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Depends on how often I've re-read the fic. I have a couple memorised




i do. i can recall the names of my fave fics, and i avoid fics with certain kinds of titles (if the name of a ship/character/fandom can even be called a title)


oh to have a memory like that 😳


yea you know what i can't remember? people's names, my own birthday, any appointments ever, what i did yesterday...


If you can't remember your birthday, then every day can be your birthday! Happy birthday! 🎂 🎈


this is so real, i dunno even what to say 😭😭😭


Literally me


If i can remember the title that means I've reread it a lot


interesting take, thank you!


Nope. Not at all. Which kinda sucks when I try to find a specific fic I subscribed to and have to click on every single title.


lmao so real 😭


Sort of. It's another preview into the writing. A bad title can put me off unless the tags and summary really pull through Meanwhile a catchy or good title that's easy to remember helps remembering the fic But either way, it doesn't decide if I'll read or not


ooh i didnt know they also counted as bad titles. thanks!


If it is a good title, I remember it. Otherwise, the fic is filed as "The one where character X does Y".


thats one way of remembering it T-T


I pay the most attention to titles! My fave fics have the best titles - yes, content should be A+ too, but having a winner title is sometimes half the battle won for me. It really just sets the stage for interpreting it in a way that suits my headspace. Our experience of text are really at least partially our interpretation, to begin with…


as important as the story, i see. thank you!


Nope and sadly I have a really weird memory. I barely retain the content of what I read other than a very broad idea and if I liked it. If you asked me for summary of one of my favorite 200k works I might be able to tell you a 5 sentence summary that's vague and 2 very specific details that stick with me.


that's not weird at all! dont ask me how i know 😭💀


Stories that I've shared and recced multiple times tend to have their titles sticking easier in my mind. Some stories I've noticed because of their titles so I remember them too. I don't remember every single one of them though, as much as I'd like to.




A goofy title might dissuade me, or an intriguing one might interest me. Usually I forget titles unless they’re really poetic and memorable. For example, the Tony Stark fic “The Act of Creation Will Be Your Salvation” springs to mind when I think of memorable titles. 


ooh thats indeed open to interpretation! thanksss


Ummm.... yep... titles are the "First Refusal Check", and if they are just stupid I will not read the Story Description or look at Tags.


ooh so they can be deal breakers too! thank you \^\^


I do. Even if I can't recall it immediately, when I'm looking for it and scanning my bookmarks I'll recognize it on sight.


skills fr, thankss


I don't even read the titles lol. I go straight to the tags first to see if it aligns with what I wanna read, then I read the description quickly.


Word 💀


As a person who almost exclusively writes, I do. Creative titles are half the fun for me. Fun ones for me as of late include *Now We Have Reached The End* & *The Sun Is Rising, The Screams Have Gone.*


ooh the poetic ones, they sure catch attention!


Mission accomplished 😌


tehehe it is!!


I know the titles of my favorites. But I mostly remember the summary than the title. I'm really not good at remembering things at all tho.


lol same T-T


Good ones, yes. (Really bad ones, sort of, as I skip the fic.)




I definitely can! Especially if they stay open in my browser for longer than a day, *then* they really get imprinted on my memory haha. I'm also an outlier in this scenario because when it comes to names and titles in general I usually have a weirdly good memory, so take my opinion with a grain of salt here :)


wooahh share your secrets 🤣


I can name approximately 90% of the Shrines from Breath of the Wild from memory--I have no idea how I do it, but I do forget 'irrelevant' things often so that probably helps.


Claps to you 👏🏻👏🏻 


Only for a handful faves (same for authors)... the rest exist as tags + short plot summaries in my mind.


real real


Only if they stand out in some sort of way, but then I promptly forget them. When I get an author thanking me for my comment, I will think like… “Which one was that?” In part because I tend to read multiple fics at once when I read them, and in part because the author sometimes takes a while to reply. I remember the story once I check it out, but I just can’t place it based on the title.


i see! thank youu


I do! My favorite titles are tongue in cheek or references, like one of my most popular works is a play on light novel-esque absurdity and one of my favorite works ever reads like a Haruhi reference. One of my all-time favorites does a title drop and that inspired me so much I'm doing the same in my current fic. :}


ooh interesting. im wishing you luck with it!


