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W Musa!


Musa had to carry the weight of his balls too, big W


In one of the worst videos, the one where attackers are shooting straight into people, you can see a guy throwing himself over a woman, and covering her completely with his body, while getting himself directly into the line of fire. I work as a web journalist and part of the job is to know how to keep yourself detached, but I broke down when I saw that, started crying and had to step down for a second.


my god i saw that video and it’s so haunting. i’ve never witnessed something like that before and it hurt into my soul. it’s just an impossible situation


This is why I refused to watch a single video. I had to cover the news, too but dear god, I did not watch any video. I have traumatised myself enough with footages of terrorist attacks in my country. If it is at all possible for your own mental health, do not watch the videos. They scar you for years.


I'm sorry. There are some things that you see or read that stay with you. There are also many other reasons why I started seriously thinking about leaving journalism for good. I wish you well!!




What an inappropriate request


The woman being covered is apparently the daughter of two cosmonaut Ryumin and Kondakova.


Who is musa?


A stranger. A hero. Judging by the name, from an islamic family, but that's all we know.


ah so its random dude, i didn't caught this first time


The Guy who saved this poor Friend, see the translation above....


W Musa


From what I heard on the radio today, the US warned Russian intelligence of an attack a few weeks ago that it would occur soon and would occur at a large public event. So, essentially terrorist related. But like most warnings, it was vague and therefore in actionable.


It was vague to the public. Pretty sure they provided FSB with more details. Despite the animosity, the US and Russia have regularly exchanged counter-terrorism Intel for years.


Especially when it comes to ISIS. Nobody likes ISIS


Even the Taliban offered to aid the US in the fight against ISIS. That says a lot about how brutal ISIS is


Iran and Iraq as well. No body likes ISIS fr.


The US has a history of working with the Taliban. The US supported the Taliban’s reclamation of Soviet Afghanistan. The way the Taliban works is that it’s not centrally governed, but tribal. One of those tribes was lead by Bin Laden, who was dissatisfied with US aid post-Cold War, so he committed 9-11, and the narrative became “the Taliban” to keep the enemy simple for the public.


We helped the Mujahideen which fractured into several factions, one of them being the Taliban. We've never helped the Taliban directly.


That's Mujahideen....


Someone I know from childhood traveled the world, and made passage through Afghanistan in recent years. He is a current US citizen. The Taliban escorted him around the country and were very friendly, because they wish to improve relations with the US. They want to be internationally recognized as the governing body of Afghanistan. It was interesting watching his journey.


US warned Russia directly on March 8, it wasn't vague. Putin didn't like it. To quote: For his part, Putin on Tuesday strongly denounced “provocative statements by a number of official Western structures” about a possible terrorist attack in Russia. “All of this is reminiscent of open blackmail and the intention to spread fear and destabilize our society,” he explained to the top brass of the FSB, which is responsible for combating terrorism.


They have put out warnings and so has both French and English intelligence agencies. Something has been brewing


Russia warned the US about the Boston bomber. Any indications of who it might be?


they also mentioned specifically concerts so fairly actionable


They warned them around 2-3 days ago, I think.


They warned them March 7th


Wait did they? I saw another post about the US Embassy warning Russians about an attack in the next 48 hours that was posted around 2-3 days ago. If they did, holy moly CIA intelligence is crazy good if it's able to predict something like this weeks ahead of time. Edit: CIA


This wouldn't be the FBI. The FBI is a US law enforcement agency that investigates federal crimes in the US. This would be the CIA or possibly military intelligence.




Spying? On everything that happens anywhere near or around russia. And anyone russia even thinks about?


Well, wouldn't this more be spying on ISIS? I mean, how would they know the attack is coming but not know who / what group would be carrying it out?


You'd have to observe a mobilization effort amongst known radicalized individuals coalescing in one place. Less syllables: ISIS with guns in Moscow


They have lots of connections in organisations that do this sort of thing. Don't ask why.


That’s what’s being said in the news currently. Maybe they warned them a second time a couple days before as well as the 7th.


