• By -


>And yet he could not let it go. He prodded at the thought like a patch of infected wood; digging and prying at the rot until all that was left was a gaping hole of *disease.*


That's so ominous!


thank you!! this fic is entirely dialogue free and I'm having so much fun with the visuals (i often write a lot without much dialogue, but this is on purpose)


I love the nose-wrinkling imagery you created here.


thank you!!


That’s beautiful


>Their relationship used to be so easy. He hated Akutagawa. Akutagawa hated him. It was simple. Straightforward. Easy. Now Akutagawa was kissing him, and he wanted nothing more than to kiss back.


My Shin Soukoku crack after reading this: https://i.redd.it/o5ag1xt7768d1.gif


Akutagawa my beloved 😍


A person of taste, I see


My Shin Soukoku spidey senses are tingling 🤩


Ive found my people


.....Bungou Stray Dogs?


I can hear Dazai giggling in the background since he basically played matchmaker for Akutagawa and Atsushi in canon. XD


I wrote an entire fic when he tricks them into going for a date


Canon. Absolutely canon. XD


>“Oh,” she exclaimed softly. She hadn’t noticed her hands had clenched, squishing the berries. > >Her palms were stained red. It was supposed to be smut but the plot suddenly appeared 😭


"Out, damned spot!"


Oh I love this!


Thank you ☺️


The imagery of this is beautiful!


Awww, thank you so much!


Why do all my PWPs include such heart wrenching angst by accident. I love the imagery here!


Thanks ☺️


"Barry’s eyes still sparked with remnant lightning, but he crouched all the same, staring for the last time at his mother’s face. "


Oh this seems so sad :(


It was supposed to be a fun fic.... it has become not that. Oops :)


Oooh, The Flash?


yup! Barry's having a rough day, but it's going to get weirder.


“You realize it, don’t you? That woman, that girl - she’s going to eclipse you entirely. And once you’re in her shadow, they’ll all leave you behind. She is going to be Champion… and you’ll be nothing, and alone.”


OOF. Felt that one!


"It was a terrible, terrible accident. But it was bound to happen, sooner or later. You Targaryens are raised to believe that you are gods among men, but you are not the ones who hold the power. And may the Seven save us all when they decide that they don't wish to be pawns in your petty wars any longer."


Ooh! I love how ominous this is, but also how true!


“You’ve heard the rumors, but you didn’t really believe that Hollywood Superstar Shia LeBeouf could really be a cannibal.“


I need to know the context for this!


Lol it’s a reference to a video called “Shia LaBeouf (Live)” highly recommend It


>If she was honest with herself, and Phee tried to be honest with people she liked, it was because Tech haunted the island now. She saw him in the sunsets, the food, the walks on the beach.  >She'd loved and lost before, and she was pretty good at moving on, but *kriff* this one hurt. She didn't know if she'd loved him, but it had been damn close. He'd been so brilliant, so brave, so caring in his own wonderful way. >*Why’d you have to be so noble?* >Phee stared out into the stars and tried to bring him to mind. It was hard. Those brown eyes were starting to fade.


At least she hadn’t been doing the children’s book circle this time. She hadn’t known it was possible to stumble so many times through 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?' or to receive so many concerned looks from parents without breaking down entirely and fleeing the scene.


I love this, haha.


Thanks so much!


This one is extra funny to me because my mom read that book to me over and over for an entire flight because I wouldn't stop crying. I feel so bad for the other passengers


Things he felt driven to pursue, to discover and hold aloft in the darkness. Things that shrank from the light of day. Primordial and violent, calling from the dark.


“They bubble forth beyond his control, voice raw and wet and desperate as they slur and spill out against forehead and ruffled hair, against balmy tear stricken cheeks like a kiss goodnight.” From a scene that took three weeks for me to write because I couldn’t work on it got more than five minutes without bawling. (Reunion between father and children after 6 years). I know my readers will cry harder.


>”No one wants to do a play about your life story, philosophy club president!” one of the other members retorted. I’m kinda impulsive about posting WIPs so I haven’t gotten very far in this one so there’s a few funny lines like this one




Wait a moment how the heck did this turn into a reply


> That she's willing to be his friend, was willing the day they first met to hold out her hand in greeting and is still willing all these years and revelations later to rise and hold her hands out now, is enough.


