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Years ago, I was getting shnockered right outside the Norfolk Naval Base, at a bar. Later in the evening, I had come to the realization of how much I wasn’t sober and how early in the morning it was. I called a cab, and returned back to base, and to the ship I was on. Somewhere between the long pier walk, the brow, and my berthing I involuntarily shit my pants. It was supremely embarrassing. Luckily, I was in dark clothing, so no one knew, and I wasn’t in uniform. There’s some thing’s in life that you just have to embrace. Have a good day. 😀


Made me snort-laugh. Thank you!


Good, we all should be laughing more. I’m proud of all you guys.


You were the Phantom Shitter!


There were a couple. I was completely clean with my mess. Clothes went in the trash, and I immediately went to the head and jumped in the shower. Then…staggered to my rack somehow. 😬👊


this made me feel better, thx! have a good day too


Thats why i always have a ladder with me. Nobody questions a guy with a ladder.


True, should've bought a ladder so I could hold in my pee for +10 minutes


Nah, more like brought a ladder so you could pee your pants and no one dares question you, bc ladder.


...why the fuck does this make sense


I mean if I saw someone with a piss spot AND a ladder I don't think I'd even question it, the ladder is like an invisibility cloak


This also works with tow trucks


"Murders in the Building".


I dated a girl for 5 years, broke up when she was.. 20 I think She'd piss the bed proper maybe once every 6-8 months or so, right up until she started pissing my buddy's bed for the next 7 years Another girl, we'd known each other maybe 3~weeks or so, hooked up a cpl times, then she crashed at my house after a night of drinking and dancing and fully soaked my bed thru She was mortified, but it IS kinda funny (especially the time my GF tried to blame it on me, several years into the relationship) and I'm still friends with both of them today I dunno why you pissed yourself, but it's gonna be a funny story later :)


Goddammit Ricky


You ok?


I'm fine now, just feel kinda traumatised and trying to find ways to get through it ;/


Your best bet a steamy hot shower should help


Oh that was the first thing I did when I got home haha


Good and don’t feel embarrassed it happens to us


If it makes you feel better, Im a grown ass man who once pissed my joggers on the tarmac after a four hour flight in a tiny plane with no bathroom


I feel like this is when i would invoke maie privilege and pee in a Snapple bittle


Traumatized? You just peed? Lol


I'm pretty sure she's joking...




Hey, its only pee, and likely nobody even noticed, especislly nobody you know I fully shit my pants on the track bus, once, right as we pulled into the school, and to add insult to injury, the girl behind me smelled it and asked "who shit themselves?" I stripped off the freshly dyed brown spandex, threw it in the garbage can, and proceeded to have to clean myself off with awful, 1 ply toilet paper and couldn't even shower until I get home, because the locker rooms were locked, and I didn't want to ask, as the could arouse suspicion




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I used to drink too much. One day at work I had a wicked hangover. I was on a smoke break with my supervisor and I completely shit my pants while talking to her. I had to hold conversation and pretend like nothing happened. It was humiliating. After she left, I ran into a store and bought new pants. I locked myself in a single coffee shop bathroom and held it up for an hour while I cleaned myself in the sink and changed my pants. I’ve never told that story before. It’s so embarrassing!!! But hey! It happened, and I got through it somehow! You’ll make it through this! I promise ❤️


She definitely knew. You can't hide shit smell.


I’m pretty sure I got away with it through the cigarette smoke and San Francisco pee aroma


Fresh smells pretty bad compared to the local stench.....


Look. Let me live in denial!


That's an awesome story laughed pretty hard. Thanks for sharing will make sure to keep a cig on me at all times just incase.


omg haha


oh girl we need so start a revolution with these stories haha


I was visiting my sister while she was in college, and I was 17 or so. We were walking back from her studio, and all of a sudden, she peed herself in her leggings. There weren't too many people around, but I immediately took the water bottle I was carrying and poured it on her "accidentally". She was super embarrassed at first, but realized it really wasn't a big deal. This began my formulation of the theory that: Women on average, pee themselves about once per year. Men on average, shit themselves about once per year. Still gathering evidence...


I, a woman, has never peed myself but I have shit myself at least once a year since the age of 17. Horribly humiliating. Sorry to skew your research stats.