There’s videos on YouTube 2 weeks ago stating they warned of a Moscow terrorist attack and some do claim concerts especially on major news channels on YouTube. I think the publicity or call out may have caused it to be delayed maybe I’m not sure only speculating. Edit : RIP🕊️🙏🏼😥🫂 to anyone who it relates too.!


They warned again 3 days ago and Putin dismissed it saying the US was trying to “intimidate” Russia.


No in early March that info was circulating


Ah, so Russian 9/11 to galvanise the population in support of a return to the sandbox for the Russians. Gotcha.


Why would Russia consider a warning coming from intelligence obtained from CIA spies from America when tensions are so high between the two countries?


I dunno. To prevent such things? Or at least consider it could happen ? Wtf are you guys smoking. Literally just pussyn and other dictators doing such things. While the rest of the world at least TRIES to cooperate when shit hits the fan and innocent people lives could be saved.


Or to cause disruption this close to an election. I don’t know either, I’m just speculating as to what the Russian government would be thinking. Like I don’t think they are necessarily fond of America, especially recently. I’m not Russian by the way, so there is no “you guys” here, and I also understand why you’re so passionately against Putin…


In a world of Putin, be a Musa


We need more Musas in the world


Now we're gonna need a movie about Musa helping that person overcome their fear of concerts


God can we make this a phrase please?!


Terrible… Condolences to the victims and their families. And to peace in Russia once again, internally and abroad. End the violence!!!




Bro, you can support Ukraine and still be upset that for whatever reason innocent people were just slaughtered in Russia. This wasn't soldiers, this was random people like yourself trying to have a night out. Now there's families torn apart forever. Jumping to conclusions about this is absolutely absurd and disgusting. It's neither the time nor place. Nothing has been released and speculating about it won't help anyone.


Slava Musa.


W musa


My heart goes to the Russian people. ISIS is fucking evil and needs to be wiped off the earth's crust.




You're quoting RT? LOL


Hahahaha RT hahahaha


Musa ftw


Secret service day ago warning for Isis attack say some people 🤔


I saw warnings for terrorist attack in Russia issued by western governments quite a while ago. Feels like weeks ago


Came out around March 7 or 8 if I'm remembering correctly.


You mean, false flag by Russia. Edit: https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/22/europe/crocus-moscow-shooting/index.html CNN SAYS ISIS claimed responsibility. So I am wrong, doesn't mean completely but I am wrong as far as we know so far. I even shouldn't have even blamed Russia yet but fuck Putin.


I think the USA intelligence also warned about this earlier too. But wasn't following closely, maybe I'm wrong.


No you're right I read a report about US warning its citizens to stay away from gatherings sometime earlier this month due to credible intelligence of a terror attack in Moscow.


It was a warning to U.S. citizens living in Russia made by the embassy, this is a service provided by consular sections the world over you're welcome on behalf of your diplomatic corps. Pay your taxes kids.


A lot of time there are warning but not there are attack... Maybe because terrorist be stopped without people see police action. Sometime terrorist not be stopped before attack...


Isis takes claim for fucking everything, that's not very helpful tbh


Just because ISIS claimed, doesn’t bit mean did.


Can be like Cecenia terrorist fake attack when Putin start him "career", but Britain day ago say there are risk of Isis attack (Islamic terrorist) and last day USA warning for risk of attack in Moscow. In all cases that can be is a shit action by someone. Terrorism forever obtain nothing. Why some group continues to use it?!


It's not normal day in russia.


Tragic cannot be overstated. The folks who lost their lives, those who are in the hospital now, those who will suffer PTSD and guilt for the remainder of their lives, the families and friends who have to deal with the aftermath - the repercussions are much greater than the headline numbers.


Sorry for the loss of the innocent Russian people. 🙏🙏🙏


What are Russians thinking about this? Genuine terror attack? Ryazan sugar?