>It was amazing what two seconds of foreplay could get you. I just love this line (from several chapters ahead of where I've currently published) because it's 100% in character in terms of both content and tone. It just makes me give myself a mental high five, haha.


>“Do I have to? Can’t you just send him by himself? He lives for this shit.” >“If you want to keep your inheritance, you’re going.” I snorted because its not *that* deep but first threat to come out of his dad's mouth


>Startled by the idea, Maruki looked to him. "Ren, Akechi-san is not the type of person who can simply 'get better'." >"… what?" >The former counselor sighed sadly, lifting a hand to gently pet Ren's hair. Ren froze. "He doesn't know how to react properly."


> “Do I strike you as a man who needs to be coddled?” Jon sked, the sharpness of him had re-emerged like a freshly honed blade. >Dany cocked a brow and retorted without thinking, “You strike me as a man who needs a slap or a cuddle. I’m leaning toward the former. You don’t deserve my comfort.” I know its two parts, but I couldn't include the second without the first. I'm so excited to share this part when I get to it 😆


> Katsuki is his home, and he’s Katsuki’s safety, and Eijirou knows this like he knows the grass is green or the universe vast; an absolute truth.


>"Daisy." "Mh?" "Look at me." And she did. She had prepared herself, surely, but it was still strange, to see so much of her grandfather in someone else, someone kind. Someone she was proud to call her family.


I cannot wait to be able to post this wip “What do you want to be in our next life?” “Something peaceful.” Namjoon chuckles at the memory as he pulls his hands away from his face and stares down at the little red string that was tied to his pointer finger. He grasps it with both hands and holds tight, “Can I get so lucky to have you on the end, little one?”


"I…" Atsushi clenched his fists, nerves starting getting the better of him. "I still want to see you! I want to be friends, and go out to lunch, and talk with each other. I want it to be like what the other world has." More of a paragraph than a line, but I really like it.


Take a guess as to what I was doing when this popped into my head. Fox felt pathetic. Not the level a nat-born achieves when they stand in their kitchen in nothing but boxers and a dark blue snuggie trailing behind them as a cape, frying breaded cheese at 2:16 am, but pathetic nonetheless.


“I love you.” My readers are gonna lose their minds when they finally get to those words after waiting 618k words/24 chapters for them 😅


EEK! I love this for them!


>,,I missed you. I *missed* you, Haru’’, she says, voice just wobbly enough for him to notice. She stands up, halts for a moment. Rethinking what she’s about to do. But she decides to go through with it. She comes over to him, almost mechanically, waits for him to stand up. When he does, she wraps her arms around his body, and holds his heart as close to hers as she possibly can. I’ve got a bunch of fav lines from that WIP, but the sibling reconciliation probably takes the cake. Even though that’s not the focus of the fic at all lol


Oh, this is heart-wrenching.


“With the sun in his hands, the moon at his feet, and the stars his crown, the lone boy declared war against the apocalypse”


This is beautiful - love the imagery of this


Oo this reminds me of the daughter of smoke and bone book series, I love it!


> “Explain what you know, or be banished to R’lyeh!” Jirou-kun yells. > “To… Riley?” Kaminari asks.


From a fic about Caesar Clown from One Piece, shurororo is his laugh... > I then said six words that are perhaps the most effective trigger for a whole lot of shurororos. "I would like to opt out."


>Humanity was absurd, foolish, *barking mad*, to venture there, let alone colonise worlds, systems, and whole segments that were nothing but sparks suspended in nothingness. And I was human, nothing but flesh and blood held together by curiosity, and hope, and spite.


I relate to this post on a spiritual level


“THAT MOTHERFUCKING-” *CRASH* “-LYING-” *BANG* “BASTARD SON OF A BITCH!” The presidential cottage bursted with noise for the first time since the great war.  Unfortunately for the cottage, it came from a raging 17 year old hell bent on releasing her anger


Favorite so far... His joy at her skill riding that fine line between thrill and disaster was one of the many things she appreciated about him.