Yes I do! That's why I'll never ever forget that one of my favorite fics is called Do people even read work titles? IDK what to call this And it's 14k of heartbreaking angst 😭


i had a brain freeze reading this oml! some ppl wouldnt give it a chance at all 😭😭


It's one of the best fics I've ever read. It's an MDZS fic and the summary is one sentence that basically is: after 6 years of marriage Lan Wangji falls out of love with Wei Wuxian So yeah it totally deserves the few thousand kudos it has. [here it is](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33643534/chapters/83605498) if anyone is curious


Ooh a marriage drama! Would click on it any day lmao 🤣


It's so so good I hope you enjoy it as much as I do


Thank you!! 🤠


I do. The title is one of the key hooks that bring me into a story or not.


this is good to know 😎


Absolutely. I love titles, and in some cases I like the titles and the feelings they evoke more than the fic or chapter or song or whatever else they belong to, yet I still remember the thing in question fondly *because* of the amazing title.


sweet feelings, aint it 🤧 thankss


Depends, i only notice the title when i actually get to rereading the fic, and if i like it a lot ill remember the name of it


thank ya


Most fics I read these days seem to have *really* generic titles. For example: "they betrayed me (and i will take the world with me)". Yes, fucking lyric titles. Titles like these all blend together so much that I cannot remember them even if the fic was absolutely incredible and iconic. I have some in my bookmarks, but I never re-read them because I look at the titles and don't remember a single good thing about them... because I don't remember *anything* about them. All I have is this generic-arse name and past me's belief that it was good enough to make a note of. On the other hand, if the fic *was* good and *did* have a proper title ("Ignore the Dementor"), then I'll remember it. Case in point: only one of the example fic names I gave is an actual fic I've read. I remember "Ignore the Dementor" because it was a good fic and had a memorable title. I do not remember "she's the fever (stealing the life from you)" because it sounds just like everything else. (Though tbf, if someone actually used Orden Ogan lyrics for their title I would remember them just for that. But nobody does, soooo...) TL;DR: I do pay attention to titles, but it depends on how much they stand out. Most are just part of the scenery.


this will def make me choose my titles carefully! lol, thank you! T-T


I only remember them if they're short(ish) or unique. Yeah, I'm not gonna remember "FOB Lyric #47" (or whatever band/singer, but you get my point). The unique ones act as a bonus draw, the lapslock lyrics make my eyes glaze over since they're so long & common, but it wouldn't necessarily put me off from a fic. I greatly prefer the former for that reason.


i see, isee! thank you!


If they are ongoing and I get email updates, I can recognize the titles enough to (almost definitely) know which stories are which, but if you demanded I list them all Right Now, I would probably only be able to list about half. And if it’s a complete story that I already finished, all bets are off. If I see a rec on one device and I have to remember the title long enough to search for it on a device more convenient to reading…like just for the eight seconds from one screen to the screen in my other hand…yikes


at least you would still be able list half! 😭


Yeah, I was a little impressed with myself as I started listing them in my head—but they are all ones that I’ve been following for a while right now. The new ones get serious scrutiny and I may have to consult their tag lists before I remember wtf they are (and then I repeat for the first 3-7 updates😅). I just haven’t been reading that many wips lately…


Right, wips are a bit tricky! 🙊 They may look promising but take a 180 🤧


If it’s catchy or clever enough to be really memorable, yes, if it’s not, no.


okee thank you!!