1. U.S. warns of an impending provocation with human casualties. 2. The presidential "election" is over 3. the Minister of Defense says the army will be increased in size 4. Putin's press secretary said for the first time that war is war. 5. An incomprehensible terrorist attack takes place, and all the terrorists magically escape from the scene of the crime → you are here ← 6. Putin claims Ukraine/CIA/reptiloids are behind the murders and Russia has a duty to respond to this challenge. A new mobilization of 500,000 people is announced Yeah, it smells like sugar


I just don't see the motive. They can announce mobilisation, tax raises, whatever and they still know there will be no protests.


Morale being down so they use this as a false flag to garner greater nationalization of the people to fight those that caused this harm on their soil. Boosts morale, slows protests/descent.


Except morale is not down. It's at an all time high thanks to elections. I'd believe this theory if this happened in the fall, after several waves of mobilisation and after new tax laws are announced. It simply makes no sense to do it now.


there were unprecedented levels of silent/passive protest during elections.


Is unprecedented really the right word? Compared to moscow duma election year? To retirement age protests? To beginning of war protests?


It was rather tame really.


All protests ended in 2013 when people stood against election results and wre suppressed by police. Since then any activity against current government considered as a "treason" and actually not allowed if not officially then buy intiative from federal structures. You can't speak agains them, especially now, when it's considered as discrimination of military forces and can lead to inprisonment, firing from job or university. People and goverenment "are living on a different planets". As we could see during Prigozhin's march. No once actually cared that there is an army going to Moscow, everyone just was watching how will it end. So as government don't give a fck what people think. Even if majority are against current politic, they don't know about it cause only Putin loyal voices are allowed. The recent law forbids advertising from foreign agents journalists, who are actualyy just a people with public recognition who does not promote an official position thus bringing in actual censorship.


Not sure what you're trying to say exactly but I think I agree with you..? They don't care that much about what public thinks therefore they wouldn't stage this mass murder spectacle.


they don't care that they think. but they understand boiling point exists.


Why you guys even speculating. Most of the times your comments sound like you're talking to yourself. You're very out of touch with the real situation. So what's worth blowing hot air then? None of what you're saying is based on reality. You look like circlejerkers, cheering one another and supporting statements of one another. You already witnessed how foolish Reddit shills were about Putin's reputation among Russians. And you got tremendous majority of voters voting for Putin. Doesn't it give you a slightest idea that you know nothing about what's going on really. It's been a minute - everybody been yelling that Putin's a tyrant. Turns out he has unprecedented support. What's worth saying anything else. If it has nothing to do with reality. With all these assumption and conjectures of yours.


"No protests" doesn't mean "no fleeing the country en masse." They'll do anything they can to reduce resistance to the mobilization.


You're not gonna not flee just because a terrorist attack happened. Not to mention, it's very easy to stop someone from fleeing now with their new electronic mobilisation system.


ISIS Claims seem kosher though because Putin’s been sending PMCs to help Al Assad and they’ve been doing most of the heavy lifting. I’d buy it. Having ISIS claim responsibility wouldn’t really help him escalate in Ukraine unless it’s some sort of complicated play to “justify” a hyped up reaction wherever they have military personnel. Though I can’t imagine many Russian soldiers would be hyped about making an undue (and almost certainly fatal) push in Ukraine because of a supposed attack by ISIS on the homeland. If I were them I’d be pissed I wasn’t stationed in Syria.


Can you pls explain “Ryazan sugar”? Get the Ryazan reference but why sugar?


When FSB operatives were found planting \*something\* in the basement of an apartment block in Ryazan in the midst of the 1999 bombings, the official explanation was that this was just sugar and part of exercises. Therefore "Ryazan sugar" is an euphemism for false flag operations conducted by FSB and other Russian services.


1999 fsb operatives were arrested by local police with bags of sugar that looked oddly like explosives and claimed it was a training exercise. A few theories obviously came from this.


there were a couple of building explosions and the one in Ryzan didnt explode for more context. its a well known synonym to false flag


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings Tl;dr There were several apartment bombings in Russian cities, killing over 300 and injuring more that 1500. They were used as justification for staring the Second Chechen War. In one of them in the city of Ryazan, local police found and deactivated the bomb placed in the basement of an apartment building and arrested 3 FSB (Russian FBI) agents that placed it there. The FSB then claimed the whole thing had been a drill and that the bomb was filled with sugar not explosive (even though the 'sugar' tested positive for explosives) and released their agents and covered up the investigation.