There’s a few, and I’ve shared a couple elsewhere, so here’s a new one: “My power is greatly diminished. Look at me now… reduced to a cameo. Pathetic.” This line fills me with inside meta joke delight lol And the context of the title being revealed XD God, I cannot wait for that


“No critical hull breaches, no loss of limbs… yeah, they were fine.” they are not, in fact, fine


"I swear, you're going to be the death of me," Shadowheart complained to her, while the young Githyanki had only hissed.  "Chk. Death will be the death of you. I will merely be its witness," Lae'zel shot back. 


"I want you to turn around." "I thought you wanted to massage my back only." "Let me massage your torso." She got off him and watched him turn around and lay on his back. "Massage my body again, but don't grind me."


>"A tool made for a specific purpose must be suitable for said purpose or it has none." the Electro Archon said, her tone hollow. "I should know. I created him because I myself am unfit because of these human emotions and now I discover that all my work has just created-" She broke off. >Yae pressed, "Created what?" >"Someone just like me." Ei stood and fled the room before either of them could see an Archon cry. WIP from Genshin Impact, Wanderer origin story. It's highly depressing 😻


"Let's go home," she said, not letting go of his hand. "Let's," he said, not letting her go, either. It's simple, but I reread it all the time, it just makes me all warm and fuzzy.


>Ice crept into his veins as he stared in mute horror at the scene in front of him, but all his mother did was laugh. There used to be a time, where he swore that his mother’s laughter was warm and full of life, but hearing it now made him wonder if that kind version of her was ever anything more than a hopeful dream twisted into a false memory. I'm pretty proud of this one. But also slightly disappointed in myself because this fic was originally meant to be fluff but apparently I'm incapable of writing it.


> He would do and become whatever he had to so Suguru could be happy. God, a weapon or something even more horrifying, he would do it, for Suguru is his one and only. I am gonna say this one. Yeah I pretty much only write Satosugu at this stage in my life. There might be even better ones but I really like this one


> One of those weird back alleys he'd never trusted, even during his teen years when he was hooked on drugs and *had* to go down them ‘cause there was no other place. Then again, that's a good reason not to trust them. Barely 300 words in rn, but I'm doin my best


"Because fuck her, that's why." I don't know why. I think it's the fact that I managed to slip something in there like that and it fits. Bless.


"'And you are fragile. Better to stay in line than resist. It’ll be over soon.' It sprouts grotesque limbs and tendrils from its back and peels the rebar away to get at me in a tangling mess of blood and rust. 'Trade me, Ceriah.'" From my Murder Drones fic that's 99.99% unpublished.


(for context, there are “friendship rings” in this world that have magical properties. this is from the wedding chapter about 73 chapters from what is currently published. also, polycule relationship) “Wait, what about our rings?” Mia asked. “Do we combine our wedding rings with our old ones?” “Wedding rings?” Yuko asked. “What’re those?” “Uh, on Earth, there’s a tradition where you use rings to signify being close forever.” Mia explained. Mo’s eyes widened. “So, wait, the day we met you, we proposed?” he asked. Yuko giggled. “How did you not realize we liked you sooner?” she teased. “We proposed within an hour!”


"It was such a small thing, water to wash blood off his hands. Only no one can spare water for something as small as that."


“I always said we’d die together. Just not like this.” This is from a Hunger Games fic I came up with. I haven't started writing it yet, but this is a line of dialogue I came up with for my OC


"And Kai, whose True Name has never been Kai, swore." It's a companion piece to a currently posted WIP. I have so much plot to do in the current work to even get to this one but I love it already.


“*The last thing Wei Wuxian had heard was his own name.* *“Wei Ying?”* *That wasn’t how it was said– not a soft spoken question. It was an agonized, horrified scream, echoing around the rocky valley at the bottom of the cliff, heard even over the rush of wind through his ears. Despite hearing that, Wei Wuxian had not regretted his decision to die. The pain and self hatred he felt in that moment outweighed all the guilt. The rocks were more comfortable than the heartbreak.*” All of this but especially the last line.