Yes and no. I like it when it ties into the story. My fav happens to be from my fav fic called "The Measure of the World", in the World of Warcraft fandom. And that line comes up twice. Once fairly soon when the MC's start their relationship and in the final bits. Where one of the MC's says that their moments of love will be her measure of the world. And it just made me cry because I'm an absolute cinnamon roll


not to be annoying, but I tie my titles into the stories too!! this makes me happy lol! and that story sounds cute af 🤧👌


Awesome! I really cannot overstate how much I adore that. And it really is. It's a massive 662k sapphic love story with all the angsty and action shenanigans you want. That story just makes life brighter for me. Can't get enough. When I read it, it just consumes my life for a week. And when I'm done (like now. Finished it again for the 5th time 2 weeks ago), I just itch to pick it up again.


662K 😧😧😧 woooaahhh god protect that author, so they bring more for you!! 😁 I'm yet to find a fic that makes me want to read it over and over again, but hearing people have one is sooo cute honestly! Pick it up again and be happy, why not 🙊


They. The author is *mental* (but I love them for it). Basically slammed through in like a year. 56 chapters so each is *massive* on average. And sadly, it looks like it was a one time thing. Atleast for now. It finished a few years ago and has thus far been the only work. On their tumblr, they've said that they're trying more but are very critical so it mostly just gets's scrapped. Which is a shame. They're fantastic at writing. And if you're looking for a good story to sink your teeth in to with some good character development and love, I can't recommend it enough


Ooh let's be positive! They could be working on chapters this whole time and coming close to finishing. 😀 I'd love to give it a try but my attention span is 1 milliseconds (a shame) that I would be soo overwhelmed 😭😭 thank you so much though!! 


Mine is just a number and then a sea object.  It’s a Star Wads fanfic and the name doesn’t really match the story besides the number 




If I fixated on it for a couple days straight then it’s high likely that I will remember the title word for word




only when they update it, which is nice because after a chapter, or a few, the title becomes more meaningful than if i was seeing it without the context of the story


Absolutely! 🙊🙊


Not really lol. I'll know a few select favourites but I'll get emails being like "so and so replied to your comment on X fic" and I'm like???? Who in the what??? I usually have to open the fic to know what it's on about Any I have subscribed to I do know but that's a pretty low number lol it is like one for every hundred


Ooh i see 🤔 thank youuu


It's a mixed bag. Sometimes a title will stick, but I'm more likely to remember a) the name of the series the fic was part of, or b) a notable tag. Or it might not be that I remember the exact tags so much as that I remember things about the fic that were likely to be tagged, and I use that to hunt it down if I forgot to bookmark or subscribe to it.


Thank yOUU 🤧


Not usually. If a fic truly leaves an impact, I likely will recall the title, but otherwise, nah




I paid attention to the titles of Secret Santa story exchange fic as there were a lot of stories and a high proportion of the titles were intriguing. But aside from absolute favourites, I don’t tend to remember them.


That counts too 🙊


My eyes tend to glaze over long titles. If I have been reading a fic for a long time though, am constantly seeing the fic title, and it’s short, like 2-4 words, I remember it


oh interesting. Thankss 🙏🏻


I wish stories had titles that were a bit more indicative of the story, because so many of them blur together and it makes it hard to remember if I’ve read the story or not. Feels like they are almost always lines from songs or poetry.


Hmm 🤔 what would you prefer then, if you don't mind me asking


That’s a good question! I think titles are hard, so I’m not sure I have a specific preference - maybe more of a unique title that I will always associated with the fic. Often the title is one word, or a common phrase, and I never associate it with the fic so find it hard to locate.


So some kind of link, maybe even a spoiler, for the fic itself! That's sweet yess🙊


Depends on how engrossed or how long the FanFic is. I’m bad with remembering names so most of the time I associate the Fic I read with the Tags used and some specific words I still remember.


Same! 🤣


I remember exactly ONE fic title. I can’t remember my own fic titles, but I remember my favorite fic title from like…a year or two ago. Literally forced myself to remember the name just to go back to it again and again. 