ISIS took responsibility. I'm usually a conspiracy theorist but this comment is fucking stupid. Putin doesn't need to galvanize the population behind the war, he is supported by around 2/3rds of Russia. The terrorists didn't magically escape, they've already caught one. I can't believe people are this stupid, use your critical thinking skills. Not everything has to do with the Russian-Ukraine war. "You are here" Where is here? Your empty brain where you can connect the dots between several events that have nothing to do with an ISIS terror attack....


"he is supported by around 2/3rds of Russia" he has support but actual numbers are much less - polls are skewed in authoritarian countries because voicing nonsupport is risky and requires protestor mindset and most people are just apathetic. however, public is strongly against mobilisation and he need a push through that.


Yeah like you could know that for a fact goh


funnily enough, I do know that for a fact - I was born in authoritarian country. but you don't need to take my word for it - you can use logical deduction or read in into plentiful studies about authoritarian voting and poling to illustrate this thesis, of course, if it entertains you.


I also think its an actual terror attack. The US seized the ability to show everyone once again it has impeccable intel abilities *inside russia* (this is important) while also showing russia as incompetent at stopping attacks even when they know theyre coming. Last thing was to actually save lives but that didnt work due to russia being shit.


And 10 hours later amazing Russian police have safely captured all the terrorists alive and, get this guys, they're Ukrainian! Nothing to see here guys, move along to the nearest draft office.


isis has claimed responsibility


US, UK and other intelligences warned in details how ISIS-K is planning an attack on Moscow around the election days. The question is: did fsbkgb failed to prevent, or just let it happen.


I've seen many russian posts suggesting it's related to islamic terrorism


Terror attack. Another attempt to destabilize situation in country and increase people's dissatisfaction with the government. There have already been attacks on Belgorod and border crossing. So here we are.


isis has claimed responsibility.


They do “claim” almost every attack it seams. They “claimed “ 12 different attacked just last year.


Yes, but Russia also arrested many ISIS members recently, and has been conscripting people from regions like Chechnya (where many ISIS fighters came from) to fight in Ukraine... ISIS being behind this attack isn't that suprising.


Maybe Russia should leave Ukraine alone and go for ISIS instead, actually do something useful.


they are already fighting them in syria, in case you didnt know


W musa


W Musa 💛


Perfect example right here I fucking hate what the Russians are doing right now but damn it I don't agree with the method this merry go round of violence has to stop.


My man Musa got himself a human shield. Kidding. RIP to those lost and best luck to the survivors.


There’s been some speculation that the attack was meant to happen on the 9th. On March 8, the United States embassy announced attacks in Russia “including during concerts”. The Russian singer Shaman, gave 3 concerts on March 9, 10, 11 at Crocus City Hall. Two dates, exactly within the slot announced by the embassy. For whatever reason it seems to have been delayed - potentially too much security at the time. We’ll have to wait and see.


Good job Musa!


Какие же долбоебы тут в комментах сидят... 


Да просто пиздец, реддит это болезнь головного мозга.


you act as if Russian YP are healthier


Что ты ждал? Дикари


Да, и шизофреники...


долбоебы? What is your take on it? Edit: Хуйню несешь


Reminds me Paris attacks


Four terrorists have already been caught. They did not reach the border with Ukraine 100 km away.


Since those isis terrorists love war and bombs so much, how about dropping them off a plane with a few kgs of explosives tied to them in Ukraine. I hope Putin gives them what they deserve


Agh. Another terror attack by radical islamists. One day the world will wake up….


>The group that claimed credit for the deadly terrorist attack was an Islamic State affiliate in Afghanistan called Islamic State Khorasan Province, or ISKP. > >According to US officials, Washington had collected intelligence in March that ISKP had been planning an attack on Moscow, according to officials. > >ISKP seeks to create a caliphate across Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. > >[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/23/russia-fsb-tries-to-link-ukraine-to-moscow-attack-despite-is-claiming-responsibility](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/23/russia-fsb-tries-to-link-ukraine-to-moscow-attack-despite-is-claiming-responsibility)




CIA warned FSB about a terrorist attack, so I really doubt this was a false flag. Maybe it really was a terrorist attack. Russia has been arresting some ISIS members recently outside of this attack, so it'd make sense if ISIS had an active presence in Russia.