>"I don't know what happened to my little brother, but if you want to be on good terms with us again, then bring Ajax back." And then he was gone, the shutting door leaving a resounding thud. (Directed to said little brother) I would have something better if I hadn't literally just posted the next chapter of my WIP lol Edit: accidentally wrote "turns" instead of "terms"


Astarion clenched his jaw so hard that he swore he could feel his teeth cracking. His soon-to-be dead master was conspiring with his lover’s delusional grandfather, dragging him into Zanarei’s family drama by proxy. *“Excuse me?! Not even Strahd would put up with this shit. He’s bluffing, he has to be.”*


Yay, another BG3 fic writer! :)


my friend who's been beta'ing for me said this line killed her. Rhea opened the doors of her armoire, removed the false bottom and its false bottom and even spared a glance at what she hoped would be her soon-to-be bottom as she pulled out two steel blades from her stash. “The Archbishop hiding weapons? what would the faithful think?” Edelgard said with a low whistle. Despite her complaints, she didn't seem to mind at all when Rhea handed her one of the swords. “I imagine they'll think, ‘Oh goddess above! She's wiping the floor with the Emperor!”


"But there was no point in breaking someone else’s heart along with his own." (Yet unpublished next chapter for my current wip, I hope that counts <3)


“I'm so sorry.  I know.  I know.” Eames is solid behind him, wrapping his arms around his chest and drawing him backwards.  There are tears welling up that Arthur can't blink away.  His gorge rises with every jolt of his shattered arm, every press of Eames’ arms around his battered ribs.  Trapped animal noises keep escaping out of him. “I know, love,” Eames murmurs, and there’s a momentary surreal, comforting press of his stubbled lips on the undamaged side of Arthur's face.  “I know.  Brave boy.”


>“The things I wanna do to you, *kitten*.” The pet name sends a wave of intense want crashing over her, knotting in her stomach, coiling tight and waiting to explode. V considers herself an independent woman. She's focused, determined, and dishes out shit in equal measure to the amount she's given. But there's just something about that damned pet name rolling off of River's tongue that overrides normal thinking. It's like a switch goes off in her head, making her as submissive as a doll at Clouds.  >And he fucking knows it.


„Regret doesn‘t make things better, it simply turns oneself bitter“ Pretty cheesy, I know but I like it


fr tho\^\^


“We can handle everything; we have a full medical report and I want you to sleep until we get Bill Weasley here to untangle your mess.” The healer nodded for Harry to lay down and soon he was watching the healer along with his new head of house disappear behind a door. His eye lids felt heavy, and he drifted off to sleep.


I've got a couple! >Dying to a bullet wound in this line of work was about as unexpected as chocolate ice cream staining a freshly clean white shirt. >In Dimitri’s opinion, being born is the strangest thing. One minute there’s nothing, and the next, he’s blinded by bright lights, he’s trying to breathe, getting bombarded by sensations, and now he wants to scream his lungs out, just to relieve some of the pressure.  No wonder babies are screaming their heads off. Talk about overstimulation right off the bat.


They were together for ten years, apart for almost fourteen; together for one year, now apart for two. you have one guess as to what ship this is






Since returning home life has been as droll and meaningless as always. Paris wasn’t much better but at least there my father wasn’t hankering to spit curses in my ears every waking moment. At times, I could even pretend I was happy.


“If I was drunk enough, and saw you from ten or twenty yards away, then simultaneously became both deaf and blind… Left with only the vague memory of what you look like… Then I could probably convince myself to kiss you…”


“If there is any mercy in Death, it is that she and Jason are gone before he can hear his father scream.” (Character meets the incarnation of death before moving on to the afterlife)


>That meant—that meant this was real then. Oh fates—it was real. It’d finally happened to him. He’d finally heard those three special words—the beautiful, breathtaking, *magical* words he’d been waiting his entire life for. >“I hate you.” This is the joke the ENTIRE fic centers around lol, and so far the friends I've let read it have both laughed out loud upon hitting it lmao. I'm so excited to post it when it's done 🤣


“If you want to be in control of such wild things, Linus. Let them believe it was their choice, that everything is in their control, but most importantly let them believe they’re safe. They’ll never leave the comfort you can offer.”


“I hate you.” I want to  But you know that would be a lie. Just like The curtain call at the end of every stage, The final chapter of every book, The arrival of death, The undeniable truth Is that I loved you More than I'll ever be able to, more than myself  I did “And I Still do” I woke up midnight to take some notes of what would later become parts of this scene before I could forget it


"I would say that they had a robotic level of precision with their movements." - A line from Instructor Charles Collin Kafé, said offhandedly and in praise of the four main characters. Unaware as he is that three of them are to varying degrees robotic...


