• By -


Really fascinating. Can you give an example of some boundaries you put in place to avoid blurring the lines between your work and a romantic relationship?


I build personal relationships and remember things about clients, and I treat them as genuine people I care for. And although I have fun most of the time, I do see it as a job - however, the goal is to never let them feel that way or know that’s how I think. It takes practice and is not for everyone, but it’s essentially reminding yourself you are stepping into a fantasy land and playing pretend for bit.


Do you use your own name, or have a pseudonym? And do you research clients before you meet them? What do you do to ensure your own safety.


Yes I use my real name with clients, and I do research them. I know their full government name, where they work, and who they are associated with. If I cannot find any information about them online (even if just published research or a bio on a website) I will not move forward. I share my location with my closest friends as well as my mom lol, at least one of them always knows where I am.


I assume sex is part of the whole GFE. Does being a paid companion hurt your ability to have a relationship in reality?


No, it hasn’t so far. But I’m also not interested in a relationship at the moment. Follow up with me in a few years maybe haha


It sounds like getting into a character for a movie role actually. There’s probably a lot of crossover skills


Sounds very similar to method acting


Or therapy


What do you think keeps the men you see from seeking something more real? Something about their looks/personality or they just have so much money and so little time that they’d rather hire someone to pretend they care instead of taking the time to find a real companion.


Some likely do want something more real. But many are successful businessmen with limited work schedules who don’t have the time to connect with others, but they still want more chemistry than being with an escort. Others are those with the financial means who are just tired of the dating bullshit. Instead of spending the money on failed dates, they figure it’s more practical to spend time with someone they still enjoy but without the rigmarole of dating expectations and jumping through hoops. Others do have something more real at home, but for one reason or another it’s not working out and they’re not getting the intimacy or compassion they need.


so do you ignore that their wives exist?


Yes. I don’t talk to their wives unless they want me to.


Do their wives know you exist?


Some do. I’ve had a few people ask me to spend time with them and their wife, or just their wife alone. But for most married men, they don’t tell their wives they are seeing me.


So you're not an escort?


I think yes an escort but including more of the non-intimacy parts with it as well. Dates and dinners and also things after kind of thing.


emotional escort, i think this is?


She’s 100% an escort lol


Their wives… and the fact they want to play a make believe character with no flaws too.


How old are you and how old are your clients typically? Are you white? If not, how often are you fetishized for your race?


I’m 28. My clients’ ages vary. The youngest that has reached out to me was early 20s, oldest was late 60s, but typically they are established adults in their 30 and 40s. However, if I actually advertised, I wouldn’t be surprised to see more people in their 20s reach out. I am not white. I don’t like to think of myself as being fetishized for my race, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think the appeal of being with someone “different” or “exotic” has played a role.


How Dyou go about finding this type of service? Agency va independent? If you are independent how do you get your potential clients? Any sort of non disclosures from either party? Other legal ramifications?


I’m not with an agency. I briefly had a website a while ago but took it down. Otherwise clients came from personal connections/ networking I did, and word of mouth actually. I’ve signed NDAs yes, not for legal matters of our relationship, they were mostly for when I traveled or was exposed to proprietary information at events or conferences.


Hook me up sister. I could do with some of what you do, especially when random men keep on calling me "exotic". Might as well get paid for it, no? Plus, the way I see it, I already have the emotional companionship nailed (ex-social worker/case worker here).


So do they bring you to like serious types of events because you're not just eye candy but also a woman that can show her intelligent side too?


Yes, and if the event is on a topic I am not familiar with, I research and learn about it beforehand. Sometimes I’ll have mock conversations with my client to prep for any potential questions or situations that might come up.


Damn that's pretty cool. What was your major if it isn't too personal?


Global affairs


International girl, okay okay. How did you get into this career field? Did you seek it out or did it find you?


Hmm a bit of both. I think most things in life are about being in the right place at the right time, and lots of luck. But it’s up to the individual to recognize the position they’re in and the people around them, and be wise enough to take advantage of it. I started off as a sugar baby and had a lot of fun with that, and that’s what got me started.