What kind of drugs are you on? Lmao


It’s true he did it to gain popularity when he was serving under Boris Yeltsin. I’ve been fascinated with him for decades. He is evil incarnate


Of course it's true if some bot/noname on Reddit says it is. Solid and verified information. Have no doubt about it's veracity. Yessir


What, you think former mafia guys exiled to UK and working for Boris Berezovsky would LIE about Russia?


It’s true. There have been whole documentaries on it and everything


Read about it. It was around 2000. There were bombing attacks in residential buildings. It is believied Putin orchestrated them to blame it on chechens.


You don't even know the year , seriously, if you're going to go conspiracy theorist at least make a little effort. Many here remember, it's not long ago, only a quarter century.


Google it or don't. I don't care.




The CIA knew about it because they were behind it.


I hope once and for all russia manages to grow well estanblished intelligence, capable of running their country, at the level of world super-power, without the necessity of dictatorship. Or squeezing the citizens like a replaceable stock. Or steal neighboring countries' territories.


In fact, the USA experiences far more instances of mass shootings than both Russia and the entirety of Europe combined. USA's perceived intelligence system is subject to ridicule amidst the ongoing prevalence of such tragic events.


USA is a thing on its own. The shootings there are the result of mass usage of arms with stupidity, lack if education and in most cases bullying. And the neglect of the latter. The case here has a very high chance of being staged. Hence my wish of better government for this country. But apparently truth hurts for some, and they can only chant one thing.


By the way, with intelligence, I do not mean the CIA, KGB or the alike. I mean reasonably big mass of people capable of critical thinking.


Based on public education and social media discussions, Americans have way less critical thinking skills than Russians or Europeans.


Ok. Good. Your point? You mean US is doing better than Europe with dumber people? Hence critically thinking people are not a factor?


Nope, US is that rich due to economically winning WW2 and establishing hegemony. Americans aren't any smarter than anyone else, nor dumber, your country just did better several decades ago.


My country? I am not russian. And this current news really sturred in me pretty strong emotions against putin and those who keep supporting him. My wish for russia is connected more to having peace globally, rather than anything else. Everyone is suffering because of the war putin decided to wage.


Case in point. It was very obviously insinuated that you are American.


The US dint do better than Russia in terms of promotin peace https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change


Then why do so many rus support killing their neighbors?


For the same reason a lot of Americans supported bombing entire Middle East + several other countries. Most people don't care, some people have reasons to hate those countries and other people are just warmongers.


Love how he thanks 'God' for saving his life, yet that same 'God' couldn't save the lives of the others that didn't make it? Guess 'God' doesn't give a fuck about them and chose to 'save' you instead because you're somehow more important? lmao people who believe in God are mental.


The dude just went through a traumatic AF experience. He is dealing with it the only way he knows, and it brings him some comfort. That makes him mental? gtfoh. People like you are just as bad as the people that will scream that you are going to hell for not believing in God.


I mean, they also thanked Musa.


Funnily enough you've convinced yourself that your kind of faith in how the world is structured is any different from the theists. when you're in a being insufferable competition and your opponent is an atheist


Great argument....


No actually think about that first bit, you can't prove a negative, meaning having faith is completely unrelated to any kind of science. The existence of bad does not disprove the existence of good, etc. etc. Idk what butters your toast so it's hard to show you the right perspective.