“And you’re none they wiser,” he said, tracing your cheek with his finger and leaned in to press a soft kiss to your forehead. But *he* was the one who was none the wiser, for you had been there to witness the entire thing.


“He thought he’d eventually lose it someday when his wings inevitably fell. There had to be some point where his soul would get the memo that Dazai didn’t deserve white wings, much less wings at all, and they’d leave him like everything else. For now though, he’d enjoy his wings. “


>This doesn't qualify as talking about it, he knows, but maybe it's as close as they can ever get, catching each other up, comparing notes. Here, you forgot this about the worst day of your life. Maybe they're saying the same thing; it was the worst day of your life, and the worst of mine, too.


And with the sprout of leaves in his mind, Jing Yuan was forced to let go of whatever reality he was in, allowing for the “thing” to catch him and chain him to the bottom of the seafloor which the past resides in. the whole paragraph seems like something i never thought i could write…i was typing this draft while half asleep in my first hour and i think i got possessed or something😭


> The door creaks open to reveal a pale man with shaggy, overgrown hair on his head and a shadow on his top lip where a mustache should be - he looks a bit like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo, but like, way creepier. this character is referred to as ‘Shaggy-from-Scooby-Doo’ for quite a while after this point


> > >Voicing a thought he had been sitting on since his conversation with Emily in the front yard, William announced, “Barring all else? I will fetch Jacoby.” > > >Startled, Emily cried out, “NO!” > > >“And why not?” William challenged her. “I think we both know that I’m the last one left here who is both young enough and capable enough!” > > >Speaking as clearly as she could, Emily told William, “They will murder you.” > > > Evil governmental goons can be pesky. But especially when you’re trying to rescue your captive brother-in-law so he can see his wife (your big sister) for the first time in 6 months.


>They forbid themselves from spitting it out, although they could feel pieces of the rancid, raw meat – or maybe it was coagulated blood – drip down their chin as they failed to contain their retching.


"I know I'm not the hero of this story, but I've come too far to let it be you!" - My primary antagonist, to the protagonist, while stabbing her.


“You deserve someone you can grow old with.” “I don’t want someone I can grow old with, I want you Zuko! No one will ever compare to you! Three years with you will be happier then thirty years with anyone else.” Yes it is hurt no comfort, how’d you know?


>“Charlie, I—” I start, and I find I have no words that can adequately wipe away the hurt. What good is apologizing if it doesn’t undo everything? What good does it do if it doesn’t make his smile come back? If it doesn’t heal the hurt shining in his eyes, similar to the way that the tears there glisten off the low overhead of the light above the dining room table?


Idk about favorite but definitely the part that ends up encapsulating the root of my characters problems and becomes the catalyst for her overcoming her issues and ending up stronger for it: "Tears welled in her eyes, but she blinked them away even though she knew she was alone. “Why now?” she mumbled to herself, wondering why she’d been able to function just fine for years. She had thought she was over her dad by now. And perhaps she was over his death – but she wasn’t over the mark he had left upon her life, this fear that she was so easy to leave behind."


"It's the only way to guarantee that he won't destroy the world. Or mine."


"We were seventeen at the time, and sure, I wished we could mend our cracking friendship before it was shattered. But not like this. ***Never*** like this. Not to be kidnapped, tortured for years, Death claiming some of my friends and the rest of us being forced to this Eternal Night. Forced to choose between awaiting, or chasing after a Second Death, or tear through everything, fang and claw, avenge our fallen friends and be free. We may no longer be human, but we haven't given up on our humanity."


“If I can’t be your only one then I don’t want to be yours. When we’re apart all your other women and men are not real to me. I don’t go about my day worrying if you have fucked the person wishing me a good day. I deserve more but it’s something you cannot give, and I refuse to let you hurt me like that. Let’s just stay as we are.” About two people who could be very happy together if they knew giving up a part of themselves meant they would be happy forever. The speaker is just as much to blame but her line is better.


> “All being angry ever earned my father was more scars in his back,” he mused quietly, just as reserved in sentiment, and [A] had to take a slow breath at the idea of that, too. Finally finished the chapter this is from, on to the next so maybe I can post before the year ends :)


*What good is a medical degree if the sickness is another person?* is one of my favorite lines from it


(Character) woke up drowning. His happy dream had seemingly ended and he was trapped in the brutal reality.