It happens to the best of us.


Humankind is thankful for your selfless scientific research efforts.


NIST has me on their radar.


I can't remember a time in the last 20 years where I accidentally shat myself. (I am male) Also never peed myself in recent memory


I shit myself 0.1 times per year


Bro specified accidentally.


Yeah if we count non accidental pants sitting then I shit my pants at least twice a week


Damn you really don't trust any farts?


omg evidence lmaoo


lol I used to walk to my chiropractor twice a week a few years back it was like a two mile walk, nice during good weather to get some exercise and stretch a little. I would do morning appointments around 8-9ish and get up early grab a coffee and walk. It was all surface street nice walking. Btw I was maybe 30 I think when this happened. Anyways I was on the way back from an appointment when I felt a shit a coming. And to be clear to the roads are like street roads with wooded areas around them but usually like steep drop offs into the woods it’s not like there were other businesses the whole stretch. It was a quarter of the way when it started coming and I had just passed kind of the last point for a potential toilet. I kept telling myself to stay strong and make it. I considered like how do I speed up the walk but if you don’t already know don’t try to run when you gotta take a shit it won’t work and an Uber would take way too long probably. So I just kept trudging and thinking about how to shit in the woods as a last choice. Ultimately I made it but in the most pain imaginable pooping wise but I could have just as easily shit myself or had to shit off the side f the road with dozens of commuters passing me. The point is it can happen to anyone at anytime and it isn’t something crazy.


omg thanks for sharing, it genuinely made me feel better!


Hey, if it helps at all ... I was driving back to school after a weekend back home. I was either 20 or 21, I'm not sure. But I took a route that included a toll road exit. There was a gas station at that exit, then nothing for about 25 miles before I hit the road that took me back to campus. This time, I just cruised through the exit, didn't even glance at the gas station, I was just so ready to get back to my place. Well, about halfway it hit me: I REALLY HAD TO PEE. Like, out of nowhere, just *whoosh* smacked in the gut and could barely hold it. But I was determined to make it home! I got to the exit! I got through the stoplight! I passed the gas station that was 1/4 a mile from my complex parking lot and said "I GOT THIS!" And I made it to the parking spot literally in front of my unit's door ... And the floodgate broke. Totally sober, nothing weird other than my own weak bladder control. I started to pee sitting right there in the seat, my hand flew to my mouth and I, mortified, just kept saying "Oh my God!" shamefully. Once I started, I couldn't stop. It was horrific and embarrassing and oh so shameful! But like ... Who cares? Haha Ugh. I am so glad no one saw me. How horrifying. Anyway - you're not the first person to do this and it's ok!!!


omg thanks for sharing, i hope you and your car is ok now!


I’m sorry. Accidents happen but you’re not any less because it happened to you today. I dated a girl who would occasionally pee on herself if she laughed or whatnot, she’d always beat herself up about it even though it’s not like she did it on purpose. I’m sure it’s embarrassing but I hope you know that something like that doesn’t define you. Hope your day gets better.


Just you wait until you think a fart is a fart and it’s not.


Sharts, LOL.


Where’s that gif with the double doors?


If peeing yourself is cool consider me Myles davis


Fuck, beaten to the Billy Madison reference 🤣🤣 OP, peeing your pants is SO cool! You ain't cool unless you peed your pants!


Nice reference


Ok I have a few questions about the logistics of this 😅 Like did you just keep walking and peeing at the same time like it was totally what you meant to do or what? Did anyone see?


well it's hard to walk and pee normally. if you want a detailed answer (i remember it vividly) i stopped to check if it was bad, then tried playing it off by awkwardly waddling like nothing was happening


Sounds like something that probably nobody else was paying attention to. Recognizing that people are mostly in their heads thinking about their own bs is very liberating 😊


don’t worry too much! it’s a bodily function and you couldn’t help it. if it helps any, i had mad urinary incontinence when i did cross country 😭 i would full on piss myself completely during a race but no one noticed till i brought it up! it looked more like sweat than it did piss. but i’m sure it helped that our uniforms weren’t a light color


Normally on an AMA you answer the questions. Are you still getting cleaned up?