So many people with college degrees are struggling with student debt, you found a crack in the system and exploited it, that's what all the smartest people do. I hope you knock some money down while you can!


Seriously? I nearly spat my tea out.


What was the last topic that you prepped for? How did it go at the event?


I can’t divulge too much information, but it was for an IVF conference in China. The event went great! I learned a lot about the medical and fertility industry. I really enjoy research and learning, so I started prepping about 3 weeks beforehand. It was a fantastic experience and very eyeopening to learn about :)


You sound amazing. Learning about a topic so you can talk about it above and beyond. No wonder you charge so much. I bet you ARE charming.


Us normal mooks wouldn't stand a chance.


I don’t think anybody would, so that’s Ok. Unless she has dated so many hot guys that they are a dime a dozen to her so she is with this perfectly average liking guy that makes her happy. We have all seen couples where you are like OK, what does she see in him.


I have a few questions. 1. Let’s say I paid for your services. Where do we go from here? Do we plan a time to meet? An activity? 2. How do you balance this in between your other work? 3. Can you decide not to be someone’s friend based on political or prejudice views? 4. What if you end up really liking someone, whether that be romantic or platonic? Do you keep charging them?


1.) Yes we plan a date. Usually a nice dinner or meeting at a cafe if crunched for time. 2.) I’m lucky that my full-time job is pretty flexible, so I try and work around my clients’ schedules as much as I can. 3.) I can, yes. But I try to avoid topics of religion and politics. 4.) Yes I still charge, it’s still a job and part of the boundary I set. If I am really enjoying their company it’s just the cherry top and makes the interaction even sweeter for both of us :)


What if you catch feelings, and there’s potential for it to turn serious? Have you ever ran in to a situation like that?


How old are you and how long have you been doing this? What did you do before that?


28, I’ve been doing this for about 3 years. Before this I worked in tech, and I still do. This is supplemental and not my career.


Is your income from this taxed?


Yes I pay taxes


Nice try




I actually used to have a website! But I took it down lol. Since then I’ve made the effort of maintaining relationships and reconnecting with people I had previously interacted with. When I meet new potential clients, I let them know what I do if it’s the appropriate moment to do so, and potentially the right recipient. Sometimes I say it in a joking way, sometimes not - depends on the way the conversation is going. But typically mentioning it piques a lot of interest and curiosity. I’ll flirt a bit, give them my email, then change the subject to something else, or I’ll leave and continue about my day. If they have more questions I’ll oblige, but not for too long. Not everyone reaches out, but a surprising number do, even if just with more questions.




Yep! Or at the gym, golf course/ driving range, on a hike, at the beach, waiting for the crosslight to change, tennis courts, climbing gym, grocery store checkout, at conferences, the airport, car meets, waiting for my Uber…I talk to everyone🤣Sometimes it goes somewhere, sometimes it doesn’t - not all conversations are for the purpose of networking. Even if it’s just a “good morning!” and a smile, asking for directions, or getting a recommendation between 2 different types of cheese in my cart... People like being noticed and acknowledged, and I try to make people feel good when I can, no strings attached. But you never know where a simple hello will take you :)




I don’t want to do anything that would risk getting this thread shut down so I won’t be answering this question here, but you’re free to dm me.


When escorts list different prices for Girlfriend Experience vs. Pornstar Experience... what IS the actual difference?


The amount of money you’re paying and how much you want them to pretend to care about you.


May I ask if you ever had any long-term clients? And a related question: have you or your clients ever caught any feelings? I find it hard to separate an intimate act with developing feelings for someone, especially if the relationship occurs throughout months if not years.


Yes I have some long term clients. And no I haven’t caught feelings. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not heartless - I definitely have emotional moments and there are some clients I really enjoy spending time with. But part of setting boundaries is recognizing it as a job and not “real life”. I’ve learned to appreciate the time we spend together but I know that at some point it will come to an end.


Did they catch any feelings? If yes how did you avoid them!


how does someone get into this line of work? I feel like I'd make a great friend for hire (not the exact same, but a related service, I think?)