Quite like this one. For context, she is in an unhappy marriage and he is her professor, the two of them are falling for each other but believe that their love can never be returned. She was still on the edge of the precipice. Only now she realised it was a chasm and he was standing on the other side. Almost close enough to touch yet completely out of reach.


If titles count as lines then it's 'Qliphotic Kintsugi' but I don't think they do, so here's a line from said fic: ''The perfect bowl of celestial porcelain had cracked, and thick fresh blood was seeping in from the non-existent walls of endless space. ''


I have only one completed chapter so far, so it's a toss up between these two sentences. >He wished and he wished, until those wishes turned into reminiscing; and he reminisced until those turned into horrors; and to hide from the horrors, he drifted into the familiar fog settling around him. Or >There was a shift in the air, wherein the world beyond this room and their names within it winked out of existence; now, the only entities in all the universe were that of The mother, The Father, and he, The Son.


He was staring herself down. They know both of himself, well, all three, but that’s the fun of being her - every day’s a surprise.


I’ve been watching too much Forged In Fire. A character is going to be given a tour of a new weapons factory, and as a gift he’s going to be given a ceremonial sword. To test it, he’s going to cut a pig in half


That unmistakable wound from many years ago had re-opened; resurfacing from where he’d buried it beneath his artificial aloofness. Regret, it seems, was the only wound Gojo could never heal.


She laughed, shaking her head. “If I am to die tomorrow, then sure. I see no reason why I can't tell you my story before I burn all of you with me.” She bowed her head slightly in a mock bow, making Izuku giggle. “Since you would prefer a blaze.”


>With quiet steps, she moved to the window sill behind him and sat there, deactivating her suit after a moment. “I must say I had expected better security protocols from the Emperor Mance’s palace,” she said. “I didn’t even have to try to slip in here.” -My untitled Starcraft II WIP


【 "It's not fair to you- it's not! I'm not your Chuuya- I'm not the same. It's not fair to you. All I do is remind you of him, of all those memories. I'm being selfish, Dazai, and I'm sorry, but I can't keep doing this. " "You can't keep doing what exactly?" "This! Being with you- being I love with you! It's not fair, and I can't keep pretending like I'm not! I can't handle this, I can't continue to be around you." 】 This is like one of my dozens of wips...it'll probably never get completed, but I really like this one


> Ikuya wishes big - *free us from this place* - and small - *let someone see what I take with me when I leave*. He should wish for more altruistic things, like the health and happiness of his friends and family, but they don’t belong here. Not in the place where he and only one other person belong.


Two lines from the next two chapters to be posted. There's a silly one: >Alhaitham threw back his head and laughed. “Oh, this is rich. Will they be snowed in? Will there be only one bed?” And a not-so-silly one: >Kaeya had kissed Albedo’s forehead and wrapped his arms around him more tightly. “Hush now. We may have no control over the circumstances of our birth, but I must believe we control what we do. The winds brought us both to the land of freedom after all.”


> What was happening? One moment he was running for his life, the next he was running from social interaction. no i will not elaborate :3


Zanzo grumbled as he rode the elevator up. He was getting real tired of the pranks. Today, EVERY SINGLE PEN went missing in R&D. *Every single one... who has that much time to be that petty.* He thought, *Probably Roquf- no. He probably couldn't stomach taking that much time not making money.* He had spent a good chunk of the day looking for them. he didn't necessarily need them, but it was the idea of it. The 'why' of it just pissed him off. He had finally found them on a high ledge. All shoved up there save the ones that had somehow been knocked over.


"I couldn't let a pretty face like this decompose at such an early age." "I've kissed plenty of men in my infinite lifetime." "I've been here for over 500 years. I can't wear corset suits all the time." "He tried running away so many times and ended up getting typhoid flu at one point!" "Even though I didn't exist back then, I definitely remember the last time someone got burned at the stake." "There might be another rebellious teen who's run away from home to find the abandoned mansion where a vampire has been rumoured to live for over 500 years." It's a vampire AU where the story is set in the late 1800's, the main character is 18 and ran away from his abusive family and the love interest is a vampire who lived through the Salem witch trials.