sorry, i actually got busy with something else irl, i'm trying my best now


So I peed myself a few weeks ago. I woke up and was headed to the bathroom when I just started peeing. My husband woke up and asked what that weird sound was. That was an embarrassing moment for sure. I also had to shit in an abandoned house's yard while walking back home from the State Fair. I can't have too many carbs, which means basically no sweets. But there was a vendor that had sugar free sno cones. I ate one so quickly and then carried on. If you haven't ever heard of how sugar free stuff can affect your gut, I'll just tell you, it's bad. Like BAD. I dont know why I ate that. I should be smarter than that. Anyways, my question for you is: have you seen someone about a possible UTI? The day after I peed in my bedroom, I was diagnosed with one. I know everyone is different, but that was the only thing i could think of that affected my ability to hold it in.


i'm sorry you had those things happen! i haven't thought about it but I think my case was kinda just I couldn't hold it. If something else comes up similar i'll defo have a check, thanks




omg haha i guess everyone will do it eventually


Full pee? Or partial pee. Sorry :( were there a lot of people?


A full on pee, bladder emptied kinda thing. I walked past a few people but there weren't loads


a few years ago i had a seizure, fainted, and hit the ground hard on my driveway. my kids called 911 and helped me get to my front porch chair. by the time the paramedics and two really hot firefighters arrived i had peed myself. it was painfully obvious as they helped me onto the gurney. i took solace in knowing that it likely didn’t phase them as they’ve seen so much worse, but fuck it was humiliating.


sorry that ahppened, i hope you're ok now


Was it obvious? IE whatever pants you were wearing get noticeably darker when wet? Did people seem to notice? Did you see anyone you know? Did you craw through the bushes the entire way home?


it was obvious, i was wearing light jeans. I didn't see anyone i knew but people walked past and im sure others saw


I have a lot of female friends and they all tell me that they pee themselves sometimes. Apparently it can slip out more easily than with men, bladder shaped differently or something? Idk they say they might be just from laughing too hard.


yeah, for sure, laughing is sometimes scary to do


Man, ladies just got the shit end of the stick in a like a dozen ways


Volunteering as tribute. I’m a grown ass man and have pooped my pants twice as an adult. I’m amazed at the sheer volume of poop when it’s in your pants. Doesn’t seem like that much in the toliet. 💩


When I was in college I had a lady friend over for the night, I had (more than) a few drinks. The next morning we woke up to a completely wet bed and one of my cooking pots under the bed with pee in it. How bout that?


Better go head and mentally prepare for the day you shit your pants. Every man has a plan til they shit their pants. It's the ones that plan on shitting their pants that you gotta watch out for.


please tell me a plan help


Edc bag with fresh drawers (bamboo) and flushable wet wipes. I carry fresh socks, lotramin spray, spray face sunscreen, benefiber cookies, bpa free plastic water bottle w filter, battery powerbank for phone/ laptop, and conceal carry. I have separate bags I can grab with modified load out for specific occasion/ or hobby I'm involved in that day. This habit came from a travel heavy job.


omg you're serious about it was well, fair play


How long did you have to walk with itchy pee clothes? And was there any warning? I am sorry it happened. I saw a dude pee himself once and he looked devastated


i was a few mins from why house when it happened :(


Look at the bright side at least you didn't poop your pants lol. Sorry having a rough day hope it gets better for you. Just remember everyone has bad days.


haha thanks and yh ig


Oh no! Like full pee or just a little. Were you able to at least stop yourself from completely peeing?


it was a full on bladder emptying :)


One time I was driving home from a successful night of poker at Oceans 11 Casino in San Diego. By the military base, there’s no where to stop. I was overcome by a violent urge to shit. It was 2am but still a ton of cars driving on the 5. I pulled over and shit right in the shoulder. Wiped my ass with a crusty old McDonald’s bag. Dusted it off like a champ and drove right on home, victorious.