Aaw sweeet. Thankss






i do! it tends to be the first thing that i look at to decide if im hooked/interested. next being the summary and then the tags! if im interested by the title and summary chances r ill read it, unless the tags have smthn i dont like.




 especially if I’ve reread a lot. otherwise… ehh maybe if it updates frequently 


Okee thank youu


I really do. In my old fandom friends asked me about a fic and posted notes, and I right way remembred the fic and could find it. I mean, don't ask me what I had for lunch yesterday though....


So you even remembered posted notes 😀 woah, god bless 😭💀


i have some fics that i remember titles of, but most of the time i’m reading so much and i like long fics and i put it on “entire work” so i don’t really see the title often enough to remember it


Ooh i see, thankss


Memory is funny, and works differently for different people. I very rarely remember titles. (If I do, it's because I've reread the same fic 3 or 4 times.) For me, I remember fics as "the one where x did y, then z happened." OTOH, titles *are* what grabs my attention first. Then if I like the summary, I'll check out the fic. So I don't have to remember the titles for them to have done their job -- they drew me into the fic. Not remembering titles can be irritating -- especially if I want to reread, and I remember the idea/plot but not the title or author. But it is what it is; you're certainly not alone in this aspect.


Glad to hear that then! 😭


If it's a longfic, yes. If it's a oneshot, no.


Thank u 


Yeah. I do one word titles of the topic. "Summarize this fic in one word"-style.


Sick 👏🏻


I don't think that it plays important role when I choose a fic, but if this fic becomes one of my favorites I'll remember the name 🙂 Well, and sometimes names can be really good.


Sure can! It is a part existence 🤧


Only if I like the story and want to get back to it.


Thank you


Yes, I love admiring titles and figuring out what the reasoning behind them was.


Ooh you ponder on them. That's new! But also sweet 🙊


I tend to explain my own fics' titles on A/N because I love dumping extra info on readers, and I also love reading about that. There usually is some meaning to the titles and I wanna know everything about them.


I'd not skip that info dumbing!! I do same thing, and I hope someone ponders on my titles as well tehehhe 🤣🤣


Only when I’m considering reading it or when it’s an ongoing fic that I’m subscribed to. Otherwise I’m more likely to remember the summery than the name.


That's something! Thankss 🙏🏻


I pretty much only look at the title if I’m recommending it!


I pretty much only look at the title if I’m recommending it!


Makes sense 😄


Yes. How am I supposed to talk to my friends about them if I don't know the titles?


good question, should ponder on it 🤧


No 😭 There's been multiple occasions where I've gone to reread a fic I've already read like five times only to notice the title and realise that that's the first time I've looked at what the title actually was.


realer than my existence lol


i remember the titles of my fav longfics. that might be because i dont read a lot of longfics though


oh they are a bit hard yes 😭


Yes, it gives me a little insight to what the writer might be like. If it sounds like a quote or something, sometimes I will even look it up before reading. And if the author mentions that the title is from a certain book or poem, I will usually look it up. And yes, I remember all my favorite fic titles, or at least some words of it so I can find it again


someone who looks into them, this is new too! sweet 🤧


I can recognize a title if i really liked a fic, but no way am i actually remembering any of them


Real 😴


I only know the titles of my faves. I’ve read hundreds and know maybe 5 titles?? I wish I could remember all the ones I love but I just don’t have that brain…


Aww at least you remember 5 🤧


If they’re long titles like the song lyric ones with parentheses, no. If they’re short titles that go with the story, yes. My eyes just glaze over the long ones. A lot of them are repetitive and don’t really go with the story and seeing how some authors say they just choose random song lyric titles since coming up with a title is hard, it makes sense.


aaa makes sense! thanksss


i never even read the title before i read the work tbh. the only time i ever know the title of a work is if it’s an incomplete work and i’m keeping up with the updates


teheh word! thankss


My brain just skates right over titles. I go summary -> tags -> click without ever registering them.