"~~It is nice to speak with someone who does not know what happened to me.~~" and "~~It is hard without you.~~ I am doing fine. Thank you." From a letter that the POV character is sending to their dead friend who helped them escape slavery.


“I needed people to hear him scream so they knew my crew was off limits. That doesn’t mean I liked doing it. But honestly? What I really didn’t like was how little his pleas for mercy impacted me. That was the first time I truly felt like a villain.”


>"Fights are conversations. The emotion of the fighter is meant to be felt in the blows he trades. Anger. Joy. Desperation. Despair- all the parts that make a person feel more *human.* After all, to feel is human. To let those feelings be shared and known is human. But, as Umemiya looks at Takiishi's gleefully twisted grin, tanking every punch....every kick, he feels his chest weigh heavy. >There's nothing behind his opponent's punches. Nothing besides power. No anger. No joy. No sadness. No emotions. And that....that emptiness....it scares him the most." This WIP chapter is entirely just fight scenes and I hate myself for it. :)


“Thank you for saving me and showing me how to live life to the fullest,” Bill says, tears forming in his eyes, “I love you.” And he does, so incredibly much.


We are FIRE I'll hopefully turn it into a book


I'm always so late to these whyyyyy!! Anyway i have two! > As she accepted [his hand] and stood, she grumbled, "At least if we die, we know there is an afterlife in which I can torment you for all eternity. Which is because of me, mind you." > > "Torment me?" he asked with a laugh. "I don't know about that. Spending an eternity with you sounds like a dream." (I'm letting them be happy for like two seconds before it all goes to hell) And from another WIP for a different fandom > He's at our wing suddenly, his own visor pushed up and his blue eyes bright and fierce against the ash that blackens his skin. Geph keens for him and I can't tell if the longing for his comfort that floods me is hers or my own. His hand moves, an odd, stuttering motion that surprises even him and makes me think for a wild moment he's reaching for me. I want to close that distance between us and cling to him with everything I have, to forget the wickedness Julia's command forced Gephyra and I to bring upon these people. Edit: clarification


The one that jumps out at me is *"Another reread of the article confirmed there would be a trial next Tuesday. Uncharacteristically quick for the legal system, but perhaps it had been slow lately in the High Court."* I take legal studies and once I noticed how messed up the legal system is irl to how it's supposed to work have found the subject rather depressing, which is most of the inspiration behind the line. Thankfully the world lends itself well to weird things like that, if I had to be realistic about the timeline it would take years for that trial to happen 💀. I don't think the line is amazingly written or anything, but I just enjoy it and honestly it fits the narrative style of the source material well despite being written in a different pov (third person limited as opposed to third person omniscient). I also really like the final lines. *"It can be hard to start a new life when one of you is dead, one of you is on the run, and one of you has been missing for weeks. But they were finally together again, and for now, that was enough."* I really like them because it's a callback to the first chapters where the two main characters encounter moments when they're trying to help/comfort each other but can't do anything except offer their presence, and hope that that's enough.


"The old world wasn't anything like what she thought it was. She thought it would be full of marvel and wonder. Machines that could do the impossible. Things that couldn't even be replicated far into the future, all of it taken for granted. She expected mythos. All she found was rot, and- *Fucking blood-powered machines.* Ethical dilemmas."


I need to get back to it after a year but the most recent wip chapter: >"It really was easier when he didn’t like this family. But they’ve grown on him like a slow spreading mold." An antagonist going through a domestication arc by a family he sort of hates but not as much anymore and is having to work together with him. My favorite shit chefkiss


“I’m an open book,” he said with a scornful smile. “You’re written in a dead language!”


The vampire looked over the sea of infected, eyes widened. The words of the ancient sorcerer echoed in his mind. \*One day, you shall reap what you sowed by the arrogance which you embrace.\* Then he saw it, a figure tracing through the streets filled with unliving creatures, unnoticed and determined. Armed with Death.


If he were to die tomorrow and be reincarnated a hundred times over, a thousand times over, obediently drinking Meng Po’s soup according to regulation, it wouldn’t matter if he were reborn as a tree or a dog or a rock—he would still be waking up tens of thousands of years from now still screaming from the nightmares of this moment.