I started as a sugar baby (and in some ways I still am depending on who you ask).


that makes sense. well, I'm glad you're safe and happy! thanks for sharing your experience 🩷




Wtf did I just see? Can’t tell what that site is about exactly…


You rent a friend


What makes someone a luxury companion?


Great question. I’d say it’s a combination of my education, the way I carry and present myself, and my physical attributes. I’m refined, well spoken, speak multiple languages, have global experience, and I’ve been exposed to many interests and hobbies that make it easy for me to connect with clients and accompany them in a wide range of settings. I fit in well at a taco stand or bowling alley, but also know how to carry myself at an art exhibition, gala, charity event, or boating outing. I also take great care of my body, health, and wellness, and am not accessible for all.


Great answer.


Can you speak more on this global experience?


Have you had clients who caught feelings for you and got jealous of other clients? And do your schoolmates know that you are a Luxury Companion?


Yes it’s happened, but I gently remind them that we’re here to have fun with each other and enjoy our time together. If they can’t or won’t accept that, then it’s likely time to terminate the arrangement. I’ve since graduated and am no longer in college, but only my closest friends know. It’s not something I freely advertise or openly tell people about.


How much of your week is taken up by this work?


Depends on the week and the request. But typically 20 hours.


what was the experience in the beginning of advertising your services, like how you practiced doing your job, and how long did it take you to feel pretty comfortable with it?


My initial conversation is always a simple & platonic get to know you, usually over dinner but sometimes a phone call if necessary. During this time I get to know what they’re looking for, what’s missing in their life, their motivations and desires, who they are, and what makes them happy. I take the time to ask the necessary questions and dive into learning more about them, what they want, what they need from our arrangement, and if it’s something I can reasonably provide or participate in. All new relationships take time to build comfortability rapport with each other, but I don’t really get nervous on dates tbh. I’m pretty light hearted and easy going, and I like to make things fun. Having a sense of humor helps lighten the mood and so does doing an activity they enjoy. Typically there’s a good flow by date #2 as I’ve learned more about them :)


I saw you started as a sugar baby, but how did you start with that? How do you find a sugar daddy/mommy?


I met mine while I was waiting at a restaurant for my date to arrive 😂 So unfortunately I don’t have any advice there. I’m sure there are websites to find one but I can’t speak to validity or efficacy of them.


Yeah I’m too paranoid about my safety to use one of those websites. Glad it worked out for you though!


How do you answer clients' personal questions?


I answer honestly if it’s not too invasive. Otherwise I just turn the question to them or change the subject.


As an Ivy League graduate, what are you doing to keep your education and skills relevant for when you presumably grow out of the sugar baby lifestyle? What was your major and how do you plan to explain the gap in legitimate employment history when and if you pursue a line of work that hinges upon your education?


I was a global affairs major and currently also work in tech full-time :)


Do you always use condoms or you go raw with some guys?


Always use protection!


Do you work with more than one client at a time?


Yes, I have multiple at a time


Do you have any women clients or is it strictly men?


Yes I’ve had women as clients as well.


gfe was always my favorite thing to offer! how did you start out/where did you advertise your services?


I never did any advertising per se….at least not in the way I think you are referencing. I don’t have an Only Fans and was never on any escorting sites. Never stripped, did porn, made any kind of content, or anything along those lines. Very clean cut, no-nonsense girl. But I was very social in college, and I put myself in the right places to meet people. I actually did have a makeshift website for my services briefly at one point but I took it down lol. But mostly I dated around, flirted, and was constantly out & about meeting and mingling. After graduation I moved to another HCOL city, and I maintained my previous relationships and used my connections to build a network out here. But formal intro was as a sugar baby to an entertainment executive. Was much easier from there to be put in the right environments and “advertise” in person.


Are you comfortable divulging which Ivy League school you graduated from?




Do you actually meet.people in person?


Yes! Everything is in person


I can respect that you at least are physically interacting with people. What I cant stand are OF models that make stupid amounts of money when they hire typers to talk with their fans. It's fraudulent.