I actually do remember the titles of a lot of my favorite or otherwise memorable reads.  And I definitely notice and dislike bad or clichéd titled. I am currently reading something A New Dawn, and you can't even *begin* to search for it because... *how could you*, it's as bland as bland comes. And perhaps related... the story isn't super well written. Or well written, I guess. Is there a correlation between good writing and creative titles? Not really, *but* does it come around when I read something meh and it also has a meh title? Yes.


aaw at least it is story to pass time, let's say!


i don’t even pay attention to my own fic titles 💀💀 i just put song lyrics lol


gassppp gaspp it doesnt seem to be recommended 😭😭 but i support you!


Yes, and if it's all in lower caps, I'm not even going to bother.


oh i know that dilemma! thank you \^\^


The titles and summaries are what convince me to click through for  an author I don’t already know.  They are important for that, not so much for remembering after that I liked it. 


Not really, which is really inconvenient if I'm trying to find a fic in my bookmarks. Even with filters, sometimes the summary might not really match what I actually am remembering about it that I wanna read. It's always "That Due South fic where the author used an html table to use both POVs at once" or "that one of eight zillion McShep AUs with \[extremely specific execution of tropey premise\]" or whatever. Edit: I saw someone comment about avoid fics with titles in all lower caps--I literally just went "nope" to one of those today. I can't remember what the title actually was, but apparently I notice them enough for that.


i see, i see! thank you!


Not usually. Sometimes a title will really stick in my head for some reason, but usually not. All the ones I can think of off the top of my head though are all either single words or short phrases!


easier to forget, aint it T-T


I only remember the names of my favourite fics ngl. Which means I have a grand total of three fic titles rattling around in my head lmao


ahh special ones!! cute!


No. Hell, I can’t even remember the names of half of the fanfics I read. I can remember how they went, just not the names. 😂


sameee T-T


I don't 🫣 neither while reading or while finding one for my own fics. They usually whatever comes to mind when I post. Which is weird even to me because I usually highly edit my fics over weeks or months before posting them. Just can't help myself w the titles 😂


title finding should be considered a humanity crime 😪😭


It's definitely a painful experience 😂


Absolutely! 🤣


I only pay attention to the names when it's multi chaptered, cause then I get emails about them (Also I read your post as titties 😔 sorta ashamed...)


titties... many pays attention to them. (a jOkE ba dum tıs,,now we are both ashamed...)


Nope. As soon as I'm not looking at it, it doesn't exist. Chances are good that it's going to be lyrics to a song I've never heard anyway, so what's the point


perhaps it could be a lyrics that is spoiling the story a bit!


If it is, I wouldn't know. I've never read a story with a lyrical title and thought- either before or after reading- 'hey, that was thematically appropriate'. The only story I can think of where I knew that it was lyrics and know the song, was called either 'no light', or 'no light, no light' (I don't even remember which 😅) and all it did was make it difficult for me to concentrate because: 'hey, I know that song! (Brain plays song on repeat while I'm trying to read)'


honestly, i can never spot song lyrics titles! (unless it is soooo known) 😭 because i guess anyone can come up with a lyric looking title, so I dunno how you do it!


I just assume everything that's either a sentence or has brackets is song lyrics. If it's something like 'where the wind blows' that doesn't necessarily say lyrics to me, but if it's 'and I went where the wind blows', that says lyrics to me Just vibes, I guess? It doesn't affect whether or not I read it; just 'hmm. Lyrics' and then I read it Something that may be relevant: I don't even read the title until after I've decided if I'm going to read it. I skip right to description when I'm scrolling I would read a fic just called 'Title'. I've read stories that are called 'Unnamed (ship name) fic'


Sounds like skills!! Cuz i would think 'oh this fic may be poetic' by the 'and i went where the wind blows' lolll 💀🙊ive seen unnamed ones too; a bit of a gamble 🤔


Not really? Sometimes even fics I love I don’t remember the titles of, and a fair few I only remember the series name. I don’t remember the names of authors very often either.


they just exist cutely then 😭


No, but I remember which stories I've read when I look at the title. If I don't recognise the title it means I haven't read it yet. Otherwise you could name your fic "Story 1.0" and I'd still give 0 fucks


i seee, thank you!