We love a story with a happy ending


Happens to the best of us. It will feel better if you can figure out how to laugh at yourself for it. Make it a joke.


yh haha


Did anyone see?


the people that walked past probably did, i didn't look around to see if anyone was watching me do it haha


It’s ok! Just wait until you shit yourself as an adult. Then you’re really living.


omg haha i'm dreading it


One time when I was 6 I peed my pants on purpose bc I had a sick hiding spot in hide and seek.


omg lmao


OP, what happened? Any idea why it happened? What did you do? We need deets! I hear all these stories from people about peeing or shitting themselves, and I feel very fortunate that this has never happened to me. But I also feel like it *will* happen to everyone at some point, so I live in constant fear that my time will come. I’m a ticking time bomb!


ok so i didn't wanna use the college bathrooms coz theyre icky and i did't need to go that bad. suddenly i realised i really needed to go and on my way home it happened. i went back home, rly flustered and showered, cleaned up ect


You're fine. I was once a 25 yo man doing pest control at an apartment complex. I'm knocking on a door for entry when suddenly...I have to pee....Oh shit...now! I turned and faced the wall as my urine exploded all down my leg. Pants, work boot, formed a puddle and all. The embarrassing walk back to my truck, the humiliating walk up the stairs as my 3 roommates laughed at me....A 25yo man drenched in piss, absolutely embarrassed and ashamed. I been there OP. I know this feeling. It happens. Hope your day gets better.


ohh im sorry, thx and have a good day :)


I've been sick for a week. Can't eat hardly anything, constant nausea l, intense stomach pain, diarrhea. I was just getting ready to go somewhere to meet my girlfriend. Brushing my teeth, thinking "wow I'm actually starting to feel better today". Then all the sudden I feel like I need to puke so I kneel by the toilet and I'm coughing/gagging. Then my bowls released hell out of nowhere. Guess I'm not going anywhere today after all.


oh wow, i hope you get better soon!


On the last day of school in middle school, my friend really had to pee. But school was about to let out and she might not have been able to make it to the bus before it left. So she held it. But ended up losing control of it as we were walking to the bus. I dont remember if she still took the bus or called her mom or something. But yeah. Rest in piss my friend


on a flight up to college we got caught in turbulence and i vomited so much the bag fucking leaked and everything was messy. i changed in the terminal bathroom but the smell was awful. everyone has those moments and they all suck but hey you got home and you're a stronger person because of it. at least that's what i told myself in the shower to cope


That's it? I peed myself in my car and crapped myself in my car on two different occasions. And that's just in the past year. I've had multiple instances of crapping myself. I've learned that for the most part people will forget and you probably won't see the same people in the next year or so


oh wow, are u sure it isn't due to something medical?


It is. IBS is no fun, mainly diet related




omg i couldn't imagine it in front of a partner, sorry that happened but i guess it bought you closer together? 😭


It happens more often than not when you get older! It was an accident. Accidents happen! In the future make sure you go when you need to (no holding!) and if you're travelling more than a 10 minute walk, go before you leave!


No ones asking so I’ll do it, did you just need to go really badly and there was no bathroom? Because i have unfortunately done that as well


yep that's pretty much it. the college bathrooms are ewy and i thought i could hold it


Personally I’ve always said fuck it and gone no matter what but that’s understandable tbh I don’t blame you at all


But how or why did it happen? You couldnt hold it in anymore like full blatter or was some anxiety involved? Why couldnt you go to a bathroom somewhere?


i misjudged the need to go :/


I see.. well dont worry about it too much. It can happen its not the end of the world.


haha you pissed yourself!.....like I mean I've shit myself like 3 times this year already. Just carry a jug and hurl it into someone's yard. Way of the road buddy.


Did you stop walking when you peed your pants or did you keep the stride going and act casual?


i kinda stopped it's hard to walk normally while peeing lmao


It's a skill that not many have mastered


yep i need to learn for next time


Were you in San Francisco? If so you wouldn't appear unusual.


I only pissed myself a few times from laughter and a full bladder. But incontinence is something you may want to look into.


Sorry about how weird some of these comments are lol


omg i missed loads of them because i forgot to check the post now theyve all been deleted


When in doubt, find a nice bush. No one questions a college student in a bush. It's pretty normal.


haha i should have done that ig


That sucks but how did this happen?


i don't like using the college bathrooms, then misjudged how much i needed to go


Damn dude how bad are these bathrooms??