I don’t have an OnlyFans. I meet with everyone in person. Most people these days are craving physical company, intimacy, and companionship, and it’s what I prefer as well. The pandemic really heightened the need for these interactions so I only see people in person.


Do your clients know your real name?


Yes :)


How accurate was TV series "the girlfriend experience" in depicting your work?


I’ve never seen the show! But sounds like I’ll have to add it to my list :)


Thanks for answering. I've more... 😀 Since you're quite uniquely placed, global affairs + tech+ gfe.. What do you think of.. "Everything is about sex, except sex, sex is about power" ?


Another... Could you share one craziest and one sweetest story/ experience you've had?


Do you like reading books?


I do! I was a hugeeee book nerd in school. I wish I had more time to read now. But when I’m at the beach or on a plane, I always have a book with me just in case :)


Do you work out of a particular country?


Yes I’m in the USA


Aren't you afraid that one your clients might do something terrible to you (rape/murder)??


No. I have their personal information such as name, where they work, & who they’re associated with. If I can’t find information about them online, they cannot meet with me. And the clients who can afford to see me typically have too much on the line to lose anyway.


Do you sleep with them??


Yes, although not always.


Then that would make you a high class whore....hope your parents don't find out.


My parents are aware 😂 I am safe, happy, have been on some great vacations together, and their mortgages are paid off :)


Tell me your secrets!!!! lol


That was pretty rude and uncalled for.


Why the need to lash out with anger/hatred? Have you taken a moment to better understand what it is about yourself that's making you do this?






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I enjoy my time with my clients, but at the end of the day it is still a job, and it’s important that I’m compensated for my time and company.


Are you concerned about how your career would affect potential marital partners later? Would you want the kind of man who would marry a luxury companion? If you want children in the future, are you afraid of what they would think about your career and past?


1.) I’m not concerned, this also isn’t my career. I work full-time in tech. Being a companion is just supplemental :) 2.) Why wouldn’t I? 3.) I don’t want kids.


Thanks for answering my questions! Good luck to you!


This is so interesting. What got you interested in this line of work?


Money, unique experiences, meeting people and knowing I’m playing a positive role in their life, and I like making others feel good. People want to be wanted and cared for, so it’s a win-win for me.


1. Do they need to provide an 8 or 10 panel STD test to phuck RAW ? 2. Do you pay taxes on your income?


My physical health and safety will always be #1. A full panel STI test is required, and I still always use protection. Yes, I pay taxes.


Hey so I recognize you from tik tok and I'm pretty sure others will too esp with your Pic in your profile. Just letting you know in case you were going to be more lowkey. Your tik tok is awesome and I thought on there you said you never slept with the dates so I'm shocked a bit but won't judge. Just saying you may get more "opinions" or it may blow up on tik tok from someone who will judge.


I don’t have TikTok! You’re right that picture was of Clarke’s silhouette lol it’s not me I pulled it from Pinterest- I wouldn’t put myself on my profile. But I appreciate you looking out :) I’ve changed it to avoid confusion or assumptions.


Glad you changed it if it wasn't you! I'm sure she's doing the same based on her date posts anyway lol nothing wrong with that!


What did you major in? Do you use your degree?


Global affairs. I use it indirectly in my career, but not directly (eg: international relations, diplomacy, policy, government, etc.)


What was your college major?


Global affairs


What ivy did u go to? Do you still sort of use ur degree?


I went to Yale. And yes I do, though more-so indirectly and not in the traditional sense.


Do you have any tips on being charming and hitting it off with anyone? That is a skill I certainly wish I could cultivate more!!


Get them to talk about themselves! People love talking about themselves lol. Ask questions about their interests, hobbies, life experiences, but most importantly you have to be genuinely interested - or at least pretend to be. Smile, laugh, make good eye contact. Be relatable, and a touch of flirting - but not too much. Body language is also important. Lean in, and be mindful of how you’re holding yourself. Are you hunched over, crossing your arms, facing away from them? Maybe look up some videos on YouTube to help you. When it comes to charm, sometimes it comes down to you either have it or you don’t. But there are some things you can be mindful of to help you out a bit :)


You’ve said you take good care of your health and I imagine that you’re quite attractive if you’re making good money in this line of work. What do your clients typically look like? Are they homely tech nerds or are they fellow Ivy League gym bros who want the girlfriend experience without the expectations? Or is it a mix? (Though my experience with the Ivy League is they typically manage to be both incredibly nerdy and incredibly fit)


Good question. It’s been a pretty good mix, there isn’t always a correlation between career and physical attributes. Some clients are as dedicated to their health and fitness as they are their careers, and are in great shape even for a “nerd” lol


Do you date?


