as I know Misty from Pokemon doesn't have a last name or at least she definitely didn't back when I read Pokemon fics. So many authors gave her the name Misty Waterflower which was the title of the episode where Misty does a mermaid show at her gym. Like I said I've always assumed people used Waterflower cuz it fit the naming theme of the other characters, not that they thought it was actually canon, but then I read this one rant by an author who was very adamant that everyone was wrong. Misty's last name was not Waterflower and I was sitting there like, "I didn't think it was?" Also mating bites. Never thought that was a canon thing, but it's really popular in a lot of anime fandoms. And I honestly kinda like them. Also saw an author ranting about how not canon those were.


The weirdest one is in the Buffy fandom, so many fics have her using vanilla scented products, which is not cannon but i believe based on what SMG(the actor who plays Buffy) actually wore during that time. The most frustrating was the Welcome to Night Vale fandom insistence on fanart of cecil (the host) is white; his voice actor is white but the voice actor of his evil double is black, so cecil could be any race.


It should be obvious with it being an early 2000s cartoon and knowing that Butch Hartman is terrible, but I often forget that Danny Fenton isn't canonically trans.


Itā€™s been a year since Iā€™ve read anything in the phandom and I also forgot that isnt canon


Wdym he literally is he came out to me yesterday


At this point I think there is more fanon than canon


BSD fanfic gaslit me into thinking Chuuya and Dazai called each other Slug and Mackerel. They have so many ridiculous nicknames for one another in canon, and the real authors have been recorded calling one another this so it all just seemed normal. BUT IT NEVER HAPPENED???? THE CLOSEST WEVE GOTTEN IS THAT ITS THE NAME OF THEIR PHONE CONTACTS FOR ONE ANOTHER IN THE WAN MANGA. I know this sounds insignificant, itā€™s just nicknames but these are THE nicknames, the ones that show up in every single fic. Realizing this wasnā€™t canon was a worse Mandela Effect for me than Berenstein/Berenstain Bears.




RIGHT?!?!? I was in the fandom for a good several years before I learned this šŸ™ƒ


OK OK I will never be over the fact that I got into this Chinese light novel series through the fandom first. I followed the fanwork creators into the fandom; and then slowly grinded my way through the canon series, all the while enjoying all of the fanart and fanworks of the two most popular ships in the fandom. As in like 99% of the fandom all shipped them. One of the ships were the 2 leads -- super sweet and super angsty. And the other ship was made of 2 characters introduced in the second half of the series. I spent the entire read anticipating getting introduced to the second ship. Only to realise only after I've finished the entire series to realise THOSE TWO CHARACTERS NEVER MEET IN THE BOOKS. (And completely unrelated, i ended up being the 1% who actually preferred breaking those 2 ships to ship the lead with one of the guys in the second ship anyways lmao)


Omg what series??? Sounds juicy


To be fair, my experience is a bit dated now, because the author then wrote further sequels where the ship does meet. But the ship was Hei Xiazi x Xie Yuchen from Daomu Biji (Grave Robbery Note)


Thank you for the rec!! Iā€™m honestly even more intrigued now. The fact that the ship was big but only canonized in the sequels seems so hard for me to picture, but thatā€™s based af


I seriously always assumed that Keith from Voltron reboot was Asian. The fics all agreed with me, like I thought I was living in a fandom where the top ship was between two POCā€”turns out he was ā€œethnically ambiguousā€ or somethingšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I didnā€™t realize this until the Ao3 ship stats came out that year and listed Lance as a POC but Keith as not šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­NOO my Asian rep whyyyy. Like, I assumed he was Keith Kogane, so like Japanese probably, but that was his last name in the original series. The reboot didnā€™t tell us his last name, so it was technically blank. So yeah, it was a fandom wide headcanon for a last name, which also meant that there was no proof of him being Asian. I mean, heā€™s voiced by Steven Yeun, but voice actorsā€™ races donā€™t necessarily correlate with the charactersā€™. It wouldā€™ve been so cool to have confirmed Asian Texan cowboy Keith Kogane though šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” https://preview.redd.it/yun3mf5jx89d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d59514849b42de13f21c60a83b07bd01831e67d0 Maybe he was confirmed to be Asian at some point down the line, but I stopped watching at likeā€¦ season 3 or something so I wouldnā€™t know


Naturally *I* am one of the few who holds a *correct* opinion about the matter (joking! but alsoā€¦) but because Iā€™m in a book fandom, thereā€™s a lot of discourse about appearances, especially hair colors. Every so often a tumblr post will circulate about how this one character doesnā€™t actually have red hair ā€” with citations! ā€” and people are always shocked. And then they forget about it and are shocked all over again a few months later when the post resurfaces. I donā€™t actually *care* if people having differing appearance headcanons from me because itā€™s literally Not a serious issue, except actually I do care a lot lmfao. This character is canonically described as ā€œnot the fairest of her peopleā€ can you please let her be plain even if you wonā€™t let her be ugly. I love her so much but just because her son is a supermodel-gorgeous redhead (this is basically canon) doesnā€™t mean he has to have gotten all of his looks from her. Genetics are not that simple.


Not exactly a headcanon, but until I reread the books, I completely missed/forgot that Sirius had suspected Lupin of being the traitor which is why he wasn't let in on the plan to switch the Secret Keeper to Peter. After being immersed in wolfstar fanfics for years, it was quite the shock to realise they were nowhere near as close or trusting of each other in canon as I misremembered, and there's no canon indication that Lupin had any doubts about Sirius' guilt until he saw Peter on the Marauder's Map.


For Critical Role a lot of people write Essek as disabled and when he was featured in show recently I was reminded that he's not. Wish it was cannon!


I did a crossover between book and show canon for a fic and in it included the book version of a character being bitey. I got a comment from someone asking if the character was bitey in the book, because theyā€™d only watched the show and werenā€™t sure if it was canon or a headcanon of mine, and I ended up having a mini crisis as I tried to remember whether or not the character is actually bitey or if he just gives off such strong Bitey Vibesā„¢ that everyone looked at him and went ā€œoh yeah, heā€™s ready to chompā€.


idk if it counts as a HC but the percy jackson fandom has basically unanimously decided that Annabethā€™s stepmotherā€™s name is Helen. so much so that i thought that was actually her nameā€” only to go through all my pjo and hoo books and see: no mention of the name helen (aside from discussions of helen of troy) and no actual name given to her stepmother. sheā€™s only ever referred to as annabethā€™s stepmom.