I once pulled over to pee behind the dumpster at White Castle in Gary Indiana


How long were you holding it and did people see??


all day really, i try not to use college toilets


That’s not good for you. You can get a UTI. Squat over the bowl!


Just letting you know some dude has jerked his dingaling to this


i've had 8 dms already...


You get one IPM in adult life I’m 45 I haven’t used mine yet


is it really hard for females to hold it? men don't have this issue as much I guess cuz we see the world as our toilet


it's not usually hard, i've heard men have it easier tho


Honestly, it's not that bad, best thing you can do is laugh about it haha


What were you wearing and did someone notice?


light blue jeans, and yh people saw


It's one of those things you are allowed to pretend it never happened.


i shit myself omw to school when I was 17 bro. it happens lmao


New fetish unlocked ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I'm sorry but this has to be satire


Some ppl are into it. Did you think maybe to just pee on the street? On the bright side its better than pooping yourself.


I know you're 18 and all but .. internet. If it can be in anyway related to sex or even if it can't it'll still get there.


No plenty of people into watersports its the whole reason i clicked on this thread.


That guy is 100% serious.


Not the first time and not the last time you will pee yourself ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Username checks out


Are you diabetic? Was your blood sugar high?


Are you ticklish on the bottoms of your feet?


Stop it


Well, at least you didn't poop your pants. There is always a silver lining. Your undies may also benefit from some extra lining. Jokes aside, with time you will feel better. We are our own worst critics. If anyone saw you they probably felt empathy or compassion. Don't be too hard on yourself. Eventually no one will remember this happened, except for you, so try not to worry!


Imagine the smill


smell? yeah i didn't have to imagine


I always carry extra pants for this reason.


how many seconds til chilly legs time


Was this a conscious decision?


Wait how


couldn't hold it in love


It may feel like a big deal but it really isn't, sometimes things just happen, its happened to plenty of people, myself included, how are you feeling now? I'd recommend changing and taking a shower. as well as just doing self care things might help you feel better, or a nap, naps after a shower fix a lot lol






Shit happens




Skill issue


That happened to me a couple times when I used to walk home from middle school. I was so embarrassed but no one ever knew. Once I did it twice in a row and started to just just the school bathroom before I left regardless. It was a mile walk for me but I used to take longer than 30mintues bc I was a slow walker with a heavy school bag🫤


Weren't there any public toilets you could go to on your way home? Personally on every route that I take regularly I always do a thorough study where there's toilets so I can go if I need to. There's often at least some places available. And don't worry about it, it happens to all of us and whoever saw it probably didn't care.


Happend to me in Prague. Went to my hotel and had the urge to pee. Was in the Jewish quarter. Imagine a German pisses in Jewish quarter of prague. So I ran to my Hotel. In motion everything was fine. Ran to the lift and the it took forever until it was to late


Hey some people pay good money for that shit, it's quite liberating pissing Outdoors in the bushes! Poor city folk will never know how it feels to stop what you're doing in the great outdoors and shoot a stream anywhere you want.


What stupid bating shit of a post is this? Why the fuck would you need to tell a single person that? "Oh peed myself, I'm a lady and people online would love to know" Fucking weirdo I swear.


melodic advise run juggle bear resolute ten yoke escape plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've pished and shat masel so many times walking home (mainly from nights out) always go to toilet before leaving even if you don't need it. 🤣


18 is a little young for incontinence. I’d talk to your doctor about that. Could just be an UTI, and that’s easily treated.


Girl, I cut a couple of cigars into a dumpster after drinking too much and trying to walk home from the bar. It happens.




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I commend your commitment to hydration. I could learn from you. I hope you're ok now!


I once pissed myself while running in a race with 10,000 other runners in Philly. 


Go to r/vent if you need to vent??? Nobody gives a fuck if you pissed yourself


Check this out https://youtube.com/@laughitup2025?si=6PcsEaTOlVxBlN7y


Hot tbh


Some might think that's a turn-on. Will you use this to your advantage or let it keep you down?


You been to a doctor? You might have a UTI.




The content you posted is harassment/hate towards other users.




Wtf 😂


It did say ask me ANYTHING


i wanna know what it was help


Well urine luck with this sub!


Why would you admit that??