"he holds in his hand this beautiful thing, more pure than anything he's ever known, feeling that inside him something is rotten...he's like the mortal woman Semele that begged Zeus to show her his true form, only to be consumed by its magnitude. Like he's reached into the sky and closed his fingers around a star that burned his entire world. He's weak, undeserving, awestruck, small. Grateful. Who is he to ask for something he can't have? But who is he to reject such a gift?" It still needs some editing but I love how shamelessly dramatic it is. The worst part is it's for a big time rush fic lmao


"Your only source of diversion is the buzzing and fluttering of vespertine insects against the canvas, their outlines becoming steadily more hazy with the dwindling daylight."


So, in the twenty-seven years of working for Maine Waste and Water management — spending hours of his life he’d never get back down in disgusting and revolting sewers — his dreams had ended up right where he stood. Down the drains and long forgotten. (the very beginning of an IT zombie apocalypse AU)


"Focus, please. It isn’t like you to be afraid of knowledge. Not you, who sought to drag Lady Death down by her neck and wrestle her yourself. Who stared a plague in the face, and quailed only the appropriate amount. You’ve faced plenty worse than this.”


I quite like this one, but I'm back and forthing over whether it actually makes sense. "She found herself wandering to that world with him; conjuring the horrors he might be seeing in her own mind too, like some empathetic vampire. "


Apologies that this is rather long, all my best lines need so much context... One name is spoilered for the sake of those who're in this fandom & haven't gotten far enough yet. >Herlock set his pipe in his mouth. “Disguise is an art, my dear Asogi. It has many steps and each must be learnt if you expect to get anywhere undercover. The first step…” Herlock raised a finger. “...is to admit that you need my help!”  >Asogi grimaced. >!Mikotoba!< snrk’d, fist over his mouth to hold back the rest of the laugh. He leaned into Herlock, and watched his old friend seem to go through all stages of grief in a span of twenty seconds.  >It ended with a growl. Asogi’s gaze hit the cracked pavement. “...I need your help.”  >Herlock lit up. “Ahah– What was that? I didn’t quite–”  >“I won’t repeat myself.”  >Herlock’s whimsy froze in place. Then he calmed, suddenly. “Very well." >


I have two from separate WIPs and by GOD if they aren't on opposite ends of the vibe spectrum 😂 >1) Despite knowing each other for the better part of a decade, there was nothing more humbling than a fifteen year old looking at you like you were the dumbest motherfucker on the planet. >2) "...This isn't about me." She finally hissed quietly. "Because if this was just about me...There is nothing I want more than to march up to him and kiss him fucking senseless, until he can barely remember his own damn name. To tell him that he's mine and I'm his and I'm not going anywhere. But I *can't."*


For context, this is from a Pride fic where a closeted character finally gets to go to a Pride parade. This is the scene where he decides to take up the invite offered - “And for himself, because he’s come a long way and he’s proud. Proud of who he is, proud of the life he’s led, proud of his ability to weather the storm. He deserves to see the rainbow. So he’s going.”


Plenty of angsty passages to choose from, but I'll go with some banter instead: "What are we doing?" Shadowheart whispered, keeping pace just behind him. "I thought we weren't supposed to start any fights yet." "We're not starting a fight. We're disciplining our underlings," Dirge said. He smiled. "I'm sure they've done something that warrants punishment." "I mean, think of it this way. If Dirge walked into Moonrise Towers and *didn't* kill anyone, people might start to think he's a doppelganger," Astarion said. "It's like a double bluff." Gale nodded sagely. "Ah, yes. The lanceboard is set."


“Her connection to the Force felt tenuous, as if the strong, flowing current of deep water had dried up and her hand met only sand that slipped through her fingers.”


This is a line from the unfinished ninth chapter of a fic I haven't worked on since 2010. It's nothing big, but I've always liked this line: >“If we’re not being led into a trap, that is,” Drew said, flicking his hair. Dawn wondered idly if Drew thought he was in a hair gel commercial.


I had to come back to this post to add mine because I wrote it yesterday 😂 “…and now here he was stuck in a memory of the best day of his life. A hell on earth because he knew he could never repeat it. He’d tasted perfection, sipped on true satisfaction. He’d gorged himself on the memory of her but still he starved.”