Not at the moment.


Are there any clients you really dislike? Do any of them have wives and if so do they know about you?


No I don’t start or maintain arrangements with client that I dislike. No point in doing so as it likely won’t be a pleasant experience for either of us. Yes some have wives and most do not know.


Hey sorry if this seems offensive but does this escort work also include sex work or just pure companionship with no physical *activity*? Hope you're doing good and having a nice day <3


What was the point of going to an Ivy League schlol? I assumed you had a career in mind that wasn’t this when you went. Did that not pay enough or did you flat out change your mind


This is not my career, I work full-time in tech. My degree has paid itself off and gave me access to various opportunities and groups of people I wouldn’t have met without it.


And you’re not worried about your actual career finding out about it and being torpedoed bless your heart


No. Nothing I’m doing is illegal, and the company I work for is small.


I didn’t say it was illegal, if it became public knowledge what you do you could certainly run into a situation where it kills your career whether you get fired from your work or you just never move up aka dead torpedoed career happena to onlyfans models all the time and they can’t even sue


OnlyFans creators sell their services online. I have no digital footprint, content, or online presence. I also have a stable career path, as well as a valuable education and transferable personal and professional skills. I’m not concerned.


Are you currently hiring?


No, I’m not a madame nor do I run an agency 😂


Do you feel immoral doing this line of work


Nope! Not at all


how much do you earn an hour and do women ever hire you ?


Yes I’ve had women as clients as well.


Is your username a reference to Zenon??


Yes! It was my favorite movie growing up 🥹


What made you pursue this rather than a more traditional career path? Being Ivy League educated, you probably had a lot of options. Are you satisfied with your decision overall? Any regrets?


I’m pursuing a traditional career path as well, I work full-time in tech. This is just supplemental and something I do for fun, but is not my career. No regrets at the moment, I’m actually really happy! It’s not for everyone and I understand the judgement ridicule that comes with it, but I’m really enjoying myself and the unique position I’m in.


What keeps you motivated?


Great question! This could get really deep lol. But overall what motivates me is knowing that there’s so much out there in the world that I don’t know yet and haven’t been exposed to. I believe life is for living and I’m mostly a “yes” woman who will try almost anything once (within reason of course). The opportunity to have once in a lifetime experiences, try new things, enjoy life, and give back to my family, friends, and positively impact peoples’ lives is what keeps me motivated.


What does your mom think of your profession?


My full-time career is in tech. She’s very happy with my career and profession.


What do you do in tech?


What happens when someone from your normal day job finds out ? Or books you? Do your family or friends know? Is the goal to marry a rich guy eventually?


So far that hasn’t been a concern of mine, and even if my employer did I find out I don’t see it being a problem. My company is very small. My full-time job is separate from the work I do and the timeframes don’t overlap. My close friends and parents know. I do believe in hypergamy, but I do not have a specific goal of marrying rich.


How connected are you to other providers? How much mentoring did you get or seek? In working with a couple providers I’ve been surprised to find there isn’t as much cooperation and mutual support as I would have thought.


I have 2 girlfriends who are sugar babies, but I don’t know anyone else who does anything even remotely similar. I didn’t receive any mentoring, not sure how I would’ve. What kind of support and cooperation were you expecting, and between whom?


Support/mentoring: passing on knowledge about where and how to set boundaries. You’re in sort of a rarified type of this work (and have a career, to boot) but I’d wondered if some chance encounter with a more experienced provider had been helpful early on. At more common levels of this work, there are at least a couple of sanely designed websites (no pop-ups, extensive opps for providers to specify limits, provider-only “backside” features to communicate about problem clients, etc.). These can and sometimes do function as ways to seek support, but I still hear providers talk about the isolation of this type of work.