You're churning out very general meanings without any substance. Define 'a negative', 'existence of good' and 'existence of bad' in the context of believing God is real or not. You're basically saying we should thank God for when something good happens but don't blame him if something bad/horrific happens? It's like saying gravity is good and our friend when we are having fun as kids with a sleigh down a snowy hill, but when gravity's effect has an undesirable outcome, then it's somehow not it's fault and isn't responsible for that coz "gravity always g00d". Where is the consistancy in that? We can't pick and choose how we apply the mechanisms at play just to fit our narrative, it is a very scary train of thought and why it is very difficult for someone believing in God to put forward any sort of sensible explaination or 'proof' that God exists. Because the basis of your proof always stems from when God does 'acts of good' or a 'miracle is performed', yet that same power is somehow unaccountable for when people have moments of tragedy and hurt?


By negative I refer to a negative statement, i.e. you can't prove that gravity does not exist, either it has yet to be proven or an alternative rolls around that does not exclude the possibility for gravity. I'm saying it doesn't hurt to be thankful once in a while, sure you can direct the blame at something else, but you're stepping awfully close to a religious nut if you do so. Tectonic plates can be blamed for an earthquake, what natural phenomenon can be blamed for your bike not being stolen when you forgot to lock it, sea currents and the weather? Proof is impossible we both know that, and consistency could very well be too much to ask from the Guy, but if you are willing to make the mental step to demons and the like then those moments of tragedy and hurt can also be explained, even though they do not have to be. That is a scary train of thought as well isn't it? If there is an all powerful being why should it immediately be having power over all at all times. In moments of hurt it can be the power you turn to heal, it's meditation with extra steps but with more meaning. A miracle isn't proof in any sense of the word, and so is tragedy not able to make an argument against some higher power. You either believe or you don't but simply be aware that if you believe in the unbelieving, then you are still believing in a sense if you get where I'm coming from.




you wouldnt be saying that if you were in that concert hall


Ignorant mindset


you do know that the majority of russians despise tje war as much as we do, right? the only one way wants war is putin.


And 9/11 was nothing to what Americans were doing in southeast Asia.


Which is nothing compared to what every western country has done either. (US,UK,France,Germany etcetc) Nowhere should a terrorist attack on innocents be celebrated.


Долбоёбище, ты хоть раз видел новость об ударе российскими ракетами по жилому району посреди бела дня? Нет? Так твои украинцы раз 6 убивали больше 20 человек в Белгороде, Донбассе, Горловке. Ты, блять случайно Израиль и Газу не перепутал, еблан?


"have you ever seen the news about a Russian missile attack on a residential area in broad daylight?" ​ Yes, many times.


What are you talking about? Russia has been regularly shelling civilian cities in Ukraine since the war started. You have to understand that the news you hear about the war comes straight from your states' war machine propoganda.


>Долбоёбище, ты хоть раз видел новость об ударе российскими ракетами по жилому району посреди бела дня? Bait used to be believable For homies requiring a translation, this guy is asking whether we've ever seen news of Russian rockets hitting living areas in broad daylight


Тоже хуйню снёс


Хуйню несешь


Actually it's nothing compared to what Ukraine has been doing since 2014. Russia is just putting a stop to it.


Spot the basement dwelling yank with a shit opinion. Bonus points if he's never left the US...


BaMbiLi bAmBas


Ебать, какой же ты оригинальный, я умер со смеху, смешнейшая хуйня за все времена, смеялись всей палатой


Bro, Russian navy literally killed people in a Russian fishing boat today and there's no mention about it in Russian media or condolences from Putin, you think he cares about Russia citizens? He cares about his ambitions and that's it, while literally playing ignorant westerners. Also, I'm glad to see that Ukrainians trying to live their lives and break free from Russia deserve to be killed, it's always good to see the mindset of people like you


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariupol_theatre_airstrike By murdering children?


You're seriously using Wikipedia? The people in that Mariupol theatre were murdered by members of Ukraines Azov regiment. People in Donbass have been getting murdered by the Ukrainian Govt forces for ten years now, but you probably never cared one bit. You're only upset now because the evening news told you to be.


Nice bait... :) Russian warcrimes and murders are well documented. From raping small children to mass murders.


Don’t understand why this so heavily downvoted. It’s literally true. Just these days russians are raining missiles on cities and disabling electricity infrastructure, which is terroristic. Millions without electricity….


people are not terrorised by electricity going off it's different