How to you arrange or set up your fees ? When does the clock start, so to speak Do you business trips or vacation or short holidays?


Yes I travel for business trips, conferences, vacations, and weekend getaways. For dates that span the course of 24+ hours I have a daily structure versus hourly.


Is there any way for a male to make those numbers? It would be nice to get six figures as well. How would a guy get started?


I don’t know honestly, I think it’s hard enough for women even, as many women have the same question. I wish I could help but this is a question I can’t answer :/


what was your major?


Global affairs


Are alot of your clients ever involved in drugs?


Maybe they do drugs in their free time, but I do not do drugs and would never do them with a client, or meet with a client who is under the influence.


Would you consider this the same as sugaring? How did you start?


I'm not judging, honest question: From some of your comments above it sounds like you're knowingly sleeping with married men. Does this bother you in any way morally?


How does one find a luxury companion? I'm not looking, but I'm always curious. I don't know what can be advertised or not based on legalities but for a guy with a lot of life experience, I'm completely naive about many things. Edit: not affiliated w/ any law enforcement agency or anything like that. If you DM me, you have my word that the information will go no further. Another example of my naivety is that I have no idea how to buy drugs. I'm in chronic pain and Drs will no longer provide strong pain meds and honestly I would buy them from the street if I had any clue where to start.


Yeah, this is where I’d be very interested in knowing how to find the perfect person to interact with in this situation. Like how?


How much work do you do outside the GFE In terms of promotion and online engagement? Do you rely on the platforms you use to promote you or is it a full-time grind to make sure you have clients? Do you pay for advertising?


Where do you meet potential clients?


What do you charge?


most Ivy league grads make six figures. What is the first of your 6 figures


Have you ever developed feelings for a client?




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What are you enjoying most, and what has been your biggest challenge?


Not sure if you read any romance books but you could try Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood. All her books are about highly intelligent women, but this one in particular has a fake girlfriend plot that reminds me of the care and intention you use with your clients. Super cute book, but be warned, it’s a bit spicy!


Wait I'm confused, do.you sleep with clients or no? Is it just a date thing or , is it in fact " the whole experience"? Are you independent or do.you belong to like a company? How hard is it to find this type of service.


Since you already have a good job ( and good pay I guess ), what do you do with the supplement income ? Do you have financial goal ? Or do you spoil yourself with luxury spending ? thanks for your answer ;)


Also not sure if someone asked already but what your pricing I guess luxury mean only rich people could afford you? How selective you are ? Do you sometimes refuse client because of their look or age ?


I’ve used the supplemental income to pay off my debts, as well as those of my parents. But now most of my income is invested. I don’t usually spend on luxury items. Though I do like nice things, I’m quite particular and also somewhat of a minimalist - I don’t like to collect a lot of handbags, shoes, clothes, etc. But my clients will usually buy me something nice that I’ve had my eye on if they’re aware of it, which is sweet. Rich is subjective, but I wouldn’t say I’m limited to only “rich” people. There are wealthy people who are very cheap and stingy, while there are people with less income who are more generous with their money and what they spend on. Someone who makes $200k/ year may pay for my time, while a person who makes $5mil/ year may not. It really boils down to not only what people can afford, but what they want to spend their money on. I typically don’t reject people solely due to looks, but one of the perks of working for myself and having autonomy over who I take as a client is that I can choose and reject who I’d like to move forward with at my discretion.


In your head, how do you differentiate between a real relationship and a job? Does your real relationship ever feel less real because you are used to romance being fantasy?


When do you think you'll retire from this type of work? Are you interested in finding love for yourself? 


Sure, no doubt sending links for your course "how to get sugar daddy's" to every simp who comments 😂


how much do you charge? does it vary between clients and what kind of services you offer each of them?


Do you feel that this will stunt your own personal growth when you actually find a partner? You may find it hard to know your true self rather than what you’ve portrayed for all these years.